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I am the Man in the Prestige — The Wildwood 
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Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank

I gots it! :)

The female nodded in response to both Jaysyek and Borden before turning and slipping off to the opposite side of the glade, stretching out and going as fast as she dared - which wasn't very fast at all. When she reached the edge of the glade, she watched for her alphas signal and when it came, the white wolf broke her cover and raced up to the chosen deer. She let her long legs carry her almost right up behind the animal, keeping her jaws to herself for the time being - following Jaysyek's example. Each time the doe veered off course, Vlarindara snarled and pivoted to cut the beast off, a small snap at her heels to get her back on target.

She had every intention of throwing herself under the beast and fouling its legs if it looked as if she might get away from them, but she seemed to be heading on a straight course towards Borden and Raigo - it was up to them to make the next move. She was ready to jump in to assist if they needed it, but the thing was already running on pure instinct. Raigo waited impatiently next to Borden when the two females disappeared, but he remained crouched in the snow, watching the older wolf and waiting for their deer to come at them. When the two flushed the animals towards them, he began quivering with anticipation, excitement, nerves.

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Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall

Watching as both Jayse and Vlar began to creep along the edges of the glade; he lowered himself into the snow as everything around them became silent. He shifted a bit in order to find a suitable place where he could see a majority of the glade without his line of sight being obscured by trees. Both ears held up atop his head, he waited, his eyes never leaving the deer as each eventually caught onto their presence. A warning call was bellowed, then a bark and a series of snarls. It was all a blur once the buck had retreated, leaving the two does to desperately defend one another and follow. Two figures had dashed from their hiding places, only coming into focus as the larger of the two deer eyed the two ivory females before the intended target was herded his way.

Over the course of a few seconds, their goal had been achieved. The younger of the two deer began to scurry his way. He glanced to Raigo for a brief moment, just long enough to assure that the youth was also ready. Closer and closer they sprinted, then once the creature ran right past, Borden dashed after her. He trailed her left side with his teeth bared for some time before clasping his jaws around her hind leg, bringing her to the ground.

Wasting no time in stepping to her shoulder, he ducked his head under her neck and clasped onto her throat. She had tried to regain her footing but ultimately failed as the pack closed in. Borden’s heart pounded against his ribs as he waited for the tawny creature in his grasp gave in. He dug a paw into her neck to keep her in place until her head finally rested at the base of a tree. Panting, he waited for one of them to say it was alright to release her, for Jayse to go ahead and establish what would be their pack’s feeding ritual. After such a charged event, he couldn’t dare to have their catch feign death then make a run for it once he had let go.

Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
ooc;jayse and i struggled how to decide to eat this thing. lolkinda assuming ragio did his own attack here, and borden is still holding onto the neck.
Vlar seemed to evaporate out of no where, keeping the young deer on the right coarse with ease. Perfect, this doe was going no where but straight. Jayse to did not take a mark on the flesh, only snappig her teeth, a few low growls to keep the wary creature from even thinking of trying to pass her. When they were almost to the edge of the woods, she started taking small bits at the does side's drawing little flowings of blood. At the edge of the woods she waited for the two males to attack, first they rushed past them. And then she saw two streaks of brown, Borden's larger former catching the hind leg, and thoroughly stopping the deer. Right away Jayse's jaws grabbed hold of the top, most rear part of the deer's haunches biting deep, realising as fast as she'd bitten. More blood pooled forth, so if the deer should rise the poor thing would not make it far with each wound she was carrying.

When eyes cast round she saw Borden had the throat, and the struggled escapings ceased. She met his pale golden gaze, looking upon her like he dared not ungrip his teeth. "You can let go, love." She stated calmly, not seeing the the light of life in the doe's obsidian eyes. Looking round to her teammates she gave them a triumphant smile. "Good job everyone."Now it was time to eat, and decide how exactly they were to go about it.

Clearing thoughts, she licked the drops blood from her snout. The taste was rich, but she ignored her thoughts to have more, thinking. In her home pack they always ate from high rank ot low. But the first hunt Jayse had ever seen, her mother divided up the meat for her pups before letting herself, nor anyone else take a bite. This seemed fair to Jayse, pups were not above anyone by it, but their needs met so while the adults ate in rank they could too. They were the furture of a pack, after all.

So without a word, all the while hoping not to displease Borden she placed herself at the shoulder, and started ripping at the flesh till with a good pull it was free. This piece in her jaw she placed infront of Raigo. She gave him a small smile, indicating it would be his to eat. He was not a pup, an adult by most means, but the youngest. It seemed right to give him a fair piece he could rip at while the rest of the three ate directly from the carcass. Coarse going more tradtionally now she looked to Borden. Eyes, stating an after you look. Knowing he should start now. "You take first bites, then we'll all join in and eat." She smiled, ready to take the lead after he'd chosen his spot to feed. If Vlar or him chose to take their own pieces it didn't matter, as long as everyone got full today.
(This post was last modified: Feb 26, 2011, 05:09 PM by Jaysyek.)
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank

OOC: I absolutely LOVE how you divied that up!

