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Get Out of My Way — Sanguine Cove 
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Played by Flywolf who has 666 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Nash Eastfall
This is open to the entire pack but Nash is specifically calling for those who want to become guardians or hold a guardian-adjacent role. Backdated to 3/24, the day before This thread. Even if your character doesn't want to participate but rather watch, feel free to hop in! This will count for guardian demo! @Galen @Leo @Matos @Creed

He'd let it go longer than he'd meant to, but in his defense Magg was in a bad way and Aquene had been more exhausted than normal. He was trying to keep things safe without wandering too far from them, but he'd promised his guardians training time, and he wanted to see what they were made of, where they had room to grow. Maybe they could work on teamwork, maybe one-on-one moves. Nash hadn't fought another canine in some time... he could probably use the practice himself.

He found a nice clearing along the lake's shore, big enough for them to spread out a little but far enough from the dens to avoid disturbing those resting inside. He howled, summoning his guardians, and settled on his haunches to wait.

Played by Sunshine who has 99 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Galen Vuesain
Galen had been patrolling the borders in an attempt to hide the unusual pep that still lingered within his steps since their secret tryst beyond the borders when swarthy limbs halted to better hone in on the message broadcasted by their leader, the initial call causing his stomach to churn with a brief bout of unease. Nobody but those involved knew what they had done and yet for someone who had up until this point been a good boy the possibility of their stunt being discovered by him nonetheless left the young Vuesain ever cautious. Alas, a beckoning call was to be heeded or else suspicions could start to arise and that was the last thing he wanted to have happen. Thus his routine fell easily into one that was not out of the norm for himself.

Especially for someone that had voiced his opinion during the meeting.

Swarthy limbs shifted their path of travel toward the lake where Nash's call originated from, coming upon a large enough clearing that he felt could serve well as a practice arena. Molten gold eyes briefly met the green of their leaders to offer a small nod of his head in greeting before taking a moment to glance around while closing the final bit of distance to note nobody else had managed to beat him here yet.

Kudos points perhaps?
Played by PuppyThief who has 180 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Leo Vuesain

Leo had been a good boy, staying within the confines set by his leader, despite growing resentment at the inactivity; Who’d have ever thought I’d get itchy paws? But here he was, chomping at the bit to get to go back out there, to hunt for the enemy that wished his family harm, and perhaps work out a few other frustrations. But the rules were the rules, and Nash had promised his guardians that they wouldn’t be idle long.

So, when the call finally came, the older Vuesain rushed to answer, loping alongside the Lakeshore from where he’d been patrolling. Frankly, he was a little surprised to find that Galen had beaten him to it, having apparently been closer to their meeting place. Gasping a little, Leo gave his brother what was meant as an approving look, though his furrowed brows may have muddied the message. Then he turned to Nash, bowing his head to the alpha, every inch of him alert as he stood to attention, ready to finally act.

Thoughts ”Speech”

[Image: FFeXvE1.png] [Image: LuHJBlS.png]
Played by Cade who has 189 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Magg Slayer

Magg was diligent in her recovery, and it showed. Things were infintely better, when you could actually do something about them. She was enjoying the shoreline, walking at different speeds, taking breaks to stretch, continuously working on getting a feel for this altered body. When her father's howl sounded, it was relatively near to her current position.

Guardians. Her ears went up, and she paused in place. That was her, wasn't it? Definitely had been before the avalanche. She recalled with unfortunate clarity how thoroughly convinced she had been that such ambitions were permanently beyond her, when laid up at the Falls. Now?

Magg's brows knit with determination, and she set back into motion, jogging the distance between.

Practiced at deception, it was all-too-easy (and maybe even enjoyable) for her to treat all three of the men present exactly the same as she had before her heat kicked in. She stood to Galen's left, just close enough to lean over and bump him with her shoulder in a familiar greeting. Past him, Leo was given a sheepish, almost too-small-to-see smile. She was definitely still the asshole when it came to what had happened on their scouting trip, regardless of whether he realized it.

Then she lifted her head high, and looked to her father for instruction with a cheeky smile. There were still plenty of restrictions on what kind of activities she could participate in, but surely he could find some meaningful way for her to be included, right?

(This post was last modified: Apr 03, 2024, 05:17 AM by Magg.)
Played by Grae who has 106 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Matos Eastfall-Slayer
The call rang easily in the spring air reaching the inky youth quickly. Dark fluffy audits flicked as his concentration on the squirrel up ahead was broken. This was not a summons that required a moment of thought about answering. Matos swiftly abandoned his hunt, making this a very lucky day for the squirrel. He ran quickly but not at an all out sprint, he would need his strength for the upcoming training.

It seemed like his slower pace didnt totally work in his favor as four forms came into view. Dual color gaze was able to distinguish his father, Leo, Galen and Magg easily as he closed the distance between himself and them. His salmon tongue lolled out as his slowed his pace and grinned in greeting. The eldest Eastfall boy took his place next to the eldest Vuesain man. He looked to his father with excitement gleaming in his eyes. He wanted to be so much like his father and hoped that someday he could measure up.
Played by Flywolf who has 666 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Nash Eastfall

They assembled quickly. His ears flicked in surprise when his daughter arrived and he thought about telling her to go back to the den, but he thought better of it. Maybe a little movement would be good for her. He was just about to start when Matos arrived. He relaxed slightly; he would have been disappointed if his son hadn't come.

"Thank you for coming," he said. "I know we're all a little restless. I'd like a little peace of mind for each of us. Attack is not the only important thing in a fight. Disengaging is just as, if not more, crucial. Once they get a hold of you, they're not going to want to let go." He surveyed the group. "I have a particular move in mind I'd like to teach you. Leo, will you help me demonstrate?" He looked to his eldest guardian.

Played by Sunshine who has 99 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Galen Vuesain
No kudos points, but oh well.

Molten gold eyes shifted about as the silhouettes of others began to filter in. It was no surprise that his older brother was next on the scene, his greeting returned with a small nod of his head despite pondering if Leo was..upset..that Galen had arrived first by those furrowed brows of his. The swarthy lad didn't have long to ponder over it, though, as soon a familiar and rather shocking presence saddled up along his left side with not so much as a single hiccup in her character. Her gesture was returned just as natural as before, soon having his attention caught up in the final member to arrive on his opposite side just before Nash began.

"Glad you could make it." He jested a hair above a whisper toward Matos as he gave his fellow inky counterpart a bump to his shoulder paired with a lopsided grin before finally letting his full attention focus on Nash's words. What kinda move would this be? His eyes moved then from Nash to Leo with a flash of excitement when his older brother was called on to help demonstrate which to him made sense since the older Vuesain had more experience compared to the other three.
Played by Grae who has 106 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Matos Eastfall-Slayer
The eldest Eastfall-Slayer continued to pant as he settled and his father began. Nash spoke of how the offence was important but so was the defense. Being able to dislodge an attacker was just as if not more crucial. His father called @Leo up for a demonstration and Matty's two tone gaze sparkled with excitement. A single dark audit flicked when Galen stated "Glad you could make it." followed by a playful shoulder bump. Mat chuckled and stuck his tongue out at the other ebony youth and returned the playful bump before returning his attention to the demonstration.