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cold shoulder — Wild Cherry Orchard 
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Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn
That's liquid time for you I guess! Haha. Ozera sooo should of been an SR wolf! XD

Comparing Ruiko to a rock? Indru laughed again as his tail waved behind him like a overgrown puppy (a very large, overgrown puppy), just picturing the exchange that went on between the two. I would of loved to had witnessed this, the boy grinned in between sniggering, I can just imagine his face. Though really, when he thought about it, the comparison was rather... spot on, in ways. His brother had always been stoic, until something would push him far enough that his hot head would take over and the two would then battle it out until one of them conceded defeat. It was not often that great emotion was shown, anger being the most common, and like a rock Ruiko was often unmoveable and sometimes uncompromising, but Indru loved him all the same. I can see the similarities, he smiled at her, though the fondness was still there and he felt a bit defensive of him, but he does feel, he just doesn't like to show it. Indru knew that if he ever needed him Ruiko would be ready to do anything, and vice versa, as they had connected so tightly when they were growing up.

Ozera seemed very casual and carefree about her packless situation and Indru couldn't help but admire her and think her a little silly at the same time. Nowhere was as safe as a pack, so who would choose to stay alone for so long? 3 years? Indru shook his head, surprised, I'm impressed and shocked at the same time. It seemed silly to him, but things to do with being a lone wolf always did, he never understood it as he was so comfortable in family life and in a pack, though never as comfortable as when he was leading it. Her question struck him again and he shrugged lightly, thinking, not sure how much to reveal about his private life to this stranger. We are very close, he hedged, but told the truth all the same, they had been inseparable for most of their life, but we argue like any other brother. Now that was perhaps a lie, as Indru knew they maybe butted heads more than the norm, it was their similarities and their yin and yang compliments to each other's weaknesses and strengths that made them so volatile, as they were so unsure of who would be the best. Unlike perhaps most siblings one could not easily put the other in their place confidently enough. Do you have siblings?

Played by Sarah who has 142 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ozera Ahote
<blockquote><ul><b>ooc</b> - xD Yeahhh, especially now that the gender ratio has gotten all messed up.</li></ul>"<b>I wish you'd been there,</b>" she said softly. "<b>Ruiko was awfully spooky. And he kept staring at this big, charred tree. It was so sad... And. I don't know. If you'd been there, maybe it would have been better.</b>" Because then, perhaps she and Ruiko wouldn't have argued, and she wouldn't have gotten so riled up, which she still deeply regretted. And then there was the rest of that day. But she shoved that back into her subconscious and returned to the memory of their earliest argument. <i>Stop dwelling on that. It was just something in the air. It was the specters of the dead, they were inside of your head.</i> Admittedly, Ozera was more than a little superstitious. She returned to reality to hear Indru defending his statuesque brother, and she didn't doubt him. "<b>Yeah. I gathered that, since when I asked him to stop being....so... you know, he thought I was trying to turn him into 'a puppet of society' or something.</b>" Her ears flattened, "<b>I really wasn't.</b>"

Ozera had a hard time believing that two brothers, so very different, would argue in the same way ordinary brothers did. However, she didn't really think she would be able to say that definitively, since... well, it was hard for her to remember her brothers, or her sisters for that matter. For the first time, a frown crossed her features at Indru's question. There was a painful flutter in her chest, and she didn't know where to begin. "<b>Well... Hmpff...</b>" No, she needed to start over. "<b>I did. A long time ago. They were older than me, from a different litter. I think they were killed with my parents. Or if they weren't, they'd have died from old age or something, you know? I don't think about them often, because it's painful. They were never around much. I think I just annoyed them.</b>" She sighed, wondering where the happy atmosphere went.

"<b>Indru,</b>" she murmured, "<b>Look</b>" From where she lay on her back, she outstretched a paw towards the horizon, as the very last fingers of light framed the jagged mountain lines. Suddenly, they were gone, and it was dark. Very dark. Yet, it was peaceful, deep and comfortable.

