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Only two things are infinite — Sacred Grove 
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Played by Vero who has 13 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Avalloc Branor
Not sure if you wanna play it like they've already seen each other,
but I think that would make most sense?

Everything seemed as though it was getting right back to normal-like the Wildwood Avalloc remembered as a young boy. Life flooded back to the land, much like the water itself, engulfing it from head to toe and Loc made sure to take advantage of it. He was hunting more than usual these days, bulking himself up in preparation for the long, cold winter which was settling in his path. Speaking of which, at his paws laid two slaughtered birds, just beckoning for him to eat them. The flames of his eyes engulfed them as he slid his tongue across his jowls, eager to hush his bleating stomach. He had not eaten in only a few hours and already, his stomach rolled in hunger.

It did not take long for the man to give into his desires, plucking feathers left and right ready to finally eat! As he did this, however, he made it a point to resist the urge to eat the second bird. It would be very unlike a loyal pack mate to selfishly eat TWO birds and not share, right? Right. About done with the feather fiasco, Avalloc slid onto his stomach and began to tear away at the frosty bird.
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

It had been a while since Indru had felt as calm as being home made him, his time away avoiding the dangers of the drought with most of the family had left him restless, worried for them and eager to return to the only place he knew as home. Though not everyone had returned yet from their stay away, the Tainn's were gradually drifting home, their paws leading them back to Swift River. It was comforting every time he picked up a fresh scent of another arrival of a brother or sister. As Indru scented the air lightly — relishing again in the familiar scent of home — he picked up the undeniable scent of food, and even more clearly the scent of a River wolf. Curiosity peaked he headed towards them, not yet sure who it belonged too, it was familiar but certainly not one of his siblings but it was part of the pack.

Indru could not yet see the male, and though his scent told him many things about the wolf and made his spine itch with it's familiarity he just could not recall where he remembered it from, though he knew it was long ago. Eventually, as he knew he would, his fiery eyes fell upon the male in question and with a sharp bark of surprise he lolloped forward, a friendly greeting escaping his mouth, Avalloc! Now he remembered, Ruiko mentioning the return of their childhood friend who was much more than that, and he was pleased that he had finally come across him. It's so good to see you! Ruiko said you had returned home... He titled his head on the side, a small grin breaking his muzzle at the use of the word 'home' hoping that he did think of it as so. How are you? I tried to find you before but your trail had gone stale. Not that the weather helped, trails disappeared so quickly with the fresh layers of snow that seemed to arrive constantly.

Played by Vero who has 13 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Avalloc Branor
Not sure if you wanna play it like they've already seen each other,
but I think that would make most sense?

His guard wasn't exactly down, but the familiarity and comfort of his pack lands allowed Avalloc to pay little attention to the approaching figure. Not to mention, he didn't exactly want to stop eating to gaze over his shoulder. However, he did drop his half eaten carcas when an all too familiar scent danced around his whisker and then up into his nose.With perked ears, Avalloc jerked his head upwards and watched as Indru lolloped into his life again. "Indruuuu!" he cried out in joy, stretching his lips into a curl. Once he and Indru had closed the distance, Avalloc reached out his giant paw and dragged his friend into a hug.

"Likewise, my brother. I was very well, but now I'm even better." he admitted as hew withdrew from the embrace. " Now we can be a family. It wasn't the same with you around. Where have you been?" he asked causally, cocking his head slightly.
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

It had been an unexpected, but pleasant, shock when Ruiko had told him Avalloc had returned. Indru had not seen the male for years, since he was taken home by his true parents, and though they were not blood he saw the male as family and had missed him. He laughed as they embraced, leaning forward to try and nip at the male's ears affectionately much like he did with Ruiko; they had many memories of growing up together, the trio, and it felt like they were back to being pups again, Avalloc soothing the tension when the pair had had enough of their fights.

Avalloc's question made him snort lightly, did Ruiko not say? I left with most of the family to avoid the drought. Indru explained, he had suffered the effects of dehydration and he had not wished to subject his family to the same. Ruiko and Kinis had faired well, but would the entire pack had survived if they had all remained? I couldn't lose anymore. The lose of their parents and Hotei was more than enough for Indru and ever since the loss of Rihael and Lani he had taken on the patriarchal role in the family. They were his responsibility to keep safe now. Ruiko stayed of course, as stubborn as he is. He laughed lightly again to break the short melancholy that had wrapped around him at the mention of their losses, and his voice was tinged with affection for his closest brother. He turned to Avalloc, peering at him curiously with a grin on his face, so what bought you home?

