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OOC: Flywolf
Other Chars: Nash, Ally, Kalysta
Stats: Same

Sam was having so much fun, seeing new things and playing in new places, and so far <i>this</i> place was her favorite! There were so many fun colors and she could still completely hide by ducking down into the tallest patches of flowers and grass. She giggled, wiggling about, and decided the grass felt so good under her paws she would roll in it. She flopped over, twisting and writhing on her back, snorting giggles escaping her as her legs flailed in the air. She batted at petals set adrift by her activities but didn't care that she missed almost all of them.

She knew her parents had to be around somewhere; they hadn't let her stray far, and as long as they let her keep exploring she didn't see any reason to try and escape their watch. She was having fun, they were assured her safety, it was a win-win for everybody!

So as she bounced through the flowers, snapping at bent stems and wriggling through thick leaves, she hardly paid her father a glance when he arrived on the edge of the glade, determined to continue enjoying her morning. If they needed her, they would call her over.