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absolution or perdition — Mountain of Dire 
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Played by Molo who has 59 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jadon Allyn
--AW for anyone. Set at Clearwater Tarn, but I didn't see that available in the drop down choice for locations

South, Mika had told him. After more fruitless wandering Jadon had chosen to change course and head in that direction. He knew, loosely what awaited him there. The lake, housing that mountain pack in a forest alongside it, where he’d met the child that had inspired him to keep going. That deep chasm that led down into the pitch blackness - perhaps even the maw of hell itself.

As wrong as that place had felt though, there had to be something good nearby. A light to counter the darkness.

And he stumbled upon it more by accident than anything else. Even through the light bands of snow that fell, Jay could make out the tall, jagged peaks all around. And then, from his position he could see down in between them, a veritable oasis of sorts. Almost exactly as it’d been described, and far more beautiful than he could’ve imagined.

Trees and probably other plant life surrounded a clear lake, ice around its edges.

The wanderer spared no time except for caution in beginning his descent, carefully navigating the slopes for what felt like hours before finally reaching ground level enough that he could walk the rest of the way down to the lake.

It was still here, quiet except for the very gentle sound of water lapping at the shoreline.

This had to be it.
Played by Flywolf who has 287 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Enera Rayvne
had a dream so big and loud


Enera was mostly unhurt, except perhaps her heart. A month now since she and @Luca had gotten separated, and she was wracked with guilt over it. She'd simply run, assuming he would be behind her, and he had been... sort of. He'd been left behind. She didn't even know if he was alive, or if the bear had dragged him off somewhere... when she returned to try and track him she'd lost his scent.

And now, the second year in a row, she was alone after their coupling. A coupling that hadn't seemed to take. She didn't know if she was disappointed or relieved. This time they had been trying. They had wanted it. Yet here she was clearly unchanged and he was gone and she didn't know what to do about it. She didn't want to stay with the Cove. She wasn't sure she'd ever be able to stay in one place again, unless it was somewhere her family was, and now she was on the hunt for Woya and Marrah, and Luca too of course. She knew he'd come with her if she asked.

She found herself at another secluded lake and wondered what this one was called. As she stared out over the still water, eyes glazed over and feeling more lost than ever, she felt this should have the name of the lake she was more familiar with.

Played by Molo who has 59 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jadon Allyn
A soft breath escaped the wanderer, and his eyes followed the tiny cloud of mist that drifted off it until it dissipated. Then he took two steps forth, gently dipping one paw into the water. Cold, as expected. The rational portion of Jay’s mind told him that what he was crazy, insane even, for merely considering what he was about to do. Soaking himself in freezing water, in freezing weather could very easily bring his demise.

But this was the place. It had to be. You must bathe in the waters clear and cold. Only then will your sins be forgiven.

Jay had waited so long for this moment, and searching for this place had already nearly cost his life once. He didn’t want to wait longer, for things to warm up. What if he didn’t make it back, or couldn’t?

To risk one’s earthly life was foolish, except when the eternal soul was at stake.

Pushing his doubts and fears away, Jay took a breath, held it, and then strode forth, splashing into the icy water. He moved forth, trying to ignore how the cold almost seemed to burn. And once he was deep enough, ducked down to submerge himself below the water.

--if you feel like Enera would try to jump in and help save Jay if she thinks he's drowning, feel free to PP her attempting to drag him out or something, if you see fit ^^ and its nice to write with you again <3
Played by Flywolf who has 287 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Enera Rayvne
Good to have ya back Molo <3

had a dream so big and loud


Enera watched the still water and somehow found peace in the quiet. This place was so undisturbed, so beautiful. She thought maybe she could stay here. If she had felt the stirrings of something different inside of her maybe she would have made a den here, but the bitter reality left a sour taste in her mouth. It wouldn't hurt to rest for a while, though. She didn't think she'd be finding Luca any time soon no matter how hard she tried. She just hoped he was okay.

A sudden splash drew her attention and she looked just in time to see a wolf's head duck under the water's surface, sending ripples across the once glassy visage. She blinking in shock for a moment before racing forward and leaping into the lake herself. The cold was a shock and for a moment she felt frozen, unable to force her muscles to work. But the thought of someone drowning when she was here... she finally got her legs to move and she dove down, searching for the stranger.

Played by Molo who has 59 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jadon Allyn
With nothing except the icy cold surrounding him, it was all Jay could do to maintain his composure. He exhaled against the water that burned his nose, sending a flurry of bubbles up to the surface. The fierce cold provided a shock to his system, one that seemed to almost lock his muscles in place, and nearly threatened to make him almost involuntarily draw breath despite being underwater.

It was all he could do to suppress that urge and ignore the burning in his chest. Just for a few moments longer…

Then, though, there was another disturbance in the water. Jay thought he could hear and feel movement that hadn’t been there before - the water had been so still. He surfaced as soon as he could, eyes beginning to scan the water before he even drew breath.

He had to make sure it wasn’t another wolf.
Played by Flywolf who has 287 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Enera Rayvne
The cold bit at her, sinking like teeth down into her bones. She shuddered, her lungs somehow both burning for air and frozen in place. There was no sign of another down where she searched, and finally Enera allowed her head to break the surface. It took a moment to convince her chest to expand and she gasped for air.

Enera looked wildly around, desperately hoping that the other wolf had surfaced too, and to her great relief he had. She swamp until her paws touched the bottom and waded towards him, shaking to try and dispell what water she could. "Are you okay?" she called as she neared him.