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two years gone — Sanguine Cove 
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Played by Molo who has 474 posts.
Inactive XII. Subordinate
Jethrᴏ Kane
-- just outside the borders.

whenever you guys have time, seeking leadership but also aw c:

It had also been quite a while since Jet had traversed this path. Just as in that foggy forest, the dark man had pretty much followed the same path he and Nori had taken on their first trip up to the cove. He remembered most of it vividly, her most of all. The journey wasn’t as easy as he remembered it though - perhaps due in part to age, and more so that he wasn’t exactly in the best of shape.

So much so that he was tired by the time he reached their borders. And for a time he paused there, lingering just beyond their markings, hesitating, and catching his breath.

Despite the years between then and now, as well as decent knowledge of the lands and acquaintances that resided within, he couldn’t help but feel similarly to how he’d felt as a youth. Knots of anxiety in his chest, that would’ve been strong enough to turn him back were it not for his cause.

He still recalled that Magg had been hurt, and young Ally had been asking about the wolves here. He had to know what’d become of them, to be sure that the Cove knew, in case somehow the news hadn’t been passed along yet. He was no longer a leader, but he hadn’t lost his conscience either.

Steeling his nerves, Jet sent up a short call for them and then sat back to wait.
Played by Tasha who has 357 posts.
Sanguine Cove III. Shaman
Aquene Slayer
She won't fully approach without Nash due to announced policy

Aquene had been diligent in her care over Magg, and sleeping as well as her pregnancy settled itself in for the long haul… however, hearing Jet’s call caused her ears to perk up, and it was enough to draw her from her abode, calling for her husband, letting him know that he would meet her at the borders. She would not go alone, knowing the protocols were in place for a reason and that she was in a vulnerable state… but she also did not think that Jethro himself had done such a thing to Magg. In fact, she knew he hadn’t.

Had it not been the Falls who had looked after her for a bit of time? She would begin to make her way towards where he had called, hoping her husband would either meet her there or beat her there so she was not left so close to the edge of the territory by herself… not with what had happened to their daughter, and how they still did not know who had done it. The thought alone sent a shiver down her spine. “Jethro!” She would greet when he came into view.

Aquene Slayer
(This post was last modified: Mar 19, 2024, 12:48 PM by Miriam.)
[Image: jNJyCis.png]
Played by Flywolf who has 629 posts.
Sanguine Cove I. Leader
Nash Eastfall

Nash heard Jethro's call, and then his wife's voice. He turned his paws toward the border, sending up a call of his own, both to let them know he was on his way and to request @Leo meet them there as well. As his leading guardian, it was best to have the young man at his side for border calls. Nash moved quickly, slowing as he approached only to run his muzzle along Aquene's shoulder and stop a safe but not impolite distance from their visitor. His ears were back, but not pressed against his head.

"Jethro," Nash said flatly, neither a warm greeting nor hostile. Magg had said the man had vanished under potentially violent circumstances... but that didn't excuse him from not sending an envoy to alert him to his daughter's condition immediately upon her arrival - if he had, perhaps she would still have her leg. "I had heard you were missing." He looked over his old friend and noted he did not appear to be in good condition. Nash glanced at Aquene, sure she would want to look him over, and while he knew Jet hadn't hurt Magg... he would wait until he heard what the man had to say before he gave the go-ahead for his wife to step to his side.

Played by Molo who has 474 posts.
Inactive XII. Subordinate
Jethrᴏ Kane
As though coordinated, both Aquene and Nash emerged from the forest at nearly the same time. Each of them looked good, he thought, considering the circumstances. The sight of both of them prompted the tiniest of smiles, though the expression didn’t last upon his countenance for very long.

Neither of their greetings seemed very warm, though Aquene’s was perhaps moreso, but that was.. half expected. But at least it wasn’t hostility, either. Jethro had to imagine that they were aware of what’d happened by now. But he regretted that he hadn’t been able to pass word along about their daughter or Ally himself.

