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the audience knows the truth — The Wildwood 
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Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall

A chuckle rose from his chest as she said that his contentment was caused by the feast before him or the alignment of the stars. Riiiiight. Allowing her to continue eating without much more distraction from him, he followed suit. By the time he was through, he examined the carcass’ exposed ribcage and sniffed at what was left of its collapsed lungs. The stomach lining might have been something of interest for him, but the taste of marrow within the creature’s hefty bones had won over his appetite.

Raising his muzzle to the darkened sky, he opened and closed his jaws, stretching and relaxing the powerful muscles. His tail swept across the snow and wrapped around his hind legs. Jayse thought over his next question, about the pack’s newest member. She had noticed the newcomer also, even noted that it was a female. Oh… It suddenly clicked. Alexander had a lady-friend. He nodded slowly, glancing to his companion as she also mentioned that she didn’t know either of them well or at all.

Taking into account that Jayse had only been around the Mountain for a couple of weeks at most, he figured that she’d know just as much or only a little more than he did. The clouds eventually gave way to the moon, bathing the duo in moonbeams, and he raised his eyebrows after fully processing what they knew and shared. He supposed it was her turn to ask a question, but when she sighed, he tilted his head. The breath escaping from her did so in an ordinary manner, but it still brought him to check up on her, maybe offer a little something to assure her after her saying that she barely knew Alexander. ”Ah,” he responded, somewhat delayed in his timing. ”Well, don’t worry about that; I’m pretty sure there’ll be plenty of time to get to know ‘im. I haven’t had much of a chance to formally meet him either. He’s been rather busy as of late, recruiting and scouting and all.” He remembered when the pack had just been the two of them – two lone mountain men trying to make it through the winter. He scoffed slightly at the thought. That had been then; now look at them… Instead of just enduring another cold night about the territory, Alexander had his newfound companion to keep him company just as Borden had Jayse; and better yet, there were three other Midnight Plateau wolves about. He craned his neck over and nudged her shoulder lightly with his nose after realizing she had finished her share of the meal. ”You’re thinkin’ o’ something,” he smiled, studying the way she had rested her head upon her off-white forepaws. ”Anything worth sharing?”

(This post was last modified: Feb 07, 2011, 10:46 AM by Borden.)
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall

Jayse let him process the little information she gave. In her heart she was sure the time would come when they knew the new member, and Alexander better. She only needed more patience to wait for the time she supposed. She couldn't imagine being a leader. Her thoughts would be torn many a way, getting everything done that needed to be, and attending to her members. She doubted she would make a suited one, she would be irratible with such a job. It was a good thing the role of leadership had never passed to her care. She supposed, only to have a pack like family again was desideratum. His words reassured her a little, and a half smile rose her left cheek. If she was an Alpha she would definately want some lone time now, and again. Yes, duites were limitless. "I suppose, there would be lots to do." She said, small warmth in her words, and lack of more because she knew not else to say. Though she figured Borden and Alex were much closer. Something she did not dwell upon to long. Noise from his throat, she turned her head clearly, but in silence askig him what that was all about. She didn't have the talent for reading minds, and felt she'd missed something.

Nose felt touchupon shoulder, she flinched slightly unexpecting it. Eyes traced to his, shecould not smile when she saw him smile. There were many thoughts she was thinking, skipping through, and stuck on. She had much to many, it was a surpise her head didn't hurt more. He'd got her off guard this time, and the tip of tail twitched slighty. The gray mask wrinkled in thought, thinking what to share. Or if it had worth to be uttered."Hmm, I am thinking I would not make a good leader. I would be much to onery with my work, the pack would annihilate me." Half teasing tone the words came, even though she wasn't joking. The silence crept in, eyes adjusting to the darkened night. Chin reached to the sky, trying to see the stars above, but could see few. She much liked the night, the colors, and serene feeling it brought. Even though, it meant it easier for dangerous things to creep around. She easily would not think about it, her imagination would not get the best of her. When she was little her home pack would gather on clear days howling as a group in beatiful song. They had done it many a time, she had kept the habit with her siblings. That was until the managed to join a new pack, who believed howling was only for communication. "Just missing home." She whispered, almost to low to hear.

Rolling onto her side, she was full of energy and tired at once. She blamed the feeling on her full belly. Blinking she stared on the tree tops, and hints of sky. "What are you thinking about Borden?" Since he'd asked her, it seemed safe to ask him in return. She wanted to know him better, but would understand if that took time as well. For now she had all the time in the world. She wasn't going any where, any time soon. Tommorow, she would find a pack member, and talk to them. That would be her goal, find one a day, till she learned something new.

lost your balance
on a tight rope.
lost your mind trying to get it back.

