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I am the Man in the Prestige — The Wildwood 
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Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall

O O C | Alrighty, enough time’s been well-spent as well as wasted. Here we go. ;)

Saying that Borden was polite and well-mannered was a far cry from where the male had been when he first left Bertram Valley. He had formally addressed Alexander and the wolves of Midnight Plateau and respectfully resigned from his post as beta instead of running off into the night with Jaysyek Enap in tow. As he climbed down the mountain side, he silently bid farewell to the landmark that had been his home for the past three months. A quiet “goodbye” was sent to the stony pathways and the breath-taking views over Relic Lore, an “adieu” to the shelf that had served as his watch post, a “good luck” to the next beta who would take his place… a simple “see you around” was mentally whispered to the alpha and his mate. Once all four paws touched the damp forest floor he glanced over his shoulder and smiled up at the snow-crowned peak. The first rays of dawn were just starting to bathe it in a golden glow.

Pack it up and let’s get a move on… his conscience encouraged; the sooner he and Jaysyek departed, the sooner they’d reach a suitable mid-point (perhaps somewhere around the edges of the forest where the trees were spaced far apart and untouched by the inferno that had scorched the southern part of the Wildwood) or Vlarindara’s den at best if they kept a brisk pace during the course of the day. His black-tipped tail gave a lighthearted wag as he took a deep breath of the early morning air. He was about to find his way towards the abandoned den where he and his beloved had taken shelter from a snowstorm a few weeks back, but he decided on a better, more practical, idea.

After slowing to a stop before the trunk of a fallen tree he folded his ears back and lifted his muzzle, allowing his voice to filter through the air. Its singular note, though loud and capable of being heard within a large radius, rang out only far enough to reach the height of the mountain and the charred bits of the Wildwood. He called out to Jaysyek and Vlarindara, also alerting any eavesdroppers that he was departing (not that it was significant to those outside his small circle of acquaintances). Waiting with bated breath, he took a few restless steps toward the trees then darted to the edges of the territory until he found himself on the other side of the lines he kept well-guarded since his arrival to Relic Lore.

Dull gold eyes scanned his surroundings, searching for any bit of movement that signaled the arrival of at least one of the two females he was expecting. Excitement coursed through his being, today was going to be the first day of this new chapter in his life. He and Jayse would start their lives together. They would form their own band of wolves… a family… a close knit pack with Jayse, Vlar, and Raigo (and maybe a few others if they happened to come by once they were all settled down). Unable to bridle his enthusiasm for long, he forced himself to sit down; the more he fidgeted, the less energy he’d have left for traveling.

Every so often his dark ears would stir, swiveling atop his skull as he listened for a familiar voice or the sounds of crunching gravel or rustling foliage. His tail continued to sway behind him. Any moment now, he kept telling himself. Any moment, any minute, any second… Patience.

(This post was last modified: Feb 23, 2011, 08:17 PM by Borden.)
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
ooc; let me see if i can do this.
Bidding Midnight Plateau was nothing hard. The time spent there had been little, and more than anything tedious. The most recent events certainly had caused an invisible pull to leave, a strong unbreaking want for a new home. Leaving would help in burrying the past. The day soon came when Boren had continued with his decision to depart. There was no hesitation of her own. She told her goodbyes and thank yous to Alexander before offically going. Doubting he would really miss her. He had what he wanted in life and Jayse say no affence in taking up her chance to have that too. The morning light cast a bright glow, warming the earth's cold reaches with it's touch. The wolf took this one moment to stare at the land's beneath her, breath it in one more time -remember briefly the past that had happened here like a distant reverie. The note of Borden's melody called loudly to her, like the only sound to hear. It was time. Come. With that, she did not look back at her third home. There was nothing she would pine over here. It was another chapter she'd written off. Something about being on level ground, and viewing the mountain from a distance was the greater comfort. Thus accepting her fate, paws took up the whim of their owner, and started to take her down the mountainside.

Gray ears swiveled, trying to help her decide where her love would be. No longer in the territory was obivious guess, but near it. A swift trotthe journey was not unfamiliar, but the route she chose was different. Path cut into the firestruck woodlands, their charred corspses dominant against the contrast white. Panting breaths cutting into nature's tune, Jayse did best to concentrate on the task before her. Inside her though was a new feeling to carry, knowing what could await her, and somehow there was no certainty. Eager to lay her eyes upon the familiar dark mask, and see his grin thoughts remained limited to only him. She had no reason to keep him waiting. No want to worry or fret any more.

