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The Kill — Thicket of Secrets 
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Played by Kat who has 68 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kauda Kokki

Spring was here. Just what Kauda was waiting for. She growled silently to herself as she walked slowly through the thicket, one delicate paw landing in front of the other. It was spring and animals were going love sick all around Relic Lore - so why couldn't she find anything to eat? She muttered something to herself, of not being able to find food and about stupid animals. The she - wolf was really discouraged, though, at the fact that this would be her first spring spent alone. She had nobody to talk to, to play with, to feel responsible for caring for, like her sister and cousin. No, instead she was stuck out here feeling sorry for herself and trying to find her family that could possibly be dead. Fun, fun.

Kauda was obviously in a grumpy mood. The first of spring, the snow thawing on the ground, and even places where there was only grass and no white, wet liquid, and the birds chirping happily in the air, just out of her reach. It was supposed to be a happy time, but the she - wolf found absolutely no humor or happiness about being alone for a whole season again. This bitter mood made her hunting skills weaker, and as she snarled when she lost another meal, she knew that it was bad to be mad. But, the hard - headed she - wolf couldn't help it.

Then, something stirred in the bushes. For a moment, hope surged through Kauda's chest. Maybe it was prey! Then, a plump rabbit emitted from the bushes. It didn't take Kauda but two seconds to drop to the ground, bunching her muscles and preparing to spring at the rabbit. Suddenly, there was another rustle behind her, and the rabbit darted off into the forest. The first thing to run through her was fury. What had scared her prey away!? And then she felt an unbearable hunger that made her nearly drop to the ground in agonizing pain. Oh my.. she thought to herself. I *need* to get food, fast.

Before she could think of getting another prey, the tiny she - wolf spun around to see what had scared her prey. Her eyes were hard and her lip was curled over her teeth, wrinkles scattered over her muzzle as she growled. When she saw it was a wolf, though, she let her snarl stop, though her eyes were still hard.

OOC: Not my best post ever.. Haha. :) You can bring in Jayse or Triell as the wolf. If I did something wrong or you don't like the wolf part in it then you can let me know and I'll change it. :D

Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
ooc; your fine kat. :)
The thicket was different in the changing season. The white was not as evident, and what would be green was tarnished yellow. The new life, hidden under it's surface. There wasn't much thoughts gonig through her mind, but the lingering aromas, and quick dartings of possible prey. The silver stroked female was absorbed into the different world, taking shelter from the strong, spring wind that was blowing hard over the empty lands. It was evident these woods could hide many a thing, and ears were constantly leaping from foward, left, right and back. Nostrils quivering, a brown covered hare shot two yards infront of her, then zoomed back into cover. He could serve as a useful meal. If only to catch him.

Springing ahead she caught his fresh little trailings, just in time to see him swerve in a new direction. Intrest sparked, she studied his intricate patterns. Making him run again at the appropriate times. Patience as always needed with the quick, buggers and when she was sure of his cues she waited till he popped up amongst the foilage, and she made chase. When the animal was close she was ready for his move to shoot left. Just when the hare went to escape, Jayse leaped and launched her jaws at his back, front paws crushing down on him. The hare struck her several time with it's hinds, her teeth ahold of muscle at his spine. No mind to release him white canines bit harder, deeper, and she gave a quick violent shake to snap his remaning life. Crimson droplets stained her white throat, and muzzle. Opening her jaws, panted catching a few great measures of air. Mind to go home, she picked up her prize by the scruff of it's neck. Duo-colored orbs cast round, and looking at the shadows and light of the earthen carpet instincts, and self direction she made the shift homebound.

Jogging, with muffled steps on the damp earth a stranger's scent asaulted her nose the further she went. Stopping dead in her tracks, lips twitched breathing in the loner's scent. Another female, alone, not far ahead. Meal in her grip she wasn't inclined to share it, and meant to head away. Instead her steps misguided her closer, coming behind the female and scaring her hopeful meal away. The girl was small, with a sleek coat of ebon, and irritation was written on her face. The black wolf had let a snarl leave, but reined it in fast.

Dropping her own kill, she took a confident step over it. Jayse was in a good mood, but she wasn't going to be if her own catch was stolen. A slight narrowed gaze, there was a tint of kindness in her eyes, and tone. "I'm sorry for startling your kill away."

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Played by Kat who has 68 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kauda Kokki

Kauda's blue eyes revealed to her a wolf. She was larger than Kauda, which was what made her snarl stop, she didn't want to start trouble with a wolf she couldn't beat. Her malnutricion and shortage of food made her weak at the moment, another reason why she needed prey. The forest was harsh, and she couldn't survive without food to nourish her body. The she - wolf had an ivory white coat, quite beautiful through any wolf's eyes. Her eyes, much like Kauda's, were a blue, though her shade was different from the black she - wolf's.

