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Winter winds — Sacred Grove 
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Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn
Continued from here.

The pair had headed towards the pack's boundaries in the most direct path they could take. With Indru it was instinctive to know his way around these areas and he had knew it would make things easier for her than a scenic route. Besides, he didn't know how long she had been here, perhaps she had seen all there was too see. Though a cocky part of his mind doubted it, Relic Lore always had more to offer and he knew it superbly, he was certain he could show her many new things. Indru had watched her carefully as they had run, matching his pace to hers, and he couldn't help but be reminded distantly of Feather and travelling with her. Even with the slower pace the journey had been interesting and he was pleased at the strength in her limbs, she would be good in a pack and pull her weight, he knew Ruiko would see that. He hoped so anyway.

Here, he stated with pride, sniffing lightly in the air and relishing in the calm the scent of the borders brought to him. They said home and family. I claimed them a long time ago, for some reason he felt the need to tell Corinna he had been the Leader once, not just a Leader, a founder. He knew she was aware of the change in leadership since though. Indru felt a flicker of annoyance at being second, at needing to seek someone's approval to accept a wolf, and for the first time since returning he truly considered challenging it. Unsure though, he brushed the thought aside for the moment. Are you okay? He asked, referring to the travel of the journey, perhaps she would like to rest before he called Ruiko, he wanted her to look strong and able, he wanted her accepted.

(This post was last modified: Feb 03, 2011, 04:22 AM by Indru.)
Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata

Gone Tomorrow

In. Out. In. Out. It was all a method, a biological method that she had no control over. All she could do was go with it. Slim legs carried her through the snowy woods, Indru always one leap ahead of her. His legs were longer, and his better health put him in a better position to race ahead of her. But the gray female did her best, and all things considering, she thought she did pretty well. She was not so weak that she lagged behind or was completely out of breath when they arrived. Her heart was racing, sure, but that always happened when she ran and the adrenaline got pumped through her bloodstream. But eventually, the smell of the Tainn family thickened, and she knew that they were approaching the pack borders. Ruiko's scent was the dominant one, but Indru's was there too, along with their other siblings, the ones she had yet to meet but would gradually become her own family, if things went well today.

Bringing her head to attention, Cori's green eyes met Indru's fire orange ones as he spoke, and for a moment, she held his gaze. She had known that the older Tainn brother had taken control of the family after the fire had broken out, and she wondered what it meant to him to know that he had lost it to his younger sibling. She was sure that Ruiko was an able leader, but once a leader, always a leader. It was just something that was in the blood. Besides, under his reign, Swift River had flourished with eclat, all of Relic Lore had heard of the Tainn wolves. Dipping her head, she flashed him a smile. "I'm sure you were a wonderful leader, Indru." It was said with a reassuring tone, as if to soothe the fears and doubts that were just under the large male's surface. Flicking her tail, she barked playfully, indicating her readiness for the event about transpire. "Yeah, I'll be okay. I've met Ruiko before, actually. So hopefully...this will go okay."

Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

The run with Corinna had felt freeing but the arrival at the pack borders had, for the first time, felt repressing and tense. For a while it had been like an electric current between the two brother's and now even more so Indru could feel the buzz, he was aware after all that Corinna would be the only female that wasn't related to them in the pack. Her comment on his leadership made him grin and his tail waved out behind him briefly before returning to the proud curve along his spine, his limbs tense as he waited at the borders. Her bark shocked him and he laughed, amused and impressed with her eagerness, which was something he did not fully share, his fur standing on end along his back a sure sign on his tense mood. The mention of Ruiko caused a flicker of irrational jealously but he pushed it aside, keen to focus on more important matters at the moment. Okay, he nodded, watching her with his fiery eyes as he checked her over himself confirming her sentiments and reassuring himself of her stableness. Okay. More confident this time, whatever happened he could and would deal with it.

Abruptly, without a moment's more hesitation, Indru swung his head back and allowed a deep howl to escape him calling to his brother. He let it ring out just enough to be sure that Ruiko would hear it and would come, before slowly letting it fade and then turning back to look at Corinna. Not long now, I know he will be nearby. Indru had told him he was travelling further from the pack today and he knew Ruiko would not stray too far until he returned to make sure everything was kept safe. Instinctively he moved closer to the grey female, whether for comfort or to show his support of her to Ruiko he was not sure, but he pushed himself up against her until their fur mingled, sighing lightly as he continued to stare into the Sacred Grove awaiting his brother's arrival.

(This post was last modified: Feb 06, 2011, 01:05 PM by Indru.)
Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
Indru’s call stirred Ruiko’s brows to lift slightly in surprise. His brother had mentioned he would be outside the lands for a bit, but he had not expected Indru to call to him. Worry grew at him, despite that the cry did not seem pained or urgent, and the regal wolf dropped the small pheasant he had caught just moments earlier in front of the family den; a meal for Triell and Borlla.

