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Lay my heart down with the rest at her feet — Whisper Marsh 
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Played by Grae who has 27 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Her dark brows relaxed as she watched the other and her twin. Their single golden eye glancing between the twins before settling on the redder one. The words "I do" echoed between the trio and Cyn's tail flicked behind her. Lyx rose to his feet as he explained how Paeryl would be the one to speak to then proceeded to introduce himself. Ever the diplomat that twin of hers was. She remained the silent sentry, content to let Felyx lead. It seemed as if they had a potential new member, Paeryl and the gods should be pleased. Cynder herself was indifferent. So long as she kept her and her littermate's place in the group she didn't really care how many joined their cause - however temporary or permanent.
Played by PuppyThief who has 49 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Apolline Macieo

That one word was echoing in the witch’s mind, one single sound that seemed to have redefined their entire existence; God! Could this be the answer? The guiding light that had been flickering on the edge of their horizon for so long, sending dreams and visions, and filling their soul with that glorious feeling?

With a breath that rattled excitedly in their chest, Apolline turned to look into the pool again, watching that reflection of their one bright eye, expecting to see something more; One more sign… But that seemed too much to ask. All they saw was their own reflection and his next to it, the only motion that spirited swish of his tail; Perhaps that’s enough…?

Barely a breath of time passed like that, and then the young man spoke again, his scratchy voice drawing Apolline’s attention back to the real wolf at their side rather than his reflection. His words wrapped around them like a silver veil, drawing them in with sweet promises, and yet, the witch found themself a little disappointed; He’s just the herald… They had hoped for the prophet himself; Paeryl…

Despite this dampening of their excitement, Apolline made sure to retain their composure, returning Felyx smile with nod of her own. “Perhaps I would,” they agreed serenely, but said no more on the subject, instead answering his introduction: “Not at all, Felyx, though I appreciate the name. I’m Apolline.” They looked over then, at his silent companion, feeling their smile growing a little wider as she remained mute; The stoic type, hm? This couple sure was interesting, even if they were just the forerunners of something bigger.

Thoughts ”Speech”

[Image: CwM5irV.png]
Played by Van who has 61 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Cyn remained silent, watching over the two of them. Felyx had no clue if his words had gotten through to the stranger, but their response gave him a flicker of hope that they might seek Paeryl out themself. He'd no idea what this wolf was going through on a spiritual level, for Felyx was in no way attuned to that aspect of the world. Instead, he could only throw them a bone and hope they reacted positively.

It seemed that he was successful, at least in some way. Sowing the seeds for future conversations, perhaps. Paeryl was always looking for new believers, after all, and winning the man's favor was never a bad thing.

"Pleasure to meet you," he hummed, tail swishing back and forth. "If you find yourself wanting to know more, he'll be nearby. You'll find him - us - on the mountain." Felyx gestured to it, imposing in stature, in the distance. He got to his feet then, offering the stranger one more smile. "I shouldn't keep you all night. Thank you for the delightful conversation, Apolline. I hope to see you soon."

If there was nothing else to add, he would be on his way, gesturing for Cynder to follow. Not all recruitments could be successful straight away - some were a waiting game, and that was one Felyx was more than happy to play.