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Played by Debain who has 205 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Weldering Darksidy
Fed up, that was how Weldering felt at that precised moment as he meandered without purpose towards the waterfall. The familiar sound of the rushing water brought a sense of relaxation to the young black masked brute. As he entered the clearing he only spared the briefest of moments looking around to see if anyone was present - not that it mattered to him. Unlike Indru he did not lay any sort of claims to any neutral lands within Relic Lore. Nor did he really feel like he wanted to shun away any company at this moment in time. Reaching the edge of the shallow pool at the bottom of the falls, least it was shallow at the edge. His paws shifting over the pebbles as he made his way into the cool refreshing water letting it lap up against his four black socks.

His handsome ebony painted maw lowered for a while allowing him to lap up some of the water before finally unlocking the joints of all four of his limbs. Cautiously he lowered his muscular large body down until he was laying in a sphinx like position. At least this way the water could clean the wound on his should where Triell Tainn had managed to tear a chuck of fur and flesh from his otherwise unscathed body.
(This post was last modified: Feb 13, 2011, 04:40 PM by Weldering.)
<center><img src=http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z151/kittykarnage/fishmaster.png></center>
Played by Adopt me! :D who has 24 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ioni Tainn


When her brother had burst into the meeting, it certainly had been a surprise, but more of an aggravation than anything else. Her plan had failed and, being the stubborn bitch she was, blamed Weldering for their loss. He was supposed to help her win, not lose. Well, as far as she was concerned her stupid family deserved each other. Not long after that Indru had taken her family away, and while she was 'banished' from the pack, she followed them as they left. But now she had decided to come, unknown that her family had already come back a while before. It was close to spring now, with snow just starting to melt. The soft smells of new flowers filled her nose, a feeling of euphoria coming across her for a moment. It certainly was relaxing, knowing she did not have a pack she had to dedicate her life to anymore, no one she had to answer to. But that was immediately gone and replaced by a thirst for power the moment she smelled a familiar scent. Yes, it was Weldering.

Leaving the dense foliage, she spied the monochrome male standing by the waterfall, drinking. She noticed there was something off in his scent, and her eyes quickly scoured over his pelt. There! A large chunk of fur was missing from his shoulder. Now how did he get that? Lip curled up slightly before dropping again as she emerged from the foliage. For a moment she was tempted to push him into the water and shove him under the water for a moment as 'punishment', but decided against it. Instead, she walked over to him and gave him a buss on the cheek as if they were old friends. "Well, well, look who it is. You look well," she purred in a friendly tone, but hidden malice was laced in her words. Golden eyes stared into his blue ones as she sat down beside him, her head raised majestically as she waited for his response. What was his excuse, or did he think it was her fault?


Played by Debain who has 205 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Weldering Darksidy
ooc: I'm in a table mood :]

It had been a surprise for Ioni? Imagine how horrified Weldering had felt. A fight that was in their favour suddenly turned against him instantly. Indru and Ruiko versus Ioni and Weldering was even but no, Ioni had to drop out of combat leaving the two brothers to tear away what little dignity he had left and send him running from Swift River. He could have safely assumed before that day however that he was more or less banished due to his friendship with Junai that Indru despised. But helping Ioni with a challenge was the final nail in his coffin, the icing on the top of his banishment cake. The black masked brute had not seen her since the meeting, he did not have the time to spot and wait for her, he had left with his life and no serious injuries and that in the heat of the moment was most important.

Only now as he wandered the lands of Relic Lore was he actually going out of his way to try to find Ioni. He had been looking for Junai and Borlla too but had been fortunate enough to bump into Borlla almost instantly. He'd barely recognized her now that she was fully grown... oh how quickly pups grew up and as he had cast his blue eyes over Ioni's youngest sister he knew that if his own daughter Riley was still alive and at his side she would have been about the same age. His brooding continued as he waded in the shallows of the pool below the Bramble Falls. Not wanting to let go on the painful memories of his lost adoptive daughter.

Power lust was not something that Weldering ever desired. He'd turned down an Alpha position once, in fact it was the reason why it had never worked out between himself and Lore, the fabled white wolf of his dreams. She was destined to be an Alphess and Weldering simply could not join her, he was young and foolish and suffering heavily from commitment issues. The second time he failed to grasp an Alpha position was when he was exiled from his last pack when he knew damn well he should have challenged the decision and taken over... not that it would have mattered seeing as the packlands had been destroyed only a month later anyway due to a natural disaster. Even as Ioni had approached him in the beginning with her plan he had never seen it as a way to gain control but rather a way to slightly get even at the Tainn boys and also because he was worried about Ioni, Junai and Borlla. He wanted to help them.

Seeing Ioni's face again was almost like a dream in itself. His muzzle having to shake a couple of times before blinking slowly. The scent she carried was not that of Swift River as she pressed her maw against his fur sending chills down his spine. It meant now he more or less had an idea that perhaps she had not made up with Indru or Ruiko just yet and just happened to be a Lone Wolf. He moved slowly toward the bank sitting himself down beside her to mirror her own actions, but still it was evident just by his expression how surprised he was to see her again. That and she seemed so calm. As for being happy to see him gain and he sarcastic observation about him being well despite the chunk of flesh missing he frowned unsure what to make of her words. "Your brothers did this. I went to Swift River, looking for you actually. Maybe I shouldn't have." he retorted, his tail curling obediantly around the side of his muscular body while averting his gaze away from the she-wolf. Certainly not wanting to return the buss she had greeted him with.

<center><img src=http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z151/kittykarnage/fishmaster.png></center>
Played by Adopt me! :D who has 24 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ioni Tainn


He seemed to surprised to see her; what a silly boy. Did he honestly think she would not be back? True, she was just as surprised to find him there, but she had no doubt in her mind when she left that he'd be here if she ever returned. After all, where else did he have to go now? It was apparent they had both seen the fight from a different stand point. Of course, she was blind to her own faults so she saw Weldering as the fault to their loss. But why wasn't that true? Weldering couldn't do squat against Ruiko while she had managed to hold her own for quite a bit. Silly males. Still, they both had been the losers. Both had been exiled from the pack, even though Weldering had never been a true packmate anyway he still wasn't allowed on pack lands again. After the fight Ioni had left, disgraced in her loss and too angry to search for Weldering. Perhaps she should have; forgive and forget, isn't that how the old saying is supposed to go?

But it was clear he was not happy to see her. She could tell by the way he flinched as she touched her tongue to his skin in a kiss. What, she wasn't poisonous. Still, cold humor flickered in her yellow eyes as she watched him cringe, before he came closer back to the shore and sat down beside her. Her eyes roamed over his flesh wound like a hungry feline as he spoke - she did not even ask how he had gotten that. So why did he think she cared? He looked back at his face to see he was purposely trying to avoid her gaze. Aww, what was the matter, was he scared of her? "My face is over here," she snapped at him, clearly hinting he should look her in the eyes when speaking to her. It was just polite, after all.

Standing up, Ioni approached the boy, walking close enough to him to send her hot breath across his skin. "You aren't sure you should have looked for me? Well why not?" she spoke, eyes never leaving his face as she spoke. She knew he was a year older that her, but yet she treated him like dirty, stepping all over him and wiping her feet on him. It was simply because he was so easy to control. So why wouldn't you? "Now I'm beginning to think you aren't happy to see me, Weldering," she said in a tone that made it seem like she was truly sad. Taking a deep breath, she sat down beside him so their hips were touching. A grin spread across her face as she looked at him, waiting to see how he'd react. She needed to gain his trust again, or she would lose him as a pawn. That would be such a pity.