He could imagine the worry they must’ve felt, the same he felt now for Atara. He regretted as well that he hadn’t been more open before, hadn’t gotten to know Aquene better. But that, too, was in the past.

”Aquene, Nash..” he spoke, regarding them both with a dip of his head. His ears turned back a tad at Nash's inquiry, and a subtle nod would confirm it. "Yes. Some coyotes came at me, while I was out - only just managed to lead them away and get away. A few strangers found me after. Treated my injuries, helped me through it." He owed them the greatest of debts, and it wasn't one Jethro intended to turn away from if he could help it.

Nash's question also served to answer one of his own though. Evidently word had gotten to the cove, though he wondered how much longer it'd taken because of his absence. ”Your daughter.. is she alright?” Concerned laced the question, he knew Magg had been in rough shape when he'd gone out.., and she was still a priority even above himself. If not as a leader anymore, then at least as a friend and parent.

--wasn't sure if I should wait for Leo, but I can this round - didn't want to keep you guys waiting either.
(This post was last modified: Mar 23, 2024, 03:13 AM by Jethro.)
Played by Tasha who has 357 posts.
Sanguine Cove III. Shaman
Aquene Slayer

Nash was tense, and Aquene could not blame him for it given what had happened… but she also knew that Jethro had nothing to do with the attack on her daughter. She remained back, waiting for a motion that it was okay. She had little doubt she would receive it, but she did not wish to make her love’s anxiety worse by being the one to disobey the strict orders that he had placed on the pack, especially given her condition. As he explained that coyotes came for him, that he’d needed to be treated, her ears perked up. Her gaze fell over him, looking to evaluate the work, to see if he’d need any further aid. It would make sense for him to come here if that were the case…

At this point, with how long she had been there, she knew that her reputation preceded her, especially with those who had once been with the Cove.

At the mention of her daughter, there was sadness in her eyes. She would choose to answer from a distance. “She is stable… part of her leg needed to be removed due to bone death... and we still don’t know who her attacker is. We’re on high alert right now.” She hoped the information might give a little more context as to why Nash was the way he was, and for her distance despite her warmer continence. “I understand she found her way to the Falls and that you all looked out for her… thank you.” Though she wished she had gotten her daughter back sooner… perhaps then she might have been able to save the leg.

Aquene Slayer
[Image: jNJyCis.png]
Played by Flywolf who has 629 posts.
Sanguine Cove I. Leader
Nash Eastfall

Nash listened politely as Jethro spoke, and though his countenance didn't yet soften he was glad he had not approached with anger first. Hearing of his misfortune had helped with that, but he was still going to be cautious to begin with. Especially with his pregnant wife at his back. As his continued and talked about the attack, Nash once again glanced back at said wife. He could see the interest on her face, but she respectfully remained back. Not that he would consider any action she might take as disobedience, as his partner, but he appreciated the standard she exemplified to the rest of the pack. With a sigh Nash nodded to her. Jethro wouldn't hurt her, and for some reason he did Nash would end him.

The thought was a startling one; he'd never had such a violent inclination before.

Even so, his permission for Aquene to come forward given, Nash turned back to their guest. His eyes narrowed at the mention of Magg, ears flicking back to catch the information his wife gave, and a scowl flickering over his face at her thanks. "I would like to know why Paradise Falls didn't send us word immediately upon her arrival." His voice was low, dark, barely containing the anger he'd felt upon her return home. "I want to know why Galen had to drag her here for treatment by himself, why an adult - like my brother - didn't bring them. Why he was allowed to hide her from us?" He could recognize that perhaps his pain-addled daughter's account was biased, but so much of it lined up, and he hadn't even gotten to Isla or his granddaughter.

(This post was last modified: Apr 01, 2024, 12:58 AM by Nash.)

Played by Molo who has 474 posts.
Inactive XII. Subordinate
Jethrᴏ Kane
She is stable.. but, part of her leg needed to be removed. Magg wasn’t even his daughter, and the news struck him hard, the realization of what that would mean for her life going forward. She was so young...