(This post was last modified: Feb 08, 2011, 01:04 AM by Jaysyek.)
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall

Feelings that had been long-forgotten stirred slightly in his chest as she shared that she wouldn’t be a good leader and that her followers, or rather her pack, would have annihilated her. Bertram Valley and the den that had once served as his home flickered before his eyes as he remembered his family and how they had driven him off. He might have preferred them to offer him a swift death as opposed to being exiled, but, after looking back, he was rather glad he never turned around to face his younger brothers and the snarls that wrinkled their muzzles in revenge. The memory replayed in his mind as he recollected the feelings of running. The second-born, Angier, had nearly gotten a hold of Borden before he veered into the thick underbrush that eventually led to an open field, territory that had been forbidden to the pups. The tawny wolf followed Borden farther than their younger brothers had even dared and it was only when Angier’s teeth clamped onto his target’s hind leg did the lost Lyall gaze to Jayse. The terrible memory of the chase fell away when her next set of words were quick to remind him that he was safe, unharmed, home.

Ocher eyes looked to the forest in front of them before returning to the ivory female at his side. Home. The word rang once more in his left ear and he swiveled it the side before allowing it to mirror the other. He knew the feeling. There, there, he wanted to say, to pat her on the back, to comfort her. But the words never came. In their place, her voice lifted to ask him the same question. Nothing… the word caught in his throat; he couldn’t give her an answer like that...

Gazing at her as she rested on her side he thought for a long while. ”Too many things,” he confessed. ”I don’t know where or how to start.” Somewhere within he wanted to draw the curtains and pack up his top hat and gloves, to pocket his decks of cards and vanish. A part of him wanted to keep his secrets and unsolved dilemmas untold; he wasn’t ready yet to offer himself as something like an open book. His ears lowered, ”There’s so much I could and couldn’t say; I’ve too much going on in my head.” He paused. ”Was there… anything you were curious about?” Rather than deflecting her question, since it wouldn’t have been fair to her if he had, he offered her another question in order to narrow his selection of answers down to a select few and still share just enough to satisfy her curiosity. If she wanted to get to know him better, he hoped simple questions on her part would suffice; he knew that to immediately reveal where he was from, who he was or who he had been would be too much for one to stomach in one sitting. Besides, he also hoped she’d allow himself to maintain some air of mystery, a little something that would at least keep her guessing and keep her mind open to the aspects of his true character (whatever they were).

Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall

ooc; sorry my spelling is bad, i don't have an instant spell check, and i get in a hurry to post sometimes. :X

The evening was taking a dire turn, bringing a mood of despair, and unwanted remembrance. She missed her siblings, and the closeness she had had with them. She could tell his mind had to be else where, and too got lost in her own memories. The sad, sunken face of her father tormented by guilt, and loss. The reassurance of her pupsitter Kipcha who really had become a mother to the three children, as her brother Talon was more of a father. Protecting them, and teaching them when their real one was not there. She refused though to surpress the memories. Especially those of her real mother, those were something she brought to the front of her mind, again and again. Never to forget. But Jayse had the same face now, as Fraust had so it was not hard to remember the kind face she never knew. Maybe the truth behind the madness of not knowing anyone was the miss the family atmosphere, despite the lack of real parents. Closing her eyes she recalled the Swift River's words on what he thought a good leader was. Being just, fair, loving, and caring. She wondered how the story of him and his brother would pan out.

Eyes opened, hearing Borden speak. She had not thought her question a hard one, and she figured he would give a simple reply. Then she knew he was honest, or liked to think, it was in his voice, actions, and eyes how could he not be? Hmm, he too though had things hidden behind the tawny mask. Too many, maybe? She had always thought he was carrying something, and it was clear he wasn't ready to openly share. This could have frustrated her, but she understood the feeling. She rather not tell anyone of her past. Would they look at her and feel sorry? Think of her differently? She wanted to be known for who she was, not what she'd been through. Wolves could look at you different when they knew things about you.

No specific question, she rolled back onto her belly, then stood to her feet. Arching her back, she sat down facing him. It did worry her, he had lost his cool or something over the question. In her mind she was thinking how bad is it? She told herself no, she would keep her secrets, and let him do the same. "No, not really. I mean there is a lot I don't know about you, but what I do works for me." It was said in a normal, honest way. IInitially to settle, whatever emotion or nerve she'd touched upon. She wasn't going to pry him for what he guarded against he world.

