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Silent Letdown — The Wildwood 
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Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall

Nose to earth, the scent of what she looked for was burned into the back of her mind. A she-wolf, an injured one. Blood had been evident in the first searching, but she could not find it's trace past Riddle Heigths. She had taken a few treks trying to locate a clue, but she had none-not even a tiny whisper. This search was becoming futile. The fresh snow mocking her efforts. She had many a thought of her continued failings, and if they grew in numbers as the stars in the sky she would not give up. She had to find out if the lady was alive or dead. She had to know, it was her only chance to put it behind her. She still had not told a soul what she had done. If it was her own lack of understanding, or the simplicity of telling another soul she sent another to thir doom would get her harsh looks -who knew. She couldn't make her own actions out. Her mouth had opened, trying but it only clamped shut. Putting an end to it.

Trying to work her nose harder, she struggled through the snow, counting her steps, hearing the small animals scurry from the predator that invaded their homes. If only she knew the wolf was safe and in good hands. She stalked along the edge of the woods the lined Riddle Heigths as if somehow she'd find a sign saying look here, she went this way! She would have no free concious until she did. Hours went by, and nothing. Frustation creased her brows, and she snorted at the fresh powder a top what had been starting to melt. She stopped near a thin tree, and rested against its' grip her eyelids slowly faling, and she into a light sleep.

if you try to fail and succeed,
what have you done?

(This post was last modified: Feb 18, 2011, 10:30 PM by Jaysyek.)
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Bryony who has 140 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aisling Halleck
Straying from the hill that she'd called home for the past few days, she wandered past the orchards of red speckled trees, and into the darker lands. At least, they were darker to her. The hill top was free and open, high above the world. And the trees were happy, bright, even in the snow. But this place was closed, and many of the trees looked dead, darkened by char, starkly contrasted against the bright white snow.

She would have been absolutely frightened if it hadn't been for the sound of her best friend whisking about behind her. He traveled through the trees. She could hear his claws against the wood, and his breaths. Every so often he would meow in warning, and Aisling would stop, and assess her surroundings. Clearly the cat saw something she didn't. His meows escalated in volume, echoing within her head. She was tempted to just yell at him, demanding what he saw that she couldn't, but it would certainly upset the cat, and within a moment, a white wolf appeared a few yards away.

The girl seemed to be looking for something, or maybe she was just smelling the snow. It caused Aisling to giggle, and she took a step forward. A hiss echoed in her ears, causing her to flinch, before leaning forward to call out. <b style="color:#388d10">"Hi there! What are you looking for?" Aisling barked to the whiter wolf, ears pressed forward, alertly. <b style="color:#388d10">"speech."

Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall

Hardly asleep more out of it, she suddenly realized lids had fallen and forced them upward. Good hell, she needed a decent nap. However, she was in no mood to find a decent spot, nor felt she'd be successful to gain full rest. She wished she could find a clue, or a wolf, or anything. Nothing, nothing, and nothing was starting to affect her mood from guilt to down right pissed off. Standing up, she popped the knot in her shoulders. Heaving a sigh, neck bent down and she started sniffing at the various objects beneath her. This was rather useless, but still gave her a purpose.

She hadn't been doing this long when a distinct childish giggle rang in her alert ears. Frame froze with all four feet in the snow. Maybe this was how a deer felt, standing wonering what was out there. A giggle could hardly mean danger. Alabaster crown shifted left and right. The blackened woods blurred, and she picked nothing out of the white till she saw a patch o' cream-white flinch. Brows dipped against her bi-colored eyes. The young lady took a step, then shouted to her. Rather friendly really, asking what she searched for. Jayse glanced down to the untouched snow, the point of her tail swaying slighty. She glanced back to the newcomer. Maybe she could help her. She seemed nice enough to ask. A half smile lifted the right side of her face, "A wolf actually. Have you seen a very, hurt one by chance?" She felt the injured part would clear things up. There wasn't a ton of hurt wolf loping around the hillside.

if you try to fail and succeed,
what have you done?

(This post was last modified: Feb 22, 2011, 06:26 AM by Jaysyek.)
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Bryony who has 140 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aisling Halleck
"Helping the needy, eh? Aisling, you can hardly help yourself. Leave her be." Pangur Ban's voice whispered in her mind. At least he didn't sound cruel, just...Painfully honest. What good would the two-year-old-going-on-one-year-old do to help this female? But that didn't mean she wouldn't try! Pangur sighed, and it felt like wind blowing into her ears. They flicked oddly as the pale female noticed her, and seemed to look a bit happy that someone was here to help her. "A hurt wolf makes a yummy meal." Pangur laughed sadistically in Aisling's mind, causing the girl to roll her eyes. <b style="color:#388d10">"That's not nice!" She called up to the trees, her head whipping around, trying to spot a flash of gray in all the monochrome-ness of the forest. She couldn't catch him, but she could still hear him.