Letting senses guide her, the ashen wolf caught wind of his trail. Open jowls, and a set smile she moved quicker through the tangled trees. A new stength, and anticipation building, knowing she was close. Bi-colored eyes traced along, hoping to catch sight of him. It was not long when they came upon his handsome figure, sitting down in wait. Thick tail waved behind her, she loped the last feet between them. Immediately eyes searched over the cream, and dark tawny coat to make sure all was right. Certain he was perfectly fine, she brushed the top of her muzzle against his throat. Pausing only briefly to hold onto the moment she withdrew after a few seconds. She was sure they had a trip ahead of them, and reclined unto her haunches. Her eyes finding their way to his she asked,"You all right?" The question held no hint of worry. She only wanted the assurance he was, and everything else. If that made any sense at all.
(This post was last modified: Feb 23, 2011, 08:53 PM by Jaysyek.)
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank

OOC: EEEE New layout!! :3 Ty Grey! :D New layout for new life! -nodnod!- Putting this AFTER 'Where the wind blows wild' because it can be. :) And I'm going to NPC Raigo a bit in my post as well since he's been absent so long..

The fight with the bear had left her relatively uninjured.. save for the sore, tense muscles surrounding the old wound on her shoulders. Tensions had run high that day, and hers had been no exception. The white female lay basking on her rock, letting the morning sun beat down on her fur, leaving a nimbus of light around her form. She had had some trouble hunting - but the more she worked the taught muscles, the more she had been able to move. Their breakfast this morning had been a slow badger - but he'd gotten a bite in on her muzzle - leaving a welt of angry red across her nose. She didn't seem to mind, and in fact seemed to have completely forgotten it was even there.

The howl caught her attention and she lifted her head from the warm rock, overlarge ears swiveling to listen - to locate the source of the sound. It made her nervous..wolves howling so close to her den, but she couldn't do much about it in all honesty - save by laying low and hoping they didn't notice them. It was a familiar voice, and when she recognized it, the females amber eyes widened slightly. Borden! His tone didn't seem scared, or upset... so he couldn't have been calling for help like she had with Raigo.. But it was definitely a summons.. a request to join him. Vlarindara hopped off her rock and poked her head in the den, a low chuffing calling Raigo into the sunlight. When he exited the den, she brushed her tongue over his face before lifting her head to the sky.

Her melodic clarion call was joined by the softer, but deeper warble of Raigo's - their joined voices spinning and twisting around one another into the morning air. When the last note tapered off, she barked and then started off into the trees surrounding their small home. She had a feeling.. by Bordens call.. that they wouldn't be coming back. It suited her fine to be perfectly honest. With Raigo at her side, the white female leapt and bounded through the snow surrounding their home until they were close enough to see Borden with his white counterpart.

Vlarindara lowered the tail that had beel curled happily over her back, tucking it lightly between her legs - but not so far that it dissapeared altogether. She approached the two wolves quietly, keeping her head lowered and her ears back against her neck until she was close enough to be polite. It was odd.. trying to figure out where she belonged right at this moment - but she wouldn't leave unless she was told to - he had invited her here after all. The tamber of his call lifted her heart - giving her hope that they would finally belong. She settled to her haunches in the snow, Raigo settling in next to her and looking somewhat bullheaded -as he always was. A soft whine escaped her muzzle, gentle in the early morning air. "You called?"

(This post was last modified: Feb 23, 2011, 09:24 PM by Vlarindara.)
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Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall

O O C | Total ‘ramble’ post… lol. Hopefully their meeting isn’t as awkward as it was when they first met. :o

Sitting down was probably one of the few ridiculous things that Borden had done this morning aside from saying ‘good-bye’ to a ledge on the mountain side where he had slept for only a few hours each afternoon. He hadn’t been seated for more than a few minutes when Jaysyek’s ivory figure scaled down the mountain and greeted him warmly. He nearly stood back up but she wasted no time in closing the distance between them; her sitting down made him stay put… conserve energy despite all the showy movements the plume behind him was doing. She asked if he was alright and he simply nodded; an elated smile formed on his muzzle. “Of course, love,” he merely hummed. “How are you?”

