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proud of where i came from — Paradise Falls 
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Played by Tasha who has 74 posts.
Paradise Falls VIII. Subordinate
Nadine Daireann
Nadine has called wolves for a pack hunt! Hoping to start next round on March 29, 2024
give me your heart
and i'll give you my soul
to just feel a little piece of heaven

Determined to continue proving her worth to a pack who seemed quite worthy of her devotion, Nadine had been hot on the trail of a herd moving just outside of the pack’s border. It was strange, to see such behavior since she felt normally they avoided facing anywhere near a wolf’s territory… but she would not look down on lady luck. Instead, she remained a safe distance within the borders as she called for the pack. A hunt is in order. The message was clear, and she would welcome all who would help her with such a coveted meal.

As she waited for them to gather, she crept forward in order to set eyes on them, looking and analyzing for potential weaknesses in the deer that might give her a clue on which one to target. In that moment, she felt a pang in her chest. She recalled Cyran, and when they both first learned to hunt… took down their first deer together… with help, but they had done it together. She missed him, and she wondered where he was now. She did her best to push it from her mind, but even that was difficult.

Get it together, Nadine. She would scold herself.

(This post was last modified: Mar 19, 2024, 02:37 PM by Nadine.)
Played by Greyer who has 8 posts.
Inactive VI. Subordinate
Towser Lyall
Towser had been lying about in his hollow log when he heard a summoning call. Large bearish ears came up, mind drawing a blank when he could not return to daydreaming. He scowled and then thought the best of it. Four limbs gathered beneath him, his front dipping low into a deep bow before he set off for the borders.

His plush tail waved about, excited now to be of use. With his birth pack, he had always been one to watch out for. Childlike wonder gave him the advantage of seeing opportunities. A large stride and husky physique rendered him intimidating to his prey. Surely, he could bring his skillset to the table and deliver.

He traveled along through the trees, only deviating from his path when he scented she was close. Tongue lolling from his mouth, he strode towards her, stopping short of being in her reach. Much like an overgrown puppy, he sat with a thump and then reclined forward to wait with her. Too shy for words, he gave her a low woof in greeting.
these bad omens, I look right through them
that's what you do when you love somebody
Played by Cade who has 41 posts.
Paradise Falls X. Yearling
Addison had been on a walk. The generous might have called it patrolling, but there was no effort made to mark or claim the land she idly passed over. The pungent stench of the others was the only thing that separated the forest into in here and out there for her, the need for such labels completely absent within her own breast. She was taking in the sights, the sounds, the smell, the feel of everything around her, enjoying existence at its most simplistic.

The hunting horns sounded, and she perked up from her languid drifting. Well familiar with hunting of all manners by now, she thought only a moment on it before setting off toward the place Nadine had called from. She wondered idly if @Micaden and Atara would join as well, but did not entertain any hopes of seeing either parent. The longer that @Flair was unwell, the more her father grounded himself as well. Perhaps Marigold and @Finley then, or maybe Miriam?

No... so far, it was just two strangers. Addison did not hesitate to close the distance regardless, standing attentively close to their summoner's side. Bright eyes watched her features unrelentingly. What would be next, hunt lead?
Played by Cade who has 53 posts.
Paradise Falls IX. Yearling
Atara Kane
Atara had been spending her time far more deliberately. She practically prowled the fringes of the territory, scuffling at brush and tree trunks and leaving her scent behind strongly. While not entirely aware of all the dangers that existed out in the world, she knew enough of it to grow increasingly protective of her home and those within. It wasn't just about easing her own aching need for a sense of security; she also saw it as her duty, perhaps even a bit of a privilege. The brothers she was supposed to have had were gone to the wind, and the chance to live without such obligation until she'd reached a certain age had evaporated the moment @Jethro had. It was up to her to step into that guardian-shaped hole her father had left behind.

Of course, helping to provide didn't always come in the form of posturing and brooding. She paused her actions to look up at the sky as one of the newer yearlings' howls twisted above the canopy. A hunt? Sure, she could go for sinking her teeth into something. Atara gave the ground a few more good kicks, further mussing the grass and earth and leaving behind her smell, before setting off, now with a bit of a pep to her step.

When she arrived, she gave those already present a far more polite breadth than her agemate. Still, Addison's posture so near to Nadine was not abnormal in her eyes. Thanks to having grown up with the girl, her peculiarities weren't so to Atara.

"Hello," her beryl gaze regarded first Nadine, and then Towser, a cordial smile on her dark lips. Her tone matched, airy with a warmth that did not run deep. They had not yet met, and she had been taught the importance of appearances and etiquette.

"I am Atara Kane," she informed them both, before her eyes settled solely on their host, "thank you for initiating this. I am looking forward to it."
(This post was last modified: Apr 13, 2024, 08:23 PM by Addison.)
Played by Tasha who has 60 posts.
Paradise Falls IV. Second
Miriam Faith

Miriam in her bubbly nature was quick to answer the call, bounding off towards the moderately familiar voice. She had met Nadine a few times in passing, but they’d never lingered to have full conversations with one another. She had been following a trail herself, though her aimless direction was almost certain to bring her failure… that was Miriam’s main problem, a lack of direction without orders… a desire to help but no follow through to actually do so unless explicitly instructed. It made her much better in a pack hunt setting, where the roles were clear and so was the target. There would be no being distracted by butterflies mid-hunt in this scenario.

As she arrived, she noted many faces she had not yet met: Towser, Atara, and Nadine of whom she knew but remained unfamiliar with. Only Addison was a face she was confident with. She offered a light chuff in greeting to them all and a smile at Addison of whom she considered a brief before she settled down beside her on one side. “What are we hunting today?” She was certain that the ancestors had already blessed the hunt.

