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The weight of the world — Dead Empress Backwater 
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Played by Flywolf who has 53 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater X. Yearling
Ally Valle
@Viorel please. RE: Ally, you hit your paw on a tree root hidden by the last of the snow.

the night comes down like heaven

Ally woke with a start. Her heart pounded in her ears, a constant throb that disoriented her momentarily. As she stared wildly about she slowly realized she was home.

She'd been trying so hard to come home, but... it didn't feel like home, not without her dad, even though her grandpa and uncle were here. She'd had family in the Cove, too, but... but it was better here. She didn't even mind being grounded all that much, since she didn't have a strong desire to leave until her dad was with her. He would come back here eventually.

Ally's heart still raced from the nightmare she couldn't remember. She wouldn't be going back to sleep any time soon. Quietly, so as not to disturb anyone else around the group den, the yearlings crept into the night to find somewhere isolated to sit and think. Maybe even have a cry.

Played by Ghost who has 662 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater I. Leader
Viorel Valle

The father had been awake and brooding, not unusual for the Valle man at this time of the night. He had never been a morning wolf, and found comfort in the dark of the night. He knew that his latest litter of children would be gracing the world any day now which meant he was limited in how far he could wander. In previous years he might have spent this time huddled up in the birthing den, preening Vanadis and whispering sweet nothings to each other but that did not feel appropriate this year. Instead he made himself busy, helping dig out the den, bringing her food and anything else she desired so she would be cared for.

The sound of pawsteps broke Viorel out of his thoughts, salt and pepper head lifting off of his paws to turn towards where they had come from. The sight of his granddaughter was greeted with his tail thumping against the ground a couple of times happily, though he watched closely. He knew Eros had her on lockdown until Archer returned and he wasn’t about to be the one who lost her again. He said nothing, but it was clear by the tilt of his head that he was wondering where she was headed to this late at night.

[Image: s38i5ZS.png]
Played by Flywolf who has 53 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater X. Yearling
Ally Valle
the night comes down like heaven

Lost in her thoughts as she was, Ally didn't notice her grandpa until she was nearly upon him and the thumping of his tail met her ears. She turned toward the sound, caught the movement of his head in the dark, and leapt back with a startled yelp. She took a few running steps but stopped herself; that was what got her into this whole mess to begin with.

She was done running.

Having taken a moment to actually assess for a moment and realizing it was indeed only her grandpa, she crawled up next to him, snuggling into his side. His scent, so like her dad's, washed over her like a blanket and she sighed in contentment.

Played by Ghost who has 662 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater I. Leader
Viorel Valle

The leader had not intended to startle his granddaughter, which is why he had remained silent to begin with. When she yelped and began to run, he lurched halfway up, her name on the tip of his tongue when she stopped. That would have been a real tragedy, if he managed to lose her again when all he did was wag his tail. Then she was back by his side, curled into him and sighing in what he hoped was something close to happiness.

Relaxing back down, he settled his head back upon his paws and for a moment just listened to the quiet sounds of the night. Rustle of a gentle breeze, the slow drip of melting snow in the deepest part of the woods, the haunting call of an owl in the distance. Eventually he quietly rumbled, ”You must really be a Valle to be up so late at night.” He wasn’t sure what it was about them that meant they would rather sleep in the day and chase after the moon. Some wolves had violence in their blood, some wanderlust, the Valles had the night. Or maybe it was just how well their dark pelts blended in with the dim.

[Image: s38i5ZS.png]
Played by Flywolf who has 53 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater X. Yearling
Ally Valle
I don't think this is going to end up being RE points lol, but sorry for the wait! Not to self: this is before they know Archer is dead

I guess it goes to show, does it not?


Ally sighed as she settled into her grandfather's side, and he accepted her warmly. His words had her ears pricking and she looked up at him. "Dad liked to sit up and watch the stars," she said quietly. "I sat with him until I couldn't stay awake anymore." Now she was older and she could stay up all night if she had the mind to, but she did like sleep... when it didn't plague her with nightmares like it had tonight.

Her chin rested on her paws as she pondered the last several weeks. She wanted her dad. "I want him to come home," she said quietly, trying to keep the low whine from her voice. It wouldn't do to start crying again. "How long do you think he'll take?" She wondered if he'd heard she was here yet, or if he'd come back to check in, or if maybe... what if he gave up? What if he came home to stay, thinking she was still lost? She wasn't, but the idea that her dad might give up on her caused a knot to twist in her stomach. "Do you think he's even still looking for me?" Her voice was nearly a whisper.