Taking in her lithe frame, he couldn’t help but to lean closer to her, scoot a little nearer just because he could. Ah, bliss… A contented rumble rolled from his throat. Everything, from now on, was going to be fine… perhaps even perfect by every definition. Where he was going to lead them, his pack, there would be no worries of ledges or steep trails or worries of when and where the next meal might stumble past.

As Vlarindara and Raigo drew near he gave a nod to them in greeting. She whined quietly and he tilted his head slightly when she spoke. “I did,” he mused, still smiling. “Jayse and I were going to head west and I… was curious if you and Raigo would like to join us.”

Glancing to Jayse for a brief moment, he recalled quite clearly that he still owed her the back story that explained how Vlarindara fit into the picture and how he had wanted to help her out with raising Raigo and surviving the winter. He slowly stood up and glanced at the three wolves around him. Whenever they were ready, he was ready. He waited though in case something had gone amiss between the two. Well, actually… ‘now’ was probably a good time to set some things straight. “I guess I ought to say this first,” he started, sitting back down. “I apologize that you both had a strange introduction to one another. There was much to be assumed and too much left unspoken from first impressions. If it’s alright, I can explain…”

Eyeing each of the white females, he lowered his ears, his voice taking on a humble tone. “I met Vlarindara while I was out scouting and I rescued her from a bear that had skipped out on hibernating this year.” He chuckled slightly and looked to the yearling at Vlar’s side before gazing back to Jayse, “I met Raigo after helping her back to their den site, promising that I’d always look out for them; and, for a while I helped them ‘get back on their feet.’” Looking to Vlarindara and Raigo now, he added, “As for Jayse, I also met her while I was scouting; I was on my way to visit, but I took a small detour and she found me. I gave her a home with me on the mountain while Alexander had other things to tend to. We needed more sets of eyes and ears to mind the territory since I had been the only one minding the borders at the time.” And that’s that… he wanted to add. Borden studied them before curling and uncurling his tongue behind his closed lips. “I hope that somewhat cleared things up. I just wished there was some fancier way to say it, but it’s the truth, really; and, I thoroughly understand if either of you’ve changed your mind about… about coming with me.” He tacked on the last few words onto his sentence just for measure; his first couple of months had been hard and in befriending each of them he had found pieces of his life that had almost been lost to a vicious cycle of insomnia-driven roaming.

Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
ooc; that's all right lol, what mine feel like.
we'll see i guess.

There was something right about being in his reach. In that place nothing was wrong, all was well with the world. The nod of his head clarified her thoughts, the gentle strummings of his voice usual comfort. "Fine as can be,"she murmered, not knowing how she could feel any better really. This newly found outlook was something she could not get enough of, like a fairy tale she'd made up, and was rather lost in;not wanting to find a way out to reality. His figure drew close, and soft hum from him sounded of complete happiness. How could her mind not be at ease? Her eyes seeked the details of his face, giving a quick lick to his jowls, how she'd missed him. Now she would not have to leave his side, they could be where they wanted.

Soon it became clear they were not alone. His note had sounded for someone else, and if hearts could hers would have skipped when she heard those first steps. Borden did not stir and she had to control her instincts not to jump to full alert. Visage went from mild confusion, to an I see sorta state, and she kept neither a warm nor cold face. Merely a straight one, hiding any conflict behind her gray mask with ease. The white not quite aquaintence held a mild posture, much different then the first encounter. They were all loners now, and Jayse only kept her ears foward out of interest. The white wolf was not alone, but with Raigo, she presumed. Borden had her trust, and he must have good reasonings. She would do anything to displease him. Still, she couldn't help but wonder what would become of this meeting. She did well to exchange glances with the two, but did not keep her eyes on either for long. Hoping not to be rude with either gesture.

