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they said to keep it balanced — Dead Empress Backwater 
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Played by Cade who has 526 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater II. Leader
Eros Valle
The standard had been set before he was born, and so of course Eros had been thinking long and hard about who to make his advisor now that he had needed to lead in his Ma's place. He had never imagined being here so soon, but he sure as hell wasn't about to disappoint. This decision was key in reaching that goal. The wolf he chose needed to be not just experienced, but different from him. The more he considered it, the more confident he became. He needed Rochus' voice.

He sought out the older wolf when at last he'd gotten a free moment. With Clover temporarily infirmed, the role of medic had also been left vacant. Something else he intended to take care of on a more permanent basis shortly. For now though, he had chosen to shoulder the heft of her care and managing the infirmary in addition to his leadership duties. He probably should have taken the opportunity to rest and eat, but there was always tomorrow for frivolous things like those.

"Rochus?" he called out, scenting his target strongly.

"Got a minute to talk?"
Played by Melorama who has 102 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater IV. Advisor
Rochus Ward
After the accident during the snowstorm everything had become muddled, with Eros somehow rising up to lead beside Viorel in the days that followed. As Rochus had gained his role as Second back he was happy, content even, and was more than happy to simply continue on with what he had been doing. But it seemed the boy still yet yearned to inflict his voice upon Rochus' ears.

The older wolf stopped, holding back a sigh as he dutifully turned and acknowledged Eros' presence with a respectful dip of his head. He wasn't stupid enough to be rude towards a pack leader, even if he thought the boy wasn't ready for the role.

"What do you need?" His tone was pleasant enough, but the sharpness of his gaze showed that he was wary of whatever Eros wanted to discuss.
Played by Cade who has 526 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater II. Leader
Eros Valle
There always seemed to be something of an edge to Rochus, like a knife hidden beneath cloth. Given his presence since Eros' birth, he had thought of it as 'just Grandpa Rochus,' and still mostly did. Given the rank challenge now behind them, though, he properly interpreted trepidation from the other's appearance. It seemed appropriate to cut to the chase.

"As you're aware, I'm in need of an advisor. I was hoping you would like to take on the role?"

Rather than launch into all of his reasoning, he let his elder decide what questions he cared to get the answer to. Maybe it would be a solid, inconvincible 'no.' Eros hoped not; no one else seemed as well suited in his mind, though he of course did have a back-up in mind if needed.
Played by Melorama who has 102 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater IV. Advisor
Rochus Ward
Eros was abrupt and straight to the point. Had Rochus been a more welcoming wolf he might have shown his appreciation for the lack of dilly-dallying, but as it was he merely slowly blinked in response. To think the boy wanted his help? An interesting proposition.

"You would not be opposed to any direct and potentially harsh advisory comments?" Rochus would not hold back on his thoughts and point of view on situations. That would be counter-intuitive as an advisor, and he would not be one to simply accommodate whatever Eros would want. Rochus would tell it like it was, but he needed to know if the boy was man enough to handle getting his feelings hurt in the process before agreeing to anything.
Played by Cade who has 526 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater II. Leader
Eros Valle
Eros was honestly thankful for the question Rochus chose to ask, for this had been perhaps his largest concern in taking the stern older wolf on as counsel. He was coming into this position of leadership nearly a year older than his father had been- he had no intentions on tolerating any kind of disrespect, even from the wolves who had helped raise him and might still see him as a teenager.

"You don't get to treat me like a kid."

It was a counter, peach eyes keeping steady eye contact to communicate that he knew the rights being alpha had earned him and would not be compromising on them.

"I absolutely want your full honesty, whether it means you agree with me or not. Harsh doesn't get to mean shitty or condescending, though. I expect you to treat me with respect, regardless of your role."
Played by Melorama who has 102 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater IV. Advisor
Rochus Ward
Rochus held Eros' gaze, unwavering but with low intensity. If Eros acted like a child then he would be treated as such, but maybe the younger wolf had a more level head on his shoulders than Rochus gave him credit for.

He tipped his muzzle to the side in acknowledgement. It would be stupid of him to act such a way to an alpha, even if he had some doubts. But he'd let himself be proved wrong before throwing wayward accusations out into the open. "Of course," he said smoothly. Given the Backwater's history of ousting members for saying their truths he was not about to repeat such an event.

"I would not dare insult your authority in such a way; you will not receive any emotional outbursts from me during our discussions." He would be factual and objective, perhaps to a fault, but that was his own personal shortcoming. "That I can promise you."
Played by Cade who has 526 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater II. Leader
Eros Valle
Rochus always talked like he had something up his butt. Eros considered clarifying again, feeling like there was something pointed about the older wolf's wording choice, but that was just him, wasn't it? Regardless, he likely would never have to worry about the elder's articulation.

So he grinned, and wagged his tail. After all, he'd been very clear in his own expectations, so if there was any 'misunderstanding' down the line, it would lie with Rochus.

"Great. Got any other questions for me?"

It was seeming like it was a yes, and that was definitely good news! Eros felt good, felt prepared. Mostly.
(This post was last modified: Mar 10, 2024, 01:58 AM by Eros.)
Played by Melorama who has 102 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater IV. Advisor
Rochus Ward
The older wolf was silent for a few moments, considering Eros' words. He definitely had many questions, though most could be considered insulting, and he had quite literally just promised to not say such things. And so he stayed tight-lipped. He shook his head, not giving away the various doubts at Eros' ability to handle the pressure of being leader. Sure, he was older than Viorel had been, but look how everything had turned out. They were still putting out fires that had started from a spark back then.

"Not unless there is anything specific you would like some advice on." He had very little else to say to Eros that would contribute to a well-meaning conversation, and he was not the wolf for small-talk. So unless the boy had something else in mind he wanted to bring up, Rochus was more or less disinterested in furthering their conversation.
Played by Cade who has 526 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater II. Leader
Eros Valle
Part of him was continuously disappointed by how... distant Rochus kept from him. Even now, that was really all? Eros decided to ultimately let it roll off his back, marking it as yet another 'him problem.'

"Not currently, but I'll find ya when the time comes. Feel free to initiate too if you feel its needed, yeah?"

If Rochus, for whatever reason, found himself feeling as though Eros were careening in the wrong direction on an issue, the younger wolf would expect him to speak up. Perhaps he was mistaken, but he felt that was a part of the advisor-alpha relationship as well. Even with all roles removed, packmates looked out for one another without needing to be asked.

Since that was truly all, Eros didn't see any use in dallying further. He'd give a nod and be off to his next bout of official business.
(This post was last modified: Mar 10, 2024, 03:31 AM by Eros.)
Played by Melorama who has 102 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater IV. Advisor
Rochus Ward
The older wolf dipped his head in acknowledgement, not feeling the need to vocalise with a 'yes of course', instead taking it as said. Rochus would of course pick his moments, only bringing something up if it was strictly necessary, but would for the most part wait for Eros to come to him. In his youth he may have been more voracious in an advisory role, taking every last available moment to weasel his way in close. But he had the role now, and that was half the battle, one of which he was not feeling a great need to win as soon as possible.

And so he stood his ground as Eros moved off, no doubt on his way to do some more talking with another Backwater wolf. Rochus would stand there silently for a few minutes, digesting the interaction and mulling over his thoughts, before setting off at a moseying stroll towards the border. He had a lot of thinking to do.