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no grave can hold me — Paradise Falls 
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Played by Greyer who has 255 posts.
Paradise Falls VI. Subordinate
Adelard Gerau
RE: It's been so humid recently it feels like breathing through a wet leaf, you better find somewhere to cool down!

August 1st; Afternoon; Edge of pack territory; Overcast Clouds; 57.11 ° F, 13.95 ° C

Between the summer heat and the wildfire smoke, the air was hard to breathe on the worst of days. Today was one of those. In addition to the tinge of ash and smoke on the barely-there breeze, humidity around the Falls rose. It lingered above the waterfall and hovered between the sequoias, thick and despicable. In the underbrush, it gathered in the tiniest of dew drops. Once gathered, the condensation would eventually fall to the warm forest floor.

Adelard's saving grace had been the clouds. Without the sun beating down on his dark coat, the travel home was slightly faster than he had expected. While scouting about in search of prey and game trails, he followed Towser out into the wilds... only to get ambushed by a dark, surly rogue. Adelard escaped with his hide, a few bites but little blood spilled. Towser, being a bit younger and inexperienced, had needed help. The stranger had gotten away, leaving the young Lyall on the ground some number of miles away.

The Gerau collapsed in the shallows of the river he had been following. He and Towser had been southbound, but never made it to the Darkwater Rapids or Secret Falls. They had probably gone further to the east than they had originally intended. Beyond the realm of Relic Lore entirely.

Unable to lift his bloodied neck from the riverbank, he laid his head to the side, closing his eyes. The cool current soothed the bruises beneath his pelt and the aches in his joints. It relieved him of the body heat that felt trapped in the black saddle mark along his back. After some time, he heaved himself up onto his forelimbs, head heavy and ears saturated with water. It fell from him in trickles and little streams from his underbelly, elbows, and tail. "Ri-Riven!" he barked out, still half-stunned from the attack. "Help!" Other words failed to come to him. Even remembering the tensions between him, Chan, and the rest of the pack was too far of a reach. "Help," was all he could utter, even as his voice struggled to maintain its volume. The third and fourth calls were mere whispers, "Help- Help him."
(This post was last modified: Aug 01, 2024, 10:45 PM by Adelard. Edit Reason: event clarification )
ADELARDheat stroke, bring the fire
black smoke, I take it higher
Played by van who has 157 posts.
Paradise Falls VIII. Subordinate
It was hot out. Usually, Riven would not be nearly as active as he was now in such weather, especially not with the hint of smoke in the air, but he had no choice. The sound of his name, called with such distress, would've sent him flying toward anyone, but the fact that it was Adelard's voice had him running like flames licked at his feet. He hardly had time to think outside of the sheer panic that flooded his body, a constant stream of please, please, please recycling through his mind. Begging for him to be okay, for this not to be as bad as he thought it would be, for him to not be dying.

He would regret the running tomorrow, when his back would be aching and his body heavy with exhaustion, but for now none of that mattered. What mattered was reaching his beloved's side as quickly as possible, no matter what.

The scent of blood filled the air the closer he got to the source of the call, and Riven wanted to throw up. He should've thought to grab herbs, he chastised himself, but herbs for what? He couldn't bring anything if he didn't know what he was supposed to be treating.

"Ad!" he wheezed, skidding to a halt by the riverbank. He hesitated only a moment before rushing in beside him, body pressed against his flank, scanning him over for injuries. Past the blood on his neck, he couldn't make out much through dark, sodden fur. "I'm here. What's hurt? Is it just your neck?" he asked, then, trying to keep his voice level and calm, though there was still a tinge of panic there. He was alive and breathing - they could work with that, and it probably wasn't even as bad as Riven assumed.

He couldn't help but scan around them for potential threats - for whoever had done this. Riven was not much of a fighter, but he felt on edge, like he needed to protect as much as he needed to heal right now.
(This post was last modified: Aug 01, 2024, 11:35 PM by Riven.)
Played by Cade who has 909 posts.
Paradise Falls I. Leader
Chan Eastfall
Chan had joined Atara on one of her patrols for the afternoon, the two taking the opportunity to talk as well as survey the outer reaches of the pack's territory. @Finley's health of course came up, but he'd yet to gather enough information to know what was really going on. That she was insistent nothing was wrong greatly impeded his ability to care for her as a medic. It clearly worried her daughter, too.

