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secrets are my life — Heartleaf Creek 
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Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall

Trust. Borden’s furrowed brow continued to crease his forehead. ”I may be young, and a loner, but – trust me – I’ve heard about the packs,” she informed him. Oh. The mountain wolf imagined the petite Makita encountering a Swift River wolf, wondering how that went or how she went about learning of his pack. As much as he knew, “little birds” don’t go about telling and spreading information of the wolves of Relic Lore. Well, okay, maybe, but he couldn’t help but wonder how this youth could possibly know of both packs. Her tongue-in-cheek answer had caught him off-guard; and she just slightly reminded him of how he was when he had been a pup.

Information, to the gent, was often hard to come by; usually, he had to travel for miles around just to get the time of day, even much farther to get the name of a place. He listened as she told him how her winter had been interesting and, of course, hard. Another nod made him dip his muzzle to acknowledge her reply. He knew exactly how that was… wandering about, both aimlessly and purposefully, unsure of when or where the next meal or watering hole would happen to come by.

Easing himself into a more relaxed position – curving his body slightly to sprawl out on his side – he quietly smiled, taking in the views of the creek and listening to the water as it rushed past. The blackened tip of his tail flicked idly due to his lack of skill in small talk. Truth be told, he hadn’t had much of a chance to get away from his duties, to socialize or meet anyone new until today.

Played by Kat who has 79 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Makita Kokki
<i>Makita let her eyes trail away to stare into space, seeing Borden's confusion. No bird had told her of the packs, but she had met many loners - enemies and friends - who had confronted these packs. They told her stories of the packs when Makita begged for their company. She knew little about the packs, but she did know that they existed and without a doubt she would like to see a pack. She'd heard the bonds were strong - but she also knew they weren't near as strong as her family's bond, which brought her to stare at her paws sadly.</i>

<i>Fortunately, she didn't stay sad for long. Inside, she was still extremely depressed about her family and she would never get over it. Outside, she tried to maintain a smile on her petite muzzle and keep her light golden eyes curious and exited - not depressed. Her eyes moved across all the land and to Borden, who sprawled out onto his side in a comfortable position - it would have been more comfortable if the snow wasn't so thick and cold.</i>

<b>"How's it like,"</b><i> Makita asked softly, letting herself fall into the snow, turning to expose her stomach to the cold air - as the snow got through the thin fur on her stomach and made her wet. She let her tongue fly out of her mouth, just like she was a puppy playing with Kanaii and Kauda... except that they weren't here. She tried to get back on her question.</i><b> "To live in a pack?"</b>

<b>OOC: Hey, you're good with tables, right? I got a new table and it's amazing, but I don't know how to add the spaces between paragraphs like you do. Is there a code? Thanks. :) </b>
(This post was last modified: Feb 14, 2011, 12:41 AM by Makita.)
Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall

O O C | Sorry for the wait! Let’s see that new table, hmm? :D As for answering your question, to put some spaces between the paragraphs, you could use < br > (no spaces) after your paragraphs.

While silence edged itself between them Borden closed his eyes in thought. It wasn’t long, however, until her voice broke it. It was just above a whisper, halved as though something had pulled her mind away from it for even a few moments. ”How’s it like… to live in a pack?” The gentleman gazed to his companion, realizing now how young she truly was, how naïve she seemed after she asked that single eight-word question.

Of course everyone had a different upbringing. He had to remind himself of that. Not everyone had an uncle to look after them when mom and dad were busy hunting or a chance to experience the world under their pack member’s watchful eyes or an opportunity to learn things while still growing up.”Well,” he began. ”Easier on the soul, I guess you could say.” He tried to rediscover his transition from a lone wolf to becoming one of Alexander’s loyal supporters, attempt to figure out some pro’s and con’s. ”Being in a pack does help with the little things, I’ll admit. It takes the worry out of your system, somewhat, having someone else to back you up and all.”