With an upbeat deamenor, Borden answered more than one of her questions, perhaps theirs. The tips of gray ears twitched at the end of his notes. This was when he gave a look to her, and she all she could do was stare back knowing he was on the brink of something. Watching him with a soft expression, she did her best to keep open mind; to listen with her heart while he went forth with his explantion of the ordeal. The picture became clearer, as she cast a faint drawing in her mind. The bear, the white wolf, and younger male. It wasn't a detailed thing, but something to hold onto and make sense of. Especially with the promising part, that could explain what she was trying to grasp at. Holding her tongue she waited for Vlar and Raigo to speak. The atmosphere was much more comfertable than last, but she did not feel the need to speak yet. Borden had said much, and she didn't have anything to add. It more depended on the answers they gave. Her actions, by trying to be open would hopefully speak louder then words.
(This post was last modified: Feb 23, 2011, 11:14 PM by Jaysyek.)
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank

The explanations that Borden gave were introduction enough, as was the proximity the female had with Borden. Vlarindara understood more now, and accepted it without question. She turned her head when Raigo settled into the snow, nuzzling her nose into the ruff around his neck before returning her attention to the two wolves. When Jaysyek watched her, she met the other females eyes before turning her head and looking away, preffering not to make things...as tense as their first meeting She knew where she stood now. No need to press her luck. "It's..nice to meet you under better circumstances.. It's my honor." Her white muzzle dipped in greeting to the other female before she settled onto her stomach in the snow and curled around Raigo, keeping him warm.

His bout with hypothermia wasn't long past and he was still susceptible to the cold. After she had resettled into her reclined position, she lifted her head and looked up at Borden, amber eyes focusing on the male. "There are no hard feelings from me, Borden..." She smiled softly before pulling her plumed tail around and using it to cover Raigo's feet. She was patient, but seemed.. worried over the yearling at her side - though she would never voice such a thing to the other two wolves. Once he got moving he'd be fine, she knew.. he still had plenty of courage and endurance.. And refused to fail - that was what she loved about the younger wolf.

(This post was last modified: Feb 23, 2011, 11:38 PM by Vlarindara.)
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Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall

A smile managed to fully return to the male’s face as both Jayse and Vlar grasped his explanation. He hoped if they were curious about anything else they’d ask or perhaps get to know one another as they went along on their journey. Neither of them had said anything until Vlarindara bowed her head in a courteous greeting. His eyes fell upon Raigo before she spoke again, smiling this time, “There are no hard feelings from me, Borden.” His tail gave a wag and his ears rose up into their usual position atop his skull. Everything was alright then. Good.

Rising to his feet for the third time, he raised a paw as if to take a step then placed it back into the snow. He looked to the depths of the Wildwood before addressing the small group. “I hope everyone’s had at least a little something to eat?” his voice curled into a question at the end; he just wanted to make sure everyone was ready to go. “I’m not sure where we’re headed just yet or when we’ll fully stop, but I intend to travel past Heartleaf Creek, well away from here... give the packs here some space and such. A howl was heard not too long ago, somewhere in the grove, and I don’t want to risk having us get caught up in whatever affairs might have arisen. We could always hunt along the way also.”

Taking the time now to slowly take a step back and observe the path before him, he listened to the stillness of the trees. As long as they went at a suiting pace, he bet they’d be alright. If the nooks between the tree roots were adequate for him and Jayse to rest against when he had first brought her to the Mountain, then he was sure they’d have no problem when it came to catching up on sleep or relaxing before taking on the next leg of the journey. “Whenever you’re all ready,” he beamed. “We can head out.”

Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
Borden's words must have done the right trick, Vlar did not ignore the present facts. Somehow it did clear the assumptions, and unknown. Instead this time she met her gaze, and spoke to her directly. Something she greatly appreciated, and would try to give her the benefit of the doubt. "Likewise." Simply stated, she gave a humble smile, dipping head down in silent returns. Watching in the quiet, she noticed the closeness of the two and though she wondered if the wolf briefly was her own pup the relationship didn't incline it. More like an elder sibling with a younger. It was good to know she was a compassionate canine, touching her heart to see the care, sending a slight pang for somethign missed. She supposed Borden knew those details, and didn't feel the time was right to ask either her or him of it. Something personal, nothing to openly share to randoms. If they were all going to share each other's company, she felt she would know soon enough. Earn the right at least.

