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my sister, she told me to do something good — Fireweed Rise 
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Played by Van who has 62 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
@Cynder ^^

What a beautiful day.

Paeryl had given them the go-ahead to scout a bit, and Felyx was more than happy to stretch his legs. It was sunny and warm and in his book, that spelled all good things. This little scouting mission was an excellent way to alleviate some of the boredom he'd been feeling, too - seeking out a home for the little ragtag bunch of them.

This field would not do. It was beautiful, with little wildflowers dotting the green landscape with red, but it was hardly the place for a pack to settle. Pretty didn't make for utility and all that, so Felyx would continue his search.

But it didn't mean he couldn't enjoy it for a minute. Crushing one of the little flowers beneath his paw, he delighted in the fact it stained his fur red like blood. Lyx had never liked getting actual blood on his fur, but it was nice to pretend. Less sticky and gross.

Cyn would like it. Her paws were always stained like this, but with the gore Felyx typically avoided. It looked nice on her - very fitting, like it was meant to be there.

"Cyn~" he called, tail swishing back and forth as he looked around for his littermate. "Come check this out!"
Played by Grae who has 30 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank

The reddish form of her brother bounded through the wildflowers a ways ahead of her, full of energy as always. She rolled her blue grey eyes as he basically frolicked before returning to scan the landscape. Ever observant, Cynder always made sure to be aware of her surroundings. The last time she wasnt...

The yearling shook the memory off with a shake of her pelt. The twins had been sent ahead to scout. Searching for another place to settle, who knew how long it would be this time. The girl's thoughts on the inadequacy of the meadow unwittingly mirrored her brothers. But had she known she wouldn't have been surprised.

Lyx's voice drifted over to her causing her to quicken her pace. He was looking down at the ground and his paws, his demeanor relaxed. When she reached him she saw that the flower he crushed had turned his toes a reddish color. A small smile pulled at her inky lips as she placed one of her own next to his for comparison. "Now we match." She said simply, though she added in her head "for once".
Played by Van who has 62 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Like Cynder, Felyx was an ever-watchful presence. Always studying, always thinking, calculating, considering. Even now, as he frolicked, he wondered just what might be lurking in the corners of the meadow - behind trees, in the tall grass, just out of vision. It was of no consequence if there was someone there - the two of them (Cynder mainly) would be able to handle the issue if Felyx were unable to sweet-talk his way out of the situation.

"Doesn't look as good on me as it does you," he lamented playfully, tail swishing in a wide arc. "I'm afraid red just doesn't suit me. Clashes with my fur." He'd been blood-streaked before, when the need had arisen, but he vastly preferred to be clean. Best to let Cynder take care of all the dirty stuff so he could handle the talking portion.

He weaved around his littermate like an eel around rocks. "What do we think of this place?" the boy asked, studying her pale face. He had a feeling he knew the answer, but it was nice to hear it from her as well. "Not really what we're looking for?"

Still, the teen wasn't sure exactly what it was they were seeking. This was a fun game until he figured it out, and he would wager he'd know it when he saw it. Surely they'd find a place Paeryl approved of.
Played by Grae who has 30 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
She barked a small laugh at his remark and pawed at his foot. "Why of course darlin'." She drawled out in a dramatic manner, her own banner now swishing easily behind her. "It does look sooo much better on me. she teased. Though secretly she did agree, he looked much better clean.

To anyone else his movement would be unsettling. He slunk around her asking her her thoughts on their surroundings. Pale blue grey eyes looked around them one more as he added what she was already thinking. "Mmm definitely not." she echoed shaking her head slightly. This definitely would not do. They needed something more. "Though I dont quite remember what exactly Paeryl asked us to look for...do you/" she fiend an innocent look. The reality was she hadn't quite cared enough to remember. They had been moving much too much for her tastes lately. She and Lyx could take their time.
Played by Van who has 62 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
A sharp grin formed on his maw at his sister's reaction, satisfaction bubbling in his chest. Both the agreement and the laughter were positives - Cynder was much more reserved with her feelings, so it always felt like a sort of personal victory to elicit any sort of emotion from her. Like he'd won a game.

"If you wanna, you could probably use the flowers here to deepen the color on your paws," he reasoned. "Might stick around a while." Longer than blood, anyway, but wasn't that part of the fun?

It seemed they were in agreement once more - this was certainly not the place. A toothy smile formed on his maw. "Gotta admit, I wasn't really listening to the guy either," he said. "Somethin' about sacrifice, I think. But you can do that sort of thing anywhere." Still, the flower field didn't feel quite right. Something about the mountain nearby called to him, but he wasn't sure he wanted to climb that just yet.

"I wonder when the others will join us," he voiced aloud, brow raising as he looked up at the mountain. "Not that I'm complaining. But it might be kinda fun to have Thoval or someone around." There was a hint of a pout in his voice. More bodies meant more opportunities for messing around, and Cynder knew all of Felyx's games far too well for him to be able to trick her. He still liked playing with her, of course - she was his favorite - but fresh blood was always a plus.
(This post was last modified: Jun 22, 2024, 08:28 PM by Felyx.)
Played by Grae who has 30 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
At his suggestion her blue grey gaze shifted from their surroundings to the red flowers at their feet once more. Without hesitation the stamped both her front paws in immediate vicinity squashing the flowers without an ounce of remorse. She had taken the lives of their own kind, why would she care about some measly flowers?

