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The sun shines bright, but so do you my little moon
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Played by Grae who has 900 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Moonshadow Eastfall
Oh, it won't rain all the time, The sky won't fall forever, And though the night seems long,Your tears won't fall forever

For little @Eclypse<3 backdated to the 1st if thats alright.

The sun shone brightly in the afternoon sky as the birds sung amongst the tree branches. A gentle spring breeze blew through her patch coat as the Cove's Elder slowly meandered along the pebble lakeshore. For now she headed nowhere in particular, just enjoying the warmth of the day while she still could. Knowing one's days were limited was a strange feeling. She pondered that despite everyone knowing they only had so much time in this life few hardly felt the call of the otherworld while still in this world. A blessing though is what Moonshadow considered her knowing. It allowed her to savor the little things, say a proper goodbye to her loved ones, to give them warning, to give them closure, and that brought her peace.

Word Count: 128
Played by becca who has 72 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Eclypse Eastfall-Slayer
of course <3

Her mother was busy with pregnancy and her father tended to her well.

Eclypse became more withdrawn but it was her grandmother who likely saw most of her lately. They looked nearly identical these days. Although their scars set them apart. Hers were a few thin lines over her muzzle. It looked more like a rough discipline strike than the possible nightmare it could have become.

Regardless, she had become the growing shadow of her grandmother. Today she brought a small collection of things. Treats, really, hardly a meal. She figured it was best to indulge her grandmother while she was still around.

Here, She offered warmly as she neared. Eclypse had worked free a fattier chunk of meat from one of the caches, rich more than it was nutritious. Perhaps she should have thought of her mother instead but... I got it just for you. Her tail tapped the ground beneath her as she seated herself.

Played by Grae who has 900 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Moonshadow Eastfall
"Oh, it won't rain all the time, The sky won't fall forever, And though the night seems long, Your tears won't fall forever."

The knowledge of the end allowed her to savor every scent, every sight, every sound and every moment. Though others were busy with the spring season, and the new lives on their way it was her youngest granddaughter and only grandson who she saw the most of. Though the latter was still scarce as he took up guarding the borders very seriously, like his father, and his father before him. So when the former's voice called out the grandmother stopped her stroll and greeted her. "Hello my love" she greeted as her lookalike set down the meat and explained she had gotten it just for her. A warm smile pulled at her salt and pepper maw as she took in the sight of Eclypse, one of those savoring moments. She had seen her own reflection through calm bodies of water before and knew that Eclypse was a spitting image. Now even with the small scars over her muzzle to mirror her own. Though the younger ebony wolf's would likely fade easier than the elder's did.

"Thank ya my dear, that was very thoughtful of ya." Moon gave her an affectionate kiss to her crown before settling on her belly beside her to eat. The Eastfall matriarch's silver dusted tail waved happily over the pebbles of the lake shore as she savored the tasty snack. Once it was finished her coral colored tongue licked the remaining bits from her maw and looked over their beautiful lake. Its surface only being sightly disturbed by the gentle breeze and the small laps it took at the shore. "Has anyone taught ya the art of fishin' yet?" she asked taking in the perfect conditions for a lesson. That is if she hasnt already had some. Even if she had, it would still be a good time to practice and Moonshadow was feeling good today, more energy than she's had in a while.

Word Count: 318
[Image: ftc_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amo.png][Image: moonshadowtagg_sig_by_becuffin-daxixpd.png]