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little lion man — The Wildwood 
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Played by Tara who has 9 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Note: Wolf doesn't understand wolf "speech" so will only react and communicate via wolf instincts. :D

The wintry sun was hitting it's peak in the sky when the male reached the Wildwood, the mountains drawing him from his previous residence of the Thicket of Secrets, and though it certainly wasn't giving out the warmth it did in the summer it fain took the edge of winter's chill. Like most of the male's movements he tread cautiously and with purpose, each paw careful to miss the nosiest area of the ground or avoid that fragile twig, his eyes allying his ears and nose as they fed information back to him. He was alone — at the moment — and it was a relief. Life as a lone wolf was hard, it was expected without a pack, but he had not realised quite how constantly vigilant he would have to be. Always ready; always aware. It was tiring and even this small period of relief was enough.

Drifting through the Wildwood had given him the opportunity to catch small prey, something which made him yearn for the elk he and his brothers used to take down, and the passing stream had solved his thirst. At the moment he felt content and soothed so this peace was even more of a reward without the worry of when his next meal would come. With curiosity his sharp eyes trailed up and over the mountain that he sat not far from the base off, it looked different yet it was not unfamiliar to him and looking at caused a melancholy feeling to wash over him along with a curious need to howl. The wolf metaphorically shook it off, rising to his feet and stretching before scenting the air lightly once again, ears twitching as he checked once again for any strangers, preparing to continue on his way.

Played by Snizz who has 2 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lokni "Nahcomence"
<blockquote>Beads of dew slid down the hairs of his outer coat, strung like fine thread from the thickets which parted to make a path through their inner depths. The hunter kept close to the ground, shoulders arching to form a pinnacle in a slouching walk, leaves and debris rustling along his underbelly. A scent as ripe as fresh kill or tropical berries remained the purpose, its trail a waypoint set to the destination. Excitement of where and when it would end threw away the doubts and worries that held back too many from what life had to offer. The world was a field thriving with abundance, a banquet and feast for those who could see the truth. Gluttonous, they were called, but he considered it enlightenment. However, logic held power everywhere, and reminded those who stopped to look that it took numbers to accomplish anything. For there were more ears to listen, more eyes to see and more hearts to feel. Alone, you were nothing. Another star in the sky, another leaf on the wind and another branch on a tree.

In a gateway from one instance to a next, the apparition became real. As if peeling from the arms of a dream, the veil left no imprint and disappeared as the rush of breeze would a gale. A slow, heavy exhale clouded the air and signed the deal; it would be done. Without further delay the advance resumed, the arrival to be made in a lengthen of stride. It was a scene nature knew well and watched often, and Lokni imagined himself the hawk that perched at its throne on the skyline, perception unmatched. Unequalled. <span style='color:brown'><b>“You,”</b></span> The whisper trembled in dulcet vocals, the word treated as exalted courtesy for no other name was known. <span style='color:brown'><i>Yet.</i></span> The private correction remained silent as the stranger was observed, a raise in tail an assumption of superiority. Would there be a reaction? Would this be a day to live, or would it soon become another memory in the dusty collection? Anxious for an explosive outcome, the bet and plea held ground on danger.</blockquote>
Played by Tara who has 9 posts.
Inactive No Rank

The silence that the wolf was enjoying was abruptly shattered, and with a long inhale he identified that it was a lone wolf, male, and after listening heading in his direction. He arrived swiftly through the trees and immediately the wolf tensed, his muscles hardening and his head lowering down slowly over his neck, his strong shoulders rising up. A peculiar sound — much like the ones Kaija had made, but harsher — escaped his voice, but they were not weak and pitiful like before and he noted that maybe they were not just a sound made when scared. The darker stranger raised his tail and immediately this wolf did the same, his fur bristling in annoyance at this intruder who entered his temporary territory and challenged him.