She ground them until their coated her paws in a brighter red and a sly serpentine smile slithered upon her lips. Much better.

His question had her agreeing with him, her smile turning into a fiend look as she didn't care that she didn't remember. Lyx explained that Paeryl had said something about sacrificing. She rolled her eyes and gave her light agouti pelt a shake. "Yeah probably" she said half heartedly. Her disinterest wasnt because he wasn't right, she just didn't particularly care.

Her dark audits stood at attention at his musing on when they would be joined by the others. She mused for a moment until he mentioned Thoval and she bristled. Her hackles stood on end and her tail lashed. It wasn't that she hated the larger man he just...was so needy sometimes it got under her skin. But he had become a crucial part of their survival, helping when Felyx had been injured. So she would tolerate him. "Mmmhumm. Yeah I dont remember when they said they'd join us. But I'd be willin' to bet Throval isn't that far behind us...he never is." Her upper lip curled in a silent snarl before quickly falling away. She knew Lyx liked him, she just didnt warm up to others in the same way that he did.
Played by Van who has 62 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Cyn immediately took his advice and Felyx was delighted to find that the dye did a much better job of coloring her paws. She seemed to like it, too, which had his tail whipping around in a circular motion behind him.

It seemed neither of them had cared enough to listen to what Paeryl actually wanted, which was fine. "Maybe... the mountain would be a good start?" he suggested, tipping his head. "Could throw some wolves off. Appease that god of his." Whether Felyx believed in it or not, it didn't matter. He would do these things with or without a higher power's intervention.

The sound of a body hitting rocks from several hundred feet up... it almost had him salivating. It sounded delightful.

Felyx laughed, hoarse and rasping, when Cynder bristled up at the thought of the man. "Ah, come on, now. He's not that bad." @Thoval made things a lot more fun in Felyx's book, and really, who didn't want a pretty boy following them around like a shadow? "I think he's interesting. Lots of potential." For what, Felyx wasn't sure just yet, but he was sure the two of them would find out.

"Maybe we could find even more wolves in here who'll join us," he suggested then, pressing his side against his sibling's. "Wouldn't that be fun? Paeryl would probably be happy too."
Played by Grae who has 30 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Blueish grey looked to the looming range to the east that Felyx suggested and shrugged her shoulders and mused aloud "Would make my job easier." She liked the power she gained when she held another's life within her jaws. She had never pushed someone off a cliff before. It could be satisfying but then she wouldn't get the satisfaction of feeling the end. She shrugged and went to move off when her twin mentioned Thoval.

His laughter only caused her to bristle more and to turn her silent snarl on him. She shook out her pelt to dispel the tension. Things usually went south when she was tense. Lyx's praise for the shadowy man wasn't wrong, Thoval wasn't that bad, but that didn't mean she had to like him or anyone else for that matter. Just tolerate them.

Her twin continued on to suggest they'd find more wolves to join them "Oh goodie." She said flatly. "I'm sure he would be, but...can't we just wait a little bit longer before finding someone? You know I basically don't like anyone but you. Most of the time." she teased him about the last part. She loved him but even he could bother her sometimes.
Played by Van who has 62 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
That snarl was turned toward them and Felyx's smile twisted just a touch into something more manic. He would never really want to fight Cynder - she was probably one of the only wolves he would ever meet that he didn't have any real interest in antagonizing - but there was something feral within him that tended to... react whenever he saw teeth flashing and a wrinkled muzzle pointed in his direction. Self-preservation meeting whatever monster he had inside.

He gave himself a shake, mirroring her own, to rid himself of the urge to bite and tear. There was no reason to fight, he reminded himself, though his throat ached and his heart jackhammered in his chest. No reason at all.

But there was reason to tease.

"It's 'cause I'm such a delight," he bragged, and was fully aware that he was lying. Another laugh escaped him. "I don't really like anyone, either, you know. People are fun to have around, and if we really hate them, we can just get rid of them." Ditching them or killing them, he didn't really care. Maybe they could even sacrifice them to Paeryl's god. "No promises, but I'll try not to bring back any losers." He winked at her, then, and waved his tail. "If I do, you can throw me off the mountain, too."
Played by Grae who has 30 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
The twins shook out the tension building between them, mirroring one another. It was best to turn their frustrations out on others rather than each other. It was back to teasing, a good platform for them. She snorted out a small laugh at his claim to being such a delight. "Yeah yeah." She rolled her eyes at him and fought the urge to stick her tongue out at him.

"Mmmm" she pondered at his suggestion at getting rid of those they really hated. The thought brought a small smile to her face. "True, we could always try to convince Paeryl to use 'em in a sacrifice." A devilish grin adorned her red twinged maw at the thought. Her ginger twin promised to not bring home any losers and if did then she could throw him off a cliff. A mischievous twinkle lit up her stormy blue grey eyes. In a swift motion she rose up on her rear paws aiming to knocking him over to begin a spar.