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Downtime — Cedarwood Forest 
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Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank

OOC: Mwahahhaa... -read the chatbox and cracks up- Just wait till they add Angier into the equation ;D

Angier? The name rang gently on her tongue and she smiled, pulling her tail around her paws and let her ears lay back against her neck. "A pleasure to meet you, Angier.." She didn't think anything odd of him leaving off his last name - she'd never have even TOLD anyone of her name...but..recent months had changed her outlook. Perhaps it shouldn't have, but she felt it for the better in the end. "If you are looking to avoid other wolves.. To the north of here is a river.. Across that river is a wolf pack - I don't know much about them, nothing of their numbers nor their leaders. To the north east.. along the mountain ridge is another pack - the last I knew.. they had grown in number from two. If you wish to avoid both packs, the west is nearly unclaimed... as far as I'm aware."

She knew that by telling him the locations of the two packs, he might both investigate and avoid them as he wished. She hated to think of him getting attacked as she had in recent months, while the fur over her hips and muzzle was growing back... it still left her reminders of her not so recent travels. The white female had relaxed visibly at knowing his name even if she was still sitting up - watching the lands around them. "The place you're traveling in now is called Cedarwood... Cedarwood forest. To the east a few meters, the Wildwood starts. As far as I'm aware, Cedarwood extends all the way to the west, north of it...farther west is the Thicket of secrets. North further still is what the wolves here call Blackberry fields. West of Blackberry fields..is wild cherry orchard.." Why was she telling him of the lands around the valley? She wanted him to stick around.. and hoped that if he knew the names..he might give her a hint as to where he intended to go. She was apparently a glutton for punishment..

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Played by Grey who has 439 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Angier Lyall

O O C | omg. dude. there’s a “ttime” in my table image O_o /lyricssitefail.

”Likewise,” he smiled. He finished up his small feast and dipped his muzzle a gesture to simply convey to his host that he had thoroughly enjoyed it. His eyes went to a pile of bones, deciding he’d deposit what was left of the groundhog among what he could identify as dried ribs and forearm bones. Placing a paw over the hollowed creature’s pelt, he dragged it closer to him and separated it from its body. He’d save it for later, a little souvenir, a token to remind him that he owed the white wolf a favor. His tail wagged at the sound of his name being repeated; finally, someone noticed... someone would remember him.

As her voice rang out over the small clearing again, he listened, taking in the information she presented him. A pack to the north, and a pack to the east, on the mountain… Noted. He slowly nodded, though, why anyone would want to live on a mountain was far beyond him… The western region of the forest, for the most part, had yet to be claimed. And if, for any reason, he found himself face-to-face with a pack wolf, he was sure he’d hunt her down, confront her about it if it ever came to accidentally trespassing on another’s territory. The name “Cedarwood Forest” instilled itself in his memory, and he made another note that he’d stay in the area; the river and the mountain would be well-avoided. The Wildwood (a different forest?), the Thicket of Secrets, Blackberry Fields, Wild Cherry Orchard… His brows raised as he wrapped his mind around just how large this newly discovered region was. Wow. ”Any of those places considered a favorite haunt of yours?” he then asked. Perhaps if she mentioned one, it’d be worth checking out just for kicks. ”I… doubt I’d go very far from here for now, but… I was jus’ curious.”

(This post was last modified: Feb 17, 2011, 08:05 AM by Angier.)

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Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)
Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank

OOC: AWwwhhh No!! D:

Any place she haunted? Bramble Falls.. The female smiled softly, dipping her head as she saw him bring the carcass over to the pile. "I..don't really have anywhere I haunt..I hunt all over the place to provide for my pup and myself.. Not..my pup. adopted, but he's still fairly young. I used to go up towards the Mountain fairly often.. but I don't think I will much longer.. Unless something were to change." She shifted, her left ear twitching a few times before she lifted her back leg and scratched at it, alleviating the itch with a sigh of relief.

"I might frequent the Blackberry fields.. to the north.. I've found some decent hunting in those fields.. the deer searching for more food sources.. and choosing the berries as their meal." She frowned, looking thoughtful before shaking herself to right her fur again from where she'd scratched her ear. "I'm not sure.. how long it will be until wolves range farther west.. As there are two packs in this eastern side.. There may already be packs out there for all I know.. but in my rangings, I've never run into any, nor have I heard of any inhabiting the area."

(This post was last modified: Feb 16, 2011, 01:12 AM by Vlarindara.)
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Played by Grey who has 439 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Angier Lyall

Angier settled back down, toting a piece of groundhog fur in-between his teeth as he sat before Vlarindara’s perch. He dropped the pelt at his feet and placed his paw over it as though it would blow away or snagged before had a chance to snatch it back. Remaining quiet as to take in her words, he smiled. The muscles in his face were beginning to hurt; he must have gone without smiling, even slightly, for quite a while since he had departed from the valley that was once his home. The grin on his face softened though, nearly vanishing, as she mentioned about how she wouldn’t frequent the Mountain to any further extent.

He was about to jest and ask the reason why but bit back at the question upon hearing her add ”Unless something were to change.” She probably had a good reason to stay clear of the area, subliminally warning him to do the same. She continued on about how the Fields were one of her usual places to hunt and how she was uncertain how long it would be until other packs began to occupy the western part of the forest. ”Ah,” he mused. His brow furrowed; he had just one more question for her to answer before he made his leave, ”May I ask why you aren’t apart of any of the packs?”