His paws were nimble as they moved swiftly across the claimed land, a strange sight for a wolf so large to be so graceful at times. His muscles rippled beneath his thick tawny fur; the Tainn brothers were truly a sight to behold. Ruiko was a tank, his muscles and height were mere proof of that, but Indru was stealthy and intelligent. The clash would come soon, Ruiko knew.. he just was not sure of what the outcome would be, and could already feel a sting of annoyance at the idea that Indru would even challenge him.

He came upon the scene and was instantly relieved to see that Indru was fine. His eyes swept over the she-wolf that his brother was protectively pushed up against, recognizing her pretty features instantly. He recalled their brief meeting, remembering that she was seemingly a dreamer of sorts, a follower of the stars. Her and Niija would get along famously. Ruiko also noticed the dominant arch of his brothers tail, and Ruiko’s large figure raised to the challenge, his pelt beginning to bristle lightly. “Well, if it isn’t the stargazer,” he drawled lightly, waiting for them to explain why she was here. It would seem Indru had brought home another stray of the female variety.
Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata

Gone Tomorrow

The gray she-wolf was calm, cool, and collected. On the outside. On the inside, she was a mass of nerves. The last time she had approached a Tainn alpha, it had not turned out well for her, and she had left the pack borders hurt and homeless. This was her second chance at a home, fate's way of telling her that she was not meant to be alone. She had known that herself, of course, but her courage had been lacking, and she had been unwilling to try again. Though now Cori was facing this challenge with a partner beside her. Quite literally. Indru's body was tense, and she could feel his nervous energy through his touch. He was close, very close actually. Their fur touched together, and she could feel his heat. It was comforting, to know that he was there and supporting her goal. Verdant eyes met his once m ore, as twin ears perked up above her head, listening to his summons for Ruiko.

Cori could smell him before she saw him. The dominant scent that covered every inch of the Swift River pack territory. When he came into view, she shuddered, remembering just how impressive Ruiko was in size. He was not one Cori wanted to take on in a physical fight, and she remembered back to how Indru had chased her off, and she knew that if Ruiko did the same thing, the injury would be far worse. His body posture was not encouraging either. Like Indru, his tail was arched and his fur was bristling. Cori assumed that it was meant for her, rather than his brother who stood so protectively beside her.

It was almost enough to make her want to turn tail and leave, and she almost did, until she heard Ruiko speak. "Well, if it isn’t the stargazer." And she grinned, and she began to relax. He recognized her. After Indru's inability to remember who she was, she had not been hopeful that Ruiko would. But he had surprised her, pleasantly so. She smiled at him, lowering her head out of respect. "Hello, Ruiko. It has been awhile," she said, forcing her voice to remain calm. Stepping away from Indru's protective stance, she moved forward, closing the distance between herself and Ruiko. Her head was held low, her eyes averted to the ground. Her tail was curled up underneath her. But she didn't stop until she was standing right in front of him. Lifting her head up, pink tongue slowly licked the bottom of Ruiko's chin - her physical submission to him as her (hopeful) leader. "I wasn't ready too then, but, I am now. I would like to join you and your family as part of Swift River. If you will have me."

Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

It did not take Ruiko long to arrive, as Indru knew it wouldn't, and neither did his posture get missed by his brother's keen eyes. His brother bristled and after a moment's hesitation Indru dipped his head slightly just enough to maybe settle him but certainly not as low as before. A tense beat hit and then Ruiko greeted Corinna, their familiarity stirring a coil of jealousy in Indru's stomach which only worsened as she stepped closer towards him. It was pack procedure, he knew, but he couldn't help pondering how a tiny moment from his side could potentially lead to him taking on Ruiko's role once again in the future. Corinna showed submission to Ruiko and he knew his lack of the usual submission would not go amiss this time, but it was not just yet a challenge.

Fiery eyes flicked between both wolves rapidly assessing his brother's responses to Corinna, though Indru was watching for more than just acceptance or denial from his dark furred brother. Confidently Indru took a step forward, eyes locking onto Ruiko's, and approached Corinna. His ears were pushed forward and his tail was held out stiffly behind him, which though were not a direct challenge on his rank, they made it clear that Indru was not submitting to him this time. It was a test of sorts, a clever psychological manoeuvre to see how his brother reacted. As he neared Corinna Indru once again brushed himself along her side but it was not reassurance he was seeking and giving now, and his fur bristled slightly along his spine as the gap between he and Ruiko closed. Their sizes were not so different but it was their personality and mentality which set them apart. However, his claim over Corinna was clear, and his fiery eyes most certainly dared him to challenge that.

(This post was last modified: Feb 09, 2011, 03:49 PM by Indru.)
Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
Indru, almost begrudgingly, lowered his muzzle slightly. It was not enough to appease the regal wolf, but it did show that he was not quite willing to challenge him just yet.. or, in front of a potential member. Corinna still seemed a delicate thing to him, and as the she-wolf graced him with a smile, Ruiko allowed one to reflect upon his own tawny features. She moved toward him, and the male stilled. She grazed him beneath his chin, her pink tongue smoothing across the pale creamy fur as she submitted to him. His tail gave a brief flick of a wag to show he approved, and bending down, the male gently cupped the top of her muzzle in his powerful jaws in acceptance before pulling away, his own tongue giving the top of her muzzle a lick of reassurance.

