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Calling Card — Mountain of Dire 
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Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank
OOC: Anyone can join, I don't care ;D Though I don't envy you if you steal foodzes from Borden. o_o

She had gone to Midnight Plateu in search of Borden - to give him an update on Raigos' condition. The white female hadn't really expected him to be there.. so she did some hunting on the way. He'd mentioned once that he hardly ate but mice... and was generally out patrolling the entirety of the day. While he was no where near underweight - quite a healthy weight to be honest, Vlarindara felt he needed more. Borden had provided for her when she was ill and had let her promise to return the favor.. so she did. A small rabbit and a squirrel later, she was making her way up the side of the steep mountain. Vlarindara really had no idea where Bordens den lay.. or in fact where the packs territory was - but she figured her nose would do the walking.

With nose down and tail curled proudly over her back, the female followed the scent trails. She kept setting the two carcasses down to run ahead before returning to get them. What she found odd was that his scents criss crossed this one particular path out to a ledge. An odd place for his scent to be - but upon closer inspection, she was able to tell he had been there a short time ago. Well...with the thick layering of his scent, he was bound to come back right? So she set the two creatures on the ledge, making sure to push them to the farther edge from the path so he wouldn't trip on them. There.. now he had a bit of food she could make tracks and get back to Raigo!

All good plans hit snags, right? Well hers was passing Bramble falls on her way out and stopping to take a drink. She remembered the feel of the water and followed it a few feet downstream before pouncing into the water to break the ice. Of course, this left her soaking wet and cold, but she pulled back on her haunches and slammed back into the water with her front paws to startle the already sluggish fish. It took a while, but she managed to land two of the writhing creatures. One she left near the river, the other she brought back up to Bordens' perch.. or what she hoped was his perch. She had left the smallest near the river, but the one she was bringing back to Borden was a decent size, almost as big as the rabbit! The she-wolf did her best not to drip water all over his ledge, but had left a muddy, wet pawprint on the stone.

There, NOW she was done! Once more, the female made the trip down the mountain, bounding through the stream as she went before picking up the fish and starting the trek back to her den and Raigo. She could tide herself over with the fish, then go hunting for herself and Raigo when she got closer. Perhaps she could teach Raigo how to hunt better.. and could take him to see Bramble Falls...
(This post was last modified: Feb 11, 2011, 02:00 PM by Vlarindara.)
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Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall

O O C | Mwahahahaaa… just lost teh chance to steal mah foodzes. :B Well, okay, maybe not. He left the fish and squirrel up there. Edited for noun mix-up (lame!).

Ambling down the graveled trails, the scent of freshly caught prey reached his nose. He raised a brow, following the intoxicating aroma until he spotted a peculiar sight. Rather than what he had expected to see – a pack member enjoying lunch or Alexander bringing a generous meal to his new-found beloved – his eyes fell upon the bodies of a rabbit, a squirrel, and a fish which had become frosted by the time he found it. He instinctively set his nose to the shelf, practically dragging it along the cold, rough surface and testing the path for any peculiar fragrance. Who had left these here? Were these ‘gifts’ for him?

Cautiously, he padded forward, unable to sift through the heavy musk that was his own. He turned around and lowered his head to the path that led down the mountain side. Aha… He inhaled deeply, trying to work out the perfume. It was vaguely familiar, even after it was drowned by the scent of water. Hmm. He was just about ready to sit down and have a little bite to eat when he saw her - a flash of white dashing across the river and into the Wildwood.

Edging toward the shelf, he watched the way she walked; he wanted to be sure to study her gait for a bit before he did anything else. There was little doubt in his mind though that the wolf in question was the new Alpha female, Jayse, Hope, or Adonia. The way she held herself, her spunk and her build, distinctly set her apart from the others. Vlarindara. ”Hey, waiiiiit!” he called out to her in something between a bark and a howl. ”Vlar!”

Snatching up the rabbit, he dashed down the frosty boulders. He could have easily tumbled all the way down, but within a matter of scaling the narrow paths and hopping from boulder to boulder, he raced to the river’s edge, hoping she had heard him. Scanning the tree line, he eyed the edges of the forest as he wagged his brush-like tail. The rabbit fell to the space in front of his forepaws; he wanted to pronounce her name right in case she heard it through the dense woodlands, ”Vlarindara?!” It had been a while since he had last seen her, and frankly, he hoped his eyes and nose were not leading him astray.

(This post was last modified: Feb 14, 2011, 03:42 PM by Borden.)
Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank
It was the howl that stopped her in her tracks at first and she turned just at the edge of the forest, blinking at the wolf jumping down the mountain side. She wagged her tail and yapped at him, the sound pulling her off of her front feet and caused her to land in a little two step before she stopped. Of course, when he got closer, she repeated the high pitched yap and bounced slightly on her front legs before she bounded away, leaving her white tail flashing through the darkened tree bark around her. When he followed the trail to the river, she was standing by the bank, her head high and her tail curled over her back. There was an odd air of mischief over the younger female.. but she didn't step towards him.. or make a sound.. just watched him.

