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When The Wind Blows Wild — The Wildwood 
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Played by Kat who has 79 posts.
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Makita Kokki
OOC: It's gorgeous. :)

Makita watched as the white she - wolf disappeared, nosing off into the bushes, dead with the icy touch of winter. Her cautious eyes watched until she disappeared, and then she turned back to the wolf. She still had not gotten his name, but she suspected that. His mouth was probably full, and it didn't bother her. If she put herself in his paws - which wasn't needed, as she knows what he's living like - she would eat the badger first as well. She bit down on the rabbit again, noticing that the meat was fading as it quenched her hunger. The ground became wet with the scarlet red liquid - the drops that didn't reach her mouth that is. She could feel the meat in her stomach, beginning to stop her hunger. Unfortunately, it didn't make her hunger stop. She continued to snarl greedily at the rabbit, inhaling the scent of the blood before she snapped her jaws at the lifeless creature. She didn't mean to be a blood - seeking creature, but hunger had been nipping at her for days, as this was the first peice of prey that Makita had eaten in days.

Makita did NOT look like a blood - seeking creature though. She was a very small, very petite wolf. Her frame was the size of a pup's, covered in fur - a blend of a golden brown, hinted with grey and cream with white around her muzzle - that complimented her beautiful self. Her eyes, curious and alert, were a gorgeous, dark golden brown. Scarlet blood stained her white muzzle and her razor sharp fangs that continued to rip into the rabbit.

The small she - wolf licked the blood off of her lips and lined the rabbit hide next to her. The blood was still covering it, but the meat was gone and she could was the blood off to use the hide for bedding when she decided to settle down - whenever that may be. Makita had always preferred to keep the hides of the animals she consumed. Maybe it was just a way she showed respect for the animals - they died to feed her, she needed to show some respect, even if it meant she was an unordinary freak.

Makita lifted her head when the white she - wolf laid the weasel next to her. She stared at the limp creature for a minute, and then turned her head to the she - wolf. Her eyes narrowed before she spoke, "What is this? Makita wanted to cringe, to stop herself from being so rude, but the thought didn't occur to her while she was saying this. Makita was stubborn, she didn't want help even though she was a year old and probably needed it. "I can feed myself. The rabbit filled me fine." she lied. Hunger was still eating at her stomach, but it wasn't like Makita to accept help - especially from a stranger who she didn't even know the name of.
Played by Siki who has 223 posts.
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Kinis Tainn
<blockquote>Was she a superhero or something?

Kinis, who was now too afraid to break the pattern of silence he had fallen into, was thankful for the distraction the badger permitted him. Conversation was tough when he was eating, so he made the conscious effort to slow down a little, lest he fill his belly too fast and shock it or run out of occupation for his mouth. With this in mind, he settled himself in such a way that he could glance up every now and then and look at the two females, the younger of which seemed to have become the superhero's new target.

Whether she deliberately went around searching out hungry wolves to feed was an amusing question, though the unlikelihood of it all was temporarily ignored due to his gratefulness. Maybe, when he grew older, prey would miraculously become easier to find and hunt and kill, just like her, and he'd be able to feed any passing stranger in need. He had always thought winter to be difficult in terms of food, and yet this female seemed to have no problem at all! Superhero, or perhaps some kind of goddess, was the appropriate word for her.

A weasel was produced, apparently to supplement the younger's rabbit diet. It wasn't quite as substantial as the badger - hungry though he was, Kinis didn't even think he'd be able to eat it all - but it was something. Definitely more than he'd been able to get for himself the past few weeks. Kinis observed, his curious nature returning in the form of innocent nosiness, the great contrast between the female's behaviour and his own. Was he wrong to have accepted the gift? Was his fellow pup wrong to have rejected it? It seemed silly to risk starvation just for pride, but then, Kinis wasn't an expert on pride; perhaps it was more of a driving motivation than he once thought.

Though aware that the badger was more than enough, his eyes fell upon the dead weasel, wondering if he could risk attracting more predators and take it with him. Who knew when he'd next have a meal? Who knew when he'd finally get back to the Sacred Grove - and even then, he was beginning to feel like two halves of a magnet at the same time. He was drawn closer, but the closer he got the stronger he was repulsed, and he wondered at what point his body would meet equilibrium and he wouldn't be able to move either way at all.