The size or beauty of the she - wolf wasn't what shocked Kauda. It was how she confidently stepped over her prey, narrowing her eyes on Kauda, and with a soft tone told her how she was sorry she scared her prey. Covenient. thought Kauda, narrowing her blue eyes and keeping her tail high and standing as tall as her delicate paws would let her. Convenient how I just got the only food I've seen in a week or so scared away and all you have to say is sorry? Quite funny how I'm probably going to go off and die in a hole now.. At least your sorry. she thought, sarcasm heavy in her brain, as she grunted and tossed her head up into the air. "Yea, it's okay. I'll just go die in a hole because of starvation now. At least your sorry." she growled. She honestly didn't mean to be a huge grump that made other wolves want to bite her little head off, but the conditions she was in right now didn't make the world too terribly great for her.

She let her eyes flicker down to the she - wolf's rabbit, and a low, silent growl emitted her throat. Glad you're okay. she thought bitterly, turning hastily and sniffing the ground. Somewhere in the distance, she thought she smelled deer, maybe a little fawn. The last time she had tried to get a deer on her own, it had been an epic fail and caused her to pass out in front of two lone wolves. Fun, fun. Spring was just going to be such a gol' darn blast alone, with wolves scaring off her prey and threatening her out of territories. Can't wait. she thought grumpily.

OOC: Kauda's a grump. :)

Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
The gaze of the younger was a vibrant blue, and Jayse saw no kindness in them. Only a hard cold, annoyance. Own white banner behind her stiffened straight out. The limber muscles strung tight if she needed to defend herself. She had a great knack for finding grumpy wolves, and was ready for anything. But in all honest she wasn't going to confute against what she had done. She had not meant to hurt the girl's chances, but with her attitude maybe she should go crawl in a hole a die if she was going to let one wolf heed her from trying to hunt again. It was a harsh thought, more dark than Jayse usually let in. But life wasn't fair, and what did the girl expect? Free dinners, and kind wolves floating on fluffy rainbows all day?

The world was cruel, and only the strong survived. It wasn't in nature to be forgiving. After all predators like wolves killed off the old,sick, the weak to thin herds out. It in itself made the herd stronger so only the quick, fastest, and cunning were left to pass on their genes. What herd of deer would be around if it was full of uncapable members? It'd be like a pack of crippled wolves. They would not last long, neigh they'd dissapear. What would be around to eat? Didn't this girl know survival of the fittest? Jayse tipped her skull ever slightly, a more serious tone in her words. "You'd think if you were so starving you would have kindly asked for a piece of mine instead of grumbling about dying. But if you are so inclined to die, because one wolf ruined a chance you had at one meal, maybe you should go die. I'm sorry that you, like everyone else has to hunt for themselves." A small puff released from her nostrils. Jayse had been only been a little older than this girl, and alone this time of year and she had to get by on her own means. If this girl didn't like it why wasn't she still with her pack, or joining a new one?

Collecting another breath, her own annoyance left with it's catching. The gray female hadn't wanted to be rude, but blunt. She was sure there was a hidden reason, to getting her hair momentarily ruffled so to speak. Shifting her stance, eyeslids lifted in a normal stare. Exasperated sigh, she shook her head. A half hearted smile, lifted her ebon lips. Kinder words, that were sincere she said,"Look, let's start over. My name is Jayse. I just caught a hare and since I just scared away your rabbit how about if you promise to tell me about you, I'll let you eat your fill?" Jayse was serious, and hoped the girl would see she was trying to make amends, and meant her no ill works. She'd only been briefly annoyed at the small whines of the girl's talk of starving and death she couldn't hold her tongue. For further proof of her actions, she stepped once more over her kill, and nosed it in the girl's direction with a hopeful smile. "See? Now would you mind telling me who you are, and if your usually this grumpy?"
(This post was last modified: Mar 05, 2011, 08:19 PM by Jaysyek.)
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Kat who has 68 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kauda Kokki

Kauda listened to her words, harsher than her gently voice before. Ask for your prey, she grunted in her mind. Who do you think I am? Kauda watched her, her words stinging her mind. 'Maybe you should go die. The words nearly tipped Kauda over the edge, and she was ready to snap again, maybe even physically. If the she - wolf didn't want Kauda here, then Kauda wouldn't stay. But, her words again made Kauda pause and think.

The she - wolf began to push her catch torwards Kauda, offering it to her if she told a little about herself. A little sigh emitted from the delicate black she - wolf. "Jayse," she mumbled. "Keep your prey. I'll try and find something." she told her. She let her head fall to glare at her paws. "I'm Kauda... and no, I'm not always this grumpy." she brought her eyes up, now a softer glaze in them. "It's just that while all these wolves are so happy with their friends and mates, I don't even have any company, and I haven't eaten in a week and a half, and while I've been searching for my family since I was six months old, I still haven't found them - " she stopped herself, letting her tongue stop. She wasn't just going to tell this stranger about all her problems was she? Of course not.

