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like your girls insane — Pastel Highlands 
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Played by Tasha who has 27 posts.
Inactive Pup
Brielle Macieo
For the bro!
I let it fall, my heart
set fire to the rain

As she paced about in the highlands, her stomach rumbling uncomfortably, she contemplated how she had gotten there. Her teeth gnashed, a near desperate look on her features as the first snow began to fall, causing her nose to wrinkle and her paws to feel cold from the breeze that swept over. She didn’t know what was going on. In such a state, she wondered if she ought to just give up, find someplace to bunker down until her inevitable demise.

A hunger burned, her throat was parched, and so she let out a melodramatic whine. If her parents were here, this would not be happening. She didn’t fully understand, but she knew that what was unfolding before her was not good. It resulted in her tucking away in a small den, formerly belonging to a fox that was once abandoned.

There was anger in it’s place… an anger that she could not seem to find her, and that no one seemed to care. She continued to grow increasingly small in an ever large world… the new places she found did not have the same excitement they once did… the wolves around her did not have the same joy. It all grew darker, and it was her mother telling her to run and then abandoning her that had caused it to happen. Even Papa was gone now! Where had they all done, and why had they all abandoned her like this? She didn't understand what she had done to deserve any of this! She had been their perfect daughter. What more could they have wanted from her?

(// Tasha
(This post was last modified: Nov 01, 2023, 06:47 PM by Brielle.)
Played by Greyer who has 42 posts.
Inactive VIII. Scout
Anatole Gerau
Anatole knew Adelard had pushed onward without them for a reason. It was for the greater good, he said. For their best interests and, unbeknownst to the youngest of his brood, their sanity. The masked man had gone to grieve and scout ahead, leaving Brielle as something of Anatole's ward. The yearling himself didn't mind. He had left his aunt's care to return to his immediate family, and Brielle was it.

The youth had been lingering along the monthling's trail, tracing her step for step just for the fun of it. He always kept close, but usually out of eyesight and within earshot. So, when a whine pierced his ears, he snapped to attention. If anything had happened to her, he knew there would be hell to pay when their father came back to them. Dirty ivory limbs propelled him across the Highlands as his brown eyes widened. He came to a stop near the old fox den, not seeing it at first, but aware that Brielle had only been there only moments ago.

He chuffed, then gave a low woof. A concerned one. "Brielle?" His tongue felt funny, but these days, the only one who ever heard him speak anymore was her... "Brie?"
there used to be a greying tower
alone on the sea
Played by Tasha who has 27 posts.
Inactive Pup
Brielle Macieo
I let it fall, my heart
set fire to the rain

Brielle still didn’t understand, and it continued as she whined and her stomach continued to rumble uncomfortably. In some ways, she felt numb, and in other ways she was a torrent of all things bad. It wasn’t until she heard the gentle woof of a familiar tone that her head perked up, a look of utter despair still planted on her features as her head poked out to see Anatole there. She paused for a moment, unsure of what to say or if she should say anything at all.


The voice did not bring her much comfort, but still she found herself scampering out of the den to run herself against her older brother. There was another gentle whine, her stomach grumbling audibly. She struggled to find the words, a first for her perhaps as she had always spoken her mind so abrasively before.

After a few more seconds, she’d raise her head to look up at him and speak with a certain clarity. “Hungry.” She didn’t know what else she could say without repeating the obvious in front of them. Surely he had to be hungry too. “Où est papa?” She would ask, hoping her brother knew where their father was, and why he had disappeared from her life around the same time mother had.

(// Tasha
Played by Greyer who has 42 posts.
Inactive VIII. Scout
Anatole Gerau
His eyes remained fixed on his surroundings as his ears swiveled atop his skull. Off to his side and low to the ground, an ashen head poked out of the earth and Anatole gave a start. The panic, as quick as it had come, was gone as Brielle emerged in her entirety. She pressed into him and the youth craned his neck some to comb his teeth through her fur.

"Hungry," she said. Anatole felt a twinge of sadness in his own gut. He, while he had been fine fasting for weeks at a time, had forgotten that pups need to eat. Her stomach gave a grumble and then came the question he dreaded. Where was their father?