Played by Ghost who has 230 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Finley Lennox Kane

It seemed that despite the Lennox woman’s less than enthusiastic rise to leadership and the rather abrupt departure of some of their guests that the pack was continuing to function. The members continued to take their own initiative by scouting new recruits - they grew by the week - and now planning their own hunts. Finley wouldn’t consider herself a master hunter, usually falling somewhere around average, but she was happy to contribute and aid in any way she could.

The leader arrived at the tail end of her daughter’s sentence and gave her an approving smile and a nod. Unlike her brothers, politeness seemed to come easily to Atara who very much displayed the proper behaviour of a cub within the pack. Unlike Magg - no she needed to stop thinking about her, it only caused her annoyance. Taking her place silently, she turned to look to Nadine, ready to follow whatever instructions might be given her way,

Played by PuppyThief who has 26 posts.
Lone Wolf X. Yearling
Micaden Smoke-Athesila

Unlike his agemates, Micaden didn’t have much interest in walking the borders, for work or leisure. Instead, his paws had carried him beyond the lands marked by Paradise Falls, as they did on most days, exploring new ranges of Kingsfall and often beyond. But today he wasn’t too far from the pack markers, sniffing around an area that seemed to have been recently marked by a wolverine, but the urgent call made him pause.

Dusky ears pointed and turned as he lifted his silver crown high, trying to judge how far off the caller was. The voice was faintly familiar, one of the Falls’ more recent joiners, announcing an opportunity that was too good to miss. Micaden certainly wasn’t one to say no to a pack hunt, especially with a chance to work together with some of the newer faces, whom she had yet to really get to know.

So, he quickly made his way through the redwood, eventually coming upon the gathering group, already quite sizable and, to the boy’s delight, both his sister and Atara were among them. With a wolf’s grin on his face, tongue slipping out one side happily, Micaden trotted up next to the girls, putting himself close beside the darker of them. His two-colored eyes scanned the others in the group, trying to read the mood and figure out who was in charge – Finley was here, but she seemed to be focusing her attention on a silver-furred yearling, waiting for her to take the lead; She must be the one who called…

And so, Micaden turned his own eyes to the girl, taking on some of the same seriousness that he sensed around him, though his tail continued to sway lightly behind him.

Thoughts ”Speech”

Played by Tasha who has 74 posts.
Paradise Falls VIII. Subordinate
Nadine Daireann
Next round will be the bulk of the hunt and it will start April 10th
give me your heart
and i'll give you my soul
to just feel a little piece of heaven

Wolves began to arrive… wolves she did not know and those she did. Towser, Addison, Atara, Miriam, Finley, and Micaden. All one after another. The first two were silent, but Atara would speak in a formal and polite manner causing her to dip her head in appreciation for the pup. Miriam would ask what they were hunting and she’d motion in the direction of the herd. “Deer… one for certain, maybe two if enough arrive to help.” She offered up as a response so they would all be aware.

Finley’s arrival brought an approving smile which caused the girl to beam proudly for a second before she reeled it back in, controlling her presentation to the whole pack. She was leading this endeavor, and so she would force herself to maintain a certain level of professionalism. Micaden was quiet as he arrived, and she would look over. “There’s a herd of deer just through the small patch of woods, in a clearing on the other side.” She explained to them all. “I think we have enough wolves to execute two takedowns, with a group of three and a group of four. There’s an injured deer lingering on the outskirts but it will be up to the second group to evaluate which one would be easiest to isolate with the injured.” There was only one with a weakness to exploit.

“For groups, I would like Finley, Towser and Addison on one whilst Miriam, Atara, Micaden and myself take on the other. The group of four ought to target the healthier one since the injured one will be easier to take down. Having three wolves on her should be enough.” She would look around for any questions, comments, or concerns.

(This post was last modified: Mar 29, 2024, 04:56 PM by Nadine.)
Played by Tasha who has 60 posts.
Paradise Falls IV. Second
Miriam Faith

One by one, Nadine would greet them and it extended to Miriam, who quickly got an answer to her question. A grin lit her features, her head peering over to try and get a look at the herd… no, it would have to wait. Instead, the rest who would arrive did, and Nadine began to explain the strategy to them. There was an eager grin through Miriam the entire time. It sounded fun! They were working to take down two deer at once, one healthier than the other.

Injured deer were easy to fall, and that was something she almost wished she was on rather than the healthier deer, which provided more of an opening for injury on her side. She would offer a nod, looking to the others in the group as she began to make her way towards the herds so she might set herself up. Given her frame, she assumed she’d be a chaser but could really do either role depending on what the others required of her. She was fast though, and so catching up with running deer would be better suited for her.

Played by Ghost who has 230 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Finley Lennox Kane

The proud look on Nadine’s face was not missed, and Finley had to contain a smile of her own in return. It was nice to see a packmate so eager to serve the pack and take charge of the daily comings and goings. Two take downs was an ambitious goal, but the plan seemed sound and so she nodded seriously. It appeared that was all the instruction that was going to be given and so the mother asked, ”Who would you like doing chasing, and who would you like doing the ambushes?” Maybe the teen had just not thought to tell them that, she hoped it came across as curiosity rather than intruding on what the salt and pepper wolf was trying to do.

Finley could only assume that she would be one of the chasers, her light frame was not built to take down deer, even if they were sick. In her age she was also beginning to slow down in terms of speed, but ill prey should not be a problem. Ambushing and using physical strength was something completely different. If that was what Nadine wanted her to do she would do it, but she desperately hoped that she wouldn’t. Once receiving instructions, she would fall into whatever place necessary to make this happen.