Yet of course, that couldn't be their only problem. A third voice abruptly invaded the conversation, just barely audible, and his stomach dropped. Neither leader nor yearling hesitated to sprint toward the sound, adrenaline already released.

Adelard was downed in the water and there was blood in the air. Riven's questions reached his ears as Chan came near, listening intently for an answer. Whatever was needed, he could race to fetch it, but he worried too. What, or who, had done this? Even more important, were they near? Would he just be leaving Atara and Riven to be attacked?

Chan tipped back his head and howled for the pack. He wasn't taking any risks. If there was a threat, they would stand against it together.

Danger, regroup, now.

This is an emergency summons. Chan doesn't really do punishments so there won't be any repercussion for not responding, but it is expected; a pack mate is in need!
@Finley @Isla @Flair @Miriam @Hazelnut
[Image: 5BdYuOb.png]
Played by Cade who has 52 posts.
Paradise Falls IX. Yearling
Atara Kane
Atara missed the calm she used to feel inside. Anymore, it felt like a cyclone was alive in her chest. Mother wouldn't say she was well if something was wrong, right? If Finley insisted things were picturesque, Atty was more than happy to frame them up and agree, because that was all that was needed to make them right.

Except she knew better. She was no longer a whelp, and there was a constant weight in the pit of her gut. More than that, others had noticed things were off as well, threatening to pop her delicate bubble with every prodding question. It was like walking a tightrope line, balancing being helpful with protecting the house built of sand. Desperately wanted, because it's demise wouldn't just mean that something bad was happening to her mom; it could also mean her father had sent the woman he was supposed to love back to them alone in such a state.

Chan had blessedly changed topics, but it was all too soon that peace was shattered. Her legs were moving before her mind could even catch up, instincts kicking in and driving her to defend. While her elder stopped to attend the pair in the water, Atara splashed past them, crossing over to where their fallen pack mate's back faced. Fangs bared and tail stiffly raised, she sought any trace of a perpetrator. Her role was as bulwark, and she would not fail in it.
Played by Cade who has 108 posts.
Paradise Falls VII. Subordinate
Ryder Lennox
Ryder had been partaking in a meal when Chan's howl sounded, filling the air with a jarring urgency. His heart promptly set to pounding and his stomach twisted, the call of danger bringing to mind one thing: @Indigo. He lurched to his paws and ran, the littering of meat and bones abandoned in his wake. He flew through the forest, toward the last place he'd known her to be, and was blessedly able to find her trail swiftly.

"Indi!" he called out, voice carrying an unusual timber. Ryder didn't often get scared, and certainly not enough to let it show. He was now, though, and would continue to be until he knew his daughter was safe.

Played by Tasha who has 60 posts.
Paradise Falls V. Subordinate
Miriam Faith

Alarm coursed through her when she heard Chan’s call, immediately making a break for the scene. She’d just returned from her own scouting expedition, and exhaustion carried in her limbs. She was fueled by the adrenaline that coursed through her at the urgent nature of the call.

Her eyes snapped around, a soft whine escaping in the moment when she saw the blood on the riverbank. “Riv, what do you need?” She’d ask of the healer quickly, prepared to run and get any of the herbs she’d learned to identify for her scouting trips to help… prepared to fetch food, water, anything to help.

There was too much going on, and Miriam would focus in on one wolf and one thing in order to ease the burden on her mind a bit more.

Played by Tasha who has 74 posts.
Paradise Falls IX. Subordinate
Nadine Daireann
give me your heart
and i'll give you my soul
to just feel a little piece of heaven

Nadine had been lingering close to Isla and the children, as she often did when she was not actively engaged in other matters. She felt protective of them, and wanted to oversee their development. Her heart thumped uncomfortably in her chest as she considered, hearing Chan’s call raise and call for them all. Her gaze would flash to the children, and then the direction of the call. “I’ll see what the matter is.” She offered back gently before taking off. It was not in her nature to ignore such a call, especially not understanding what could be causing such an urgency.

She hadn’t been expecting the scene she was confronted with when she arrived, her eyes widening in something akin to shock as she looked between the bodies present… the blood, a snarl escaping her as she fell in to flank Chan. “Do you want me to take someone and scout the area?” She’d ask the leader, her gaze flicking around. They could be on high alert, and discover who or what had done such a horrible thing to begin with.

