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all that you need now is in your soul — Daybreak Peaks 
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Played by Cade who has 97 posts.
Paradise Falls X. Subordinate
Ryder Lennox
Instead it turns your joy into sorrow, & i can't breathe with the dust of retreat, I'm choking

Ryder had learned why the wildfire smoke had worried his guardians so. Here was the nearest evidence he'd found, too close for his own comfort as the many-humped back of Serpent's Pass was visible from this charred land. Most of the trees that had made it to this altitude had been felled, kindling to a desperate flame that only icecaps had been able to quell. When he dug through the snow, he found blackened grasses and ash that turned his typically-pale paws into a mottling of salt-and-pepper smears. He wondered for the hundredth time if Caspian had come across anything like this where he'd gone, or even the fires themselves.

Ryder let out a sigh, and turned toward the water. It trickled down from the Wellspring to his level now, pooling before his paws. The ice which tried to cover it was brittle and broke easily when pressured. The soot dissipated as water soaked his dirtied fur, carried away in ribbons that were mesmerizing to watch. He had been alone for three weeks now, and it was eating at him. Still, there was a lot of ground to be covered before he was at the Falls again.

on the fumes of my wayward life, 'cause love is an inkless pen, it's a tavern, it's sin
Played by Tuft who has 33 posts.
Inactive VI. Subordinate
Toklo Finglaise

Toklo stood horrified at the surrounding area. He had never seen this much destruction come from a fire before, especially in the winter. He sniffed the ground, trying to tell how recent the fire was when he got some of the ash on his nose and sneezed.

He went over to the river to wash out the ash when he noticed another wolf a distance away. Toklo splashed some frigid cold water on his nose and went over to investigate. The creamy white fur of the male wolf seemed to blend into the snow, even his stormy grey eyes seemed to want to hide in the misty morning.

Toklo was excited to have finally found another wolf, so he rushed forward to him, tongue hanging out. "Hi!" Toklo said. "My names Toklo! Sorry if I scared you, I just haven't seen another wolf out here for weeks. Are you okay? You look kinda hungry.".

(This post was last modified: Feb 16, 2024, 05:45 PM by Toklo.)
Played by Cade who has 97 posts.
Paradise Falls X. Subordinate
Ryder Lennox
Instead it turns your joy into sorrow, & i can't breathe with the dust of retreat, I'm choking

Ryder was getting lost in his thoughts, as though those swirls of different shades of charcoal had hypnotized him. He should have known better than to drop his guard so thoroughly out here alone, but perhaps the comfort of a familiar sight had softened him a touch too much. A stranger's voice reached him, chipper and sudden, and every muscle jumped beneath Ryder's skin.

He spun to face the other, who was already issuing an apology, and giving his name, and asking questions... Ryder's dirty-blonde ears lifted and his brows hunched subtly over his eyes, a characteristic sternness blanketing his features.

"... hi. I'm, fine."

As fine as one could be without their pack, chasing after a brother they weren't even sure wanted to be found. That was the good thing about this abrupt appearance, though. Maybe this Toklo guy had seen him... !

"I'm Ryder. I'm looking for someone."

Maybe it was rude to jump right into what he needed, but this unexpected companion hadn't seemed to have held back.

"Caspian. He's all white but with black markings on the back, much darker than mine. Summer-grass-colored eyes. You know 'im?"

on the fumes of my wayward life, 'cause love is an inkless pen, it's a tavern, it's sin
(This post was last modified: Feb 18, 2024, 05:25 AM by Ryder.)
Played by Tuft who has 33 posts.
Inactive VI. Subordinate
Toklo Finglaise
Sorry I don't know why I wrote Tuft as his name when he introduced himself lol

Toklo was put off-guard with Ryder's serious and stern look that he showed. Toklo tried to present himself as more submitting by lowering his head and not giving him direct eye-contact.  

Toklo tried to recall anyone that had those markings or characteristics, but couldn't think of anything. "I'm sorry, I don't know anyone with that name." An idea immerged when he said that. "Do you know what his scent smells like? I have a pretty good nose, so maybe I could track down his trail!"

He tried to get a good sniff of the surrounding area, only to find out that this area was a heavily trodden path with a bunch of different wolf scents. He asked Ryder "Is he someone you know, like a friend or someone?".

Played by Cade who has 97 posts.
Paradise Falls X. Subordinate
Ryder Lennox
Instead it turns your joy into sorrow, & i can't breathe with the dust of retreat, I'm choking

The answer wasn't positive, and Ryder didn't bother to suppress the frown it caused. Damnit. Still, the other was plenty eager to help all the same. The blonde's features lifted with mild surprise as Toklo took to action, his dark nose working overtime as though the brothers had only just split from one another. If only it was so simple, but the enthusiasm (and the drive to fix) reminded him of the little sister he still had back home.

"Not anymore, no," he answered the older wolf's questions in order, ears lowering once more but now with a touch of sadness, "he's my brother, he went missing... months ago."

He'd had to think on that a moment, realizing it had been so long that the memory was starting to blur into the many others now crowded around it. Ryder's heart felt particularly heavy in that moment.