When he mentioned having that “someone,” his mind instantly drew up pictures of his pack, his adoptive family – Alexander, Atiris, Adonia, Weldering, Jayse… Mostly, he was there for them, but he knew, surely, they would do the same for him. His eyes framed the yearling’s figure before attempting to read her facial expression. He fell quiet; not wanting to be rude and bluntly ask why she wondered what pack life was like. Perhaps, she was just curious…

(This post was last modified: Feb 16, 2011, 02:26 AM by Borden.)
Played by Kat who has 79 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Makita Kokki
OOC: Thank you! :)

Makita flicked her tail in amusement, her dark golden eyes catching sight of the stocky Borden's curious face. She liked the fact that he wouldn't push the subject out of her comfort level. Of course, she was pretty sure by now that Borden wasn't a threat. She tilted her head, trying to think what it could be he wondered. Maybe it was how she knew about the packs. Or it could be why she wasn't with a pack at her age. Maybe he wanted to know why she wandered about pack life. She thought about all of them. The first one would be too complicated, as it would flow into the second one and take lots of time - and Borden probably didn't want to hear about the yearling's problems anyway. So, she went with the third one. It seemed reasonable it could be what he was thinking.

"I used to live in a pack, except that me and my family.. we didn't care about the other wolves near as much. My parents were alphas, though, so I didn't have to worry about the other wolves." Makita said softly, trailing a bit into her past. Her eyes stared up at the sky, covered with dark, fluffy clouds. She used to wonder what they felt like. She used to want to sleep on clouds at night, or even live in them. "There was a tragedy when I was about 5 months old. I didn't have my family anymore. So I've been without a pack ever since. I miss feeling comfort and protection within a pack. I miss going to bed at night knowing that somebody cares. Makita let her eyes fall closed, her thick, dark lashes beating together silently. Her eyes were clouded, but she wouldn't cry. She had learned to be tough when she was talking about her family. Few people knew the whole story, how everything went down. Being a lone wolf had also, though, given her a chance to meet so many amazing wolves that she couldn't do without. Pshh.. she thought to herself. That was a lie. She got to meet wolves, but none had ever stood out to her. She just wanted her family, she guessed.

Makita lifted her head to meet Borden's eyes. She shrugged, "I guess you don't really know what you have until it's gone."
(This post was last modified: Feb 14, 2011, 11:43 PM by Makita.)
Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall

Listening, he raised his brows and his gaze went down to his paws. The once-spunky Makita had unfolded before him, revealing a part of her past that haunted her. He sat back up and curled his tail about his haunches. ”I’m sorry for your loss,” he said, offering his condolences. Her eyes closed and his ears folded back. What more could he possibly say?

Opening her dark gold eyes to look at him, Makita shrugged, ”I guess you don’t really know what you have until it’s gone.” He nodded, ”Yeah. I know exactly how that is.” Admitting the fact, he tried to give her a smile, reassuring her that she wasn’t alone. Surely someone out there cared about her; well, truthfully, when he thought of it, that someone might’ve been him right then and there.

On a more solemn note, he decided to share more about himself, perhaps it’d somewhat drag the yearling away from the gloomy thoughts she was mulling over. ”I lost my family, too,” he shared. ”I was much older than you at the time, but, well, I know how hard that can be...”

Keeping the fact that he had been driven off by his father and brothers stowed away, he hoped to instill in her a feeling that they had something in common. Loss, no matter how it presented itself, took its toll and the feeling of it was almost always the same. Emptiness, a hollow feeling in one’s chest and stomach… the energy drained from one’s being from missing those that had departed or left their life… the place where the individual or individuals were once kept leaving holes – small and large – where they had once been. Borden stood up quietly and took a step toward her, ”Say… how would you like to join me?” The question was open-ended, much to his dismay, but after proposing to Jayse that he was planning to move into the forests of Cedarwood, he felt it would be for the best. It probably wouldn’t be anything like her pack, her family, but, still… If Makita liked the idea, she would be given the chance to join Alexander on the mountain, where she would be well-taken care of, or to move west with him. On the other hand, if she saw that nothing beneficial would come from the opportunity at hand, Borden wouldn’t mind her turning him down either.