Her amber eyes fell back to the duel-eyed female, and Aisling shook her head. <b style="color:#388d10">"No, I'm sorry. I hope they're okay though..." Aisling looked around nervously, wondering if she'd see a trail of blood somewhere. <b style="color:#388d10">"I-I bet whoever you're looking for is just fine." The creme girl perked up a bit, looking back at the white female, and she moved a bit closer, nodding. <b style="color:#388d10">"speech."

Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall

Pausing thoroughly consumed in this girl's outreach,she had a feeling she was missing something. The small conversation of the girl wasn't minded, but it was noticed. Who could she possibly shouting at in the tree, that it wasn't nice. Briefly her eyes went to the bare branches seeing nothing. Certainly she didn't mean Jayse? The gray covered wolf was not feeling apart of whatever bit that was. Curious,maybe but aware her own grip on sanity may be questionable. The girl did look like she was looking for someone. Who knew it was an imaginary cat. Jayse not in the slightest. The girl didn't act no different. Attention back to the ash tone female. The smile Jayse had carried still hung her lips up, as if that would hide the stream of ideas she was conducting. "Who isn't being nice?" She asked, a peculiar look edging her brows.

Mindfully she nodded to the girl's sweet words. "Me, too." This was very true, though how doubtful she almost knew it was. Zera had not skipped into a land filled with moss and cotton snow. The girl had some unknown assurance the lost was probably all right. Why did everyone keep saying that? She was not one to hold it against them, nor this friendly creature. She supposed she would have said the same thing in their place. She was not in their place, nor the hurt wolves place only in this guilty tormented hold. "I keep hoping so, but I don't know," Shoulders lifted then fell,"I'd just like to try and be sure. It'd make me feel better. I suppose I really dont' know how I'm going to do that." A parital sigh escaped, and she sat in the snow. "I'm sorry my name is Jayse. Can I ask your name?" Tone was friendly, face lit with a warmth. After all she didn't want to scare way with her dreary feelings.

if you try to fail and succeed,
what have you done?

(This post was last modified: Feb 28, 2011, 06:42 AM by Jaysyek.)
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Bryony who has 140 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aisling Halleck
Aisling's eyes scraped the trees, and she pouted, hardly finding a moment to look back at the white wolf before her. Her teeth clicked together when he head dropped back down, and she made a face. <b style="color:#388d10">"Just my silly friend. He says mean things sometimes. Don't worry about him." Shaking her head, hope gleamed in her eyes for the girl. It didn't sound fun to think that you hurt someone or even know someone was hurt, but not be able to find them.

<b style="color:#388d10">"But...But..." Aisling looked at the ground, ears twisted back. <b style="color:#388d10">"Well, maybe if she got hurt, she went somewhere where there are lots of wolves. It would seem kinda silly for her to wander around all hurt and not bother to find someone." That's what she would do at least. "Smart girl." Pangur chuckled, and Aisling's tail wagged before she sat beside the girl named Jayse. <b style="color:#388d10">"I'm Aisling. You don't need to apologize." Concern creased her eyes, and she poked her nose into the girl's shoulder. <b style="color:#388d10">"speech."

Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall

ooc;awe hugs aisling she's adorable. X)
An amused, slightly understanding and maybe a part of confusing laugh echoed from her sides. "Ahh, I see." She replied, hoping not to affend whoever this friend was. She let the subject change back to the wolf in dire conditions. Jayse liked the upbeat of the girl, and wished there were more like her around. She would have no reason to sulk in such optimistic company. "That is a very good thought, and I hope somone kind and helpful did find her." She really did, this alone made her feel a heck of a lot better. The white lass took place beside her, and Jayse gave a soft smile seeing the worry, with the soft poke. She couldn't help but give a merry chuckle. "Very pleased to meet you Aisling. I think your a bit of sunshine in this white winter." She meant ever word of it, and she smiled cheerfully.

She shifted sligthly, looking up to the arget sky. "So are you far from home? Or is home where you are?" It was not a harmful question, least Jayse hadn't meant it to pry at the girl's secrets or anything if she didn't wish to share. She did like her, and had a wish to know where she came from. It seemed Swift River was out of the question, but answers could always be different then guesses.

if you try to fail and succeed,
what have you done?

[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Bryony who has 140 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aisling Halleck
The girl's kind words honestly struck Aisling to her core. For a moment, the creme wolf looked absolutely floored, as if she'd been told that her best friend had just died, but it soon erupted into glittering tears, staining her pretty fur. <b style="color:#388d10">"That's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me," She snuffled, staring intensely at her paws, as if looking up at Jayse would make her cry even harder. "Quit blubbering. If I'd thought of something like that, you know I would have told you." The words from her invisible feline friend made her blubber a bit more. It was probably true. All the cruel things he said were probably just a front, right?

