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Lay my heart down with the rest at her feet — Whisper Marsh 
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Played by PuppyThief who has 44 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Apolline Macieo
Open to one or two, special tag for @Felyx @Cynder  ;)
NOTE: I'm transitioning into using only they/them pronouns for Apple but this is my first real time writing without gendered language so sorry if I mess up or some of the wording is confusing. pls let me know if so, so I can fix it going forwards


The last three moons had been turbulent for the witch, with their plans for the future cut short before they’d even really started. Losing the pups meant a drastic restructuring of already chaotic thought and a whole lot of even deeper soul-searching. Clearly, children were not a part of fate’s plan for the young seer, and it felt like a failure on their own part to have tried to make them anyway.

Since then, their dreams had been much grimmer than the ones that originally guided their path back to Relic Lore. No longer lively images of the family they had left behind, but instead gruesome scene’s full of blood and death, visions with a clear message, and yet Apolline could not tell what it was.

In the end, they found their only option was to retrace their steps, once again returning to the familiar lands of southern Eden, and the place they had so far felt closest to the higher power, whatever it was. Sitting at the edge of the lily pond, the tawny wolf stared into the crystal-clear water with their one good eye, waiting for a sign; Where do I go next…?

Thoughts ”Speech”

(This post was last modified: Jun 24, 2024, 02:41 AM by Apolline.)
Played by Van who has 20 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
This place was gross. Spongy flooring that squelched between Felyx's toes and water all over the place. It was a bit off from the mountain he'd been eyeing - and now that he gave it a little bit of thought, Paeryl had asked for a mountain, hadnt he? - but Felyx had never promised to go straight to the mountain. Wasn't getting followers important, too?

It would certainly make for a more fun group. The more individuals, the more likely things were going to be entertaining. Whether that was a good thing or a bad thing, Felyx didn't really care.

He spotted the wolf near the water and hummed to himself, eyes half-lidded as he studied them. Bigger than him, and older too, but very wrapped up in whatever they were seeing - or not seeing - in the pool beneath them.

The ginger wolf stalked up behind them and peered into the water as well, his reflection joining theirs.

"What do you see?" he asked, stormy eyes meeting their singular functional one from the surface of the water.
(This post was last modified: Jun 25, 2024, 01:14 AM by Felyx. Edit Reason: I USED THE WRONG PRONOUNS )
Played by Grae who has 7 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
They wandered about, moving from the flower dotted meadow to a more tree dotted landscape. The ground beneath her red stained paws became mushy. A familiar feeling and sound between her toes, only no rancid smell, most of the time. She walked easily while Lyx more like pranced to avoid the sensation as much as he could. She let out a small snort - typical.

A dark brown figure sat alone near the water's edge. Larger than her or her twin and a mix between them in color. Reddish like Lyx and brown like her own. Felyx practically danced away at the sight of them. Another quiet snort and eye roll was pulled from the yearling. While her twin would love to have endless wolves to talk to she preferred fewer individuals. But it was a necessary evil for the sake of the group. They needed more followers, and the more they brought in the less likely they would be casted aside.

As the reddish boy made contact asking the stranger what they saw in the water, Cyn more a little further off to drink from the water. She kept her blue grey eyes fixated on the pair. Coiled and ready to strike like a rattlesnake should the stranger try anything with him.
Played by PuppyThief who has 44 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Apolline Macieo

The water reflected the sky, fluffy white clouds swirling in a sea of azure blue, traveling with the wind much as Apolline had been, drifting without direction. They stared at them for what could have been hours, waiting for a vision to appear amidst their idle wanderings, but none came.

That was until someone came to join their watch, a face appearing next to theirs, stormy looking eyes meeting golden brown. This wasn’t a vision, the stranger’s breath easily felt against Apollines neck as he asked his question, yet they remained statue still, meeting his gaze unwaveringly through the watery mirror. It was a very interesting query, not something just any stranger would ask right of the bat, and the witch found themselves drawn into those glaucous eyes, a whole sky of their own.

There was a vague sense of movement on the side of their blind eye, another reflection in the water that they couldn’t quite see, but a clear sense that someone else had joined them. Still Apolline stayed where they sat, locked in the young man’s fascinating gaze, thinking to themself; Is this a test…? It wasn’t the way fate usually spoke to them, but perhaps that was a good sign; A change… Just what they had hungered for.

Dipping their muzzle the tiniest bit, a subtle gleam in their golden eye, Apolline finally spoke with quiet steel; “Opportunity.”

Thoughts ”Speech”

(This post was last modified: Jul 01, 2024, 12:18 AM by Apolline.)
[Image: CwM5irV.png]
Played by Van who has 20 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Having his sibling nearby gave him even more audacious courage. He didn't think anything was going to go wrong, but even if it did, there was no doubt in his mind that Cynder would be able to take care of it. And if it was absolutely necessary, Felyx supposed he could step in as well.

But truly, he didn't think there was anything to fear.

The other wolf stared back at him through the water, unblinking. This was a test indeed - one of Felyx's mental poking and prodding just to see what the other wolf would do - and they were responding in such a fascinating way. There was a gleam in their golden eye, something just beneath the surface, and Felyx liked it.


What a delightful word. In the same vein as interesting, as potential, as fun. Their voice was quiet, but firm, and Felyx gave a soft hum in response, a smile creeping along his maw.

He dipped a paw into the water then, disrupting the reflection and letting it come back into focus before he spoke.

"Funny," he began, his own eyes sparking with interest, "I was just thinking the same thing." He wanted to coil around them like he did with Cyn so often, but he refrained, sitting perfectly still instead and letting the water drip off of his paw. It was up to the other wolf how they interpreted his statement.