A bare few seconds of quiet stillness was all she gave him before she nearly bull rushed him, pulling up just short in a slight slide that she turned (hopefully) into a hop over him... unless he moved, then it was simply a hop. She turned to brush her muzzle and side against his furred side from nose to tail, flicking the white flag lightly before it curled once more over her back. She said without words how she missed him - not having seen him in a bit.. not pining for him.. but it was hard to think of something else. The female stepped aside, a gentle smile touching her muzzle, the large ears falling back along her neck. "It's good to see you..."
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Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall

Smiling, a content growl rolled in his chest – one uncomplicated sound that wordlessly expressed how happy he was to see her. Watching her, hearing her, was enough to set his soul alight. Then, silence. He grinned, still waving his tail behind him as she gazed back coyly. Without warning, she bounded forward and his body tensed from the thrill, feeling as she rushed over, clearing his back easily in a leap. She came up beside him and his whole frame quivered.

Taking in her voice, he looked to her warmly. ”So good to see you, too,” he breathed. ”I’ve missed you.” His eyes looked her over, trying to rememorize every bit of her. She smelled of the Wildwood trees, both burnt and earthy, and of all the places he loved to visit.

As he faced her, a paw nudged at the frozen rabbit before him. He’d almost forgotten about it. ”Thank you for the snack,” he grinned. ”Very thoughtful of you.” Time seemed to be on their side, he decided. Vlarindara seemed to be doing well, able to hunt and fish and travel quickly at ease. She looked so much better than the last time he had laid eyes on her. Healthier. Striking. Very… well-off.

Raigo… his conscience reminded him as he caught himself becoming lost in her eyes. ”How’s Raigo?” he asked, his ears relaxing now. He was more than eager to hear how the yearling was doing. ”And how have you been?”

Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank
At the mention of the rabbit, she chuckled before settling back on her haunches and tucking her tail around her feet. "He's doing well, much better than when you last saw him - he was able to go all the way north to have a meal before going all the way back." She hadn't mentioned that the meal was a deer.. but then again.. she'd been MOST pleased with herself at the time. The she wolf settled down onto her stomach before rolling around in the snow, all four feet kicking as she both stretched and covered herself almost completely in the white stuff. When she was done, she stayed on her back and looked at him upside down, but not in a submissive gesture, just a relaxed one. "I'm doing fine...much better than I was when we first met.."

She remembered their first meeting more than easily.. hard to forget when there was a bear involved. Of course, they'd managed to escape the bear without..much harm only getting knocked around some. At least, for her but thankfully she'd only had a sore leg rather than a broken one. Vlarindara sat up in a flurry of snow and got to her feet just as fast before shaking herself off in a few short hops with twists in them. When her paws hit the earth for the final time, she took a step towards him and began licking his fur..where she'd thrown ice and snow. "How are you, Borden? And you need more to eat than simply mice... so I brought it to you...what with your patrols taking up much of your time..."

Her tone was joking, gentle and relaxed though she didn't mind hunting for him.. he had promised, after all! She chuckled, her ears shifting forwards then back before settling on her neck. "Saved any more wolves from angry bears in your patrols?" The question would have made her blush if she'd been able, but as it was, she couldn't. So instead, the white female ducked her head and covered her face with her paws.
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Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall

Head ached with a fierce pound, Why hadn't she just throw herself off with Ozera. Death could catch her in it's reach, and whisper sweet nothings of her reckless nature. If death did not grant her it's presence physical pain would be easier to cope with instead of the shredded pieces her soul was coming. Deep cuts, scrapes, a snapped bone. It would be nothing, if getting her mind off the disturbed images. She deserved no less she kept telling herself. Time take her she didn't want to take it anymore. She had searched the dead end trail again, and had no knowledge of what become of the wolf whose life she'd broke -or ended. She was so desprate, she did not know what inivisible string tied her to return to the mountain instead of carrying away like a free kite. The string itself was thin, and wearing it would take only one snap-one small stroke from the dullest scissors.

