January 19th; Late afternoon, almost twilight; Overcast Clouds; -9.49° F, -23.05° C.
Anatole was glad for the break in what seemed to be like a never-ending winter storm. Like almost everyone else in the pack, he was using the cold season to rest and collect himself. Most days he strolled through the forest around the Backwater. He liked to keep himself available should someone have use or need of him. In his moments of isolation, he practiced dropping his 'accent.' Usually, he spoke in his head but, on rare occasions, he whispered aloud as if he were teaching someone else.
"How are you today?"
"Ah, comme ci, comme ça."
"As-tu vu... what's 'is name..."[/i]
A strange rustling stopped the wolf in his tracks and wide brown eyes watched in fear. What looked like a pile of sticks emerged from behind a bare shrub. It waddled into view and then stopped as it realized the presence of something larger.
Anatole pulled his tongue from the roof of his mouth, "Aha. I 'ave not seen Anatole, but je vois ce... thing." He canted his head and frowned as the weird creature continued to just stand there. It craned its head to look up at Anatole and as both eyes locked, the wolf's jaw dropped. "Hell-o," his voice trembled, his nostrils twitching as he slowly bent down to give the furry-sticks-on-legs a sniff. "Nice winter day, 'sn't it?"
One whiff was all it took. The tail end of the creature swung up. Anatole didn't even have a chance to blink as it whacked the yearling in the face. The terrible yelp that rose from him could've been heard a couple of territories over. As Fate would have it, he had never seen a porcupine before.