Vlarindara followed the does flight and locked her jaws around the lower leg of the deer, helping to drag her down when Borden flipped his grip. Her attachment to the things leg made sure that at least one of the hind legs wasn't kicking. Raigo had rushed out right next to Borden and helped bring the thing to the ground before he stepped back along with Vlar after the larger male shifted to the throat. Both wolves had backed away and settled in the snow, watching the quiet exchange between Jaysyek and Borden. Vlarindara lowered her head and smiled at Raigo, a whispered 'Well Done' in his ear before she pulled her head back and watched as Jaysyek came closer with a haunch of their kill. Raigo watched her as she set it before him and smiled, whispering his own thanks to the female before lowering his head to eat.

The gesture put a warm smile on the white females face and she dipped her head quietly towards Jaysyek in thanks. When she moved away to return to her place next to Borden, Vlarindara got up and moved up to the beast, settling down on her haunches, amber eyes on Borden. She nodded at Jaysyeks comment, smiling softly before looking back at Raigo and where he was pulling the bit of meat with him so he could settle in near the dear. He'd taken a few bites of the meal and had come over near the other wolves to finish it. Once he was close enough, he settled in and returned to eating it. The action in and of itself drew a soft chuckle from Vlarindara and she lowered her head, nuzzling the fur around his neck.

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Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall

Hearing Jayse’s cool statement, he slowly opened his maw, withdrawing from the deer completely with a backward step. His light gold eyes swept over their meal before he smiled around at his pack when her approving “Good job, everyone” reached their ears. Sitting down, he watched as Jayse skillfully tore a section of muscle from the deer and placed it in front of the yearling. This, Borden found, was amusing, even ideal. To have the pups eat first, perhaps with each having their own share of the meal, was something he wished his own mother had done for him and his siblings. It might have made him impatient and touchy about whether his portion was smaller or not, but it still would have been better than having to wait his turn to eat and trying to keep his siblings away from where he was seated. His uncle could have placed a lesson of patience in the ritual and maybe Borden would have turned out to be a different sort of adolescent. On second thought, though, he took back his musing; if that had been the case, the Lyall would have been a very different alpha from the one he was starting to become in Relic Lore and he wouldn’t have been here in the presence of such fine company.

As Raigo settled down to eat and Vlarindara patiently waited, Jayse glanced to the alpha and smiled. The smile already curled about his jaws turned upward a bit more and he gladly reclined towards the doe’s torso. Tearing at the delicate pelt and exposing the organs his body craved to taste, he managed to pull a lung out. He’d help himself to a meatier part of the deer once everyone had a chance to pick what they liked; merely opening the pack ritual by giving the others easier access to the cadaver had been his intention after picking out his favorite “appetizer.” Wagging his black-tipped tail as he started to eat, he silently allowed the white wolf at his side to take her piece of the kill.

Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
Everyone seeming pleased, rather then disturbed by her idea. Or so she acknowledged by the causal, quiet conversation, and she to did not regret her choice. It was more a bittersweet thought, how she would manage to carry on one tradition her mother had taught her in the first months of life. The mood was joyful, and mourning for her mother had been long since passed. She was here, and wanted to live in the here now. She could not help but grin, the tip of her tail gentle swaying. Happy to have pleased four wolves. Maybe after all she would fall into a steady groove, exactly what she needed.

Approval in eyes she watched the mud,black, and tawny alpha take his choosings of organs. Mindful of her turn, gray muzzle scooted top the creatures ribs. Breathing in the scent of the crimson, and warm lunch before her. Quickly choosing she brushed underneath the curved cage, and grabbed for the heart which was a well proportioned meal in itself. Grabbing hold she tugged it free of it's inner workings. It gushed a little in her delicate hold, not a huge spray. She was till mindful to keep it from getting upon anyone and she side stepped to Borden's spot and laded near his paws. Before she ate, she glanced to Vlar and Raigo letting them know they were welcome to take what they pleased. Jayse had no mind to eat more until she finished this, and if her stomach could hold more. Returning to the object white fangs dung into the soft texture, and she started nibbling away.

[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank

OOC: Hehe.. Moving it along to the end ;D

The meal went quickly, in her eyes.. she had chosen the liver for herself and Raigo the haunch of meat that Jaysyek had provided him. The two siblings ate in relative silence, Vlarindara devouring her liver and shifting to the thigh of their prey. Like the other three, she ate, but instead of gorging herself she fed until she was satisfied, but still had room for more. Why? Because a full stomach would make her tired.. and it would slow down the rate of travel that Borden had set earlier. She leaned over and nudged Raigo as well, when he moved towards a second bit, giving him a rather..eloquent look. Instead of arguing, he looked at their two alphas then back to Vlarindara before nodding and shifting until he lay curled up against her stomach.