His ears flattened, "Papa? He's..." Between his paternal family's native tongue and common wolf-speak, Anatole's vocabulary was... stretched. "Papa est absent." Father is away. It was the only explanation he could find. "We see him soon." Another nuzzle of his nose to the top of her crown. "You okay?" He knew she was hungry, obviously, but he had to be sure he was doing a decent job of taking care of her in their father's stead.
there used to be a greying tower
alone on the sea
Played by Tasha who has 27 posts.
Inactive Pup
Brielle Macieo
I let it fall, my heart
set fire to the rain

There was a sign of distress in her eyes as he commented that their father was away, sadness and pain and anger burning all the same as her heart thumped uncomfortably in her chest. Her ears pressed against her skull as her face fell from the thought. First mother, now father… at least Anatole was there. She found it hard to find hope that he was telling the truth… momma had told her to go find her dad and she had thought that she would see her soon too.

As she was asked if she was okay, she felt the emotion begin to spill over as her head shook violently from side to side, moving forward to press her head against her brother’s chest to let sobs rack over her body, whines escaping her maw. No, she was not okay. Nothing about the situation she was in was okay.

“Hungry. Tired. Need papa.” She would whine out as she dramatically let her limbs splay out from underneath her bringing forth a collapse for more attention.

(// Tasha
Played by Greyer who has 42 posts.
Inactive VIII. Scout
Anatole Gerau
Anatole watched his sister's expression shift. A whirlwind of emotions picked at her brows and churned in the darkness of her pupils. He knew the feeling well. Adelard and Woya had given them the world, but their children had not expected to confront it alone. Minimal guidance, survival of the fittest, plenty of love... and, in the absence of that affection, self-doubt and angst brewed.

"Hungry. Tired." She answered. "Need papa."

The yearling sealed his lips, stifling a groan in his throat. With every day Adelard did not return for them, Anatole's outlook darkened. "Ehhh," he sounded, unable to neutralize his disappointment, "ç'est d'accord." It had taken some time, but he had grown used to his sister's antics. He dipped his head down to nudge the spot on her cheek, a hint of a smile playing at his muzzle. "We make do without. I feed you."

He looked one way, then the other, scanning their surroundings. With no experience in actual game hunting, the yearling did what he could do best: seek, seize, save. His saving grace was usually the scolding of a distant wolf-bird. Ravens.

"Shh," he half-whispered, turning to the monthling, suddenly standing at alert, "Hear that?"
(This post was last modified: Dec 20, 2023, 07:41 PM by Anatole.)
there used to be a greying tower
alone on the sea
Played by Tasha who has 27 posts.
Inactive Pup
Brielle Macieo
I let it fall, my heart
set fire to the rain

Bri's sobs gradually subsided as Anatole's comforting presence enveloped her. She sniffled and lifted her head from his chest, looking up at him with teary eyes. Despite the grim situation, his attempt to lighten the mood with a hint of a smile worked a little magic on her.

"C'est d'accord," she repeated, trying to mimic her brother's phrase with a small quirk of her lips. She appreciated his efforts to take care of her, even in the absence of their parents... even though as her big brother, she felt she should expect nothing less from him. The mention of food, though, rekindled the discomfort in her belly.

As Anatole mentioned the distant sound, she perked up, her ears swiveling in the direction he indicated. "What is it?" she asked, the curiosity momentarily overpowering the heaviness in her heart. The prospect of something diverting their attention from their troubles brought a glimmer of hope to her eyes. She wiped away the remaining tears and sniffed, ready to face whatever challenge or discovery awaited them.

(// Tasha
Played by Greyer who has 42 posts.
Inactive VIII. Scout
Anatole Gerau
Somewhere nearby, Anatole couldn't exactly pinpoint it yet, a raven began to call. Or, well, scold... Its telltale caww-cawww-cawww sounded out an alarm before falling silent again. His ears, while tall atop his head, perked forward, eager to share this information with her. "Corbeau," he divulged. "Noir. Oiseau. Repas." He figured simple words would make it easy to picture. With his tail wagging about, he stepped away, standing still after some time with a paw in the air. He was listening for more trills. It had probably started using its quieter dialect to communicate.