(This post was last modified: Feb 17, 2011, 02:21 AM by Borden.)
Played by Kat who has 79 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Makita Kokki
Makita's ears pointed forward slightly, listening to what the wolf had to say. He began to talk of his family, how he lost them, and Makita lost her depressing thoughts - though they were still hidden in her mind - and replaced them with curious ones. She let the edges of her lips curve back up into a smile, her eyes twinkling with the joy of Borden's company. She enjoyed having someone to talk to, someone that she was pretty sure she could trust - at least, she hoped she could trust him, as he hadn't been a threat yet and something about the air around him made her feel.. safer.

Makita stiffened when the last question to escape his mouth pierced the air. How would you like to join me? Her mind started flowing with thoughts, and memories flashed in front of her. One night when she was 8 months old she had gotten injured from a wolf, obviously not a nice one. Her leg was broken and she had to lay across the ground for nights, alone and without help. She finally got to where she could do something, but for the nights she spent there she was alone with unbearable pain. Or supposedly she could take the harsh winter she was going through right now for example. She had to cherish the food she got, for the pack took most and she never knew when her next meal would be. The snow melted into her fur and made her fur wet and cold. She had to live without shelter, resting under a tree supposedly for a day or so before she could move on. One of the worst parts of it, she didn't usually have someone to talk to. She was extremely lucky to have Borden, who didn't want to chase her away.

But, then she had to remember why she was here. She had to find Kauda, Kanaii, and the rest of her family. She wouldn't stop until she found them - she couldn't, it was against everything she had ever believed in. My family is still alive, all of them she told herself, they are waiting to take me into their paws. But something told her that she couldn't resist to see, to try to be a wolf in a pack. The benefits were great and.. and she couldn't resist having company like Borden.

Then, her mind got a hold of her again. What would his leader think, him going out to venture and bringing back a helpless yearling? What would happen to her.. What would happen to Borden? "Borden.. What would your leader think? Would you get in trouble?" she decided to ask, instead of giving him a flat out answer about it. She tried to maintain eye contact with the wolf, as she was beginning to trust him more and more, even though she probably shouldn't.
Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall

O O C | Edited because Word didn't pick up on stupid mistypes.

Finding a spark of concern in her tone of voice, his smile curled up on one side of his maw, a tickled grin of sorts. ”Borden… What would your leader think? Would you get in trouble?” she asked, seemingly worried. He shook his head and stood up to shake out his coat, ridding his underbelly of the bits of dried leaves that had clung to his fur.

One part of him thought of her questions as silly and rather pointless, as the other half simply bowed to her slight apprehension regarding Alexander and Borden’s standing with Midnight Plateau. He had brought others to the Mountain (like Jayseyek) or warmly accepted them to join (as he had graciously done for Weldering and Atiris); why would he worry about it? Recalling what he and Jaysyek planned a few days ago, an idea came to mind and his tail swayed a few times…

Giving a small chuckle, he smiled evenly, ”Oh, I don’t think he’d mind... As a matter of fact, I think he’d very much love it if you came along. In a few days, he’s moving to the forests in search of a more… suiting lifestyle.”

(This post was last modified: Feb 19, 2011, 12:53 AM by Borden.)
Played by Kat who has 79 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Makita Kokki
Makita kept her dark eyes on Borden. When he laughed, her eyes fell to her paws. Embarassment surged through her body. How could she be so stupid? He was obviously high in the ranks, as he walked and talked like it, and he was even large enough to be. Makita should have never been worried at all. Her shoulder sagged slightly, but Makita pushed her chest out and held her head up like it didn't make her embarassed or even make her think at all... except that her mind was racing. I have a family. They are out there waiting for me, hoping that I'll come back and save them from the largest wolf in the world maybe. she thought proudly at the last thought, but she knew that she couldn't let a pack get in her way. She was sure that she wasn't going to find her family there.

