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High Tide To Die — Dead Empress Backwater 
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Played by Vami who has 30 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater VI. Yearling
Ozark Katna Valle
For any & all of DEB. Joining thread. @Annie is with Ozark as well, so if you have time to post beforehand, take that into account.

It had been quite some time of travel, just the two of them and despite all the joys and excitement which they had, it was obvious the young pair was not quite so set for the loner life. At least, not for long. Not so young and, not in the dead of winter.

A bit skinnier, unkept (but their coarse sea-side coats were always so) and worn, it was a hidden delight when Ozark smelt other wolves in the distance, though she may never admit it. She didn't want to settle down. She was having too much fun! But it was without a doubt they needed to, less they not make it before spring's return.

With these thoughts it mind, once Ozark smelt others, she woofed out to her sister for her attention. They had come from the highlands and moving south had gone through a number of forests and field. Now, here. An open woodland where a creek spidered its way through. Empress and maple trees scattered all around, providing much shelter yet not leaving it a smothering, cluttered forest so thick one could not walk through without tripping over vine and root. Pleasant, she felt, but nothing quite compared to the sea just yet in Ozark's eyes.

"Maybe if dis ain't 'em, dey will know de way." She murmured to her sister as she sniffed about the borders in wait. She smelt wolves, but this didn't do her much good to tell her if this was indeed the lands of her kin.
(This post was last modified: Jan 09, 2024, 02:14 AM by Ozark.)
Played by PuppyThief who has 9 posts.
Inactive XII. Yearling
Annett Aegina Valle

As it turned out, adventuring wasn’t all that easy, at least not this time of year. The snow was harsher than salt on her paws and frost had left her fur frayed and thin. She was still in good spirits though, if a little tired, and hungry of course. But ever the optimist, as well as feeling the responsibility of encouraging her sister, Annie maintained a positive attitude.

Despite the hardship, there was plenty to be excited about! As they’d travelled south, trees of all kinds had enveloped them, many unlike anything she’d ever seen along the coast, though most of them were barren for the cold season. Meanwhile, the mountain loomed in the distance, its towering slopes like a shining challenge to the bold youngster. But it would have to wait until milder weather; And a few good meals… At least!

Signs of other wolves had also become more frequent, until finally, they came upon actual pack markers. With an encouraging smile, Annie nodded at her sister, tail giving a confident wag. Even if this wasn’t the Backwater, she was eager to meet more new wolves and learn about their life in this, mostly dry, land.

Thoughts ”Speech”

Annie is travelling with Ozark, who may jump into any of her threads.
Played by Cade who has 558 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater II. Leader
Eros Valle
Eros was marking his territory when he heard a sound, softened with distance but unmistakably wolf. That someone was around without yet calling for the pack set him on edge, and as he trotted after where the bark had come from his tail and hackles both raised. The memory of Inger's murder would never be forgotten, and he wouldn't let it be his negligence that allowed something so horrific to happen again.

The closer he came, however, the more of their scents he could pick up, and he realized just how young the strangers must be. They also smelled of far-off lands and a whisper of familiarity. If either of them had taken on their mother's appearance, he might have guessed the relation.

As it was, he approached them calmly but still as strangers. He had a hard time imagining that yearlings could be up to anything too awful, and if they did have ill intentions, it was likely due to desperation. His chin was lifted and his tail held level to show his rank, but a smile adorned his muzzle and there was a friendly shine in his eyes as he came to a stop a few yards' distance from them.

"Can I help you?" he asked, one wolfish brow cocked.
(This post was last modified: Jan 08, 2024, 04:31 AM by Eros.)
Played by Vami who has 30 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater VI. Yearling
Ozark Katna Valle
"Aye, stranger!" She called out when she saw the silhouette of a large wolf looming in the forest and making head way into their direction. She made herself and her sister known, but it seemed like he had already caught wind of them.

He came with a friendliness- head held high, his tail level but not too high with dominance or aggression. There was a shine in his eyes and smile on his lips. If he wasn't kin, maybe he would be willing to shelter her and her sister still.

"We come from de coast. On the look out for our kin. De names Ozark Valle and dis is my sister, Annie." She spoke with a cheeky grin and waving of her tail behind her.
(This post was last modified: Jan 09, 2024, 02:28 AM by Ozark.)
Played by PuppyThief who has 9 posts.
Inactive XII. Yearling
Annett Aegina Valle

Before Kat had time to announce their arrival all proper, a large figure had already appeared amongst the naked trees, making his way between the fallen trunks with the ease that came with familiarity. His looming figure was imposing, though softened by a friendly smile.

While her sister made introductions, Annie openly studied the older wolf, her own eyes twinkling as she observed his confident posture and well-tended frame – he’d clearly been eating much better than the travelers this winter. As much as she longed to continue exploring, Annie couldn’t deny the appeal of a proper hunting party and more bodies to share their heat at night.

As Ozark mentioned her name, the paler sister smoothly continued: “Ye happen t’ know where th’ Dead Backwater is?” She spoke with a bubbly confidence of her own, not the least embarrassed at forgetting the full name of the pack they were looking for; Who bothers with the names of trees anyway? Her tail swayed happily, smile wide and open as she looked at the pack wolf with polite attention, hoping he knew the family they were seeking.