Her tears slowly dripped away, and she used a paw to make her eyes stop feeling so funny. The nice girl wanted to know where her home was. That was something happy, she supposed. <b style="color:#388d10">"Well, I used to live with my parents, but they didn't like Pangur much. They thought I was crazy," She giggled, ears twisting back in mild embarrassment. <b style="color:#388d10">"So, I guess this is my home now. I haven't really picked a place to live yet though. I'm not even sure if there are packs around here!" It was either from sheer forgetfulness or just ignorance that this came about. It was possible that she had smelled a pack, but in her excitement from all the travelling, it just slipped her mind. <b style="color:#388d10">"speech."

Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
Jaw sprung open in dumbfound feeling as if she'd insulted the poor girl. Instead of speaking she sealed and reopened her lips. Seeing the small, little droplets stroking down the cream fur. What have I done now? The next sentence cleared up Jayse's concern, the words had hit a very strong note for the girl. Now it was coming out in clear water. This must have brought on Jayse's tender mother instincts. She leaned to the girl, gently muzzled at the wetness on her cheeks. "Poor dear, that is sad to think. You are honestly the most bubbly wolf I've met, you made my day better. Please don't cry." Words came in warm, soothing tones not to cause any more water works. Softly she nudged at the the cream shoulder.

Aisling seemed to collect herself, cleary the residue away. Thougthful eyes watched, hoping she was okay. It blew Jayse mind to think she had said the nicest thing to her, she had wished when she was younger to have had such an uptempo friend. Velvet ears tipped foward, a simple small given in encouragement, as the girl found voice. She had to really listen, and did so with her mind,heart, and ears. Jayse did not understand who Panguar was or why that'd make her crazy. But for her parents to let her leave? That was disheartning. "Well, sometimes parents don't really know what's best." She replied in true statement. It would surprise her if her father reconginized her, or could even say her name. To think of a parent calling their child crazy, that seemed very hurtful in her book. Least she knew for sure the girl was a loner,and she did not look as bad as others she'd met. A short, laugh broke forth and calmly quieted. "Well there is a few round that is to be sure," This statement she thought over, there was the mountain pack, the river, and somewhere yet to be found. All in her mind would be good homes. "I live on the mountain part of the pack Midnight Platuae. There is another pack by the river, Swift River actually. I know both are run by good wolves," She shared, hoping to enlighten the girl. Maybe let her know it would be more where she wanted to live, then who. Jayse tensed slightly, voice whispering now"Then, this is sort of a secret, but I bet your a good secret keeper, my mate really hopes to start our own...sometime." Face was a little stoic, but she had not lost the trace of her smile. She was curious what an outsider might think about the idea. Or if she would be interested in a little more info on the other packs.
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Bryony who has 140 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aisling Halleck
The paler girl tried to encourage her, telling her that parents didn't always know best. Aisling could easily agree with that. Pangur, if they'd taken the time to know him, would have been so kind to them! But instead they cast her out without hearing all the facts. She hoped they missed her. And they'd just have to miss her forever. "Your parents were foolish wolves. I should have taken care of them." Aisling simply scowled, but oddly enough, didn't disagree with the feline. The scowl was replaced after the moment wore off and Pangur's breathing faded from her mind.

Packs! This was a happy change of subject that she'd initiated, wasn't it? Her tail wagged hopefully, and she listened intently to the girl. A mountain pack? That sounded a bit scary. If she looked up through the trees, she could just barely see it, and it just kept going. It blocked out the sky! And Swift River. That sounded nice, she supposed, but both settings were shoved straight out of her ears when she heard the secret of the pale wolf. How exciting! And quite convenient! Her tail wagged all the faster upon hearing this. <b style="color:#388d10">"Wow! You must find me when you do this." Swiftly, she nodded, <b style="color:#388d10">"I already know who you are, so why should I even take the time to think about those other silly places?" Her smile was humorous, and she giggled. Setting didn't matter when one had friends, right? Though Aisling didn't consider that so far, Jayse was her only friend.

"Ugh. Must you, my dear? Can't you settle only for me?" There was a spark of humor in the cat's voice, but she could tell he didn't like the idea. That's right! She had Pangur along too. He took care of her. She'd have to ensure that her friend found his accompanying her suitable for this...Pack that she was founding with her mate. <b style="color:#388d10">"I have a friend...Would he be able to come with me? I mean, he's kind of different." Aisling tried to keep it vague in hopes that she'd accept without bothering to think about it. She didn't want to trick her new friend, but she feared being rejected because of Pangur again. <b style="color:#388d10">"speech."