Vlarindara snorted a chuckle before turning and cleaning the fur around his face of the red tint it had taken on during his meal. She knew she had her own mask of reddish pink.. but set to cleaning Raigo first - he was always her first concern. When she finished, she turned, smiling warmly at the two wolves sharing the space across the deer at them. "Any idea how much farther we have to go today? If need be, I can perhaps...take something ahead with us.." She wasn't honestly sure how much she could carry.. but felt it best to leave the remains to other scavengers... and she could hear the rustling around them - smaller creatures lured in by the smell of a fresh kill... but held away by the sight and smell of the wolves around it. She had no worries.. that it would go to waste - if not the lone wolves, badgers, owls, and other carrion eaters....then the smaller creatures - bugs and beetles would.

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Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall

O O C | :D

Drawing his gaze to the late afternoon skies, he watched as a gathering of crows settled in the trees above them, chattering amongst themselves as they patiently waited for the pack to leave. Borden glanced to Jayse before his eyes went to Vlarindara upon hearing her question. He thought for a while. Seeing as they were just about ready to pass Heartleaf Creek where he had met a peculiar white wolf and a yearling named Makita, he answered her with a guess. “Not a clue, but perhaps just a little bit further into the woods and then we can settle down for the evening?”

Raigo’s health was still among one of his top concerns and he didn’t want to push the youth – or the two ladies – farther than they could manage. “Or… we could just move away from here, find a suiting place to wind down then travel the rest of the way tomorrow.” They had gone quite far for a pack of four and he had to admit that he was rather impressed with their endurance. “Whichever you three decide, I’m up for it.” He sat up and tilted his head to each side to stretch his neck out before fully standing.

As for the food,” he added. “It’s up to you; I could also carry a bit of something just in case… Cache it away once we stop.” He looked over the deer as his frame dipped into a low arch, stretching out his back and hind limbs. There wasn’t much left of the carcass apart from the other shoulder, some sinewy bits, and a few organs. Whatever they had eaten was surely going to be burnt off, though, and even a little bit of what was left over would help before they continued traveling the following morning.

Willing himself to straighten and shake out his pelt instead of settling back down into the snow, he gazed to the three. He gave a nod. “Ready whenever you all are,” he offered once more. “Probably won’t cover a lot of ground in a matter of a couple of hours but the depths of the forest shouldn’t be too far after that. We’ll just walk along the river… save us some time.”

(This post was last modified: Feb 28, 2011, 12:03 AM by Borden.)
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
ooc;sorry for the shortness.
Triangle points fluttered between Vlar's question, and Borden's response. A full stomach and the amount of day left she had plenty of energy to continue. Either idea sounded ideal, she too wanted to do what was best for the group overall. Briefly nodding her head, she hesitated a oment to answer. Widely opening her jaws, the tip of her tonuge cleared the evidence from her meal away. The need to stand as not to get wary she followed Borden's example. Pushing herself up, she leaned foward on front limbs stretching her hind ones out like tip toes behind her. A gentle wiggle of the ruff on her neck, duo-colored orbs glanced round the little gathering.

"I'm up for going a little further into the woods. Less miles to do tomorrow. Either way don't matter to me."Ultimately it would be what Vlar felt was best. Jayse had wanted to add whatever Raigo is up for, but did not want to embarass him in any way. Specially not knowing how he'd feel. The last thing she wanted to do was make 'em feel like they were treating him like he couldn't handle it or something. She did not know of his illness, but had noticed the lack of luster to his coat. A sign something indeed was not all right under the skin.

Speaking of taking part of the kill, she stepped to the remaining pieces of the doe. She liked Vlar's idea. Felt she could pack some too. After all she rather take some with them, it could be a time saver. She could not haul a terribly heavy load over a long distance, and chose to grab the other lung. It would make someone a good meal, and compared to packing a wolverine was a piece of caek. Placed gingerly in her teeth, she roated round to Borden's flank. Muzzle softly brushing along it's length, letting him know she would follow wherever he would lead.

[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank

OOC: I has new computer set up.. is epic. :)

The white female glanced at Raigo and decided on his health what to do...how to go about things. She nudged the younger wolf and he got to his feet, shaking the snow from his coat as she to, gained her feet. Amber eyes watched the youth while he stretched, guageing his health and overall ability to go farther. She nodded as she moved and took a bit of the remaining shoulder, dividing it so Raigo could carry some as well. Before she lifted her piece, she nodded to the other two wolves. "Truth be told, I'm a bit tired.. but we could go until I...perhaps can't go any farther?" She wasn't tired at all, but knew that by travelling at th eback of their pack she could keep an eye on Raigo.

She grinned and lifted her piece of meat, that plumed tail curling up over her back into a rather..interesting floof. She was happy.. for the first time in a while..truly happy.. Her heart felt like it could soar, even though her feet remained firmly earthbound. That tail wagged as she once more did her two-step and moved forward. Vlarindara felt like running.. going as fast as she could.. but she knew that this was no time for using up all of her energy.. Wait..until they had a pack den.. and then she could do something like that.

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