Wanting to be rid of heart ache, and gloomy atmosphere she knew she needed to move. "Do you know what I think now?" She asked, the gray face looking the part of holding a riddle. Like a lionness ready to spring, in the next instant she was on her feet, and pouncing for the tawny male. Gently grabbing at his ear, till she spun away, trying to stay out of his reach. "I bet you can't catch me." She murmured, she bowed in a playful form, tail wagging letting out a daring bark. Making sure she was edgeing back away from him, eyes sharp waiting to see if he take up the challenge.

lost your balance
on a tight rope.
lost your mind trying to get it back.

(This post was last modified: Feb 08, 2011, 01:03 AM by Jaysyek.)
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall

O O C | Ah, no need to apologize, but I will for a short but kinda playful post. x)

Borden smiled upon hearing her answer; he was rather relieved she hadn’t touched on something he had yet to figure out. She had moved and he quietly watched her stand up before seating herself again. ”Do you know what I think now?” she then asked. He raised a brow and replied slowly, ”Nnno. What?” Jayse’s expression changed to a look that made him raise both of his eyebrows and tilt his head curiously. Then… SURPRISE!

Ohhhh boy. Whoa… She softly nipped at his ear; a gasp sounded from his throat. ”I bet you can’t catch me.” she dared. Recovering from yet another wave of shock, the beta laughed. He had to owe it to her; no one had made him laugh this much in, well… forever. ”Bet I can!” he lightheartedly called back, getting up and shaking the snow from his pelt.

Wobbling slightly on his feet he gazed to her as he tried to get the circulation back into his limbs. ”Better run…” he grinned, still standing by the small landmark as she continued to slowly back away. The invitation to play was irresistible; he couldn't even recall the last time he had a good time… just having fun for a change. Then, without warning, his tail waving wildly behind him, he leapt forward into the snow. He stopped a few feet from where she had bowed, having expecting her to have darted away as soon as he bounded from his resting place.

(This post was last modified: Feb 08, 2011, 03:30 AM by Borden.)
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall

ooc;that's all right, mine is short too. no worries.

She laughed in pure delight. She not only managed to surprise him once, but twice in one day! The look on his face was utterly, priceless. Well worth the torn emotions she'd put on herself. Hips swayed side to side with the motion of her tail. She chuckled, tongue hanging past her chin. So he was certain he would catch the silver wolf? Shifting, she anticipated his move as he stood. She was not going to under estimated him, and would guess he was much faster runner then she.

His unsteady walk had her suspicious. Rising to all four legs, she pranced left then right. "Are you sure you can?" She stated, cleary taunting the male. It felt good to laugh, and tease. Play a game, and forget for the moment what was she worried about. She was happy he decided to join the silly game. When the Lyall leaped, she did dart, even though he had not been in her range. "You'll have to do better then that Mr. Lyall." She called, running into the woods. She glided rapidly through the woods, turning round the different timbers. When finding one wider then she she stopped, and set her back against the rough bark. Leaning into, blending with the moonbeams and shadow. Or at least hoping she might. Trying to catch her breath, she refused to open her mouth. Hoping to stay silent, even if he had a nose to his advantage.

lost your balance
on a tight rope.
lost your mind trying to get it back.

[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall

Sprinting away, she disappeared against the snow and into the trees. He laughed heartily at her comment, trotting now as he raced alongside the tracks she had left in the snow. ”Oh,you just wait,” he barked, fully grinning now. ”You can’t elude me!” The frigid air against his face felt good, invigorated him even. Tongue lolling out of his mouth, he sidestepped the trees she had weaved around and reunited with her path until it got visually lost in a jumble of tracks. Deer, wolverine, another deer, Jayse, he mentally noted. Hmm…

Tracking wasn’t his strongest suit, but nevertheless, he pressed his nose into the hurried prints. He probably should have followed her trail after all; would have been a bit easier to determine which way she had run off to. Laughing to himself, he skirted around the small clearing before following a set of footfalls he believed was hers. In and out of the long shadows of trees, he briskly walked. His eyes were darting from one shadow to another, not even realizing that he had continued walking along when the trail he had been tracing stopped and hid behind a rather large tree.

A few more steps farther than the tree, which successfully concealed Jayse from him, and Borden slightly scowled. She was just here. He could have sworn it. He wondered whether he should call out to her. Perhaps he had followed the wrong path? Or gone in the wrong direction? Maybe he had gone farther than he had intended? He took a deep breath and released it in to the chilled night; the feeling of uneasiness settled in his stomach. Oh, screw it... ”Jayse?”

Raising a forepaw curiously, he waited to hear her return his call. His gaze dropped onto the snow, discovering that the path he had been following no longer ran beside or ahead him. He turned around and took a good look around, seeing nothing but a seemingly endless terrain trees and their long, dark shadows which stretched across the moonlit snow in both thin and broad stripes.

Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall

When she was but a half a year, hide and seek had always been a favorite pastime. She had always been the best, though Dyami beat her more often because he could blend better in the warmer months. Astraea simply giggled to much, to stay hidden long. She hadn't played in forever, and expected him to pop out any moment. Tiny snowflakes danced in the soft breeze, and she manged to keep her breaths small, and fast. The coolness of the tree melted into her skin, relieving the warmth she'd gained from running. She grinned to herself cleverly, knowing he was in full pursuit. She was an all right tracker, and figured the snow would give her away in a second. Heart beat thumped, the regular motion loud in her ears. She heard his laugh, and anticipated seeing him soon.

Frozen like a mountain, eyes would glance around the still forest, looking for a moving shadow while her ears curved back...waiting.....waiting. When he walked past her, she kept back a smile, holding her breath for those few seconds. Surely he would notice she was right there? Maybe she still had her edge after all. He spoke her name with uneasiness. Did he think she could magicly dissapear? Once he stopped like a silent stalker she inched from the tree, bit by bit, the littlest motion to his back-less then a foot behind him. "Boo!" She cried, jumping foreward to take a nip at his dark ruff. She swayed away, staying close to his reach for a second.

Fast as she came, she sprinted off, jumping off a well sized rock, and back tracking to where they'd first started. "You'll have to do better then that." She called out, soft voice echoing through the trees. This time, she made a few silly circles, upon themselves, then leaped to a fallen log, which she took refuge behind. See if he could find her this time.

lost your balance
on a tight rope.
lost your mind trying to get it back.

[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall

Gazing about and listening for the sound of the white wolf’s prancing, he waited. His nose tested the air, drawing in nothing more than the aroma of trees and other familiar scents that had been dulled by the cold. All around him the snowflakes had begun to fall. He made to take a step back from where he came when… ”Boo!” He must’ve jumped a foot in the air or gave her the impression that he had been part feline when every inch of his fur stood on end.

Aaaaaaayyyeeeeee!!” his yelp echoed through the forest before fading. Not only had she startled him by her cry but she also gave him another playful nip. He almost doubled over in laughter, “Hey!” Surely if she had stayed there longer than she had close to him, he would have toppled over into the snow instead of following her new set of tracks. Games had never been Borden’s favorite activity (while he did play as a pup, by the time he was a yearling he mostly considered himself as a philomath and an unmatched sparring rival) but, somehow, Jayse had managed to make this game of ‘tag’ quite enjoyable. He trailed along her tracks at a moderate stroll.

She would be hiding once more, he figured, and he gave her the opportunity to find another spot. Around a few trees and stepping where she had once stepped, he followed quietly. A grin settled along his features as he eyed the familiar cluster of boulders. He raced to the other side of it, expecting to see her there, ”Gotcha!” She wasn’t. He set his nose to the ground once more, his tail continuing to wag.

Perfectly spaced between the territory mark and the edge of a forest, a fallen log laid… conveniently pointed out with a set of dainty tracks that led to it. He bit his lip and ran on over, resting his elbows on the rough bark as he peered over to see his cohort in the snow. ”Ha!” he grinned. ”Got ya this time.”

(This post was last modified: Feb 09, 2011, 01:59 AM by Borden.)
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall

ooc;sorry it's a shortie. (it's fun sized lol)

The little white puffs collected on her coat, and atop the fallen timber. She felt a tiny bit of remorse for scaring him, and running off. But she meant no real harm by it. Seeing after all if he could catch her. She hadn't thought he'd wanted it to be easy. Or maybe Jayse didn't. The fact she didn't want to come down from the high she was on. However, she was sure he'd catch up, she hadn't gone to far this time. This new hiding post wasn't as great as the first,as it was a more lit spot, and where they had began. If he couldn't find her here, well she would have something to rib him about.

Surpesssing quiet laughter, she had to hold her head down, not to peek and give herself away with her glowing eyes. The hunter's steps drew near, andagain she held her breath like that would save her. Gotcha! But she knew he had not. A feeble snort she bit the inside of her cheeks, chiding herself for being giddy. She could hear him right there, did he really not know where she... Ha! The light toned female's jumped this time, her heart in her throat, or so it felt. Face was strung with shock, and she choked in a sharp breath trying to restart her nerves. "Oh no, what will I do now?" Words were said as if she was exasperated, and she flicked her eybrows up and down. (Since he was sure he had her this time. )Of coarse she was teasing, all in good fun, but hesitating to run unsure of his reaction. The fact her lungs would protest. She was panting a little from being startled, but she held no hard feelings. It was only fair, she to got the bejebbers scared out of her too.

lost your balance
on a tight rope.
lost your mind trying to get it back.

(This post was last modified: Feb 09, 2011, 12:46 AM by Jaysyek.)
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
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