(This post was last modified: Feb 07, 2011, 02:13 AM by Ozera.)
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

Her words had a hidden meaning he realised she probably didn't know and a short lump was brought to his throat as they inevitably led to where they always did when he thought of the burnt stumps he called home. The place has a great meaning to us, he explained, trying to keep his voice steady with some difficulty, the sadness than encompassed all his family a constant battle whenever his thoughts were turned back to that date. To any of us Tainn's. A great tragedy happened there. Especially for the pup's who would never get to really know their parents who shaped Indru's life entirely, they had been fantastic role models, as demonstrated by their success in their pack and many litter's of pups. It was why Indru was so determined that if they did not have Rihael and Lani to look up to he would try his best to make himself acceptable of that role. Her next words coaxed a smile from him, but it was a shadow of the previous ones as his bright eyes did not match.

I can't imagine not having my siblings. So much of his life and so many of his memories were made up from them all. It would feel like a huge gaping whole was missing if Indru was not with them, he could not imagine being apart from the youngest of them especially. Often he wondered why he attachment was greater than Ruiko's, but maybe it was his brother's stoical attitude that kept most wolves at bay, only he had seemed able to truly penetrate the barrier. He was interrupted by Ozera, lost in his thoughts once again, and he gazed down at her curiously, but she did not explain only told him to look and then pointed with a paw. The Tainn turned and he caught sight of the last tendrils of light before they were eaten by the mountain and the darkness wrapped around them like a cloak. With a sigh Indru dropped down to his side beside the female, rolling onto his back and kicking his legs up as he searched the skies for the moon. I have loved to come here at this time of night since I was a much younger wolf. There were so many places in Relic Lore Indru loved, he could spends weeks just returning to a favourite each days and then repeat the cycle endlessly and be happy here. What brought you here?

Played by Sarah who has 142 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ozera Ahote
<blockquote>At last, all the pieces of that horrible forest fell into place. The ache inside herself would not subside, and she saw flashes of what she pictured happening there: little wolves scampering, a father figure, a spark, a flame, and inferno. Those were the dead ones, the lost ones, they were Ruiko's loved ones. And Ruiko! hewas the survivor! And Indru! And, and their brothers! She almost wanted to cry because of how insensitive she had been to Ruiko. I'M the cold one! I am. It no longer seemed like a joke to her. "Indru," she whispered, "Indru I'm sorry. I know that that won't make anything better, but I really, truly...." She fell silent. Her eyes stung, her throat hurt, and she was increasingly miserable. If it were socially acceptable, she would bury her head in Indru's shoulder and try and hide from it, since his was the only shoulder around.

The gaping hole in Ozera, though, had been filled a long time ago with other memories, of sunshine sparkling on waves, vast plains, and cloud swathed mountain-tops. Maybe that was heartless of her, but she could never have lived her life if there had been a hole inside of her. I really am the cold one. It's me. If she ever saw Ruiko again, she would apologize to him. Wait. Maybe Indru can tell him for me. Yes. She decided that she would tell him before they parted ways.

Abruptly, Indru rolled to the ground beside her, and she felt a little better, and she tried to smile at him. It was pleasing to listen to him talk, though, mostly about happy things. "I can imagine why," she said, her voice still hushed as her eyes watched the darkening sky, waiting for the stars to appear. "I love stars. They make me feel small and protective. They're so beautiful." She remembered that he had asked her a question. "Oh. I don't know. Figured I'd get out and explore, I guess. I'm a wanderer and a curious soul when you get down to it."
(This post was last modified: Feb 07, 2011, 07:53 PM by Ozera.)
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

Suddenly the female's demeanour changed dramatically and again Indru found himself bewildered by her until she explained and he shook his head, offering her a smile. Of course. You have nothing to be sorry for. After all, even though it had effected and shaped the whole of the Tainn family's life why should they expect others to know about their loss? All that was left was a burnt and battered tree and no longer did any sign that a pack had once been here, made it their home and raised pups, remain. Not many know about it, Indru reassured so that she did not feel guilty for not knowing, there was no reason that they should be given special treatment after all. We don't like to talk about it, though we do visit it often. He especially found himself carried their unconsciously more often than he liked, it had been home for over 3 years of his life and still, in a distant way, it remained so.