A slow gait lacking purpose, she was headed back to bury herself in her den when the wind blew a mixture of things to onyx nose. Borden, dead animal, and a lone wolf. What the hell? She paused, a mixed grumble and growl gurgling in her throat. The Beta was the first, and very last wolf she wanted to see. Instead of her "catching him off guard" she'd be the one who'd break into a million pieces doing who knows what. For the dead animal, and lone wolf she couldn't help but wonder if he was scary one off or offering them a new home. She pictured the latter. With deligence, she crept quietly along the rock perch. Light gray triangle points heard their hushed voices, unmatched eyes swept across the woodland edges. The wind in her favor, she only wanted to make sure her packmate was all right, and decided to be descreet. Drifting onto her belly, she slithered further until she could see the white wolf standing still, facing him. Jayse knew by the curveture of the pale creature it was no male, even if she was as large as one. Alabaster brows furrowed, lips tucked in a frown. Was she coming or going?

Suddenly the lone wolf rushed toward Borden, she held her breath, but instead of into him she sailed over him. Blinking in puzzlement Borden did not seem shaken. They knew each other? Heart sunk into her stomach, as they exchanged greetings, and information. She did not catch everything, but when the wolf spoke of a bear Jayse was aware of the first time she'd meet Borden. When she'd spoke of a bear, it had upset him about woman. What did a bear,her, and him have in common? She shook her brain, was she delirous now, and this was a cruel dream? Pushing herself up, she was not going to eeves drop any more. Walking out of her cover, she jumped down the mountainside, using her claws to keep her drift against the stone. If that wasn't noisy enough, small rocks tumbled behind her clacking together. No rush she jogged over to them. Stopping a yard behind Borden. "Everything all right?" She asked, the hesitance she felt in her tone.

i'm in the business
of misery.
lets take it from the top.

(This post was last modified: Feb 13, 2011, 11:27 PM by Jaysyek.)
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall

O O C | ahmigoddd. lol. <3’s to you both.

Feelings of elation tugged at his spirits. Raigo was up and about on his feet again, he was well… She was well… ”I’m relieved to hear,” he smiled, his voice genuine by both tone and words. Vlarindara sent snow flying in his direction with her little playful antics, laying before him and gazing up at him upside-down; he had to suppress a chuckle. She sat back up and shook her pelt out. Only one of his eyes closed, finally giving in to a small laugh as she leaned toward him and cleared the bits of white from his face. ”How are you, Borden?” she asked. ”And you need more to eat than simply mice… so I brought it to you… what you’re your patrols taking up much of your time…”

Oh, how he reminded him of his mother – in an adoring way – and he shook his head. ”Well, thank you, caught me by surprise, really… it was nice.” He sat down now as she chortled, ”Saved any more wolves from angry bears in your patrols?” She ducked her head and hid her face behind her forepaws. The mountain wolf heartily laughed. ”Oh, no… Haven’t see--” ”Everything all right?” Borden’s fur stood on edge along his neck and between his shoulders. He hadn’t heard her approach, even with all the clatter she made while coming down from the rocks.

Getting swiftly back onto his feet, he wheeled around. There she was. The one wolf he was hoping wouldn’t find him here, today, right now, in this very moment with Vlarindara. Jaysyek. His heart became caught in his throat. God, she was good in rendering him speechless. ”O-of course,” he attempted to smile. ”Was just catching up with a friend of mine.” Good friend… actually… He pressed the tip of his tongue to the roof of his mouth, still mentally reeling from the surprise she had given him. Should he introduce them to each other? If he did, who is introduced first? Should it be Jayse because she was the newcomer or Vlar because the two of them had been engaged in conversation to begin with? Perhaps they misunderstood one another, made something else of this little meeting? He really hoped not when it came to the latter. Feebly his tail gave an awkward wag.

Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank

OOC: *notes!* Thank you so much, Borden for fixing mah purdy!

She hadn't heard the wolf coming down the mountain behind them - or heard her come up on them in her sneaking way. Vlarindara settled down on her stomach, reclining into the Spinx like position Borden tended to adopt - it was comfortable and allowed her to get to her feet easily.. Her right ear cocked backwards over her neck while the left arched towards him, listening to his questions. She was about to answer them when the other wolf made herself known and made Borden whip around like a startled yearling. All that was missing had been the high pitched squeal of shock. Instead, both ears went forwards immediately and she fixed the female with a quiet look while Borden responded.

She was smaller both in size and in bulk it seemed.. her eyes were an.. odd coloring, but she'd seen wolves with eyes of differing colors before. The white female felt the warning growl trickle from her throat and through her lips when Borden stammered, looking...flustered? Perhaps. He didn't.. seem scared.. but she raised up on her legs and took a step towards the other white female. That low growl had stopped when she got to her feet and she stood close to Borden.. but not within touching distance. This female smelled of his pack.. perhaps she was simply checking on her .. Beta. Vlarindara glanced back to Borden - though her plumed tail was curled over her back, her head high and ears forwards. She wasn't stiff legged, nor was her fur on point.. not yet..