From the weasel, his eyes were drawn to the remains of the rabbit left by the girl's side, and Kinis twisted his head in curiosity at the sight of it. It seemed as though she had eaten it very deliberately, very carefully, and somehow preserved its pelt. Was that normal? Why would she do that? What could she want with it? Was his family's eating habits just savage? Kinis was suddenly very aware of his rather less meticulous devouring, his muzzle red to his brow and throat, the badger's flesh torn and ripped and its body sunken, for its insides were either eaten or pulled out and laid haphazardly at Kinis' feet.

Hunger overtook social worries, and he remained as silent and enthusiastic as ever, this time quite clearly intrigued by the scene before him.</blockquote>
<center>user posted image
<i>at least... that's where I'm supposed to be...</i></center>
Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank

"Perhaps you feel it has filled you fine, but growing wolves could always use more.." She shifted and turned once Kinis had stopped crunching to pad over to him before passing her tongue over his bloodied fur. If he didn't dodge out of the way, or try to move, she would continue to clean his face and head of the remnants of his meal. She carefully stayed clear of his throat, not wishing to appear dominant over the young pup. As she cleaned near his ears, a whispered question escaped her lips, but she kept it low enough that the older female wouldn't hear it. "Would you like to come back to my den with me?" She was offering the young pup a place to sleep, a home - if he chose to accept it.. And an older wolf willing to care for him. She didn't offer it to the older female yet.. as she wasn't sure just..how she would take it.

However, she couldn't *NOT* offer it to Kinis, the pup older than Raigo had been when she found him, but almost her age when she'd fallen behind her own pack. The white female had a soft spot in her heart for younger wolves.. puppies most of all... No, a superhero she was not.. but she did have the health now to care for a younger pup..two.. three.. maybe. She hoped that Raigo would have a playmate.. someone to help keep him out of trouble.. Perhaps maybe even help her care for Kinis..if he accepted her offer - but it would be good for Raigo. to have wolves other than herself to be around.. She had no intentions of forming her own pack..but she couldn't NOT accept young pups without homes of their own.

(This post was last modified: Feb 15, 2011, 07:05 PM by Vlarindara.)
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Played by Kat who has 79 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Makita Kokki
Makita pushed the weasel to the side. She couldn't possibly accept it. Maybe it was strange that she didn't accept it when she didn't know when she'd have her next meal, but it was against everything Makita had ever known as a loner to accept food from a stranger. She had a motherly instinct, sure. She could see that with how she was babying the pup, not much younger than her, like her own - which struck her as strange, since the pup hadn't said one word and looked scared to death.

Makita caught the wolf's eyes staring at her rabbit hide. She glanced up, trying to see his eyes and read his expression, but it was impossible, as the she - wolf was licking his ears and covering his face from her sight. She narrowed her eyes and pricked her ears, taking a small paw step forward. She couldn't hear what the she - wolf was saying, but she did hear 'den' and 'me'. That was enough for Makita's assumtions to take control of her.

Her eyes narrowed and she stood up as tall as she could, which was still extremely small for a wolf her age. "Who do you think you are? You act like you are almighty, like you can just go around and find prey to feed everyone." Makita glanced at the other wolf. She was probably scaring him even more, which discouraged her because she wanted to talk to him personally, maybe get to know him, because he sure as heck looked like he was living like her. She wanted someone to talk to about stuff that only pups like her would know. "He hasn't said a word and you've given him prey and are inviting him to your den? He is scared to death, for goodness sake!" Makita was probably just being rude, and with her luck that probably wasn't even what the she - wolf said. But, Makita was stubborn and she didn't go around trusting random wolves, and something about this one made her suspicious - but she didn't know why.

OOC: No offense or anything... Makita is just a meanie boobinie that doesn't accept help. Haha. :)
(This post was last modified: Feb 16, 2011, 12:36 AM by Makita.)
Played by Siki who has 223 posts.
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Kinis Tainn
<blockquote>Was it pride, or something else? He watched as if it were a soap opera being played in front of him, the slight hostility and conflict between the two females rather fascinating. Feeling no ill will towards either - though the older wolf was somewhat unnerving in her uninvited friendliness - Kinis allowed himself to be impartial, siding with neither. If the younger wolf had reason to be proud, then that was her business; perhaps it was wrong to assume that she was incapable of looking after herself, or had nobody to go to. Her scent held no obvious answers; the lingering trails of other wolves hung on her, but nothing to signify that she was a part of a definite pack... they were probably nothing more than random meetings such as this one, or she had, at some point, parted from steady travel companions.