Kauda nodded her head. "Are you usually out offering prey to anyone that will tell about themselves?" she asked, a slight, very little grin appearing on her face, and quickly fading as she tossed her head around to look around her.

OOC: Cruddy post. I got uninspired.

(This post was last modified: Mar 05, 2011, 09:35 PM by Kauda.)
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
ooc; that's all right, i'm just glad kauda isn't too mad. forgive my mixed rambles.
She figured she had seen better days, like anyone, and was not having a good one. They kept adding up. And well Jayse she always managed to find those kind of wolves. Having a rough day,and catching them with unpleasant moods. Sometimes driving them further. A tender smile, not out of pity, but of understanding lit on her sharp feaures. Puting the girl's name to memory, after she'd listened to the brief tale of woe. Jayse had not lost her family at such a young age, and did think that was very unfair for anyone to deal with. No wonder the girl felt so hopeless, and stricken down. The story abrutly stopped. "Nice to meet you Kauda. I am not hapy to hear about it in these circumstances. I'm sorry you family is lost, here you are being hungry...alone. I know what's it's like being alone, and I would be grumpy too.."The gray stroked wolf gave a thoughtful gaze, wondering why the wolf didn't continue. But since the story had stopped so did the bad mood pass...just maybe.

The girl changed the subject back to the hare. All Jayse could do was shake her head, and let out a good, humble chuckle. Happy to see the very small works of a grin, even if it dissaperaed. "No, not really but I usually avoid strangers when I'm carrying a mouthful," She replied with a wink. Thoughts in her mind, she again nosed the large hare to the girl. It was three times bigger than a rabbit and even if the girl ate half there would be plenty left. "Would you please eat it? Least it would solve one of your problems, and mine. Besides I might have an idea for your lack of company." She smiled broadly, tail relaxed now wagged twice behind her.

[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Kat who has 68 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kauda Kokki

"Nice to meet you too, Jayse." she let a smile cross her face, but it wavered when the she - wolf spoke of being sorry about her family. For a moment, she wanted to believe it, but a stranger really feeling sorry for her? Not likely. Her blue eyes, lit with a hopefulness, flickered up to watch Jayse fro a moment. She looked thoughtful, observant maybe. Kauda liked the look in her eyes. It made her look somewhat more.. wise. 'Would you please eat it?' the she - wolf asked, eyes a sort of pleading gleam.

Kauda gave a little chuckle, a smile planting on her face, truly genuine for this current time and place. She, for a moment, thought about grabbing it up in her jaws and letting the thick scarlet liquid flow down her throat and fill her stomach, but Kauda didn't believe it was polite. Yes, Jayse had scared her prey away, but Kauda could go try and find another, and it wasn't her fault, either. Kauda was in a sour mood, and for how she acted towards the kind she - wolf made it obvious that she didn't deserve it.

"You didn't poison it did you?" Kauda added playfully. 'I might have an idea for your lack of company.' Jayse told her, her voice soft and gentle, comforting Kauda slightly. Her eyes lit up, and the smile on her face widened slightly. Even if the company came from the ugliest, meanest wolf alive, she would enjoy it. Kauda was desperate for a good friend. "Really? Kauda murmured gently, her voice barely even a whisper. It was lonely being all alone with hardly anything to eat. It just.. it was. Many wolves in this forest claimed to know what it's like, but nobody's story was the same, and she knew from experience that some were just big crazy wolves that want to be the boss of everything. Kauda lifted her eyes to see Jayse, her grin staying visible the whole time.

Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
ooc; that was a really great post kat!
Jayse was happy to be met with sweet replies, and a wider smile. It flickered like a candle flame when she spoke of family. But what could Jayse do? If Kauda chose not to trust, to believe that was understandable. If Kauda really knew how cruel Jayse felt her past was maybe then she would see Jayse wasn't saying artifical words of sweetness. But truelly struck how this young girl was suffering because the world had been most very unjust to her. Another talk for another day, if she ever saw her again. She did feel compelled to keep watch over the dark onyx girl, if permitted.

A large smile on black lips was there because the girl laughed, and had a much better happiness to her muzzle. About time. She thought, relieved she had not made things worse but with a little faith was making them better. Being the one little ounce of good this wolf needed. She gave a very loud laugh, shaking her head. "No, I do not know how to poison wolves," She answered in good fun. It was not the full truth, she supposed she knew plants that would make a wolf ill but using them for that purpose had never crossed her mind. There had never been a want nor need for such dark ideas.