"Allez," he then called to her, sprinting towards where the Thicket could be seen as a dark line in the distance. "Quick!" He bounded across the Highlands, rustling the dead grasses as he went. After a while, he came to a standstill again, eyes darting over the level landscape. He waited for Brielle to catch up, then instructed her under his breath from behind a tangle of tall grass. "Wait for that flutter of a black wing, listen for its call. Use all your senses. Let's find it." It was the least he could do. Adelard and Woya had already done the groundwork in setting Brielle up for success in the wilds. His role as an older brother was to make sure she kept them sharp. Two heads were better than one, especially when both their bellies were running on empty.
there used to be a greying tower
alone on the sea
Played by Tasha who has 27 posts.
Inactive Pup
Brielle Macieo
I let it fall, my heart
set fire to the rain

Brielle's heart raced as she followed Anatole through the Highlands, the promise of distraction and the potential for food lifting her spirits. She marveled at how her brother seemed to effortlessly navigate the terrain, his instincts finely tuned to the subtle sounds of the wilderness.

As they reached the edge of the Thicket, Brielle crouched beside Anatole, her eyes scanning the surroundings for any sign of the elusive raven. She listened intently, the silence broken only by the whisper of the wind through the grass and the distant call of the mysterious bird.

Her senses heightened, Brielle's eyes widened as she caught a glimpse of a dark wing fluttering against the sky. Excitement surged through her, and she turned to Anatole with a nod, acknowledging his unspoken guidance. She focused on the soft caw of the raven, trying to discern its direction amidst the vast landscape.

With Anatole at her side, Brielle felt a newfound determination. This unexpected adventure became a test of their survival skills, a challenge she was eager to face alongside her older brother. She inhaled deeply, grounding herself in the moment, and whispered back to Anatole, "I hear it, just ahead. Let's go."

They moved quietly, careful not to startle the raven. Brielle's eyes darted between the sky and the ground, tracking the bird's movements. Anatole's presence reassured her, and the partnership between siblings became evident in their synchronized efforts.

After a careful pursuit, they finally spotted the raven perched on a nearby rock, its glossy black feathers shimmering in the sunlight. Brielle couldn't help but smile, a mixture of relief and accomplishment washing over her. She met Anatole's gaze, gratitude and pride reflected in her teary eyes.

"Merci," she whispered, appreciating not only the discovery of their feathered companion but also the unspoken bond between them. The shared victory over adversity strengthened their connection, reminding Brielle that even in the midst of challenges, the support of family could turn a daunting journey into an unforgettable adventure.

(// Tasha
Played by Greyer who has 42 posts.
Inactive VIII. Scout
Anatole Gerau
Hunger aside, Anatole was glad to see the light return to his sister's eyes. Her ears stood tall, her limbs still put a spring in her step and carried her without sound. He waited until she had caught up, and followed her gaze to where the wolf-bird fluttered and landed. She met his gaze and, for a moment, Anatole wondered if this was what his parents felt. The excitement for success, the pride, and the overwhelming feeling of connection.


He gave a nod in return, jabbing his muzzle into the air on his right. Come. The raven called out again and Anatole ushered Brielle forward. The scent of old blood hung in the air, but at this point, a kill site was a kill site. Wolves were opportunists by nature, and the siblings were as wild as they came.

He gave a soft chuckle as they drew close to the body of a frostbitten deer, or rather what was left of it. "Don't let them intimidate you, Brie." The black-feathered bird cast a sharp gaze at them, beak clicking and feathers ruffled. He gave the bird's perch a wide berth as he walked to one side, "You're bigger than they are. Don't forget." Despite being lanky and in his adolescent physique, he made sure to stand tall. A flash of his teeth gave the bird a silent threat. He was teaching his sister an important lesson and the corvid ought to know better than to mess with them.
there used to be a greying tower
alone on the sea