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Goodnight Moon — Heartleaf Creek 
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Played by WildFlower who has 58 posts.
Inactive No Rank

The simple act of walking had become rather difficult, each limb a heavy weight as she moved. Breathing was painful, her sides aching in protest. Hunger had become such a deep gnawing it could not be ignored nor satiated. The little things she'd found to nibble on here and there weren't of much substance. She was too slow to hunt, too weak to take down even the simplest of prey. She wanted to sleep again. She longed to lay down and dream of the home she once had. Playing with her sister in green fields. If she could imagine it, it was almost like she could smell the crisp mountain air and feel the sunshine on her pelt. Her eyes closed as the imagery embraced her. Maybe, maybe a nap couldn't hurt? She'd walked so far...so very far.

Sonnet came to a stop, standing amongst the trees with her crusted nose and jutting ribs. Wincing as she buckled down to the ground and nestled into herself. Sleep. It couldn't hurt to just...sleep. And so she rested her chin on her paw and drifted off back home.

[Image: 7Afz1Ny.png]Tonight we make our dreams come true
**Sonnet hasn't spoken since losing her family.
Played by WildFlower who has 127 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Sage Hervok
some fairy tales are more than true

Sage had found relief in knowing that Jacy had come home. Things were going to be okay. A lot was changing it felt, between new members and lost pups. She tried to stay a present face upon the crowd. She wanted to establish her home here with them, wanted to truly be apart...and yet she was still an outsider try as she might. The yearling didn't know how she could keep bearing the feeling of not belonging if Jacy hadn't returned. He gave her hope that she had a place here. Even if it was just as his friend. Eros and Seri were often busy but in the times they crossed paths, like at the pack hunt or when she'd lost her toe, she knew they cared. She'd keep trying and battling her inner insecurities that trampled over any rationalities she'd protest with.

The young woman, beginning to truly blossom past that awkward stage of being a yearling, strode along the borders. Marking them here and there as she took the familiar trail. The contribution felt small, but Sage knew that their presence being known in numbers kept them safe. Besides, Jacy had found home because of the borders, maybe the other lost pup could too. It was upon this thought she found her paws shuffling to a stop and her eyes squinting. What...what is that? She scanned over the frail bag of bones slumped up against a tree. A few feet or so from the border. Her head cocked to the side as she tentatively stepped towardly the sickly animal. Its breathing was shallow and labored, but she could tell it wasn't dead...yet.

Sage leaned forward sniffing the air to gather in what details she could. The thick smell of sickness clung heavily in the air, making the wolf hesitate to draw closer. As the realization that this was a child dawned on her Sage's mouth fell agape. She didn't know what to do, spare lifting her head and echoing out an urgent call for help. Something was seriously wrong with this pup...would if...would if Jacy could get it too?

"She speaks" She walks She thinks

[Image: SWS_MostLikelytoGetTogether_tri.png] Dead Empress Backwater [Image: SWS_MostEndearingMoment_tri.png]

Played by Ghost who has 669 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater I. Leader
Viorel Valle
Viorel is summoning @Eros and @Clover

The salt and pepper Valle had been taking an uncharacteristic chance to just…laze about. Jacynth had come back so at least one of the Backwater cubs had returned. Still no sign of his father and so he had made up his mind to believe that the missing members were together and the child would at least be taken care of. It had been months since he had slept more than an hour at a time, it felt like lightning was zapping around in his brain keeping him moving. For the moment the storm felt dissipated and yellow eyes were just beginning to drift close as the man felt a yawn stretch his jaws. Now seemed as good of a time as any to take a wee nap.

Letting out a contented sigh, Viorel wiggled his chin upon his paws with a smile, ready to get cozy and drift off. This lasted all of about five minutes before he was on his paws, heart hammering in his chest. He seriously doubted that Sage would have let out such a call unless an emergency was imminent, she was quiet, and she knew better. Sprinting to the scene, Viorel’s sides heaved as he step[ped in front of the yearling protectively and surveyed the area.

It looked fine? And then he saw it. A cub, one clearly not well taken care of and stinking like something, curled up and too still for his liking. ”Oh, shit.” Okay he was over his head here. Lifting his muzzle to the sky he called for Clover or Eros, then turned back to Sage, ”Go find one of them, either one I don’t care. Tell them I need them here now.” He softened a little then added, ”You did the right thing sounding the alarm.” Before turning his attention back to the cub. He didn’t know it from a hole in the ground but over his dead body was he going to let a child die on his watch if he could help it.