His stomach complaining from the strain of being so full after such a long period of hunger, Kinis took a break from munching on the badger's remains, only for it to be assumed that he was finished. Though it took him by surprise, and he initially flinched from the close proximity of the wolf, he quickly realised that her maternal instincts were simply carrying over into his personal space. Thinking that he would hardly be able to escape her if she did have bad intentions anyway, Kinis meekly accepted her attentions. Though his ears were flat to show his discomfort, he turned his head appropriately to allow her easy access. He was forced to perk his ears up when she reached that area, though, and easily heard her whispered question.

What was he supposed to make of that?

Having grown up surrounded by little other than his siblings, with little exposure to strangers for a very long tome, Kinis wasn't exactly indoctrinated with the 'stranger danger' mindset. Still, as grateful as he was to have been treated so far, it seemed like a stretch - and a particularly long leap of naïvety - to accept her offer without question. Thanks to the badger, he was no longer desperate... but though she did not smell of a pack, she must have had some home, some den to escape the cold, and Kinis found himself tempted.

The younger female took abrupt offence at this, however, and Kinis automatically looked back at the yearling as she snapped at the older wolf. His ears flattened again as he was mentioned, though the other's words did ring true. He had to question why the girl had spoken out like that, though - was it in defence of him, in some curious way? Did she know something about the older wolf that Kinis did not? Suddenly struck by indecision and confusion, Kinis lowered himself once more, shuffling away the tiniest bit in order to get some space and try to figure out what was going on. He was curious to hear how the white female responded, though expected nothing more than the cool, soft elegance she had displayed so far, though that wouldn't necessarily help. Being silver-tongued was a common attribute of ill-intentioned folk, was it not? Kinis had watched Borlla smile her way out of trouble too many times to allow himself to be irrevocably trusting of it.</blockquote>
<center>user posted image
<i>at least... that's where I'm supposed to be...</i></center>
Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank

She had stepped back after whispering her offer and settled onto her haunches when the younger female became...irate. Vlarindara's ears shifted, first forward to listen to the female, then backwards to rest over her neck as they were want to do. The right one shifted against, listening to Kinis as he backed away, but she made no move towards him. The plumed tail curled around her feet instead of waving about and she simply watched the female a few silent moments. She avoided eye contact, not wanting to be challenging to the nervous one. "I was a little older than he was when i was left out in the cold...too weak to follow my pack as they moved towards richer hunting grounds. I would not have managed if another pack hadn't taken me in, fed me, given me a place to stay. I was older when I left them.."

She dipped her nose towards the female as if pointing a hand, or waving in indication. "A little older than you were when I went on a hunting trip by myself.. and got separated. If you wish to know why I am offering such a thing to a wolf I don't know? I was offered the same.. and I offered it in turn to my own adopted brother.. he's your age now.. but was younger when I found him." A soft sigh escaped her throat as she stood and backed away a few steps, inching towards the forest behind her. "I know what it's like to be hungry, cold..without shelter or food.. Scared that I wouldn't make it through the night.. terrified of other wolves and creatures... that they might make me a meal. I simply offered because I remembered the kindness extended to me when I was young. I've no intentions of leaving without at least voicing the offer."

Her tail flicked slightly, the long 'feathers' swishing back and forth as she turned, moving into the forest. "My apologies for making the uneducated assumption. If you wish..to take me up on the offer... either of you... I would be glad to take you back to my den.. even if it is until you find a true pack." Her long legs carried her in a hop over a fallen log as she slowly made her way though the forest towards the South. While she could have simply run.. or gone faster than a walk - she walked because she wanted to give the two younger wolves a chance to ask more questions, or to follow her. Obviously, she would keep going if they didn't want to...No reason to upset them further.

(This post was last modified: Feb 16, 2011, 09:27 PM by Vlarindara.)
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Played by Kat who has 79 posts.
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Makita Kokki
Makita watched the white female closely. Why was she picking a fight, anyway? The wolf sitting beside the she - wolf hadn't even said a word and she was already sticking up for him? Makita let her eyes fall closed and she lowered herself to the snow. She felt the need to apologize again. You think I don't know what it feels like, thought Makita, I've lived like this since I was 5 months old. She let her eyes trail down to her paws, nudging the rabbit hide in front of her. She had nothing to say. She could easily snap back, but she really wasn't going to. The pale brown wolf was probably scared to death of her by now, and that really wasn't what she wanted. She wanted to know his story, why he was here, because she sure as the snow on the ground and sun in the sky knew how it was like to live like he was.

Her eyes flickered between the she - wolf and the other. Slowly, the white she - wolf turned and began to walk away. Makita dropped her gaze to her paws. She hadn't wanted to make her that upset, maybe the other wanted her here. Makita closed her eyes. She was used to people leaving, saying goodbye. It was all too familiar, and she hated it. But, she had been chased away, forced out with razor sharp teeth.. at least the she - wolf would leave in peace - unless the other wanted her to stay. She had no doubt that the she - wolf would turn right back around and lick him clean.