Her eyes trailed around, as if they were searching the air for some invisible creature - unsure, sort of. Then, her thick, dark lashes fell over her eyes. "I - I don't know, Borden. Honestly. she said shortly, her eyes remaining closed. What was there to do? There were so many benifits but it would also mean leaving the purpose of her roaming the forest, her adventures that had led her to so many smiles and so many tears. She licked a paw uncertainly, instead of doing nothing like she was so used to doing.

"I know this is a dumb question, I seem to have tons of those, she sighed, her ears tilting backwards just a little bit. "But what would you do? I mean, if you were on a journey to find your family and were offered a chance to take a place in the pack, what would you do? Makita asked, her voice wavering, wondering if he would think it was stupid.
Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall

As her gaze fell to the ground, Borden’s expression softened into a more solemn one. Makita’s posture straightened after a few moments; he gave her another smile, though it was more genial than the ones he wore before, ready to hear what she thought. ”I-I don’t know, Borden. Honestly,” she stated, not looking at him. His head tilted; perhaps she had other intentions, other plans, other hopes.

He hadn’t even considered that she was simply sharing that she missed her family, that she wasn’t all all interested in having pack. His ears slightly lowered; he ought to have listened more intently to her. She sighed and stated that she seemed to have lot of “dumb questions.” ”Naw,” he stated, gazing to her warmly. ”There’s no such thing as a dumb question.” His ears rotated forward in an attentive manner. ”Shoot,” he smiled, ready to hear what she had to ask. ”But what would you do? I mean, if you were on a journey to find your family and was offered a chance to take place in the pack, what would you do?”

His tail tip flicked in thought. ”Well,” he started. ”If I had been in your place, honestly… I’d turn down the offer if I felt I could manage the rest of the journey, take on the remainder of my quest.” He paused for a moment, mentally constructing the next part of his answer, ”If I could use some aid, or doubted that I’d ever find my family, I’d settle down. That’s… just me though. I’ve always been the pack-oriented kind.” His pale gold eyes scanned over her small figure, ”I don’t know if you can see it, but you’ve got gumption, Makita, much more than I did when I was in your place a couple of years back. I’d say to do what you felt was right. If your family’s out there, maybe you’re destined to find them by your own means; and if that’s the case, I wouldn’t let a guy like me get in the way.”

Played by Kat who has 79 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Makita Kokki
Makita watched Borden, her eyes maintaining contact with his as he spoke - it was proper manners that she had been taught when she was young. When he finished, she let her head fall. I'd say to do what you felt was right. the thought surrounded her mind. What did she think was right? She had lived so long alone and on her own, she didn't know anything but the life of a loner, and it was almost too tempting to refuse Borden's offer. She would meet new friends, find protection, food.. oh, the sweet privalige of food.

Makita suddenly nodded her head, her eyes still watching the frozen snow, sitting as still as it was the second before - so still it almost bugged her to watch it. Finally, she drug her paw through it, sending it into the air and back down in snow white flurries. A smile was planted on her lips and it spread to her tail that rose into the air and into a wag. She turned her head to Borden. "Can I come with you? Just to.. to see how it's like to live the life of a pack wolf again." she blinked her dark golden eyes, wagging her tail. The next words were of her family, but her tail didn't stop wagging. "I know my family is still out there, and I know they are waiting for me. I know that the Kokki's aren't dead, and they won't ever be.. because I'm going to save them. But who knows, maybe I'll get lucky and find them roaming around near Midnight Plateau territory, or maybe they'll find me!" she yipped excitedly, thinking about the offer she just accepted. She tilted her head a little, her golden eyes gleaming with bubblyness that was boiling in her veins. She was just a happy wolf.

Makita glanced up at the sky as little flurries of snow began to fall. It wasn't heavy, just little, perfect snowflakes falling all around. It almost made all of the bare, naked trees and dead plants that ruined the beauty of winter beautiful. A small, white snowflake fell onto Makita's little black nose. She stared at it's beautiful crystals for a moment before it began to fade away. In that moment, Makita realized that everything was going to be okay. That her malnourishment wasn't going to be there much longer. That she didn't have to go on for days now alone with nobody to talk to. That she was okay, and everything was going to be fine.