(This post was last modified: Oct 27, 2023, 02:20 AM by Viorel.)
[Image: s38i5ZS.png]
Played by WildFlower who has 58 posts.
Inactive No Rank

One minute she was frolicking in the grass, chasing after Pan, the next she could hear her mother's distant call. Song whined at her sister, pouting that their fun was over already. A second call had her turning to sprint back home. Sonnet's eyes fluttered open. Her dad didn't sound like that, nor did her mother, she'd been dreaming. The disappointment was short-lived as green orbs settled on the pair of strangers. Wolves....wolves! Like her, ma, pan, and pa! Wolves! She didn't know that there were more out there besides her small family. She wasn't alone anymore!

She lifted her head up to glance at Viorel, having never seen a wolf with dark fur before. The other wolf looked like her family but more tan. This one was so dark, but with eyes like her older twin. Tears formed on the rim of her lids and a gurgled whine escaped her. She wiggled her nose, trying to smell them despite the snot clogging her airways. The idea of strangers being dangerous didn't occur to the whelp. Nonetheless, she wasn't eager to try and greet them. She stayed down on the ground nestled up, watching, not wanting to jostle free another coughing fit.


[Image: 7Afz1Ny.png]Tonight we make our dreams come true
**Sonnet hasn't spoken since losing her family.
Played by WildFlower who has 127 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Sage Hervok
Sage exit unless intercepted.

some fairy tales are more than true

Sage stood there with dread in her eyes. Whatever this pup had...if Jacy could get it. She swallowed hard and started pacing back and forth. This was bad, real bad, especially if it were contagious. Should I...chase it off? She wondered, stopping to look at the bag of bones that could hardly be called a wolf. No! That's not right. She sighed heavily, frustration oozing out of her. The only concern she felt was for Jacy's well-being. Sure, she pitied the pup in front of her...but her willingness to help conflicted with her desire to protect her best friend.

Thankfully she was not left long to dwell on these thoughts. Viorel was quick to heed her call, taking a defensive stance in front of her that her off guard. She hadn't expected him to protect her. This wasn't the time or place for such, but perhaps the yearling needed to see it. The alpha not only cared to answer her call but was ready to protect her. It made sense for him to take care of his packmates, but Sage...she hadn't expected it. Not for her at least. She looked at him differently at that moment. Not as the intimidating authority figure that made her nervous to speak. Perhaps, admiration.

"Oh Shit"

The moment was over. She hadn't even needed to speak a word to explain the situation, and Viorel was back to his usual intimidating self. She nodded, turning to do exactly as he said as quickly as she could. When he spoke again she stopped with brows furrowed that quickly smoothed out. She smiled softly at him, holding back on looking too eager or desperate for praise, then turned to sprint off towards the main den in hopes of finding one or the other. Her chest swelled with pride, and Viorel's words echoed in her mind.

"She speaks" She walks She thinks

(This post was last modified: Oct 27, 2023, 03:06 PM by Sage.)
[Image: SWS_MostLikelytoGetTogether_tri.png] Dead Empress Backwater [Image: SWS_MostEndearingMoment_tri.png]

Played by Ghost who has 669 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater I. Leader
Viorel Valle
Viorel's last post until Clover or Eros come!

Sage didn’t say anything, just turned after what seemed to be almost a shy smile before going to do what she was told. For that the Valle was grateful. He felt bad that she always seemed to almost cower around him, and that he had not been more welcoming to her. For a moment he chastised himself for not being softer when he gave order but then a gurgling whine came from the child. There wasn’t time to always consider how he came across, at least when it came to sick kids.

He got down on his belly so he wouldn’t be so large as he noticed the girl's tears. He smiled at her gently, ”Hey now, it’s going to be okay. My friends are going to make you feel all better.” He had no idea if that was even possible, but even if it turned out to be a lie it seemed like the right thing to say. He looked her over, other than the drippy nose and obviously skinniness she didn’t seem like it was anything too bad.

Inching a little bit closer her added, ”My name is Viorel, what should I call you?” He glanced around, hoping Clover or Eros would arrive soon, or else he would need to move her into the territory himself.

[Image: s38i5ZS.png]
Played by Melorama who has 396 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater III. Medic
Clover Assana
Received permission from WildFlower to PP Sage filling Clo in

Clover had been on the opposite side of the territory when Sage let out a call for help. Wasting no time she took off at speed directly through the territory, the urgency in the girls' voice spurring her forward. She had barely made it halfway when Viorel's voice called out, this time asking directly for her or Eros. That had to mean it was serious, and for a second the thought that something had happened to Vayko once again, given his unique ability to get himself into sticky situations.

She almost ran directly into Sage, skidding to a stop as the girl began to explain why she had called. Had they been closer to her infirmary Clover would have stopped by to quickly grab a herb that could maybe help, but time was of the essence and she wanted to get there first to assess whatever the sickness was. And if it was contagious.