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Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)
Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank

"When I first came here, I was ill.. and trying to care for my pup.. At the time, I did my best to stay clear of any packs..the winter being as hard as it was.. most didn't want more than one mouth to feed... let alone a sick one. I ....met a wolf who helped me get back to what I am now...I had..thought that I might join his pack, but I'm not sure that the offer still stands." She wrinkled her nose, but her profile didn't change at all, that proud seated position with her plumed tail curled around her feet. She flicked her ears forwards then backwards to rest against her neck before she settled down onto her stomach calmly. "He was a..high ranking wolf of the pack on the Mountain. His position would have been rocky had he accepted me.. I'm sure it would be more-so now."

She turned her head, glancing at him out of the corner of her eye, a slight... smile touching her muzzle. "I have to ask... why did you leave yours? You had to have been in one before." Vlarindara knew why he wasn't in a pack right now - he'd just gotten to Relic Lore.. but she wanted to know why he'd let his other pack.. He was large.. larger than she was.. So she was curious if it was because he'd caused something.. or if he'd simply wanted a change of pace.

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Played by Grey who has 439 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Angier Lyall

Just as before, he nodded. The honesty and detail in Vlarindara’s answer was more than he could have hoped for. ”I see,” he said, giving his tail a swish as he eyed the slight smile on her face. ”Good to see you’re well, then. High-ranking wolves, heh, they think they’re better than everyone else; I wouldn’t give ‘im another thought, but… that’s just me.” He gave a wink and was about to bid farewell and thank her again when she asked him a question. His body had turned so he could say his good-bye over his shoulder, but he turned around, facing her once more.

I have to ask… why did you leave yours? You had to have been in one before.” she inquired. Angier took a deep breath and exhaled quietly. He should have known she’d ask him something like that. ”Well,” he began. ”My older brother, quite frankly, had cast a shadow no one could escape… left a hole that no one else could fill. When he was sent away, everything kinda just fell apart. I… was the next in line to take his place, but my father wouldn’t have it.” He gazed to the ground for a moment, before looking back at her, scoffing, ”I’ve always been the rebellious one; so, when my younger brother challenged me for a delta position, I was forced to withdraw when I’d sent us tumbling into the river.” He fell quiet upon finishing his recollection of the memory, the event that had ultimately drawn him here. Raising a paw as though he was about to take a step, he gave a weak smile, ”Well, erm, I don’t want to overstay my welcome, but thank you Vlarindara for your kindness. I’ll… catch you around? Maybe we could go out hunting sometime, maybe take the pup out for an afternoon of exploring or somethin’?” The way she spoke fondly of the youth, he figured he might as well proffer to take them both out for an afternoon. Surely doesn’t hurt to ask…

Are you watching closely?
Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)
Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank

His offer stunned her to be honest, but she smiled with a soft chuckle and dipped her head. It was the story that pulled at her heartstrings more.. and she took a tentative step forwards, ears laying back along her neck. "What...was your brothers name? I would like to know.. so that perhaps..if I meet him I can send him packing... for causing so many problems." The chances of *EVER* meeting the males brother were so slim it wasn't even funny.. what with the weather changes, other wolf packs.. Relic Lore wasn't the only place that wolves bedded down for the night. How could he be there?

She stepped closer and brushed her muzzle against the soft fur of his neck before stepping back and looking away. "Thank you for the offer, Angier.. I'm sure Raigo would be most excited.. I would love to go along on a trip..when you're passing through again." She smiled, but settled onto her haunches, almost in the same place he had seen her the first time.. but this time there was something different about her. She held herself differently.. not so...defeated - more proud and confident.

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Played by Grey who has 439 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Angier Lyall

Angier’s ears flattened slightly. The chances of Vlarindara knowing the brute who had ruined everything in his life were slim, but he wouldn’t risk revealing his full name. ”Er,” her muttered. “Bord,” he felt, was too direct... ”Bo,” he lied. He attempted to give her a warm smile; perhaps that would “seal the deal.”

The white female stepped forward, tracing her muzzle along his throat before pulling away. She averted her gaze as she accepted his invitation. His cheeks, still aching from smiling, managed to pull upwards a bit more. ”Great,” he grinned. ”I look forward to it.” He tilted his head, gesturing towards the woods beyond Vlarindara’s den site, ”I’ll see you soon then. Thanks again.” He stepped forward and pressed his nose to her cheek then snatched up the groundhog pelt in his jaws. Taking off at a run and disappearing behind a cluster of cedar saplings, he called over his shoulder, ”Take care!”


(This post was last modified: Feb 17, 2011, 10:31 PM by Angier.)

Are you watching closely?
Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)
Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank

OOC: Hehe yep! That about wraps it up, I thinks!

She chuckled at knowing the elder brothers name and dipped her muzzle in thanks, that is.. right before he touched her cheek and darted off. The white female was *SURE* she was bright tomato red around the muzzle and jowls before he shouted his comment behind and over his shoulder. A high pitched yap followed him, the yap lifting her forepaws off the ground in a little two step. "You to!" A simple farewell - nothing too loud.. nor long winded. When she lost sight of the other wolf, she turned and hopped back up on her flat rock and settled back down to sunbathe and wait for Raigo to return.

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