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never wear a broken crown — Sanguine Cove 
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Played by Tasha who has 373 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aquene Slayer

Aquene knew her daughter was preparing to leave for Paradise Falls at any moment, but there was something she wanted to discuss with her before she left… it was important, and something that she could even dwell upon during her journey. It was no secret that she had begun to take after her father, shadowing him and patrolling, and Aquene wanted to help however she could, not just as her mother but also as the leader of the pack.

“Magg, honey, do you have a moment to talk before you and Leo depart?” She would ask, always fretting over her children as she went to greet her with a familiar look and a motherly tone that she often carried, not just with her own children but with Oksana’s as well.

“It’s about something important... something I want you to think and dwell about when you’re gone.” She would provide a little more clarity with her words as she smiled softly.

Aquene Slayer
Played by Cade who has 189 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Magg Slayer
Magg was putting her things away; the tattered rabbit pelt she refused to get rid of and her latest favorite chewing stick, a couple of cool stones she, @Diantha and @Adora had found together at the lakeshore, fishbones that reminded her of @Sephrina... You know, her dragon's hoard of sentimentality. The teen's typical resting place inside the pack's den was usually a mottled mess of this stuff, but if she was gonna be gone she wanted them out of the way, concerned otherwise they'd get damaged, lost or used.

She had everything piled up against the nearest earthen wall, and was trying to cover it all with her rabbit fur, when she heard her mother call for her.

"Yeah Ma," she called without looking, starting to get a touch frustrated with her inability to completely hide her stash. Maybe it'd work better after coming back to it. Magg gave up and turned to face her mother as the woman continued.

'It’s about something important... something I want you to think and dwell about when you’re gone.'

Her ears began to lower. Dwell did not sound like a fun verb. Was this about to be a lecture... ?

"... what?"
(This post was last modified: Jul 19, 2023, 02:30 AM by Magg.)
Played by Tasha who has 373 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aquene Slayer

Aquene paid little mind to the stash her daughter was attempting to hide, focusing on her instead. She did not want to dwell on it. After all, she didn’t mind the little bit of hoarding that her daughter did. It wasn’t exactly as though she had been blind to the bundle of rabbit fur. A smirk formed on her features as her ears lowered, an attempt to soothe whatever worries the girl might have about what the talk could be about.

“I want you to be thinking about your future… about what you want to do with your life. For me, I knew from a young age I wanted to be a Shaman, but I didn’t really start thinking about how to achieve it until my father prompted me, and sent me to train hard with his uncle.” She explained with a soft timbre of her voice. “If your dedication is anything to go by, I think you’re in a similar boat… you know what you want in your life. You know what you want it to look like… but it’s time to think long and hard about what steps it takes to get there, and how we can help you get there.” She spoke not just as her leader, but as her mother.

Perhaps it was helping Aquene brush up on her sparring basics, or regularly sparring with Nash in order to build up more of a fighting prowess… perhaps it was doing diplomatic missions to understand the packs around them, how they can help, and also the threats they might pose… but that was for Magg to decide. “We can talk about it now, or we can wait until you and Leo return.”

Aquene Slayer
[Image: jNJyCis.png]
Played by Cade who has 189 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Magg Slayer
Magg didn't mind the topic unveiling, but she felt a bit confused as her mother went on. Wasn't she already doing the steps? She tried to copy basically everything her dad did, and he was guardian and leader! What could she be missing? The young girl shifted on her paws, a beat of silence passing between them as she mulled over how to respond.

'We can talk about it now, or we can wait until you and Leo return.'

"... we can talk now," she responded, definitely not the type to prefer waiting. Besides, as of now, she wasn't all too sure what she should even be contemplating!

"I want to be the pack guardian. What more is there?"
Played by Tasha who has 373 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aquene Slayer

She offered her a smile when she said they could talk now, and considered her words. “Well, there are different aspects to being a guardian… not just patrolling the borders, but learning the diplomatic side of things, for when wolves approach the borders.” Regardless of whether or not it was a new recruit, an adversary, or someone coming on a diplomatic mission from another pack.

“There are a lot of things to learn… and some can only be truly learned through practical experience… which means we can make sure you’re called for when those situations arise. It’s all about assessing where you think you need the most growth.” She hoped she made sense, or that she was not overthinking it… but it felt important for her to have this conversation with the rest of them.

