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all my love and terror — Heartleaf Creek 
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Played by Cade who has 558 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater II. Leader
Eros Valle
When Eros heard the outsider's howl, he hadn't recognized it. The fur along the back of his neck had prickled and he'd stopped in his tracks, but it had been so long since he'd last heard her voice and he'd known in his gut for a while now that his mother was dead. He'd brushed it off, and been in no particular rush as he made his way toward the source.

As the moments passed, his father's voice lifted too, now calling him specifically in a tone that was, off. He began to jog, a tinge of concern starting to spread outward from his chest. Then he'd gotten close enough to pick up the scent, and his eyes widened with disbelief while his legs worked harder, now sprinting through the trees to get to them.

He stumbled only because of how much scarring now covered her body, a vivid display of tortuous suffering. His stomach squeezed and his heart hammered, and while he wanted to throw himself into her like a child, he wasn't one. He was careful as he wrapped her up in a wolfish embrace, tears already streaming down his face. She was really here.

"Mom," the word wavered with emotion, and he nuzzled his crown down into her shoulders. The next came out a whisper.

"I thought you were dead."

Anger too was there in his chest, but in this moment, none of it was for Vanadis. It was for the ones who had done this to her, and @Vayko was not spared.
(This post was last modified: Mar 08, 2024, 02:48 AM by Eros.)
Played by Pinn who has 150 posts.
No Rank
She had to force her lip still, as it threatened to draw back. How could the Cove have allowed this? To have had enough trust for an exchange and then to just, what? Ignore another pack's cub? Neglect to keep an eye on them? On her child? On their child? It was beyond her. "They should have no choice but to answer."

"I’m not the only one you need to ask for forgiveness." Vanadis gave him a nod. Of course Vayko would have to agree. It was just as much his pack as it was Viorel's, and so she would wait for his judgment as well.

Viorel had one last comment for her, one that only served to make her heart flutter in all the ways she knew it would. "You too." It was all she had time to say, because when Vana's peachy gaze returned to the treeline it wasn't Vayko whose tawny frame appeared, but her son's. "Eros?" Her tail betrayed her feelings, sweeping broadly behind her. She couldn't focus on much else but keeping her paws still. Vana wanted to run to him, clean the dirt from behind his ears, apologize over and over and over again.

"Co-lead?" A small smile played at the corners of her mouth as her gaze shifted briefly to Viorel. He had been right. She'd missed everything.

Eros was larger now. Gone were the lanky limbs and puppy fluff. He had a new air of importance about him, one befitting of a leader, though she could have imagined that bit.

Vanadis hadnt been sure what to expect, whether he would be glad to see her or angry with her, but as he wrapped himself around her she couldn't help but breathe a sigh. It wasnt really one of relief, but rather, acceptance that she was here, that maybe there was a path forward, that even if it took days, or weeks, or years, or even if they never forgave her at all, she might be allowed to be with them still.

"Eros." She answered, though it was whispered into the fur of his shoulder. "I know." Of course they would have thought her dead. And maybe in a way she had been for a while. "I'm here." I'm here and I've missed you so, so much.

(This post was last modified: Mar 08, 2024, 02:58 AM by Vanadis.)
Played by Ghost who has 666 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater I. Leader
Viorel Valle
Going to fade this one here so we can add Vanadis back into the ranks!

The leader had always been one for a bit of dramatic flair, and had not specified exactly who the co-lead was. Just for the moment he could see the surprise on Vanadis’ face and the way her tail swayed behind her. He was still soft for her, even if he was angry, and wasn’t sure that he could ever forgive her for leaving in the first place. When her eyes met his he felt his own lips twitch into a proud smile when he nodded once. For one second - maybe even a half of a second - he felt the same spark that had always been there. This was there son, and look at how much he had grown.

Then they embraced and the apologies began and Viorel was brought back down to earth. Shuffling awkwardly on his paws he interjected only to say, ”I guess that settles it. Welcome home Vanadis.” Then he stalked back into the territory to settle on his favourite broken tree to brood. He didn’t want to see her. He wanted to be alone.

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