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gratitude turns what we have into enough — Paradise Falls 
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Played by Molo who has 474 posts.
Inactive XII. Subordinate
Jethrᴏ Kane
-- a bit late, but a sort of thanksgiving/holiday-inspired thread here! Jet's calling anyone who wants to participate :)

A part of Jet wished winter never had to happen. That they could do away with the cold and the long nights. That it could just always be summer, with more sun and more temperate weather. Life was easier in those times, though the positive side of things this year was that the snowfall seemed to have finally put an end to concerns about fires. Hopefully, it would stay that way...

But as he had wandered the territory that evening, wrapping a quick patrol, an idea had come to mind. Their group had been through so much over the last few seasons, that he wondered if there was a way to bring them together for something good.

So the dark man had taken up a place near one of the group’s caches and then tipped his head back to call for them all. An invitation for anyone who desired to join for food or for conversation, just for the sake of having it. For fun. So they could all gather together and be happy. Celebrate what they had, and maybe forget about the season's worries for a night.
(This post was last modified: Nov 25, 2023, 09:06 PM by Jethro.)
Played by Cade who has 909 posts.
Paradise Falls I. Leader
Chan Eastfall
Chan was still glorying in a winter not spent atop mountains, and all the added strife and worry that had come with it. He had almost forgotten what it was like, and while still a difficult time, on the backs of a killing drought and the threat of wildfires, the aging wolf couldn't help but utterly relax and be grateful for all that they still had. Like his wonderful children.

He had been curled up with Addison, the two perched in a pile on her favorite sunning rock. Autumn had thinned the canopy greatly, allowing even more light in despite the steeply dropping temperatures. Eventually it would be too cold to fall asleep in the open like this, but he would enjoy these moments while they lasted and just hope they might return again in another year.

Jet's howl woke him; a convivial summons, the melody clued. He roused his muscles with stretching and a broad yawn, effectively stirring his daughter in the process.

"Come Addy," he would beckon sunnily, dropping down from the boulder and trotting off toward where their leader lie in wait.

Once arrived, he would greet the younger wolf with a big smile and wagging tail.

"'eya Jet. Feelin' a lil' lonely?" a gentle tease.
(This post was last modified: Feb 07, 2024, 01:13 AM by Chan.)
[Image: 5BdYuOb.png]
Played by Cade who has 39 posts.
Paradise Falls XI. Yearling
Addison had not taken notice of their alpha's call, far too invested in the vivid dreams of deep slumber. It wasn't until she was jostled enough times and her chin rest taken away completely that she was woken, bleary eyed and mildly confused. Perhaps the closest to perturbed she ever got. Dad asked her to follow, and she didn't bother to ask why. Addy would stretch and yawn in a manner strikingly similar to her parent and trail after with long, dragging legs. Whatever it was could never be bad, and if it wasn't interesting enough she would just go back to napping, or so her experiences thus far told her.

Evidently, it was Jethro they had gone to meet. She also smiled at him, a much more subtle expression, eyes half-lidded with sleepiness as they often were. The spot they were in was recognizable; were they going to eat? She was definitely down with a snack. Her haunches dropped to the ground and she eyed the spot of ground which held their stored kills intently, merely waiting for it to be okay to start digging.
Played by PuppyThief who has 370 posts.
Paradise Falls IV. Second
Flair Smoke-Athesila

As her children grew, shooting from chubby pups into gangly youths, Flair had noticed their differences more and more – not just in appearance but interests and activity too. Both kids retained gentle temperaments, much to their mother’s surprise, but while Addison remained dreamy and mellow, Micaden was becoming more adventurous, constantly asking question about everything around him, to the point where she was more than happy to trade him for his sister after a few hours.

But of course, her exasperation was short-lived, and after a few breaths of quiet, the mother would be back at her son’s side, answering as many of his questions as she could. Today she had taken him along on a border patrol, hoping the sense of adventure would stifle his questions a little, though it wasn’t by much. Darkness had fallen and she was just thinking of turning home when Jethro’s call reached them, lone ear perking in surprise; For fun…? She supposed it would be a nice change.

“Come along!” She called to her son as she turned back, making her way swiftly to the nearby cache. Trying to ignore how the cold air stung in her throat and lungs, she put a smile on her face as her pack-mates appeared up ahead, Jet having already been joined by Chan and Addison. Tail waving high, she nodded at her fellow leader before walking to her partner’s side sitting close enough for their shoulders to touch, exchanging a warm look before turning to her daughter, speaking softly: “’d y’ have a good day, dear?”

”Speech" Thoughts
Played by PuppyThief who has 25 posts.
Paradise Falls X. Yearling
Micaden Smoke-Athesila

Micaden absolutely loved the snow! After a childhood clouded in smoke, winter had brought the magic of clean air and glittering frost, the sting of cold a small price to pay for such a vast world of adventure. As the frozen blanket grew, so did the boy’s audacity as his explorations took him closer and closer to the pack borders.