To show that he was not afraid and most certainly not going to back down he stepped forward, movements stiff and ready, and his sharp, silvery eyes stared into the brown ones of the male. Lightly, inaudible to the other, a growl bubbled in his throat ready and waiting to rip from his throat like a chainsaw if he needed further incentive. The dark stranger was not lead wolf here and he would not make this wolf submit or back down. Their sizes were equal and from his scent he could tell their age was too. Stalemate perhaps? He would not back down regardless; this wolf would leave his space or cower down on the ground at his feet like a low wolf.

(This post was last modified: Jan 25, 2011, 09:41 PM by Wolf.)
Played by Snizz who has 2 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lokni "Nahcomence"
<blockquote>There had been no pause as the engines of the war machine roared into motion, willing their primal instincts to surpass belief and consume the mind. The chess pieces trembled at the edges of bent fingers, indirect aggression spilling into the eyes of the opposition. A throaty noise responded before words, tail flipping into a swing, like a pendulum put to rights. <span style='color:brown'><b>“So soon?”</b></span> It wasn't fun to be handed an immediate opportunity, the real entertainment lay in the matchmaking, the building with bricks and sand. Yet now there stood a castle to siege, its bounty the lifework of peasants, and of no interest to raid. For the two were the same, both alone and all but stranded in their solitude. <span style='color:brown'><b>“Can you not tell a joke from a threat?”</b></span> Muzzle tilted to outline the question, dominant behaviour restrained behind a mesh and iced with amusement. The Wildwood seemed to sigh in weary exasperation around them, as if it had seen too many clash for nothing but pointless reasoning. That was the Nahcomence himself; fifty percent reason, fifty percent undetermined. The meaning in this encounter was to get a foothold in the new land, and if it meant rustling another's fur, all the better.

As the thoughts were skinned similarly to when a fruit was in preparation for consumption, the wolf allowed himself to move forth, an indistinct confidence haunting the deft steps which broke the distance in-between. The loner curled his form as a cobra would about slain prey, careful to not scare this interest, slow breaths drawing the fresh balm into memorization. It had been an ingenious method guaranteed to hook the fish, and now that he was caught, it would take another feat to cast the line away. Not once had fire fighting involved the summoning of yet more flames, and since the mistake had been made, the door had closed on retreat. <span style='color:brown'><b>“You are most interesting~”</b></span> The opinion was revealed in a croon, the praise something near to a playful dote shared by cavalier and lady. Though anyone who had breached the gate of mere acquaintance could tell this was far and wide from any truth. <i>The secret everyone wants to know will be mine.</i> The enigma was but a bird in a tree. </blockquote>
Played by Tara who has 9 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Fading to black due to member disappearance.

Strange sounds meant nothing to the wolf if he did not understand their meaning, so he forget them and brushed them aside, blocking them from his concious and instead focussing on the body language of the other in front of him. It gave the male a deadly focus that most of these wolves around this forest did not have, he had noted, and while the other seemed intent to play games he made himself an easier target. Silvery eyes watched the step towards him and he held his ground not intimidated by this wolf who seemed to find himself so very clever. As the other moved wolf mirrored him, paws rotating him so that he always faced the male head on, keeping him in his sights. The wolf could not be infuriated by words if they had no meaning.

The hair along his spine bristled, rising up vertically like blades, and his ears that had been resting calmly on his head leaned forward, his tail held upright before curling along his back in an dominant arch. No, the stranger gave him no flicker of fear, and wolf dared him to try. Then, in a movement that held cat-like quickness, the male leapt forward towards the intruder teeth gleaming as they opened before snapping shut with a deadly strength. He had no care whether they hit flesh and sinew or whether it was just air — the meaning was there all the same. Run.

Finally, then, the wolf seemed to understand that the wolf was not just making an idle threat with no attention to follow through and quickly he turned and ran back into the forest he had come from. Satisfied, the male wolf stepped forward and sent a deep, aggressive bark after the fleeting male daring him to come back.

(This post was last modified: Feb 12, 2011, 07:03 PM by Indru.)