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safe and sound [m] — Dragonfly Fen 
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Played by Tasha who has 60 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Sophrosnia Eirini
TW: Graphic birthing content in this thread
Lillia and Vili only! Both are allowed in the den c:

Don't you dare look out your window, darling, everything's on fire

The pain had slowly intensified over the course of multiple days. Sophrosnia at first simply thought it was the brood finding new and inventive ways to torment her… but as the pain ramped up over a few hours, it became more apparent to her that it was time.

She had known this was going to hurt, and truly she had started to prepare herself for the pain… however, when it started to roll through her, she had stolen away and curled up, doing her best to breathe. She felt like she could hardly think, and she started to panic. She closed her eyes, breathing in through her nose and out through her mouth as her claws scraped anxiously at the ground. She could do this. Her body would not have given her children if she couldn’t do this… or, if it would, then she didn’t want to think about that right now.

She let out a sound, perhaps the most secure sound either f them would have ever heard from her in the sound of a drawn out whine of pain. It was enough to make her throat ache as she shifted, trying to find some measure of relief as the first round of contractions coursed through her, the scent of blood in the air.

And through it? She knew she couldn’t do it alone. She could only hope and pray that her current company was enough to get her through it.

(This post was last modified: May 22, 2024, 04:08 AM by Sophrosnia.)
Played by Van who has 33 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Lillia Daireann
Lillia had been a shadow for the little lady recently, protectiveness surging through her veins like fire. The pups would come soon, she knew, and her silent friend was defenseless. She knew nothing of childbirth or childcare or anything of the sort, but she did know how to guard a den, so there she stayed, alert and waiting for any threats to approach. Something heavy lay in the air today, but she wasn’t certain what it was.

At least, until the scent of blood reached her nose and a whine broke the silence.

Lillia was quick to get to her feet and enter the den, hardly thinking about the consequences. The Daireann was fluffed up and a little panicked, eyes round with concern as she crawled over to the expectant mother.

A soft whine escaped her as well, ears pressing back to her head. She wasn’t sure how to help, but if she was allowed, she would curl herself around the little lady, offering support where she could.
Played by Pinn who has 23 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vili Archer

Vili came and went, offering support when he was around and leaving the women to their own defenses when he was not. He was still unsure of his place, of his future now that the pregnancy had been confirmed. It was best for everyone if he kept one paw out of the den, kept his place in their lives tentative at best, and keep himself from making promises he wasn't sure he'd be willing to keep. Still, the Archer did not stray far from the pair, what with the swell of the stranger's sides signaling the nearing due date.

In truth, Vili had not been counting the moons. Perhaps if he had, the strangled whine would not have caught him so offguard. He did not recognize the voice, but the urgency of it sent the man crashing through the Fen. The scent of blood led him straight to her den, where he wavered just outside. He knew what came next, the expectations that simply being here for the birth might place on him.

Vili looked to the mouth of the den, to the responsibility that lay within, then over his shoulder at the promise of freedom waiting just beyond the treeline. He could leave. But what if they needed help? He had no idea if either of them had any knowledge of what to do if something went wrong. He cast one final glance at the forest and slipped wordlessly inside the den.

Played by Tasha who has 60 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Sophrosnia Eirini

Don't you dare look out your window, darling, everything's on fire

She was aware of Lillia’s presence outside the den. In truth, she was grateful for both the presence and the distance. A part of her loathed the vulnerability that arose with having her within the den, but needed her presence to provide a silent support as the pain continued to tear through her, demanding satisfaction for her escapades of two moons prior. She felt her labor pains continue to pursue her, haunting her every movement.

And then the stranger was there, inside the den as another wave of pain echoed through her, bringing about another pained and strangled whine. She shifted uncomfortably, her legs kicking out as she tried to find some kind of position to allow even a moment of relief. Pain welled in her eyes, causing them to water lightly as she bore down out of instinct, a slimy silver ball emerging. Instinct would lead her bringing the ball of fur closer. She’d lick away, getting her circulation moving before gently bringing the girl to her stomach, her pains starting to ease.

And relief filled her. She was fairly certain she was done, that there would be only the one, and she found herself beginning to curl gently around her, protective but still allowing Vili access to see the life they had created together.

