Dad was gone. Euna too.
He'd had his emotional outburst over it, a rare moment of anger and betrayal for the pup that he couldn't physically keep inside. Now he was resigned to them being gone, still hurt over their choice, but accepting that there was nothing he could do without invoking further wrath from his mother and everyone else.
Tuwile lay on his side, eyes half open as he watched the world go by. It was far more quiet now that Euna's constant demands for attention had disappeared, and even Tori being... suspiciously quiet and withdrawn.
He didn't react as a small brown bird dropped down onto his flank, its head twitching to and fro like birds tended to do. It stood on him for a few moments before plucking out a clump of fur, causing the pup to fully open one eye and slightly raise his head. Normally birds weren't so bold, so this felt like a special moment.