Still, the patrol was a special treat that had Mica’s tail waving excitedly, huge paws racing back and forth across the snow in front of his mother, as he eagerly asked her about borders and patrolling and everything else he could think of.

So caught up in his investigations was he, that he didn’t even notice the leader’s howl, until Flair called out. With his nose buried deep in an old fox hole, the boy took his time to sniff thoroughly before bounding after his mother, catching up easily enough before they reached the small group.

Tail wagging wildly, he continued on forwards, greeting Jethro first with an affectionate lick under his chin before turning to circle around his father, brushing tight against him the whole way round. Finally, Mica sidled up to his sister, settling next to her with a pleasant hum, eyes following hers to lock on the cache – a growing boy, he was always hungry.

Thoughts ”Speech”

Played by Molo who has 135 posts.
Inactive Deceased
She’d heard his call, understood what it meant, what he had. Ordinarily, it was something Colette would’ve ignored, in favor of maintaining her solitude and distance from the group. And if she was honest with herself, there was still a sense of anxiety there. Surely none of them expected her. Would they even want her?

There was only one way to find out.

With a breath, the ghost rose from her den and set towards Jet’s call, and quickly discovered he was not alone. Chan, and the entirety of his family were gathered around as well. Again, that would’ve been more than enough to have her turning around before, but now…?

Colette felt herself doing something she rarely did. A small smile cracked her countenance, observing the family, the similarities and differences between parents and children as she padded forth.  

”Got room for one more?” She inquired, half teasingly, with nods to the respective adults. To hide the nerves. Who’d have thought social anxiety would still be a thing, after all she’d been through?
Played by Cade who has 52 posts.
Paradise Falls IX. Yearling
Atara Kane
If Dad was calling, Atara was all but guaranteed to show. She had been keeping herself preoccupied with a large, tasty branch. Shredding it beneath her teeth and scraping it against her tongue, reveling in the tactile exploration. Once hearing his howl, she spat the limb from her jaws and jumped to her paws, shaking splinters from her fur before darting off.

She arrived hot on Colette's heals, skirting by with a soft and friendly shoulder-check to say hello. Then she launched herself directly into Jethro's space, nuzzling bodily against his shoulder and batting playfully at his limbs. Not yet aware that she would soon be unable to continue being so rambunctious, for she was nearing her full height and packing on weight continuously.

Only once she got attention from Dad would she trot over to Micaden and his family to warmly greet them.
(This post was last modified: Jan 14, 2024, 05:05 AM by Marigold.)
Played by Cade who has 78 posts.
Paradise Falls III. Second
Marigold Tanga
It sounded nice, a little pack gathering, just for the sake of being together. The kind of thing she'd hoped being a part of a larger group would be like, but everything had been so... draining since losing Auburn. There was so much to be thankful for, but every moment was underscored with anxiety, guilt, desperation. All in her head, in her heart, doing just as much damage as physical dangers could. As she made her way toward the others, she set a goal to try and have an hour or so of true peace.

'Got room for one more?' she heard the words float through the air before they all came into sight. Mar entered the clearing and saw warm, happy faces.

"Hopefully more," she tacked on, her own smile small but sunnily present all the same. Already she felt better, just being around her pack and family. Her paws took her to her siblings, each of them getting a fond nudge to their cheeks.
Played by Cade who has 909 posts.
Paradise Falls I. Leader
Chan Eastfall
Chan settled his haunches down upon the snowy ground, giving Addison a playful nudge when he noticed how intently she'd gotten to staring. Flair and Mica were along shortly after, reviving his grin. He nuzzled the top of his surviving son's head affectionately once the silvering crown was in reach, and leaned his shoulder into his partner's briefly as they exchanged their own silent greeting.

There were more faces to be expected, but Cole's hadn't quite been one of them. Still he was happy to see her all the same, his tail knocking against the ground a few times as he beamed back at her. His other daughter appeared before he could respond to her query, but the answer did not change.


He wanted to wait for @Finley, who surely would want to share with her own partner and child, but the kids were practically drooling at this point. He got to his feet, waited for a nod from either alpha to proceed, and then began breaking the earth.
(This post was last modified: Feb 07, 2024, 01:27 AM by Chan.)
[Image: 5BdYuOb.png]
Played by Cade who has 39 posts.
Paradise Falls XI. Yearling
Addison heard the movement of others, but she didn't look up until her mother spoke. Flair's voice cut through the focus, all at once bringing her to realize that it wasn't just anyone that had joined them. Her tail began to whip back and forth, and she grinned at Micaden as he settled in beside her. Addy leaned heavily and bodily onto him in response, her way of teasing him.

"Yes Ma," she answered simply and honestly, nearly draped across her brother's dark shoulders.

"What'd you do?"

It felt like everyone else was always up to something, never settled or taking their time. Perhaps sloths and snails and tortoises felt the same; they'd be far more Addison's pace.