His orange eyes watched the night sky as she spoke, agreeing with her with short, deep 'hums' from his throat so that he did not disturb her. Soon she answered his question though and he turned his face to the side to watch her as she did, smiling at the explanation. Some of my siblings left to explore also, which wasn't an uncommon thing in wolf pack's, especially with one so full of male competitors like theirs had been. With Indru and Ruiko around their younger brothers never had a chance. I couldn't imagine leaving here, though. Even before the death of his parent's had tied him here even further than he had thought, he had a life here now and he would not wish to take Triell and Borlla from theirs. I look after my youngest siblings, Indru explained, again the adoration he felt for his family seeping into his voice as he peered back up at the sky, they are more like my own pups now, though, I guess. He had not had pups to know what it truly felt like but Indru imagined it was similar if not the same, Triell and he especially had bonded during their time away from Relic Lore.

Played by Sarah who has 142 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ozera Ahote
<blockquote>It was a relief that Indru was telling her now that she had nothing to be sorry for. But that prevented nothing. Inside, Ozera felt like her presence had defiled the last traces of their old life, like she had trespassed into very personal territory. And Ruiko. Oh, Ruiko, I'm sorry. That was the worst time for me to come upon you, wasn't it? I'm sorry. No matter what, it seemed that she would feel very bad about it, which was rather unlike her, since she hated to dwell on sadness and apologies. Yet, here she was. Perhaps it was just because, in her mind, she had crossed some line with her ethics. "I don't think I ever want to visit that place again..." she murmured, "It's you place. I really shouldn't be there."

She liked the deep rumble coming from his throat that indicated he was still listening. It was so different from his brother, who did nothing but blink, and responded less the half of the time. Who knows iif your actually registers to his ears. She was surprised, though, when he said he looked after his brothers. Hadn't he said he had many? So responsible for someone so young. Rolling to face him, Ozera smiled, "I'm sure you'll be a great father someday."

And then the first stars began to stretch their arms and open their eyes in the night sky, winking down at the two wolves.
(This post was last modified: Feb 08, 2011, 01:28 AM by Ozera.)
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

While the idea was nice, Indru knew it wasn't true any more. It was theirs, the Tainn's, in memory but no longer in physical claim, they could not expect to have control of it now however coated it was in their fresh scents when they went their to grieve, remember or to seek advice. Besides, Indru was sure it wasn't that appealing anyway, the burnt remains of a forest that once was. It used to be, such a long time ago, but it's not any more. Though sometimes it does still feel like home, and honestly, Indru wasn't sure that would ever go away. So much of his life had been learnt and lived there he wasn't sure he wanted it to either, at leas the painful throb he felt in his gut each time he thought of it or them reminded him of what he had lost. They were fantastic, parents and leaders. You only had to look at their successful reign, and their large number of offspring (many of which had moved on to elsewhere, still comforted in the fact that Hidden Tree remained) who now lived on.

She shocked him with her next comment and he turned his head to her again and gaped at her, orange eyes wide with surprise. It was the last comment he had expected, and not one he had thought much of either. Thank you, he breathed, his pleasure at that remark clear, a large smile curving his muzzle handsomely again. He did try, he tried so hard, to be a good role model to the pups he ahd taken into his charge but he worried, like Indru always did, that he was not good enough for them. That he was not giving them the what they needed, what Rihael and Lani would of wanted them to have. Her reassurance, even from a wolf he had just met, meant a lot. I worry that they are lacking, he explained, throat tight once again as he peered determinedly back at the sky, I try very hard to raise them well, to make my parent's pleased with how they grow up. The pups would be great wolves, he knew, Triell and Borlla both had showed great promise but it was his role as a guardian that worried him most.

