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The city lights cannot make this home — Mountain of Dire 
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Played by Vero who has 95 posts.
Inactive I. Leader
Amélie Devaux-Dieudonné

♥ ♥ ♥

The sky was painted in cotton candy. Sweet pinks and periwinkles danced up above, sending soft sparkling snow swirling towards the Earth. The snow clung to ground like a light sprinkle of powdered sugar, for it had just begun. Amélie found herself enjoying this beautiful view as she traveled up the mountain, seeking a special friend she had not seen in a long time. Silently she thought of him, of his charming smile, of his contagious laugh, and how together, they saved Relic Lore. They were a good team, she and him.

In all honesty, Amé was a little afraid he would not be as happy to see her...or even worse, that he was he was mad at her for not visiting him. She would apologize regardless, and explain to him that she had gone out to search for her lost siblings. Amélie had faith, though, that everything would turn out alright and that she would find Alexander before the impending snow storm.

So she bravely wandered past the marked borders, and to the area where Alexander's scent seemed the strongest. Resembling an angel as she sat amidst the snow with flowing, gleaming locks of ivory, Amélie howled for her dear friend and hoped for the best.

(This post was last modified: Jan 30, 2011, 11:50 PM by Amélie.)
Played by Bryony who has 223 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alexander Dieudonné
Bleh. Done on a phone advanced apologies for any mistakes.
It was uncomfortably cold, Alexander had noticed. Despite his thick coat, even he was beginning to get the feeling that an unpleasant storm was coming to pile even more snow upon the already tortured earth, and freeze the stone he was standing on. Mountain life was difficult in the winter. The stone and lack of shelters made the cold air colder, and the stone got icy, threatening to send wolves to their doom. He worried for his pack in these times, and he worried for Amelie. He hadn't seen her in ages, and this oncoming storm...he wouldn't want her to be caught in it. If she was still in the area. That almost worried him more.

After they'd discovered the water, he hoped he'd see her more frequently. That didn't seem to be the case. Alex rested in his den, something else tugging at his fur, other than the wind. Someone had passed the markers...someone foreign. Slowly, he rose, prepared to sneak up on and dispatch this intruder. They weren't near the dens, but had passed the markers all the same. However, there was suddenly little reason to sneak, for whoever had crossed the line howled. There was a familiar tone to it that caused the fur along his spine to lift and his tail began to wag of its own accord.

Breaking into a run, the Midnight Plateau alpha sped to the call, slowing to a stop as the wolf came into clear view, standing among the snow drifts and falling flakes like some sort of glowing goddess. She'd come back...Alexander was speechless. <b style="color:#d1d296">"speech."

Played by Vero who has 95 posts.
Inactive I. Leader
Amélie Devaux-Dieudonné

♥ ♥ ♥

Amélie waited patiently as her winter blue eyes surveyed the coated mountain, confident that Alexander would come to her call. And she was right, for not long after, Alexander stormed through the mountain and came to a stop right before her very eyes. For a moment she watched him with those icy eyes of hers, simply appreciating that he was actually right in front of her. Amé pulled her lips back into a soft smile as she arose and made her way slowly towards the large polar-bear look-a-like. She said nothing when she came to a halt in front of him, only reached up to nuzzle the neck of the man she had traveled so far to see.

It was nice to feel the warm flesh and fur of another, for it had been so long. Serenely she breathed in his scent and closed her eyes, effortlessly falling into all that was him. "I'm sorry," she uttered softly, "for not having told you where I was going...for disappearing." Amélie slowly withdrew from her embrace and carried her eyes up to the large male. "I missed you," she admitted with her French-laced words.

(This post was last modified: Jan 31, 2011, 04:42 AM by Amélie.)
Played by Bryony who has 223 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alexander Dieudonné
Still using a phone.

She was like an appirition. He feared that if he blink, she would drift away with the wind. His breath caught up in his throat as she rose to move towards him, finally stopping before him. Alexander opened his mouth to find some words to say, but before he could speak she leaned into him, and his throat began to hurt. Only now could he bring a smile to his muzzle, happy to find that she truly was real. Bending his neck, he pressed his muzzle against the top of her head, breathing in her scent as she spoke.

Her melodic voice rang in his ears, and he frowned. <b style="color:#d1d296">"I worried so much..." Alex mumbled, eyes closing for a moment before he felt her move away. The most quiet of whines drifted from between his teeth, sending tendrils of visible air into the sky. <b style="color:#d1d296">"Please...please don't leave me again..." His voice was pleading but there was a strange hardness in his gaze. <b style="color:#d1d296">"Amélie, I..." His ears twisted back, the words lost, and he nuzzled into her. <b style="color:#d1d296">"speech."