When Sage had finished filling her in, Clover took a second to thank her for calling for help before taking off towards where Viorel and the child were. She was breathless upon arrival, sides heaving with the effort of drawing in enough oxygen, eyeing where he was crouched down on his belly by a young girl. With just one glance Clover could see the girl was malnourished and inflicted with some type of sickness, and her first thought was where her parents could be to have left her in such a state.

Clover dropped down to her stomach beside Viorel, taking a moment to get a closer look at the crusting around the girls nose and assess for any physical injuries. "If you come with us over the border we can get you something to eat and drink," she said softly, hoping the temptation of those two things would be enough to get the girl back up on her feet and walking. Getting her to a safe spot was just as important, and if she could make it to Clover's infirmary then that would eliminate the need to run back and forth between it and the border for supplies.
Played by WildFlower who has 58 posts.
Inactive No Rank

Sonnet watched the pair curiously, excited to see another wolf for the first time in so long. Silently she listened to them speak, holding on to every word that left their mouths. It was so good to hear voices, even if they were strangers. Her mind was still grasping at straws over their existence. It had always been just her and @Pan against the world with their parents. Now...her small world was expanding to include others. How many were there? Werewolves as numerous as songbirds? The tan girl was leaving, while the darker wolf lowered himself. He didn't seem all that big once he'd settled against the ground.

Better. Little Song wondered if he meant like before. Back when she had the energy to play and could smell the wildflowers her sister picked for her. She missed her sister so very much, not fighting a sob as it broke loose. Sorrow and relief bundled into a heartwrenching cry. She was safe now, but her family wasn't with her. This man said they could make her feel better.

The man scooted closer, so she leaned towards him with her nose wiggling. The pup trying so hard to catch even just a whiff of what he smelt like. She couldn't help but wonder where he came from. Why his fur was so different than hers? Questions bounced off and around her brain. Fascinated, this was enough to dry her tears and stray her mind from those she'd lost. Viorel

She knew only one other name and that was Pan, Viorel sounded so odd. Pan and Sonnet...Pan, Sonnet, and Viorel. The names ran through her thoughts. She didn't answer him, choosing to remain quiet. There was so much to say that she wanted to say nothing at all.

Sonnet's head turned sharply as another wolf approached. At first, she was confused with her brows knitting. The familiarity between this wolf and her mother was there, and yet she knew this wasn't her mom. She blinked a few times with a blank expression. Then food was mentioned. The girl stumbled up onto her paws, nearly tripping over herself in the process of standing. She swayed back and forth unsteadily before a coughing fit overtook her. A burn ripping through her chest accompanied by the sound of mucus with every cough.


[Image: 7Afz1Ny.png]Tonight we make our dreams come true
**Sonnet hasn't spoken since losing her family.
Played by Ghost who has 669 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater I. Leader
Viorel Valle

The leader felt Clover lower herself down beside him and begin to speak softly with the girl. He remained silent but used his tail to brush against the woman at his side in a way of thanks for coming so quickly to the border. At the mention of food, the girl - whose name they still didn’t know - stumbled to her paws, almost falling but managing to get there.

Getting to his own paws slowly, so as to not startle her or knock her off balance given their proximity and the child’s lack of balance, he stood. Looking once at Clover with raised eyebrows, a silent ask of where to bring her to he could only assume the pharmacy or perhaps a safe area nearby. Looking back to the child who he assumed was around the age of the Empress cubs, he couldn’t help but notice how petite she was, not only skinny but just small.

She was so tiny she almost reminded him of a - ”Well come on then little fox, we can get you a meal before we take care of that runny nose.” That was it, a small arctic fox, that was exactly what she looked like.

[Image: s38i5ZS.png]
Played by Melorama who has 396 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater III. Medic
Clover Assana
At the mention of food the young girl lurched to her feet unexpectedly, setting off a large coughing fit. Clover was glad the girl had arrived when she had, as otherwise her sickness could have gotten far worse without intervention. Or food. She was almost all skin and bones, although perhaps that was simply because she was so petite to begin with.

Viorel urged the girl to move with the promise of a meal. Clover smiled at the girl, raising to her own paws and motioning with her muzzle over the border. "I have a warm and safe place you can eat and sleep in for the time being while I help you get better." Although she had nothing to cure the illness, she could certainly provide herbs to help push back the worst of her symptoms until her body could overcome whatever infection she had contracted. She gently ushered the girl forward, taking the lead towards one of the food caches on the way to her infirmary.

(This post was last modified: Dec 23, 2023, 11:24 PM by Finley.)