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[M} be that hopeful feeling — Paradise Falls 
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Played by Pinn who has 48 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Hazelnut Donata-Valle

TW: Stillbirths

Hazelnut shivered against the wall of the den, curled in such a way that she might savor any body heat she had left. Of course, she knew that to be a fever, that her internal temperature was rising, but that did not stop the chill that echoed up her spine. She'd spent the night tossing and turning, emptying the contents of her stomach, and thinking desperately of water that she hadn't the energy to retrieve. Sleep came in waves, one moment she'd be awake, the next she was just waking with no knowledge of ever having fallen asleep.

Hazelnut knew she was in a bad way, knew that a healer might be a precious resource, but the mouth of the den seemed so far away and her body ached too much to even attempt the trek. She woke again sometime in the early-morning hours, her stomach seemingly at war with itself as the first pain tore through her, causing an unrest in her gut. The second came hours, minutes, days later, the woman could not be sure. Then came a third, a fourth, until she had lost count of how many there had been.

She was still flitting in and out of consciousness, but somewhere in the haze of sickness and pain the mother-to-be found it in herself to crawl to the mouth of the den and give a weak, scratchy call. Something was wrong and she needed help.

(This post was last modified: Jul 24, 2024, 08:16 PM by Hazelnut.)
Played by Ghost who has 229 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Finley Lennox Kane

Isla had already given birth, which the Kane woman knew meant that Hazelnut would be soon to follow. She didn’t want to be overbearing, but still tried to check in daily, either with food, or to offer to spend time with either of them. They were so young, and she wanted them to know that they weren’t alone in this even if their litter had not been endorsed beforehand. They were her grandchildren afterall.

Heart began hammering in her chest at the sight of her son in distress near the den, the smell of vomit, blood, and the beginning of birth heavy in the air. Finley had been too far away to hear the call for help, but now that she was here it was clear that something was going wrong. She didn’t know medicine - but she knew who did, and instinctively her muzzle lifted to the sky to call for Chan. The tone was desperate, emergent, pleading that he arrive here quickly. What was it that Riven had brought to the birth of Isla’s children? Would that even help here.

Approaching the den cautiously, she whined towards Ryder before asking her son, and Hazelnut should she have it in her to answer, ”What’s happening? How long has she been in labour?” She wanted to ask if they had successfully brought any lives into the world, but there was something bigger at play here.

Played by Cade who has 109 posts.
Paradise Falls VII. Subordinate
Ryder Lennox

Throughout the pregnancy, Ryder had doted on Hazelnut in his own way. A very specific, limited way that no one could be blamed for seeing as merely the minimal obligations. Thing was, he'd been selfish enough through his childhood that the ones who knew him best might be able to recognize the behavior as dedication. Might.

Still, he'd been there, quietly delivering food and fresh pelts and as she spent more and more time grounded by her own body, trinkets and other things to gnaw on and pass the time with. What he hadn't been able to give was actual conversation past a routine, shallow 'how are you?' or any other amount of emotional support. There was still a vast distance, one that could easily be read as reluctance. A problem that had existed long before Hazey entered his life, but it had never been more prominent than through this little ordeal they'd created for themselves.

Time was coming to a close. Soon there'd be a litter of additional considerations to complicate things further. It was his greatest concern, until Hazel's condition grew... rough. He tried to give her space, knew that labor was difficult to go through, but the more time passed the more his gut squirmed and worry creased his features. When she called out, he dove toward her, dropping to his belly at the threshold to press his nose to her muzzle, if she'd let him. It would be the first time he'd willingly reached out to touch her in a long time.

"I'm here," he tried to assure her, but really he was helpless. Thankfully, a call rose up at his back, calling for Chan. He would know what to do, right? He had to. Whatever else happened wouldn't matter as long as Hazelnut was okay at the end.

"I-I don't know..." Ryder's gaze was on Hazey, hoping she had it in her to answer.

Played by Cade who has 52 posts.
Paradise Falls IX. Yearling
Atara Kane

Atara hadn't gotten to know the woman her brother had impregnated as well as she'd hoped to. It was her own fault, of course. There was just so much to do, so many wolves to keep tabs on, and too many moments where she'd found it easier to lapse into pleasantries and slip away at the end of them. Now the birth of her nieces and nephews would surely be any day now and Hazelnut remained an acquaintance at best.

Like most of the pack, these days.

She'd found a rabbit with particularly soft fur and had decided it would be a gift for the mother-to-be, but her steps weren't as confident and energetic as they normally were. Instead, she was lost in thought, dragging behind schedule, when she heard her mother howl to Chan for help. Atty's heart dropped, as did the hare carcass from her mouth, before she took off at a sprint.

She arrived breathless, green eyes snapping back and forth between those present, hoping to be assured things were still within the realm of anticipated.

Played by Cade who has 909 posts.
Paradise Falls I. Leader
Chan Eastfall
It had been over a week since @Isla had given birth to her litter, meaning the window of things that could go horribly wrong with the overall process had (virtually) closed. There were of course, the kind of freak accidents that lingered until unexpectedly rearing up to take a life, the sort of things many considered unworthy of worrying over because they seemed so inexplicable and rare, like lightning striking a wolf, and yet they did happen, didn't they? And even if he could pretend that @Viorel's daughter now had some momentary invincibility, there were now his grandchildren to fret over...

How he wished she could have found solace with her own family, instead of fate insisting she end up under his care yet again.