Shifting slightly, she waited for the girl to eat. The subject on company had definately struck a chord however. This wolf was starving for more than just food. Part if it broke Jayse's heart to see that. Yet she hadn't been lying she had a great remedy. "Yes, actually my mate and I have just started a pack. West of here, and we are in looks of members. You would be more than welcome to join. You could eat all we could catch, and never be lonely again." A wink was given, with a sweet grin the gray-stroked female pocessed. After all she was truthful, she would like to bring Kauda home. She was sure she would get along just grand with everyone. "But first you have to eat." This was spoken like a mother wolf would tell to her own children. Maybe she would be a good mom after all.

[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Kat who has 68 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kauda Kokki

OOC: Thanks, much! :)

Kauda watched the albescent she - wolf, who let a smile spread on her muzzle. Her bright blue eyes looked innocent enough, thought Kauda. 'No, I do not know how to poison wolves.' Jayse murmured gently, letting out a loud laugh. Kauda watched the gleam in the she - wolf's eyes, and she couldn't help but to let her lips curve into a smile and reveal her teeth. "Well, that's good, because then you would've had me to deal with." replied Kauda, snapping her jaws out playfully, like she was actually a challenge to the large white she - wolf. Kauda let her electric blue eyes flickering down to the dead hare, the blood spilling out onto the ground. NO! thought Kauda. That should be dripping down my throat, or her's, but not on the ground!

Jayse began to explain of the pack that she and her mate led. Kauda froze, though she tried to keep the smile on her dark muzzle visible. She would love to join, absolutely! But, there was the fact that she was trying to find her family - and, well, she just figured it would be easier to find them if she wasn't being constantly watched and rounded up at one particular place. The small black she - wolf had avoided a pack a few times, and this was the reason why. A question flashed across her mind: had any of her sibling or family settled down within a pack? Slowly, Kauda let her head fall and when Jayse told her to eat, she saw the chance to let her smile fade for a second.

Kauda was hesitant for the moment, as she still believed that it was rude to take her catch. But, Jayse insisted and hunger was stirring in her stomach, like it had been days and days before this current day. She let her muzzle slide over to where the dead hare laid and wrapped her jaws gently across it's neck, as if handling it with care. The blood began to flow into her mouth and find it's way down her throat. Oh.. my goodness, that's good, she thought happily, biting into it for it's meat. What would she say to Jayse? She tried to sort it out in her head, but the smell of the hare made it difficult and she swallowed it down, eating savagely.

Slowly, Kauda stopped. A pink tongue popped out of her mouth and ran around her mouth. She had nearly devoured the whole thing, and a flash of embarrassment hit her. Whoops. Her electric blue eyes rose quickly to see Jayse. "Sorry," she apologized sincerely. She had made up her mind about going with Jayse or not. "That sounds great! I would love to come. But, whether or not she would stay tugged at her, and there was a sort of guilty feeling in the way she spoke of it.

(This post was last modified: Mar 11, 2011, 11:52 PM by Kauda.)
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
The elder female was glad to have brigthened the girl's mood. It was much better contrast to the grumpiness. She gave another light-hearted chuckle at the teasing reply. "Wouldn't want that," she answered, the end of her long tail twitching. It was all in good fun, and she knew this. Now if only she would least eat, it'd make her feel a whole lot btter. And Jayse was hopeful she might go back to the hollow with her. She understood the girl might be hesitant because of her family, but surely she would be much safer in a pack. She could get stronger, and they could keep an eye out for them.

Quietly she watched the girl enjoy her meal, and Jayse didn't doubt how the girl's belly must have ached. Relaxing stiff limbs, she had not been hungry herself. Only catching the hare to take back for Borden, Vlar, or to save for a later time. It was not necassary to build up a food supply, but a little extra when one could manage couldn't hurt. Trying to not focus on the strong scent of blood Jayse looked round the thicket, hearing the melody of a few birds welcoming spring. It was nice to see the winged creatures hopping and flutterly. They would be busy preparing for the next generation, as Jayse might have to do soon too.

The obsidain cleaned the warm blood from her jowls, after there was little remaining. Jayse shrugged her shoulders,"No worries, you need it." She said it matter of factly, if the girl was going to go home it'd be good for her to be full. If not, least Jayse had helped her get one meal to keep her going. Klaud exclaimed she'd love to come. But their was an edge to her tone, like she was worried she shouldn't. "You know with us you'd be safe, and likely not to starve. And I bet your worried for your family, but we can keep our eyes and ears out for them. I"m sure they'll be bound to be looking for you too, you know." Spoke in sweet tones with a simple smile. If the girl's family was alive they'd surely be looking for her ,but what good would it do if something happened to her? If she did starve, or something attacked her? Of coarse if it came to her leaving with them their would be no hard feelings, but for now Jaysyek thought she needed a home. Temporary or long term..
(This post was last modified: Mar 12, 2011, 12:40 AM by Jaysyek.)
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