Of coarse when amber eyes settled on Borden stating no hard feelings, she knew there was more to the story like she had always known. There was an unsettling, disturbance in her. She refused to acknowledge it, as if her ears were not meant to hear. Instead she too rose, stretching wrists. It was going to be a long day, and she hadn't exactly eaten anything, but was more anxious to get moving. Hunger was the last thing accompanying her. Maybe when they stopped again.

"I'm good to go." Tone was plain, not as eager as it could have sounded. She felt indifferent with two pairs of eyes upon her, like witnesses to any wrong thing she might do. It would certainly take time to feel ease with her new acquaintances, in these circumstances more so. She would try to make the best of it, and after a while her warmness might return. Or merely show it's face. Borden truthfully was the only outside her family she had been open with. In this case with Vlar and Ragio she hoped familiarity did not breed contempt. Stepping to Borden's flanks, her eyes layed down on the path before them. Like it had already been scoped out by fate, ready for them to take. They were going to go farther, and where she'd never been in Relic Lore. Bring it on. What could she not conquer now? A sideways glance to Bord, a small, yet assuring grin marked the edge of charcoal lips.

[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank

OOC: We're off to see the wizard...Well..close enough.. Magician...wizard.. they're all the same. :)

She waited until the two wolves had taken their feet before nudging Raigo to his and moving stiffly to her own. The large white female shook herself, stretching forward with a slowly increasing arch. It didn't take her long and she nodded, plumed tail swishing behind her gently. "Lead the way..Alphas." There was a warm tenor to the last word, a happy lilt to the end. The look on the females face was rather.. euphoric as her tail moved faster - betraying her joy. She glanced to the side and caught Raigo's almost suspicious look at Borden. A firm nudge to the youngling and he stopped, the gentle laugh slipping past the three year olds lips.

When she turned back towards the other two wolves, she seemed to have...gathered herself, the inner being of her amber eyes almost rekindled. The step she took towards them was fluid - no signs of her earlier stiffness. The way she held herself, humble to the two smaller wolves...but regal in her own right. She swiveled her overlarge ears this way and that, her posture changing just subtly as the female fell into something she had done since stepping foot on this land...Watched... waited...listened. Her attention seemed completely on the surrounding areas, but when Raigo moved closer, the female turned her head and gave him a playful shove before returning her eyes to the two wolves who would be leading their new pack.

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Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall

O O C | Lawl. XD If there’s ever a lull, please feel free to skip a bit with “By the time late morning/afternoon descended upon them…” or anything of the sort; let the thread flow smoothly. :)

Affirming that they were all good to go, the prospective alpha began to navigate his way among the black, lifeless trees. He set into rhythm a slow, but steady walk; they had quite a long way to go but on a morning as nice as this one, why rush? They could set out at a brisk trot or jog later in the day if need be, then slow down once again as evening drew near. Holding his head high, he strolled through the Wildwood, using his nose to bring them to the banks of the river. They’d follow the steady stream for a bit, he’d decided. Then once they arrived to where the river branched into Heartleaf Creek on the edges of Cedarwood Forest, they could probably settle down for the night.

Carrying his tail parallel to the forest floor, Borden allowed it to wave once in a while; the feeling of freedom had never made him feel this alive before. It had been a while since he’d traveled this far and it was invigorating to find that hints of spring’s arrival was starting to adorn the area with sprigs of new life. Though the air still lingered with the heavy, sharp scent of burnt wood, he inhaled calmly and exhaled. For once, his mind was blank, unoccupied with worries or stress over whether or not he was doing a good job as a scout, as a beta, or a resourceful pack member. The corners of his maw kept turned up on each side of his face, utterly at a loss for words to describe the current happiness that this journey had sparked.

Every so often, he’d glance over his shoulder at the trio, not to make sure they were still following but, rather, to check that he wasn’t moving too fast for them. When the silence had been drawn out for long enough, he grinned, tossing a curious question into the air. “So, I was wondering, have either of you met any… interesting individuals lately? Any other lone wolves? A member of the Swift River pack perhaps?” Other than curiosity, he figured he’d ask just to see who or what they could possibly encounter on their little expedition. Having been occupied with keeping up with his patrols over the past few weeks with Amélie’s arrival, his need to constantly keep moving probably caused him to miss a few chances to interact with others.