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she carved it into her skin (m) — Sanguine Cove 
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Played by Cade who has 189 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Magg Slayer
Birthing thread, rated Mature. Involves multiple stillbirths. All welcome to any SC members.


The closer she felt she was, the more reclusive Magg had become. Anyone who might have attempted to push her boundaries wouldn't have been given many words; they would have been treated to teeth. Already she was convinced to never do this to herself again, but it wasn't even the worst part, was it?

She'd been holed up for days before that started, only coming out when her thirst became too much. Hopefully, no one would even notice. Especially @Galen. Magg writhed and strained for hours in as much silence as she could manage, even as the pain mounted. Strength or stubbornness, she was able to avoid wishing for comfort throughout it all, and finally she was given a reward for it. A tangible result for all this effort.

Magg pulled from viscera a daughter, with the tiniest of paws and the worst coordination of any living creature. She wobbled and wiggled, and for a brief moment, her mother marveled. Maybe... maybe this could be... good. Magg tucked her against her side, and was forced to give her focus to the continuing contractions and the next child they would bring.

This one felt different, though. She couldn't place it, tried not to pay it any attention, but it was impossible to do when she realized why. There was nothing endearing about the sight of what had come from her then, after its perfect sister. Malformed beyond recognition, she couldn't help but kick the corpse away from them both.

She turned her head to nose at the firstborn, caved into the need for reassurance all at once. The fall was so much farther than she could have imagined. Her beautiful little girl wasn't moving, or breathing, and she couldn't feel her heart through her small, thin chest.


Magg nudged harder, attempted to massage the pup's body, ignored the clear signs that even more children were coming. This couldn't be happening, she hadn't been distracted that long, it all now only felt like seconds.

"No. No. No, no, no no..."

Panic welled, but as the third crowned she was forced to let go. Just for a moment. Just long enough to... to clear the gore and get a glimpse. To see, clearly, that while this one, a son, moved, he would not be here long either.

The contractions continued. Magg's breaths came in rapid heaves, her mind reeling and her body railing against her and her heart shredding apart. She touched that first child again, and the memory of that brief glimmer of hopeful happiness seared her from inside out. With everything inside of her, Magg screamed until her voice bubbled and broke apart and gave out completely, and then with her next breath she screamed again. There was just as much fury in it as there was pain, and it was all she could do.

(This post was last modified: Jun 08, 2024, 04:41 AM by Magg.)
Played by Flywolf who has 666 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Nash Eastfall

The day was soon coming, Nash knew. His eldest daughter had been reclusive, avoiding them more and more the longer her pregnancy went on. Nash almost felt bad about her punishment, but he'd made the law clear and she had still defied it. Just because she was his daughter didn't mean she could avoid consequences, as much as he'd like to spare her. He and Aquene had yet to discuss the end of her punishment, but they needed to do so soon, and he had an idea... but he wouldn't make this decision on his own. Especially after having made the decision regarding her punishment unilaterally. As the leader it was his right, but he still considered his wife an equal.

He admitted to being distracted of late. The loss of his youngest daughter two days previous had the grief nearly unbearable. He had always understood Viorel's anger, but now... even more so. He found himself constantly watching the skies, hovering over Jessamy every time she went out. It was nearly too much, and he knew he would be just the same with his first grandchildren.

It was a strange thought.

He smelled it before he heard her scream, and his paws had already quickened. The father knew better than to enter the den, no matter how much he wanted to. Still he offered a quiet chuff into the darkness, a promise to stand guard and nothing more unless she should invite it. Just enough to let her know she wasn't alone. He let out a call to @Aquene - and only Aquene. A summons, but no announcement. He didn't want to draw the attention of the other pack members. Now was not the time.

Played by Tasha who has 373 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Aquene Slayer

Her recovery had been slower than normal, but she had pushed herself to make it to the medicinal den, ensuring that she had what she needed. Hell would freeze over before she abandoned her daughter whilst she gave birth. She had already missed Kateri giving birth to Ally, and missed out on all of Ally’s life because of the tensions between Sanguine Cove and Dead Empress Backwater… she would not let the same befall Magg or her second set of grandbabies.

And so when she heard the call, she requested a member of the pack to settle with her remaining daughter. The idea of leaving Jessamy alone was unbearable, and so she’d wait for someone to wait with her and ensure she remained safe before she would leave.

No, no, no, no… She arrived just in time to hear her daughter, and panic swelled in her chest as she ducked her head into the den, running her maw gently on her daugther’s cheek, assessing the situation…. And her heart ached. She prayed none of her children would ever have to endure something like this. “Breathe, Magg.” She would assure her, though in truth she was not certain herself.

It reminded her too much of her mother.

“Breathe this in.” She would nudge lavender towards her, hoping the scent would help calm her nerves. In truth, until afterwards there was very little she could do… to ensure the bleeding stopped. This would all fall to Magg, and how many babies had been growing in her belly.

Aquene Slayer
[Image: jNJyCis.png]
Played by PuppyThief who has 180 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Leo Vuesain
Leo's only post.