Played by Vero who has 13 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Avalloc Branor

Avalloc suddenly realized that he had never actually asked Ruiko why Indru had left. He smiled at the realization and shook his head. "No, not really. I never actually asked." He had simply assumed Indru had important business elsewhere and would return when he was ready. Well, whatever the case, Indru had done well for himself and most of his family. He had saved their lives like a true hero. "Well it seems you both did well. I'm relieved you're alright." In fact, Indru looked more than alright! He looked as healthy and handsome as ever. Alas, the conversation shifted over to Avalloc and what had brought him back to Relic-Lore. The burly male caught Indru's smile and tossed him one of his own, "You and Ruiko, of course. I missed my pack, my 'first' home." Suddenly he realized how tender he sounded, and he raced to change the subject. "So what's new with you?"
(This post was last modified: Feb 09, 2011, 05:41 PM by Avalloc.)
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

The Tainn made no comment for a moment when he mentioned they had done well, it had plagued both he and Ruiko since the fire that they had left in panic and not thought to go back, even more so when they realised it had resulted in the death of their parents and brother. Me too, he replied, his tone hushed and quiet, though I miss Rihael and Lani so much.. And Hotei. His brother had never had a chance to live, barely one year old and the fire took him. It was Indru's deepest shame that day, allowing the panic and fear of the flames to override going back to look for his family.

It's great to see you, the boy replied when he heard what had brought Avalloc home again, I know Rihael would of loved to see you too. Indru knew that Rihael had treated the boy like a true nephew, not bothered by blood like most leader's were. The three had been very close until he had been taken away by his true family. Avalloc's next question caught him off guard, the abrupt change in topic startling him, but he answered quickly as he watched the male curiously. New? Not much, I just got back, and Ruiko had the pack now. It was a change, and while it sat easily on Indru at the moment he wondered how long it would last, the two would always be tempestuous. So many of our siblings you have yet to meet! Avalloc had left before most of the Tainn's had been born after all, but he knew they would love him like he and Ruiko did.

Played by Vero who has 13 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Avalloc Branor

Avalloc frowned softly, nodding in agreement with Indru. Yes, he missed them, too. He remembered his disappointment when he was told they had all perished in the fatal fire. "Everything happens for a reason." At least he thought so. Perhaps the Tainn family had wonderful things in store for them? Things that would perhaps never be as valuable as the lives of the fallen Tainns, but were at least good for the heart.

"You had a wonderful father." All the memories that Avalloc had of Indru and his family were pleasant ones. His time in Relic-Lore were the best he had ever had. When Avalloc was taken away as a child, he'd often look up at the stars in frustration, wishing to some how, some day, find his way back to Relic-Lore. Truth was that he had always been jealous that Indru and Ruiko not only got to stay, but that they had been able to stay together. He, on the other hand, was dragged away like a misplaced object. Avalloc would even often forget that he was not truly blood-tied to the Tainns, fueling his feelings that his forced departure had not been fair. Alas, one day the Branor man grew up and he realized the truth in many things, but especially his relationship to Tainns and why he had been the only one taken away. By now, though, it was all water under the bridge.

"Oh, really? How many," he asked, smiling.

(This post was last modified: Feb 12, 2011, 02:13 PM by Avalloc.)
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn
Editing this to fade it to black. (:

Though Indru knew that it was not their intention, Avalloc's words confused him and although he kept it hidden he felt a flicker of annoyance at his adoptive brother. What reason could their be for his parent's death? Indru would give anything to have them back; running a pack, being a leader, these pleasures were nothing compared to the loss he felt over their deaths. The Tainn brother nodded though and showed no signs of his inner feelings as he knew Avalloc did not mean to cause them and the last thing he wanted was to fight or upset him on their reunion. Thank you, he replied when Avalloc spoke highly of Rihael and Lani and he stepped forward to push his nose gently against the male's muzzle affectionately. Even though he had not seen him for ages Indru found himself treating him as close as they were before his absence, he loved him like any of his blood siblings.

Ohhh, Indru laughed at the question, shaking his head, many, brother. Many. Rihael and Lani had been successful leaders and their pack had flourished in Relic Lore, meaning that their litters were big and their pups strong. They reign had been absolute as well, no one had conquered them and they had been left to breed each year. They will love you like we do. As he knew that they would find Avalloc as infectious and fun as their family had when he was a lonely, young pup. He fitted so well with the Tainn's it was a marvel that he was not truly their blood. They are returning slowly, you'll have to meet them. Indru knew that his siblings would soon follow behind him, he had to believe it to stop himself running back the way he had come to find them, and rose to his feet and looked back at Avalloc curiously, here, I bet some have returned already, let's go find them. With a sly grin Indru sprinted off, his tail waving behind him like a challenge to his pseudo-brother.

(This post was last modified: Mar 02, 2011, 11:09 PM by Indru.)