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all could change in this new day — Dogwood Strath 
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Played by Van who has 59 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
@Asmund ^^ let me know if anything needs changed!

Felyx felt a fondness for the mountain that he didn't expect to experience when they first set out to try and find it. He had no particular preference for any type of terrain or anything like that, but now that his paws had gotten used to the rocks and his body to the altitude, he could certainly see himself being quite happy up amongst the cliffs.

It didn't mean he didn't feel the draw of adventure - his mind and body's demand for more new experiences. Under the guise of scoping out their surroundings, looking for new recruits or new sacrifices, Felyx wandered down into the forest once more.

It was a pretty place, too, where he'd found himself. White flowers coated each tree, occasionally falling from the branches and falling to the ground. It looked ethereal in the soft afternoon light - almost romantic, if Felyx were to be a more sentimental wolf. But even he could appreciate the pale flowers, curiously sniffing at one of the fallen blossoms on the forest floor.
Played by Cade who has 109 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater V. Subordinate
Asmund Ingerssen Valle
Asmund had not grown out of his fear. He felt it acutely still, especially when he left the pack's domain alone, as he had late evening the prior day. It thrummed throughout his musculature now, every inch of himself prepared for fight or flight no matter how peaceful the woods around him appeared. What had changed was the confidence he had begun to develop, thanks almost solely to @Viorel's tutelage and generous faith. He could feel that dread, let it settle over him, without letting it control him. He could act despite it, in spite of it.

He could be the one to fend off a monster. There was conjecture, but no one seemed to know with absolute certainty what was out there hurting so many wolves. While there was still a chance danger lurked, the aspiring-guardian needed to be part of the proactive response.

Nothing felt right about entering the strath after a stranger's scent, but Az knew by now that instinct would always tell him to turn tail. Rather than relying on his gut, he listened to his head. The slopes were gentle, there was nothing entrapping about the terrain. If that changed, he could simply climb up to the high ground. He pressed forward, head low and steps stealthily quiet. Having practiced concealing his existence his whole life, this was where Asmund shone best.

The elegant confetti of dogwood petals and the shafts of amber sunlight they danced through meant nothing to him, beryl eyes focused intently instead on the stranger standing amongst such indulgent scenery. Younger, too young to be such a threat as the one Az sought. Right?

Asmund chose to pause in place, only observant for now.
(This post was last modified: Aug 05, 2024, 02:40 AM by Asmund.)
Played by Van who has 59 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Felyx knew the feeling of being watched. Of being stalked. It had happened twice before, once when he and Cyn were taken and the other when his throat had been nearly ripped out. These events had left him and his sister both hypervigilant and watchful, but Felyx was not one to panic under the circumstances - even if this shadow of his was particularly good at keeping hidden. The only thing Lyx had to go on was instinct alone.

But there was no reason to stress about it. Felyx hummed to himself as he strolled through the dogwoods, keeping his posture relaxed and loose. So what if he had an audience? Nothing bad had happened yet, so either his stalker was doing this to gain some kind of information, or perhaps they were too cautious an assassin. For the former, Felyx was doing nothing interesting, and for the latter, there was little doubt in his mind that he could handle whatever was thrown at him.

With a sigh, the boy rolled onto his back in the flowers, embedding their scent into his fur. With his underbelly exposed, he figured it would be the opportune time for an assassin to launch themself his way. A test, of sorts, just to see what would happen.
Played by Cade who has 109 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater V. Subordinate
Asmund Ingerssen Valle
Asmund could lie in wait for a very long time if needed, but the blithe nature of his present subject further impressed upon him that he didn't need to. He watched the stranger roll amongst the fragrant debris and found himself wondering which they were more of, confident or stupid. A pleasant way of ignoring the burn of jealousy that was present in his own gut. Why hadn't life taught this wolf better by now?

He wished he had the nerve to do so himself. Instead, he shed cover calmly, as though merely meandering into the open rather than stepping out of hiding. There wasn't too much interest in his beryl eyes, but they focused wholly on the other all the same.

"Hello," he greeted coolly, stopped again at a few yard's distance. Just because the teen had been so relaxed while alone didn't mean he'd remain so now. If he was comfortable with the company, though, maybe Az could ask some questions. Perhaps there was some kind of use in running into the guy.
Played by Van who has 59 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Ah, he was right.

A newcomer stepped out into the clearing, and Felyx took stock of him quickly. Small, like himself, with a deep brown coat and eyes the color of new spring leaves. Maybe a little older, but not by too much. Certainly not an assassin, for if he were, Felyx would have had a much less pleasant greeting on his paws. Felyx rolled onto his side instead of his back, still calm and lackadaisical, but more focused now.

"Hello," he echoed, tone similar to the stranger's, but with a light lilt at the end, drawing out the 'o'. There didn't seem to be anything particularly notable about this stranger, and since he was downwind Felyx had no way of picking out his scent. His tail thumped on the ground, eyes half-lidded and lazy as he regarded the newcomer, a smile on his maw. "Care to join me?" A little company never hurt - or, rarely hurt, he supposed. Besides, it was a nice day, and he didn't feel like he was tingling with unspent energy, so why not?