Played by Greyer who has 255 posts.
Paradise Falls VI. Subordinate
Adelard Gerau
Adelard tried to focus on catching his breath when he heard approaching footsteps. His damp ears perked up but not for long. Relief shone in his eyes as he saw him, his love. His brow furrowed, berating himself for making the medic run. He was supposed to be making the man's life easier now that they were together again.

"Ad!" Riven was quick to look him over.

"River," he half-whined. "River-"

"I'm here. What's hurt? Is it just your neck?"

"I-I'm fine," he choked out, trying now to push himself up onto all four paws. He cleared his throat to no avail. The humidity today was a beast in itself. "It's..." he exhaled, eyes widening as he saw Chan emerge behind Riven. Worry washed over him but only for a moment before his body tensed. He might not have been able to bring Towser home, but the pack had to know...

"Chan," he rasped. "Lyall.... the quiet one." Surely, his pack mates knew who he spoke of. Towser had been there long before Adelard.

Miriam arrived next, followed by Nadine. That was when his mind went to Isla and the boys. A whine sounded from him as he steadied himself on the river bank. "There's someone out there," he seemed to babble on, looking from one face to another. "I knew- I knew there was something wrong. I told-" he grimaced, remembering following after the masked male. "I told him I wouldn't let him wander off alone. I couldn't. We were ambushed in... in broad daylight." He shook his head. He was certain now that Riven was about to scrutinize him for telltale signs of rabies or distemper. "The blood isn't mine, it's his... Theirs... I can't tell if it was premeditated or not."

Adelard might not have known Towser for long, but it was hard to fathom anyone wanting him injured - or dead. Besides, it was only natural that wolves only drew blood over serious matters. His breath grew ragged in his chest, "He... didn't follow me here but I'm afraid he'll be back."
ADELARDheat stroke, bring the fire
black smoke, I take it higher
Played by van who has 157 posts.
Paradise Falls VIII. Subordinate
"It's okay, you're okay," he assured, heart aching at the sound of his given name on Adelard's tongue. "We'll figure it out."

Others came behind him, but they were inconsequential. Nothing in the world could matter more than Adelard right now - at least, to Riven. The other man was clearly distressed, moreso than Riv had ever seen him, and there was a deep, gnawing ache to fix whatever was wrong right now. The medic kept himself pressed against his lover, sharp eyes scanning him over to ensure there really were no injuries. It was possible that the blood didn't belong to him, and that age and panic had exhausted him, but Riven was going to be damn well sure that was the case.

Adelard's story was an odd one. That wasn't to say Riven didn't believe it, of course, but random attacks were... well, incredibly uncommon, save for Ad's own concerns. Rabies or distemper would certainly explain it, but it was possible that this was some kind of attempted murder as well. Still, he could hardly rule the disease aspect out of it, and would absolutely be keeping a close eye on Adelard for the foreseeable future.

He nuzzled Adelard's cheek, an answering whine of his own slipping past his maw. It was distressing to know that there was someone missing in all of this - another who had been attacked - but there was little doubt in his mind that they'd do their best to search for him.

Riv, what do you need?

Sweet Miriam spoke up quickly to offer help, and Riven offered her a smile that might've looked more like a grimace. "Help me move him?" he requested, still pressed into Adelard's side. He turned his attention back to the other man, eyes softening. "Do you think you can move, with help? We need to get you to a den."
Played by Cade who has 39 posts.
Paradise Falls XI. Yearling
Addy had, unsurprisingly, been asleep when their father sounded the alarm. They rose and shook the grogginess away as best as could be managed before taking off, steps slightly stumbling at first before picking up focused speed. This was not a usual occasion, and there were ripples forming across the typical placidity within them. What had happened, and did it involve their loved ones?

When they arrived, they thought the peril was clear. It was the wolf their father inexplicably disliked, but it could have even been someone like Ryder or Nadine and they would have still felt that bit of tension in their gut relax. It wasn't anyone Addy favored, or who was important to those they did. Still, that didn't mean they weren't here to help Adelard, nor that they didn't hope strongly that whatever this was would all turn out okay.

They beelined for Dad, and stood expectantly silent before him once he was reached, fully trusting his lead.