(This post was last modified: Jan 31, 2011, 02:38 PM by Alexander.)
Played by Vero who has 95 posts.
Inactive I. Leader
Amélie Devaux-Dieudonné

♥ ♥ ♥

As Amélie stared up at Alexander, a soft frown tugged at her lips. She could see how worried he had been about her, and truly, she wished she had just stayed with him to begin with. "I'm so sorry, darling," she said softly as she peered deep into his bright eyes. He pleaded with her not to leave him again, but the truth was that there was nothing she wanted more than to stay with him. "I will never leave you," she promised, "You're all I have." And all she really ever needed.

Amélie's ears also folded as she swallowed Alexander's hard gaze, though she did not know what to make of it. He had begun to say something, but quickly retrieved his words with a nuzzle. She leaned into him again with closed eyes and a tender heart, adoring the enchanting moment. "You what," she whispered to him softly as she pressed against him. How she hoped he would not tell her he was upset with her for leaving him.

Played by Bryony who has 223 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alexander Dieudonné
Despite the steadily thickening snow, Alexander had all but forgotten the freezing wind and snow beneath his paws. He was focused solely on her, and the feeling that was swelling in his chest. He was still finding it hard to form words, choosing instead to listen to her melodic voice, and keep his own mouth shut. What good would it do? He'd say something stupid or just stutter and make a fool of himself. He let out another small breath into her fur, trying to put the pieces together in his mind to answer her question.

Alexander was a brave wolf. He was friendly, and did his best to make everyone feel good and happy and grand! So why couldn't he answer her question? Maybe he feared it wouldn't make her happy. Maybe she'd just run away again, suddenly faced with this question in response to her own. If she ran, he'd follow her......He'd leave Midnight Plateau to chase her to the ends of the earth. As much as he hoped that wouldn't be the case, he knew that he'd do it. Borden could rule...It would work out for everyone.

<b style="color:#d1d296">"I want you to stay...I want---" He flinched as he leaned away from her again, finally feeling the chill against his skin. <b style="color:#d1d296">"I want you to lead Midnight Plateau with me." Would she understand his request? His eyes softened once again, and suddenly he was defenseless. Without power. It was all in her paws. What had he done? <b style="color:#d1d296">"speech."

Played by Vero who has 95 posts.
Inactive I. Leader
Amélie Devaux-Dieudonné

♥ ♥ ♥

She waited for his response, but it seemed as though it would never come. Still she stood there, tenderly pressed against his shoulder, feeling the rise and fall of his sturdy chest. She knew nothing of the thoughts running through Alexanders mind, but had she known, would have called them feet-sweepingly romantic! Amélie suddenly opened her eyes at the sound of Alexander's voice, prepared for the worst but hoping for the very best.

And indeed, it was nothing but the very best. Alexander had not only asked her to stay with him, but to lead his pack along side him. Wide-eyed in shock, Amélie took a step back and looked up at him... Was she dreaming? Was Alexander indirectly asking her to be his one and only? She wasn't exactly sure, but what she did know was that..."Alexander," she began as she stepped forward again, placing her muzzle beside his own, "there is nothing I would want more than to stay with you...forever."

(This post was last modified: Feb 01, 2011, 04:03 PM by Avalloc.)
Played by Bryony who has 223 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alexander Dieudonné
And the snow had gone again. Everything around him was warm, it was so strange. Everything had hinged on that one moment, and he'd half-expected her to reject him, it was that creeping pessimism that he'd obtained from leading Midnight Plateau. But there it was. Her acceptance. He was floored, but managed to keep his footing. Perhaps his paws had just frozen to the mountain. But with such heat rushing beneath his skin, it couldn't have been possible.

Forever. He'd lost his words again, but his tail curled over his spine. <b style="color:#d1d296;">"Amélie..." He smiled, and chuckled as he spoke. <b style="color:#d1d296;">"I love you." His words were hushed, and he then fell silent, glancing over his shoulder after a moment. <b style="color:#d1d296;">"How'd you like to see Midnight Plateau?" Turning back to her, he smiled, eyes glowing. <b style="color:#d1d296;">"speech."

Played by Vero who has 95 posts.
Inactive I. Leader
Amélie Devaux-Dieudonné

♥ ♥ ♥

Amélie, as usual, smiled when he did, and felt a sudden flush warmth rush to her cheeks. "I love you, too," she replied coyly. He had then asked her to take a tour of the Plateu, to which this time, she chuckled. A mountain tour in the midst of a snow storm? She actually had a better idea... "Why don't you show me our new den tonight and the rest of the mountain tomorrow? I would much rather we keep each other warm tonight," she said coquettishly, quite in contrast to her timid words only moments prior. She did, after all, have to make up for the time she was away from her beloved. "Let's go," she said with a playful wink and a wag of her tail.

Played by Bryony who has 223 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alexander Dieudonné
She hadn't forgotten the snow throughout all of this, so at her suggestion, he realized that there was in fact snow on the ground, and falling from the sky. His ears flicked as her words sunk in, and his pale brows rose, before an awkward grin broke along his muzzle. <b style="color:#d1d296">"An excellent idea." He said, his voice dropping in pitch, and he twisted around to lead her home. <b style="color:#d1d296">"speech."

<i>thread end?</i>