The mention of an attacker brought some clarity back though - would they ever know who’d done it? After so long, would there even be any evidence, aside from whatever Magg could recall?

A clear distinction was drawn between the parents as well. While Aquene appeared kinder, more appreciative, Nash most certainly did not. Jethro couldn’t fault him that, either. The thanks seemed wholly undeserved, even if he hadn’t had much control over it. The best he could do was offer up what’d happened as far as he recalled.  

With another breath, the former leader glanced between them both, but settled on Nash. ”It all happened so quickly. The same day your daughter arrived, one of ours had passed away. We were short a paw and already grieving. I was gonna come see you myself, but I couldn’t do that until I felt certain that everyone was going to be safe and stable, there.”

It’d all been so incredibly chaotic, and that wasn’t even taking into account the other young girl that’d shown up in that same timeframe whom he’d been worried about. ”My situation happened only a couple days later, while I was out trackin’ the herds. I’d imagine that added to the chaos, but I don’t know what happened after that. I haven’t.. been back yet.”

Jethro could only speak for himself. At the time it’d seemed like a priority to make sure the pack, including their newcomers, would be safe and stable before he departed, but that was all he could speak to.

”I’m sorry, though. I know I failed you.” He doubted the explanation or apology would be good enough, or that anything ever really could be when it came to a child. But it was what it was.
(This post was last modified: Apr 01, 2024, 02:00 PM by Jethro.)
Played by Tasha who has 357 posts.
Sanguine Cove III. Shaman
Aquene Slayer

Things had been going well… at least, she thought… until her husband began to speak, a barely concealed anger that she could see right through which caused her to throw a glare in his direction, offering him a nudge intent on telling him silently to cut it out. He was her leader, but he was also her husband and while she understood his anger, it was a diplomatic mission that needed to be handled a little more delicately than letting one’s emotions out in such a way. At the news of one of Jethro’s own passing away, she frowned, offering a sympathetic gaze.

“No pack, nor it’s leaders, are perfect. I am very sorry for your loss, Jethro… to lose a loved one is never easy, much less a child.” In that moment, she referred to their own shortcomings… how a child from another pack had died on their watch. “And safety is most important. We know that. Don’t we Nash?” No doubt they’d talk about it later. She cared about her daughter’s health, but at least they still had their daughter. They’d not had one of their own die before their first year… or one die at all. They were luckier than both of the other packs in the area that they knew of in that regard.

“What is in the past is in the past. None of us can change it… I might have been able to treat Magg’s leg with more success had I been there, but then there is always a risk when we let our own leave the nest, even if they are old enough to do so on their own.” Magg was an adult, and had been for some time… well, a yearling but old enough for such responsibilities. And the mountain was a dangerous place to live. “Did she manage to tell you any details of her attacker? I think shock and time have blocked the memory, but I was hoping maybe she had mentioned something to you before it settled in fully?”

Aquene Slayer
[Image: jNJyCis.png]
Played by Flywolf who has 629 posts.
Sanguine Cove I. Leader
Nash Eastfall

Aquene nudged him, her silent reprimand clear, but Nash's posture didn't change, nor did his hard stare. Whatever Jethro had to say, it had better be good - and it was, in that it was a good excuse. At the news of Jethro's loss Nash's countenance softened, ears flicking as he glanced away. Of course he hadn't prioritized sending an envoy so far away when he was grieving... but Chan could have come. Perhaps he should focus more on the things he'd learned about his brother.

His wife called him out again, reminding him to be polite, and he shot her a look before offering a grudging nod of assent. They hardly ever argued, and even when they did it was more of a discussion than anything with heat, and he would absolutely not start an argument here, in front of a friend at their borders. Jethro was still a friend. His trip up here before even going home said as much. Nash didn't know that he could have made a pit stop if their situations had been reversed. Still, he allowed Aquene to take the lead in the discussion, his pressing questions answered.