Finley's howl reached his ears, and he jumpstarted. What was no longer needed for Isla had been stored closer to Hazelnut's chosen den, and he was quick as he could be in snatching up the bundle of medicinal flora on his way to meeting the other young parents. When he arrived, he could smell sickness emanating from the woman who was also clearly in labor. What an unfortunate combination. Chan tipped back his own head, calling for @Riven to come standby - in case the situation deteriorated and assistance was needed.

Dividing the flora at his paws and listening to what was already been shared before interjecting with questions of his own.
[Image: 5BdYuOb.png]
Played by van who has 161 posts.
Paradise Falls VIII. Subordinate
After the unfortunate ordeal at Isla’s den a week ago, Riven had mostly made himself scarce. He hadn’t been expecting so much aggression, and certainly not so close to him - especially not during a moment where new life was being brought into the world and things had seemed fine. It made him nervous, anxious - unwilling to be alone with anyone he wasn’t familiar with for the foreseeable future, and even those he was familiar with for the most part.

He couldn’t remember much of the incident that drove him from Fool’s Gold Chasm, but he did remember the growling, the snarling, the flashing teeth. It haunted his dreams, even more so during the last handful of days.

Except… someone else was giving birth. He hadn’t met this one, he didn’t think, but it was good to be prepared. He doubted he’d be needed, and didn’t even know if he wanted to be around, so the call of his name caught him by surprise - especially considering who it was from.

Riv approached the scene hesitantly, head and tail low. The scent of birth and sickness permeated the air and made him wrinkle his nose, ear flat to his head. The poor girl - that must be such a terrible thing to experience.

He remained quiet, unsure exactly what anyone wanted him to do. He didn’t want to create a massive upset like he had last time. Still, he asked, voice smaller than usual, “What can I do?” It couldn’t hurt, could it? He might even have some herbs that could help in the little stockpile he’d started.
(This post was last modified: May 30, 2024, 06:58 PM by Riven.)
Played by Pinn who has 48 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Hazelnut Donata-Valle

Trigger Warning: Stillbirths, graphic.

Hazelnut was aware of the commotion outside of the den, of the tones they spoke in, but she was so tired. Sleep had been far too hard to come by in the days prior and her body was exhausted now. Literally, any other time would have been better. Why now? Why would they choose right now to come? It wasn't fair.

Finley and Ryder were quick to arrive. She supposed she was thankful for that, that at least she would not have to be alone, but the grandmother-to-be had questions, and those questions felt impossible to answer. Ryder didn't know, of course, because how would he?

Another contraction, another wave of pain, and all Hazelnut wanted to do was go to sleep. "I.. I don't know. A while?" She attempted, though her words dissolved into a fit of coughs.

"I.. I don't feel good." In fact, she felt downright awful. Birth was the furthest thing from a miracle.

The cub came through tears and pain and.. and it just never made a noise. Not one. The mousy bundle never even moved. Not as she poked and prodded, not as she did what she could to lick it clean. She looked to the mouth of the den, pleading for help though the words never left her lips.

(This post was last modified: Jul 24, 2024, 07:09 PM by Hazelnut.)
Played by Ghost who has 229 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Finley Lennox Kane

The mother was relieved when Chan arrived quickly following her call. Things had been strangely tense between them and she had no idea what had caused it all. Sure, she knew he didn’t get along with Adelard but she had been too wrapped up with everything happening in her life to nail down the reason and now it felt too late. Frankly, given the fact that she knew that Jethro planned on taking another leave this weirdness felt like one more reason for her to go with him. Only she couldn’t, not now that her grandchildren were arriving.

She did her best to be comforting, ”Okay, that’s okay. Chan is here now, he’s going to help you alright?” Then backed away to give her spot to the leader to take over. As much as she wanted to be more help, she knew that she couldn’t do much. Riven was with them then, ”She’s in labour but…she’s not doing well. Sick to her stomach, coughing, doesn’t seem to have much energy. They aren’t sure how long she’s been like this.” Green eyes were pleading as she looked at him, did he have some kind of magical answer?

She had no idea the first of her grandchildren had just landed in the world, but had already gone to the afterlife like two of her own sons before. So much tragedy had befallen them here within the packlands.

Played by Cade who has 109 posts.
Paradise Falls VII. Subordinate
Ryder Lennox

She seemed so miserable, so out of it, and Ryder felt so awful about it all. He wriggled sideways, giving as much space to the den's opening without giving up his proximity altogether. His head settled onto outstretched forelimbs, and he listened as the voices around shared and discussed. Was it merely unfortunate, or bad? All he could really do was not be in the way and... hope.

Played by Cade who has 52 posts.
Paradise Falls IX. Yearling
Atara Kane

Atara continued to listen intently, not missing a single word even if it was hushed. It... didn't sound good. Granted, she had no idea how this was supposed to go, the girl had to assume it wasn't like this. With Hazelnut sounding about to pass out, and her mother looking to Riven like she needed him to... save her? There was true worry on her face, Atty knew that, and her mom didn't show things like that, not if she could help it.

She looked to her brother then, laying miserably amongst the many paws. Ryder was a runner in every sense of the word. He must be really worried too. It put Atara's stomach in knots.

"If I can do anything to help, let me know," she spoke up strongly and succinctly, not wanting to take anymore attention that necessary while also needing to be sure she was heard; no matter how small or undesirable the task, if Atty was needed in any compacity, she needed to meet it.

Unless that moment arrived, however, she would take turns watching over her mother and brother, doing her best to support them through their anxieties. It helped her ignore her own, as well.