Thoughts ”Speech”

Annie is travelling with Ozark, who may jump into any of her threads.
Played by Cade who has 558 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater II. Leader
Eros Valle
Ozark and Annie. It all clicked together into place behind his blinking eyes, smile widening into a toothy grin. When he had last seen them, they had just been shadows at his Aunt's stomach, tucked safely within a whelping den. These were his cousins, now yearlings themselves, as he and his friends had been while visiting the coast in search of Vanadis and Vayko. He hadn't expected that they might end up at the Backwater's doorstep one day, unable to help but assume that Modesto had not spoken highly of the pack she'd been ousted from.

"Ozzie, Annie! Welcome!" he greeted enthusiastically, tail now waving in big sweeps behind him.

"I was visiting yer Ma when you two were born," he informed first, and his smile then turned a touch sheepish, "not that that means much to you guys."

He really was a grownup now, huh?

"You've found us! I'm Eros, I lead with my Dad now. You come all this way just t'say hi?!"
(This post was last modified: Jan 14, 2024, 07:03 AM by Eros.)
Played by Vami who has 30 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater VI. Yearling
Ozark Katna Valle
'Ozzie'. Ozark's ears perked. The yearling hadn't been here any more then ten minutes and already the first wolf she came across had a nickname for her. Better then 'sea hag' or 'filthy pirate' which she could recall being named a time or two.

Then, it all came together. This wolf knew them, having visited their mother's lands when they were too small to even see much less remember him from that age.

"Eros! Aye! I have heard of ye." She said, now putting the pieces in place as Eros himself had done moments prior. "Our yearling legs got ta itchin'." She admitted. "Started up on an adventure. Figured we would come to know de rest of de family too. Followed de river from de moors 'n it led us here." So wait, he led with his father, then. Who was that? Viorel? Vayko? She had heard these names both.
Played by PuppyThief who has 9 posts.
Inactive XII. Yearling
Annett Aegina Valle

Just like that, his smile grew wider, maybe even more genuine, a sudden familiarity in his eyes and voice. Annie returned his cheer easily, wagging her own tail as she snickered slightly, glancing sideways at her sister; Ozzie? She arched one brow over twinkling eyes, first at the darker girl at her side, before then turning it back on the apparently-not-stranger.

Strawberry-blond ears twitched at the introduction, understanding dawning on the yearling, much as it had Eros moments before. “C’sin Eros!” She barked, echoing her sister. Of course she could not remember his visit, barely alive as she had been then, but mother had spoken if him, fondly. She let Kat finish her explanation before cheerfully adding her own two cents: “We wanted t’ see what this place was all about. Seemed fittin’ fer an’ adventure!” She cast her eyes around, indicating the wider lands as well as the Backwater.

Unabashed, she then went on to ask: “Which one’s yer dad again?” The names were all so similar, it was impossible to keep straight.

Thoughts ”Speech”

Annie is travelling with Ozark, who may jump into any of her threads.
Played by Cade who has 558 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater II. Leader
Eros Valle
Eros grinned even wider as they recognized his name. They were healthy and seemed plenty happy, and that was the best he could wish for his favored aunt's children. While it had been tainted by the main mission of finding his missing mother, there was a lot that Eros had enjoyed about his and @Seri's venture outside of his natal forests. The freedom, the thrills, the self-dependence. It seemed to suit the sisters before him, as well.

"Well come on in, then! Yer more than welcome to call the Backwater 'base camp' for however long ya'd like," said with a wink. As long as they didn't simply mooch off of their extended family, he didn't mind giving them a little security while they ventured the wide swathe of forests and fields around them, especially given the frigid season.

"M'dad's Viorel. Vayko's still here too, he had himself a litter this year. Then my brother Ollies around, and that's about all the Valles. I'll get ya introduced..."

good to fade with your posts? we can start a follow up if you guys want c:
Played by Vami who has 30 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater VI. Yearling
Ozark Katna Valle
Their cousin's smile only seemed to grow ever wider and though time and travel and winter snows even, had slowed the sisters down, a new excitement filled them now. They had found their family! Well, it would seem that the pair weren't too shabby at this whole traveling and exploring thing. Where Modesto was a homebody, completely uninterested in sight seeing, Ozark could only assume they had gathered this drive from their father, a man on the move, as ever.

Base camp.

The way in which he said it made Ozark's heart leap. Not only would he be taking his family in, he did so with the knowledge that the two sisters come spring may end up doing some wandering again. Ozark had no intentions on shitting on Eros kindess. Even an ol' pirate as herself was no free loader. She would earn her keep whilst she was here and when she left, make sure to bring something back worth being gone for.

Viorel was his father. Ozark knew this name well, yet it sure wasn't painted in the same light as Eros and Vayko. Of course, Ozark kept her mouth shut on this and let the past lie where it was.

"Right behind ye' Captain!" It seemed like some introductions were in order!