What was there to do now? The wolf obviously didn't seem comfortable in speaking to her, and the white she - wolf wasn't her best friend right now, and she was leaving. Makita sighed, blinking her dark golden eyes, flickering between the leaving she - wolf and the male.
Played by Siki who has 223 posts.
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Kinis Tainn
<blockquote>Then came the speech, and it was long. Kinis' guilt grew as he realised that his situation wasn't quite the same as she described; yes, he was on his own... but it was entirely his fault. It was also his fault that he hadn't just swallowed his fear and gone straight back home. He knew where he was, now; Relic Lore was difficult to miss, after all, and though the boy hadn't spent much time exploring it, he knew its scent. He <i>had</i> a true pack - and he was home... almost.

Had this occurred a few days past, back when he was in strange lands, Kinis would probably have taken the wolf up on her offer. Her tone and expression tugged at his heartstrings as she finished and turned to leave, unloading all the guilt of rejection back onto the two younger wolves. Kinis whined softly, feeling terrible for any upset he had caused her, though he was still too afraid to call out. He had been tiptoeing the line between going with her and remaining on his own, and now the decision had been all but made for him.

Too timid to bring the older wolf back, Kinis watched her go, feeling guilty and like a horrible person. His eyes flickered back to the other wolf, the more vocal female who had seemed to stand up for him... though he wasn't sure if it had been necessary, any more. Everybody had said their bit and Kinis had sat there like a carcass, contributing nothing. What a useless sack of crap he was.

Feeling dirty and ashamed, Kinis realised that he could not stay. It hurt too much. With an apologetic glance in the younger wolf's direction, he backed out, turning and fleeing from the scene with a blissfully full stomach.</blockquote>
<center>user posted image
<i>at least... that's where I'm supposed to be...</i></center>
Played by Kat who has 79 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Makita Kokki
<blockquote>My code is being wierd so it isn't adding spaces between paragraphs, so bare with me. Also, I know it's Vlar's turn but I can't help it. You all can't just run away.. you crazy. ;D My little action probably won't get Kinis back, but I can try. ;)</blockquote>

Makita watched the she - wolf disappear into the bushes, and her eyes flickered to Kinis. The wolf gave her an apolagetic glance and then began to flee. She let out a sigh, letting her head fall to stare at the ground and her shoulders sag slightly. "I'm sorry." she mumbled silently. "Come back, I'm lonely." she poked at her rabbit hide with her muzzle, glancing down at her dark malnourished body. She was left. Alone. Again.

A deep rumble came from behind her. She tossed her head back and tilted her head to the sound, then turned her head back forward and grabbed up her hide. A moment later, the roar came again, stronger, and she could feel breath against her ears. She dropped her tail and lowered herself, whimpering to herself. Slowly, she turned her head. In front of her was a huge bear, with growling razor sharp teeth.

Makita threw her head up instinctively, letting out a piercing howl. She hoped that it would draw the female and the male back, so that maybe they could help her. The bear swiped a paw at her, but she dodged barely. He swung again, and his claws pierced her shoulder. She let out a fearful yip, as she was helpless against the bear.
(This post was last modified: Feb 20, 2011, 10:11 PM by Makita.)
Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank

OOC: Now this seems familiar.....

She had left, but wasn't far enough away that she missed either howl - the sad one.. then the cry for help. The white female turned back around and charged through the underbrush, clearing a low hedge only to land in the same clearing.. only to find it dominated by a bear. A flash of fear raced through her and she had a moment to think 'is this the same bear?' before her maternal instincts took over at seeing the wounded pup. A gut wrenching snarl ripped from her throat as fur bristled and the she-wolf charged the beast, snapping her jaws in warning at it. The white wolf curled her plumed tail over her back as she faced off against the lumbering beast, working to put herself between the injured wolf and the angered bear.

The metallic smell of blood was obvious, as was the small spattering on the white snow - but it was all registered in the back of her head and catalogued away for use later. Her priorities had been rearranged at the young females howl.. Rather than return to Raigo, it had been to protect the young one at all costs.. and ensure her safety above all else. She was worried for the younger male pup, but didn't have time to look for him.. if he was clear of the bears claws and teeth, then that was just fine - but if he wasn't.. she would do the same thing - keep him safe at all costs. Her first choice to that.. end was to get the bears attention, draw it away from the injured wolf.

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