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the dream’s a lie — Paradise Falls 
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Played by van who has 162 posts.
Paradise Falls VII. Subordinate
For @Isla c: set before his thread with Adelard

It was a nice day, even with the chill in the air. Riven had taken to going on short walks as a way to gently exercise his limbs, still aching fiercely from the long journey he’d taken up here. If he’d had access to an herb store he could probably find something to take for the soreness and inflammation, but he didn’t know who to ask about that in the first place, and he didn’t want to impose on the kindness these wolves were showing him by letting him stay here in the first place.

He wasn’t sure where his feet were taking him, but he’d been following one of the smaller streams that cut through the landscape. There was a limp in his step today, vexing him, but he knew if he laid down it would just get more stiff. Light exercise would be more beneficial.

Eventually, he came down to a deeper area, the water slow-moving and just about perfect for what he needed. Riven stepped into the creek and sucked in a sharp breath when the cold water lapped at his belly, but the relief that he felt in his joints was immediate - both from the temperature and the fact that it took the weight off of them. He sighed deeply, letting his body relax.
Played by becca who has 236 posts.
Paradise Falls II. Leader
Isla Valle

She had become moodier. More withdrawn, she only ever wanted for the company of @Adelard or @Nadine if she felt light enough. The sensation of being smothered had not yet faded and she worried it might stay for...who knew how long.

Isla needed to stretch her legs and be reminded of the world beyond before it became too late.

Her restless wandering had led her to the edge of the water. Only it seemed she had not been the only one with such an idea. Her features soured near instantly in a way that she had no energy to try to hide. Who even was this? Perhaps she could flex rank or pregnancy over him in order to be alone.

Instead she only snorted sharply and sought to gauge his reaction.

Played by van who has 162 posts.
Paradise Falls VII. Subordinate
Riven jumped a little at the sound, brows raised as he turned his head to face the wolf who’d snorted at him. She was young, dark-furred, and… very clearly pregnant. Blue eyes softened immediately as he studied the disgruntled look on her face - he’d never been pregnant before, obviously, but he’d been around enough pregnant women to know that it wasn’t easy on the body.

“Hi,” he greeted, tail sweeping slowly through the water, head lowered a bit to show that he wasn’t a threat to the expectant mother. He wasn’t part of this pack, after all - it was only natural to be suspicious.

He tilted his head to the side. “Were you coming to rest in the water?” he guessed. The extra weight would probably put more stress on her joints - it would feel better to soak in the creek, he figured. Not too very unlike his own predicament.
Played by becca who has 236 posts.
Paradise Falls II. Leader
Isla Valle

Part of her wanted to say No out of nothing more than stubbornness. She doubted it would get her what she wanted. After all,, everyone so far had seemed keen to give her anything she asked for. The only perk of rounded sides, she figured.


Her voice dull and blunt like a dropped sword. Then she moved her legs in a way that felt almost automatic and she slogged into the water. Prepared to lower herself to her bloated stomach and lay in the shallows. Half tempted to belly crawl into the deeper currents but she refrained, for now.

Who are you? She had not bothered to hide the skepticism in her voice.

Played by van who has 162 posts.
Paradise Falls VII. Subordinate
Not particularly willing to leave the water himself, but polite enough to back off a little and give the expectant mother her space, Riven relaxed into the shallows. It was heaven on his aching joints, and he expected it would feel nice on the younger wolf’s heavier frame as well.

The testiness of her tone was to be expected. Riven was a stranger, after all, and most likely didn’t smell like their pack. “My name is Riven,” he offered easily, studying the water brushing at his fur rather than the young woman a few lengths away. “Chan was kind enough to let me stay for a while.” At least until after he spoke with Adelard, but perhaps longer. Riv wasn’t exactly in the best health, and having a place to stay would be beneficial. Besides, he didn’t want to remain a lone wolf living in their territory forever.

“Can I ask your name?” he prompted then, ear swiveling toward the other wolf.
Played by becca who has 236 posts.
Paradise Falls II. Leader
Isla Valle

If he had thought he might find any endearment from her for mentioning Chan, then he truly was not one of the Falls. Her acceptance of the other man was a frail thing no matter how hard he might have tried to play pretend with her. Any care from him was easily written off as nothing more than guilt.

For Magg, for Sephrina, perhaps even for her father.

You can. She mumbled with some kind of smile that was more akin to a dagger. But will you? If it was an attempt at humor, it fell flat with her dull tone.

Played by van who has 162 posts.
Paradise Falls VII. Subordinate
Not a friendly one, then. Maybe that had something to do with the pregnancy, or perhaps the younger wolf was just of the more standoffish variety. A soft chuckle escaped him and he shrugged, relaxing further into the water.

“Only if you’re willing to tell me,” he said, doubting her willingness to share. “Otherwise, it would be a pointless question.” He’d probably learn her name one way or another regardless, but he did prefer formal introductions to playing any sort of guessing game.
Played by becca who has 236 posts.
Paradise Falls II. Leader
Isla Valle

He took it in stride, or so she liked to think he did. For a moment her gaze relaxed. Only enough to see him beyond a squinted gaze. Hardly could it be considered warm, but it was no longer as sharp as a knife.

We all must ask pointless questions. She scooched herself a touch deeper into the waters. Part of her wished she was somewhere with a bigger body of water, somewhere to float endlessly and not have to feel all the weight on her joints. Just this would have to do for now.

Isla Valle.

A blunt and direct voice was the closest she could get to kindness. He had not asked, but he had played her little game.

Played by van who has 162 posts.
Paradise Falls VII. Subordinate
It seemed he'd done something correct in her eyes. Her expression changed, and though Riven hadn't necessarily been worried before, he did relax just a touch when she did. An introduction had been made, and Riv had a name for the face.

"I suppose we must," he acquiesced with a small smile, basking in the comforting feeling of the river's water surrounding him. It was how he'd been named, long ago, and he wondered what it might be like to be called so again. Would River even feel right, after so many years of not hearing it?

Part of him wondered. It was a weird thought.

"Nice to meet you, Isla Valle," he hummed, letting his eyes fall shut. "I'll be out of your fur in just a moment. I was just resting for a bit, but you'll have the whole river to yourself soon." It wasn't a jab or a sarcastic remark - just a true one. The poor girl probably wanted to rest, and he didn't want to intrude any longer than he already had.

It was her territory after all.
Played by becca who has 236 posts.
Paradise Falls II. Leader
Isla Valle

It seemed he was aware that she was hardly thrilled for any kind of company. Yet it was the awareness that softened her to him just the slightest touch. At least he hardly seemed inclined to force smiles and rainbows with her. Then she might have snapped him off.

Before he left her to wade like a beached whale, she had some questions she figured she could prod at him.

Are you friends with Chan?

Or was the man so inclined to let some drifters come settle for a time? She did not think them so desperate for it, but perhaps there were things she did not know.

Ha, there were plenty of things she did not know...