"Might..I ask who your friend is?" She took a step backwards, putting herself at Bordens flank, but not as his equal standing on the same footing. She never would be his equal - even if she were to join the pack. The fish she'd caught lay at her own feet, and Bordens rabbit at his. Of course, they were behind them now... mostly. She had put herself in a position that the other female.. the pack member couldn't assume meant she was anything of Bordens - only a friend.. She knew that Betas weren't supposed to ...enjoy the finer things in life.. at least in her own pack her elder brother had been punished. Despite having taken the step back, her head was still held high, her tail curled over her back in a loose circle of fur.

(This post was last modified: Feb 14, 2011, 09:28 PM by Vlarindara.)
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Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall

ooc; can you guess what song i'm thinking lol
*coughs* battlefield j/k

What was it with this place, was everyone so trapped in their own little shelves they could not see past the dust they'd collected? Her not so quiet entrance hadn't shook either of them. In fact Borden jumped higher then when she'd surpised him in hide and seek, even with her cool tone. She was wolf not phantom. Eyes blinked, many a question in those mismatched coloring. Not the first time she'd manage to make him struggle with words, she tried to listen. Understand. An old friend? Come and go on packlands? That didn't sound like Borden, or what she thought. She knew he had to be a softie... friends, she could see him letting it slide. Why was he so tense though? She hadn't meant to startle him. Concern etched on the corners of her eyes, wrinkling round them ever litte. The short growl of the other was not missed in her sharp ears. Jayse didn't bat an eye, more trying to figure out Borden. And of coarse this stranger would growl at her, she had done nothing, and the sub-ordinate did not put much thought into it.

Reconizing the familiar air of his lack of comfort, she was about to mutter excuses to depart. She didn't need to hang out in the uneasy motion. The white friend rose, and the pack wolf saw the alertness in her. Great, now what. She wondered what was with them. She really didn't care the wolf was on packlands that was Borden's problem. She didn't need another one to fret about. If Alex came maybe then she'd act. But Alex wasn't here, and Jayse wished she wasn't either. About to part jowls to speak, the loner opened her mouth. "Might I ask who your friend is?" Mouth shut, eyes shifted between the two, those questions still in her eyes. Or maybe it was a, gee thanks look. How lovely, Jayse did exist, she was standing right there, and the wolf lacked the deceny, the manners, the gumption...whatever to ask her herself? What was she chopped liver? She dug deep inside her, pushing away the small annoyance. Nice friend Borden. With the bitter thought said in silence, she put on a cool mask.


"Friend? We are packmates." She stated a coolness in her voice-addressing this "friend" with full attention. Staring back into those yellow eyes. Yes, Vlar stood taller, even a few inches then Borden, and Jayse's eyes had already traced along the scars...at least the visible ones. The wolf from Enap Hollow was not afraid. Jayse would have looked a cougar head on at this point in her life, and only dare it to push her.

it's a matter of time
till we all run out.

Guys Jayse doesn't move, she stands there, she only meets Vlar's eyes lol. I thought I got that in there, by well not saying she had moved. I said Vlar stood taller then herself and Borden, meaning she is well taller. I edited it with names as two females are confusing,but it doesn't matter I'll just go with it I guess. ;)
(This post was last modified: Feb 14, 2011, 04:18 PM by Jaysyek.)
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall

♫ | Metisse – Nomah’s Land

Rising to his feet might’ve been a terrible move to begin with. It sent a jolt through his system, an uncomfortable spasm that ran down his spine like he had been dipped in ice cold water then immediately pulled out. Vlarindara’s growl was the next sound to pierce the silence. He should have said something beforehand, but nevertheless, he looked at the ivory female at his side. ”Might… I ask who your friend is?” she asked.

Of course… sure, why not? his conscience teased him, the tone in his head sarcastic. Perfect. Absolutely perfect. He was about to introduce Vlarindara first when Jayse answered for him. ”Friend? We are packmates.” Borden glanced from one to the other; the formalities – “friend” to “packmate” – had been already exchanged. The use for names seemed to be futile now…

Swallowing, he looked at Vlarindara through the corner of his eye and a slight turn of his head and neck. Her head was high upon her shoulders and her tail draped over her back. He then noted how Jayse rose up to brown-eyed female’s question; her eyes dared to take in Vlarindara with her coiled tail and erect ears, her body reacting to the growl that had greeted her at her arrival. Think, think, think… he urged himself as he drew a deep breath and inched away from both of them.

Each of them stared at one another, blue-and-gold against vivid yellow-amber. It was making him nervous. What could he possibly say? They were, indeed, friends, right? His tail, though it had risen just enough to twitch, fell between his legs. The dark ears on either side of his head lowered and he choked back a whine… The tension in the air was enough to make him lower his body just enough so his limbs bent slightly. What had he done?

(This post was last modified: Feb 14, 2011, 06:51 AM by Borden.)