Sophrosnia is currently travelling with Lillia and is closely tailed by Vili
Played by Van who has 33 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Lillia Daireann
Instinctively, Lillia backed off a little when the lady’s other shadow came in. The birth itself was relatively quick, and she had to look away, strangely squeamish about the whole thing. It wasn’t like she hadn’t seen blood before - half of her face was missing for the most part, so of course she’d experienced gore and hurt, but never in this situation.

She couldn’t see the pup from her position, shuffled slightly away from the quiet wolf. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to, exactly, but this hardly felt like her moment. Instead, she watched the couple, not wanting to intrude on their experience.

How strange it must be, to create life. Lillia couldn’t wrap her head around it.
Played by Pinn who has 23 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vili Archer

Vili really should have waited for permission to enter the den, something he hadn't considered until after he'd already made his way inside of it. Luckily, the stranger allowed him in without ripping his nose off. While he was knowledgeable about plants, he wasn't a healer, and bedside manner wasn't one of those things he'd really ever considered.

Birth did not phase him, what with the Loch and the cubs he'd bore witness to there, but the fact that it was his cub that emerged, well, that was.. dizzying.

He did not approach the cub or the mother tending to it. He merely watched from the sidelines as panic welled in his chest. It was impossibly small. Much smaller than he could have expected, though the stranger herself was small. And grey. It was grey, which was interesting.

Played by Tasha who has 60 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Sophrosnia Eirini

Don't you dare look out your window, darling, everything's on fire

Thankfully, Sophrosnia would find the pain subsiding, and with that came relief. She continued to pant, still reeling from the speed, her body aching as the exhaustion began to set in. How could something so important also be so exhausting? It made little sense to her. She became vaguely aware, of Vili’s presence beside her, of Lillia’s outside the den and her retreat. She’d make sure to see her later, too frazzled and in awe of the tiny form at her belly to worry much about any of the other present adults.

She would gently nuzzle her daughter, their daughter as she continued to suckle, finding nutrition now outside of the womb… and that was when the fear and the panic set in. How was she supposed to raise this child? A part of her was thankful there was only one, while some small and hidden part of her wished there had been more. It would have been near impossible to rear, their ragtag bunch, but it lingered in her chest…

It was then that her gaze shifted to Vili, quizzical, questioning… wanting to know how he was doing with this without being able to ask him.

Sophrosnia is currently travelling with Lillia and is closely tailed by Vili
Played by Van who has 33 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Lillia Daireann
Lillia kept casting glances back into the den she'd retreated from. It wasn't really a moment for her, though she had intruded initially, but she found that she still wanted to be a part of it in some way. Not enough to barge her way back inside, but enough that she didn't feel like she could leave the entrance of the den even if she wanted to.

She didn't.

Instead, she lay down, head on her paws, in a way that blocked the majority of the entrance. If there was anything out there wanting to get in, it would have to go through her to do so.
Played by Pinn who has 23 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vili Archer

To be honest, Vili felt more fear than anything as he gazed upon the cub. He did what he could to reject that feeling, to push it away, but no matter how hard he tried, panic had anchored its hideous claws in his chest and had no plans of letting up. The creature was... incredibly small. No. impossibly small. How could something so tiny and fragile even exist on its own?

He chanced a glance toward the new mother, praying that his eyes did not betray the feelings he felt inside, but as he met her gaze, Vili felt his forced smile falter. Perhaps this was the crushing weight of responsibility. The stranger would be unable to hunt or fend for herself for some time and the cub would be rendered defenseless without them. Gods, what had he gotten himself into?

He wondered then if she had parsed out a name. They'd never spoken of one, but then, they had never spoken at all. Not really. Not with words. Rather, Vili had spoken to her and that was a topic he had staunchly avoided.

Played by Tasha who has 60 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Sophrosnia Eirini

Don't you dare look out your window, darling, everything's on fire

As her attention turned to Vili, she saw his smile falter and she offered a sympathetic smile. It was… terrifying, and exhilarating… and she was certain she’d never loved any kind of bundle of fur as much as she loved the one at her belly. She wasn’t certain if men could feel the same way or not, she supposed that fear had to be the same knowing it was a life he had brought into the world… or helped with at least.

She’d croon her neck towards him before motioning with her maw towards their daughter, her mouth opening with no sound and then closing again. She hoped he would understand… their daughter would need a name, and she truly had no ideas… it was not something she considered given the fact that she’d likely rarely if ever manage to use it herself… it felt like something that might be more important to him, or to Lillia who would need something to call the child.

Sophrosnia is currently travelling with Lillia and is closely tailed by Vili