Played by Sarah who has 142 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ozera Ahote
<blockquote>So wait. His parents died in the fire? Ozera definitely hadn't known that. It seemed enough to have your home burned to the ground, but to have your parents, the leaders of the pack, die? She no longer could hold Ruiko's stoic manner against him. She was also so amazed that Indru was bearing it so well, that he seemed so filled to the brim with life. "I believe you, Indru. They must have been wonderful," the tender delight on her face would not fade now. Her imagination flickered with images of strong, courageous, fire-eyed wolves, for some reason this made her happy rather than sorrowful.

But what was to happen next would make her even more intoxicatedly blithe. His thanks, like warm sunshine, spread deeply throughout his being. It was so good to make another happy, it just tickled her pink. Clearly, Indru was very concerned about the upbringing of his siblings. What an endearing quality. She knew he would do a good job. "Triell is related to you, right? I met him, not too long ago. It's actually a really funny story," a giggle escaped her at the very thought, "I was walking through the mountains by the stream that runs down there, and I slipped and fell into a very deep pool, and the brave little booger fished me out! He was so brave and so kind. And when he left, he said he was going back to see his brothers, so... He must have meant you. I know it. You have the same eyes." Now, she realized she wanted very much for Indru to smile again.

However, she remembered something else. This, she said more softly, intently, "I told him that I would give him three wishes in return for his deed, favors really, but who says favors these days? But anyway, he asked if he could to see me sometime if he ever needed advice. He doesn't have a mother figure anymore, and I know he is feeling the ache. But I told him he could always come to me. I know I'll always be there for him. I like being there for others." Hopefully, Indru would not be hurt and think that Triell would rather go to her for advice. That probably wasn't the case. Ozera was just meant to be one of those once and awhile things. A rock in the storm that was there if you needed it, but at the same time, there were other rocks.</blockquote>
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

Ozera's story of Triell warmed Indru, pride at the young Tainn growing deep in his stomach. Since a young pup he had always shown himself to be courageous, looking after his younger brother Kinis when Borlla was too overpowering for the docile, timid boy. He will be a great wolf, Indru's voice was filled with confidence for Triell, already he could see that he would be an fantastic asset to any pack, maybe even eventually his own. Ozera mentioned their eyes and Indru grinned, widening his own for emphasis, with Triell's inherited dark, black fur form their mother they certainly looked different, but like Indru he had Rihael's eyes.

As she explained her offer to Triell the female almost seemed worried he would be offended but he shook his head, overwhelmed at her generous nature. Thank you again, that would be great, as though Indru tried to fill the father role for Triell he did not want the boy to miss out on a motherly influence that Ozera could maybe provide him. I am sure he appreciated it as well. Unlike with Ruiko Indru had no worries over whether Triell had been polite. Indru wondered again why Ozera was a lone wolf; with her compassion and care surely she would be a great asset to a pack, especially as a pup sitter. You know you can always find a home within Swift River. It was not Indru's promise to make at the moment, the pack was not led by him, but it was one he would make sure was fulfilled anyway if she wanted it. Besides, surely Ruiko could see what use she would be to the pups alone if he had been on bad terms with her. It was these dilemma's which made Indru even more curious about challenging his brother.

Played by Sarah who has 142 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ozera Ahote
<blockquote><ul><b>ooc</b> - my posts have been SO BAD lately. forgiveesss :c</li></ul>It was so invigorating, to see a wolf, so strong, so proud of his family. So many wolves she knew had severed ties, were lost, drifting in a void without comfort, or not seeking any. Family was good, though. It was normal and healthy and sturdy. Indru was so willing to love them all, and devote his world to them, and that was such a rare quality in these parts. "I wouldn't doubt it for a second, seeing as he clearly takes after you." Hey, she was just being truthful. It was really nothing more than that. To her, Indru deserved every ounce of compliment.

In addition, it was a weight off of her shoulders knowing that Indru didn't mind Triell coming to her. To her, it was... sort of like she was being included in the family. Ozera deeply missed having a family, blood or otherwise. And being told that she would always have a home in his pack, well, that was almost more than she could have ever hoped for. So excepting, this Indru. Ozera almost twirled around out of sheer bliss and joy. "Oh, Indru you're too kind." It was true.

Was she dreaming? </blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Feb 10, 2011, 04:11 AM by Ozera.)