Aquene Slayer
[Image: jNJyCis.png]
Played by Cade who has 189 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Magg Slayer
Diplomatic?... for a moment her brows pinched with confusion, and then she thought it clicked. This was part of what being sent on the scouting trip was about, then, wasn't it? Part of her guardian training in more ways than just making sure the Vuesain heir got there and back safely. The realization lightened her scarred face like dawn.

"You mean like, taking on more specific assignments?" she asked, hopeful, tail wagging. Magg would definitely be down for that.

"Whatever you n' Dad think I need, I'll do. I'll get the experience."

One way or another, because she gave herself no other option. This was her path. It had to be. Why? ... that she didn't have an answer for yet.
Played by Tasha who has 373 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aquene Slayer

Despite her initial confusion, Magg seemed eager to take up the task which had Aquene smiling with a certain amount of relief washing over her. “Yes, exactly like a specific assignment… for example, when you visit Paradise Falls, I want you to focus on how their guardians greet you… how they hold themselves, and the procedure they follow. You’re part of a diplomatic envoy for another pack, so they should approach you differently than they do a loner getting too close to their borders.” She stated with an explanation, an example, as to what she had meant earlier.

She swore that she’d do it, and get that experience and she smiled as she leaned in to brush her muzzle against her daughter’s cheek. “I know you will, Magg.” She offered gently, pausing for a moment before the genuine words escaped her maw. “I am so incredibly proud of you, and the path you have chosen to take.”

Aquene Slayer
[Image: jNJyCis.png]
Played by Cade who has 189 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Magg Slayer
Magg's tail wagged even harder as her mother answered affirmatively. Even while radiating joy, it was still clear she was listening attentively to what Aquene continued on to point out. Mentally taking notes and committing to heart what was being asked now that she understood its purpose. It wasn't all, though. Mom went on to praise her, a depth to her voice that told Magg just how much the words were meant. She blushed a little, a sheepish grin rising on her lips.

"Thanks mom. I promise, I'll make the most of this opportunity."

And make sure the purpose of their mission was effectively served, of course. Whether the obstacle was a rival predator or Leo getting all flustered like he had at the meeting, she'd be there to step in and save the day.
Played by Tasha who has 373 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aquene Slayer

Aquene's pride swelled as she looked at Magg, seeing the determination in her daughter's eyes. The genuine gratitude in Magg's response warmed Aquene's heart even more. She couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the person Magg was becoming—a capable, responsible member of the pack ready to take on diplomatic responsibilities.

With a tender smile, Aquene leaned in again to nuzzle Magg affectionately. "I know you will, my dear. Just be yourself, and let your instincts guide you. You've got a natural grace about you that others will surely notice. And remember, no matter what happens, I'm here for you every step of the way. You've chosen a challenging path, but I have no doubt that you'll navigate it with strength and wisdom."

Aquene held Magg's gaze, her maternal love evident in her eyes. "If you ever need advice or just someone to talk to, don't hesitate to come to me. Your journey is your own, but you're not alone in it. I believe in you, Magg, and I'm incredibly proud of the wolf you've become." She lingered for a moment, savoring the connection with her daughter, before allowing Magg the space to embark on this new chapter of her life.

Aquene Slayer
[Image: jNJyCis.png]
Played by Cade who has 189 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Magg Slayer
Her mother had more praise for her, 'you've got a natural grace about you' possibly one of the kindest things Magg had ever heard said about herself. Having been raised in a nurturing environment, the bar had already been high! It was a moment she was sure to remember too, Aquene's words likely to be taken to heart well into adulthood.

It also confirmed for her that even if she had doubts here and there, Magg was on the right path by making the decisions she had.

"I will. I'm lucky to have you and Dad."

@Matos too, of course. Compared to @Diantha, she had everything a wolf could dream of, and it was sinking in. Even now she couldn't help but think about how this was a moment her friend would never get to have... She should go find her, maybe she wanted to adventure with her while they checked the borders?

Magg gave Aquene her own affectionate nuzzle and a wolfish hug, murmuring, "I love you, Mama," before they went their separate ways again.