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my sister, she told me to do something good — Fireweed Rise 
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Played by Van who has 62 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
He doubted they'd have to do much convincing to get Paeryl to sacrifice anybody. Those gods of his would be more than willing to take lives, Felyx figured. It was... difficult to think of them as Felyx and Cynder's gods, though - probably because they spoke to Paeryl and not the twins. But they were probably real. Probably.

A surprised noise escaped him as his twin moved to push him down, laughing as he went. He rolled and kicked at her underbelly, teeth snapping near her nose as he tussled right back, attempting to roll the both of them over so he could pin her into the flowers.
Played by Grae who has 30 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
She found her mark as a wicked grin pulled her inky black lips back. The squeak from her twin pulled a curt laugh as they rolled. Lyx's teeth snapped just near her nose catching her short whiskers in his small teeth, lightly pulling at them. A growl bubbled up in her throat as their tawny forms rolled through the wildflowers, streaking them both in bright red. Any one else would have interrupt them as vicious but with Lyx she wouldn't ever seriously harm him. Just a few minor scrapes, nicks, and bruises maybe, but not ant actual damage and she knew he could dish it right back to her.

They rolled until they finally stopped with Felyx winding up on top. She wiggled and snapped at the fur on his chest trying her best to not let him be successful in his mission. They had regular tussles, it was a good way to keep her skills sharp for when then actual need arose.
Played by Van who has 62 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
It must have looked worse than it was, Felyx figured, with the flowers painting them red like blood. Some actual blood was to be expected in their tussles, but nothing major. Avoiding vital areas, avoiding ripping and tearing. Lyx would not do this with anyone else - wouldn't trust anyone to put their teeth on him or pin him down. And usually, it was Cyn who won, with Lyx a happy loser.

But this time, he wound up pinning his twin to the ground, and she was not going down without a fight.

Teeth caught the fur on his chest and caught skin. It wasn't bad, but it was enough for the boy to feel the wetness of blood seeping into the pale fur there. "Wounded!" he gasped, flopping dramatically onto his back and placing a paw to his chest. "It's a mortal injury. I don't think I can go on." He peeked one stormy eye open at her, a smirk on his maw.
Played by Grae who has 30 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Her efforts were fruitless at first. Her twins own pale paws pinned her to the red stained ground before she twisted herself, much like an alligator or snake, in an attempt to find any purchase between her teeth. The coppery tang of blood on her tongue told her she was successful in her endeavor and she released her hold.

"Wounded!" Lyx declared in a dramatic prima donna fashion, flopping over to his side releasing her. A rare hearty laugh escaped her as she got to her paws. His declaration of his mortal injury and incapability of being able to go on had her tail swishing behind her as she looked down upon him. As soon as he peeked a grey blue eye at her she fiend a swoon falling unceremoniously on to his exposed side. "ooohhh, whatever shall I do without youuuu??" she dragged out in a mocking wail pulling her own red twinged paw to her eyes.
Played by Van who has 62 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Blood seeped, warm and familiar, into the fur on his chest. Knowing it was Cyn's doing made it more bearable - almost comforting, in a way. Far unlike the time that had nearly cost him his life all those months ago, before Thoval and Vaenyra and Paeryl and the gods. When it was just himself and Cyn.

Sometimes he missed those times, weirdly enough. Before it had gotten so entangled. But now his head was a mess and he was constantly in search of some new thrill, and life was all about what came next.

Cynder matched his drama and Felyx had to fight to keep himself from laughing.

"I guess... you'll just have to..." he lamented, voice fading out, before a grin formed on his face. "...die with me!" And with that, he attempted to sink his teeth into the fur around her neck.
Played by Grae who has 30 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
I'm good if you wanna do one more round then we can do the updated thread :) <3

There were just a few rare moments in time that Cynder let down her guard and allowed herself to just be. No needing to look over her should, watch their backs, keep a close eye on others around them. There was just one individual on this planet that she would do it with. They've been together since the very beginning, from the womb they've been bonded. The drama kept growing as the reddish twin dragged on shifting beneath the sandy twin drawing out slowly what would have to happen next.

"..die with me!" Lyx wailed moving to reach Cyn's next. She instinctually tucked her chin to her chest, protecting her throat. She knew all too well how vital that area of the body was. She had ended many in that exact manner. She tucked and shifted leaving the fleshier part of the back of her neck exposed. Sure enough his teeth found purchase "oooohhhhh" she wailed dramatically. Cyn sucked in a deep inhale and exhaled exasperatedly before going completely limp. She held her breath to further the possum ruse.
Played by Van who has 62 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Felyx could no longer pretend to be dead with the laughter bubbling in his chest. Instead, he flopped beside his "deceased" sister and rolled onto his back, cackling. Blood had soaked into his chest where she bit him, but it was drying now, tacky and familiar. The iron-tinged scent filled the air, mixing with the floral notes and Cynder's. Felyx wished that all days could be like this, sometimes.

"And thus, Felyx and Cynder are no more," he lamented, letting his eyes fall shut as he put an ending to their game. "Such a tragic end, killed by their own blood."

Good to fade here or with one more from you!
Played by Grae who has 30 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
It was her turn to release her laughter. A very rare thing to happen - laughter from the sandy yearling. It had only happened a few times in their lives, and always with Lyx. He was the only one to have bared witness to the sound. As her twin rolled to his back she let her head fall from his side to the ground with a soft thud. He declared they were no more - killed by their own. She laughed again rolling to her own back, her red stained paws raised to the sky. "They came into this world together. Its only fitting they leave it together." She stretched her paws to the sky, loosening her muscles in a long stretch. This was a much better day than they've had in a while. So long as no one came along to snatch them away.