“Of course,” he offered, a small smirk forming at the corner of his lips. “If Indru brought you here, then I already know you’ll be a true pack member.” As he said this though, his eyes flickered back to his brother, who’s disposition had changed entirely. His friendly features melted to a stoical mask as the other Tainn brother stiffened himself, Indru’s form snaking up beside Corinna and possessively curling against her. Indru’s gaze locked upon his – an instant challenge toward Ruiko, and the leader felt his pelt bristle dangerously as one fang bared past his lips in warning to his brother, his muzzle arching higher as his own hefty figure stiffened. Was Indru claiming her? “Watch yourself, Indru,” he growled lowly, very aware of poor Corinna’s presence but not once breaking eye contact with his sibling. If Indru didn’t back down now, Ruiko would assert himself over the situation.
Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata

Gone Tomorrow

She waited with baited breath, unwilling to risk looking upwards to see Ruiko's reaction to her submission. If he turned her away, she was in trouble. So she was comforted greatly by his gentle gripping of her muzzle, and she exhaled slowly in relief. His own tongue swept across the top of her muzzle just like her's had swept across the bottom, and she slowly let her tail relax to a more neutral position, it's tip brushing against her ankles as it moved back in forth. She grinned up at him, verdant eyes sparkling. "Yes, Indru is an excellent judge of character, if I do say so myself," she smirked back.

The female's smirk did not last long however, as she was alerted to Indru himself brushing up against her once again. She turned her head and looked at him, her gaze questioning. Though, she would be lying if she did not mind the feel of his touch, regardless of the circumstance. Corinna was very much aware of the posture of the two males; clearly there was a dominance battle going down right now. Fate had offered her a chance to join a pack, and she had, but it was laughing at her by throwing her in the middle of the two brothers. Which she quite literally was. Her position she had taken to lick Ruiko's chin had brought her very close to the lead male, while Indru's attempt to claim her had closed the space even more. In between the two of them, she was nothing in terms of size. Stepping backwards, she removed herself from the close confines of the space, though her step back was a step closer to Indru.

A few more steps backwards cleared her of his body, so that her head was even with his flank. Leaning to the side, she nudged him with her muzzle. "Indru...," she almost whined, her gesture finishing what her words could not. She did not want this to happen, not with her here. This tension between them was not her battle, and she did not appreciate Indru using her as a means to challenge Ruiko. Frankly, Cori could leave under either Indru or Ruiko as the leader with no qualms, but she did not want to be used for the challenge.

Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

The voices of Corinna and Ruiko barely registered to Indru who was wrapped up in his own decisions and watching Ruiko's movements like a hawk. Abruptly though he saw his brother change when he noticed him move closer to Corinna and, like he thought he would, Ruiko reacted. Indru wasn't surprised; he knew that if he was to challenge his brother it would not be an easy thing to win, but the verbal threat made Indru bristle up the wrong way. Did Ruiko really think he could scare him with words like their father could them both when they were pups? It annoyed Indru further that he thought he had the authority of Rihael, and perhaps was the push that made him take it that one step further.

Though he did not look at her, he felt Corinna's movements briefly push her closer to him, and then she continued until she paused further back, out of any conflict that would happen and her clever actions pleased him. He felt something nudge him and then her voice, saying his name, broke through his focus on Ruiko and he heard the whine behind the words, and it confused him. Was she defending Ruiko? But then, she was pushed up against his side, nudging him, so he pushed that thought away, leaning his weight slightly to push back into her reassuringly. You can leave, go explore the pack lands maybe, he suggested, his voice calm and confident as he spoke with ease, keen to get her out of any conflict that might happen in case his brother channelled any anger through to her. He knew that giving her permission to leave instead of waiting for Ruiko would show too that he no longer accepted Ruiko's claim to leadership and, to make it even clearer, Indru curled his tail over his back fully, his limbs stiffening and his fur bristling as he took on the too familiar pose of the dominant wolf.

Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
If anything, the tawny wolf was far more annoyed at his brother for deciding it was time in front of the poor girl he had brought home to join the pack. More than likely though, it was this event that stirred the final straw in Indru’s need to be dominant, and Ruiko’s annoyance was only multiplied by the fact that his brother did not know how to follow. Indru had once lead them because Ruiko had bowed to him, and the Tainn brother had accepted it. Indru hadn’t learnt this humble lesson in life yet.

Corinna backed up quickly, which gave the leader a flicker of relief. He never would have barrelled her aside, but nor did he want her to witness this as well; it was a private matter between the brothers and it would be settled once and for all. Perhaps it would be impossible for the two brothers to remain in the same pack, for both were determined to lead.

Indru gave Corinna a way out; something that clearly overrode Ruiko’s authority of the pack. He bristled further, his guard hairs on edge as he awaited for Corinna to wisely take his brother’s suggestion. Indru was dangerously close to him, and Ruiko’s tail arched highly in mirror to his challenger... The time had come.