With every day that passed, Leo felt increasingly useless. Border patrols only did so much, and with an abundance of aspiring guardians, it hardly mattered whether he made his daily rounds or not. Really, he was just trying to keep himself occupied, but unfortunately, the monotony of patrolling offered his mind plenty of time to spin with thoughts.

He wanted action, desperately. The Vuesain heir felt his family suffering all around him, and he ached to do something to ease their pain; Anything…! Sticking around here had done nothing to stop the recurring tragedies, had proven pointless in protecting them from danger, and still the pain marched on.

Leo had been mostly keeping his distance after Magg’s condition became known – unsure how to feel about the whole affair – but he still knew her time was coming and couldn’t help the sense of impending dread filling him at the thought. Birth was neither easy nor without danger, especially for someone so young, and Leo feared the toll it might take on his foster sister, who had already been through so much. In his mind, Magg’s pregnancy was just more suffering imposed on her by outside forces, and he longed to exert some form of revenge for it all – if not for this latest slight, then at least the one that had come before.

And so, when Magg’s pained scream rang out over the Cove, it was the final spark to ignite his roiling anger. A faint echo of her pain shot through his chest at the sound, hackles standing on end as he turned briefly towards the sound, wanting to help, but knowing he could do nothing for her; Not here, anyway! So instead, he turned towards the borders, paws moving without second thought as he headed down the mountain at breakneck speed, done with doing nothing.

”Speech" Thoughts

[Image: FFeXvE1.png] [Image: LuHJBlS.png]
Played by Grae who has 106 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Matos Eastfall-Slayer
The scream that rung out haunted him. Another sister's scream, and again nothing he could do to help. He had to be the worst big brother ever. Despite his guilt over his failures his paws were moving swiftly through the rocky terrain. He had to at least be present even if he couldn't aid in easing his littermate's pain and suffering. He kept going despite his father's bark for his mother and her alone. Maty would keep his distance if needed but at least he could stand guard.

As the shadow moved he came across his adopted brother's scent before it led towards the borders. It seems like he wouldn't be the only one on guard, just in a different way. Amber and emerald soon spied the small clearing that surrounded the hidden birthing den Magg had chosen. The ebony form of his father was posted outside the entrance and his mother's voice from within the earth. A small sigh of relief was released, she wasn't alone. A small dip of his head was given to his dad before he posted himself at the edge of the clearing opposite of the older man. So there was someone watching all 360 degrees. He would remain for as long as needed.
Played by Cade who has 189 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Magg Slayer

Magg hadn't heard her father over her own voice until he was howling and she could no longer go without breath. She was no longer alone, and that sent another wave of fury rolling over the length of her body. Another scream, one that grew in strength and rage as it went on. One directed squarely at that outside world beyond the mouth of her den.

Hers. That she'd toiled on to shape with her own paws, that she'd so carefully, specifically chosen, that she was meant to raise her children in. Children she hadn't even fucking wanted! Why did this hurt so much?!

Tears finally started to fall, swiftly gathering into thick rivulets down her cheeks as she sobbed. Hadn't she been punished enough by now? She could no longer ignore the fourth pup forcing its way out of her. Her spine stiffened and arced with pain, and in the next moment she felt her mother's touch upon her face. Magg could only let out a pained cry, the sound of it half-lost somewhere in her throat. She braced a paw against the den floor, claws digging into the dirt, while the air began to fill with a floral scent.

This was worse than the previous three, the child much larger, the pain more intense, and the effort needed twice as draining. Still, it didn't occur to her that it was because that poor trio had been far too small, that this was what each of them should have felt like to birth. When her fourth pup slipped free and she was able to breathe again, Magg did not move to tend to it. It was either dead or dying. Why would it be anything but?

(This post was last modified: Jun 19, 2024, 03:04 AM by Magg.)
Played by Sunshine who has 99 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Galen Vuesain
There was no doubt in his mind that he was easily the last person she wanted to smell outside the den she had carved for herself, yet those screams of pain couldn't be ignored as they sent a shiver coursing down the length of his spine to the tip of his tail. Unbeknownst to the rest; and hopefully a secret that remained solely with them, it was because of him she was in this predicament to begin with and yet she had taken on the punishment alone. Worst yet was he allowed it. Allowed her to carry their children, allowed her to build the den she now holed herself in alone, allowed her to suffer the unimaginable pain she must be going through.

Some best friend he was, huh?

Yet, Galen couldn't brush aside the nagging feeling that if he didn't show up now of all times it would only make the likelihood of his paw in the matter glaringly obvious to the others amongst other thoughts. What if they already knew? What if the pups turned out to look like him? The list of dark coated men in the pack that served as viable suitors was literally...just him. The never ending churning of his stomach with every stride served to further slow his arrival, molten gold eyes spotting the inky silhouettes of her father standing guard at the den's entrance and her brother not far off serving as sentinel on duty the way his mismatched gaze surveyed the surrounding landscape. There was no visible sign of Aquene, but the presence of her perfume and the aroma of herbs with a quick inhale alerted him to the fact she was most likely within the confines of the den supporting Magg in a way he wished he could.

Thus, with a small nod of his head to both men outside he opted to stay on the outskirts where he now stood. There wasn't much he could do in a situation like this other than act as a secondary sentinel.