"... thanks, though."

on the fumes of my wayward life, 'cause love is an inkless pen, it's a tavern, it's sin

lol np! i fixed it in ry's post, i just thought it was an alias for him or something lol
Played by Tuft who has 33 posts.
Inactive VI. Subordinate
Toklo Finglaise

A look of sadness and concern swept over Toklo's muzzle. "I'm so sorry, no one should lose a brother like that." Toklo said. He was surprised that even after all this time, Ryder was still looking for his brother. "And you're still looking for them after several months? That takes some strength and guts to have kept doing that after all this time."

Toklo noticed that he didn't smell any other wolves on him. "He must be a lone wolf." He thought to himself.

"Have you been out by yourself for all those months? I've only been out here by myself for just a month, and I'm barely surviving!" Toklo said astonished. He was just glad that he had finally found another wolf in this place. "How did survive out here for that long, especially in this harsh winter?"

(This post was last modified: Feb 23, 2024, 02:51 AM by Toklo.)
Played by Cade who has 97 posts.
Paradise Falls X. Subordinate
Ryder Lennox
Instead it turns your joy into sorrow, & i can't breathe with the dust of retreat, I'm choking

Toklo was sympathetic, but his words cut instead of bolstered. 'After all this time.' His dark lips wanted to scowl, but for now he suppressed the expression, merely frowning instead. Where the other likely thought he was giving praise, it jabbed at Ryder's insecurities about what 'all this time' meant for himself and his brother both.

The fellow loner's good nature no longer mattered. Ryder had been agitated, and that was all it took for a cold distaste to take over.

"By having a brain," he answered derisively, seeking now to push the other away. After all, if he didn't have information on Caspian, he was virtually useless to the yearling.

"I don't know where you're from, but I wasn't raised to give up on family."

The words were spoken dismissively, paws talking a few steps and eyes beginning to wander. He was done, expecting his rudeness to chase Toklo off.

on the fumes of my wayward life, 'cause love is an inkless pen, it's a tavern, it's sin
(This post was last modified: Feb 23, 2024, 03:55 AM by Ryder.)
Played by Tuft who has 33 posts.
Inactive VI. Subordinate
Toklo Finglaise

"Woah, slow down there!" Toklo said, eyebrows raised in surprise at the harsh attitude Ryder was giving. Instead of turning away in disgust and walking off, he instead tried to help Ryder understand what his intention was. "I was actually trying to give you a compliment! I've met a a lot of wolves, and not a single one has shown the amount of sacrifice and love you have shown for your brother. I know that you weren't raised to give up on family, but there are just as many families out there who weren't raised on that principle." Toklo said.

Toklo wanted to say to Ryder "Trust me, I would know how merciless and ruthless families can be to their own kin." but he decided against it.

Toklo saw that Ryder was trying to leave, but he ran right next to him. "Hey! Where do you think you're going? We could both help each other! I could help you find your brother, and you can help me survive out here." Toklo gestured to his nose with a paw and said "I have the best sniffer that has ever sniffed! I could tell you where and when someone has marked 3 days travel away from a month ago. If you ever have a chance of finding your brother, its going to be with me!". He stood tall and proud, trying to show Ryder that he could help if only he would let him.

Played by Cade who has 97 posts.
Paradise Falls X. Subordinate
Ryder Lennox
Instead it turns your joy into sorrow, & i can't breathe with the dust of retreat, I'm choking

The other seemed almost alarmed at having offended Ryder. He sidled right up to the blonde's side, chattering away to explain and still try and help. Weirdo. Ry watched him from the corner of his silver eyes, the only expression he was giving a taut frown.

"You don't even have the scent," he countered, continuing with his long-legged strides but still not doing everything he could to rid himself of Toklo. He could have easily ran, or snarled and snapped his teeth at him, been meaner with his words, but Ryder didn't and wasn't.

"I just asked you a question, I didn't make any mention of wanting a sidekick."

on the fumes of my wayward life, 'cause love is an inkless pen, it's a tavern, it's sin
Played by Tuft who has 33 posts.
Inactive VI. Subordinate
Toklo Finglaise

Toklo couldn't help but make a low growl at Ryder. He was starting to get frustrated at the opposing wolf's remarks. "I just want to help!" he thought to himself.

Trying to keep up with the blonde wolf, Toklo tucked his tail between his legs in embarrassment. He did make a good point. "Well of course I don't have the scent, I just barely came across you! If you are looking for him now, you must have either went by one of his previous marks or knew of a den that he had slept in right? Maybe you could direct me over to one of those sites and I could pick up where you left off."

Toklo chuffed in annoyance before he went on. "And as for being a sidekick, helping someone out of the decency of their hearts doesn't automatically make them a slave to you! I'd say that its someone that hasn't seen a single other wolf for the past month until just this afternoon and would do anything just to have a new friend so he can try to forget the things that he has done in the past. Okay? But if you want to go out there by your lonesome self to find your brother Mr. MiserableSulkyBroodmeister be my guest!" Toklo stopped in the middle of trail then and yelled out "For what its worth, I completely believe you. If your brother is anything like you, than he is way too stubborn to die."