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Played by Kat who has 79 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Makita Kokki
OOC: Hope you don't mind my little powerplay at the end. :3 If you do, then let me know. Sorry for the suckish post by the way.

It had been a few days since Makita arrived at Midnight Plateau territory. She had been in critical condition, hardly able to move or talk and nearly bleeding to death. Alexander had taken her in, staining his snow white coat a scarlet red, and even given her an empty den of her own. Makita had felt wanted and it was probably one of the most comforting feelings she'd felt since losing her family. The golden she - wolf had later, when she could speak better, been made a member of the pack - second, actually. Without hesitation, she had promised Alexander she would do all she could to be one of the best wolves the pack had ever seen. Unfortunately, she had so far been stuck in her den.

The den was a nice one. It was of average size, but because of Makita's small size she had extra room to move around. Of course, the den around where she had moved was stained with thick red blood, and a thick trail of the liquid ran outside of her den until it thinned out into splotches where Alexander carried her. Overall, it was everywhere. Makita had tried not to leave a mess in the first place... she was hopelessly unsuccessful.

Makita now was slightly better, and slightly worse, also. The bleeding had stopped within the first two days with the gentle care she received. Unfortunately, the wounds had not been completely closed and had, in some places, swollen up and became infected. She still couldn't speak very well and she also couldn't move well, as she had broken two or three ribs and sprained her leg. But, she was making a very slow recovery, and that's what really mattered when it came down to it.

Makita's ears flickered forward. Hearing had been her only way to tell if anything was coming anymore, as all she could smell in here was the foul smell of her blood. Another wolf? she thought excitedly, anticipating the arrival of other wolves, as it was what she had originally came for - company was hard to find as a loner. She tilted her head, her golden eyes trained on the entrance of her den. The she - wolf had been sprawled out in the same position for a while, and sores were starting to form where the bones that stuck out rubbed against the ground, so she let herself try to stretch out for a moment, wincing as her strained muscles moved and her broken ribs were pulled.

Makita twitched her ears. The sound of paw - steps lingered at the entrance of her den. She let a strained smile try and come on her face, thought it was hard through all the pain. "Hello?" she called out, hoping that she wasn't going crazy and someone was actually coming to see her. She needed a new friend.
Played by Grey who has 439 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Angier Lyall
Angier Lyall

Angier had only been on Midnight Plateau soil and stone for a handful of days now and already he considered himself as apart of the territory. The two parts of the mountain he hadn’t fully investigated just yet was a small collection of well-spaced dens and the Plateau itself. Today, though, he decided on finding the former, the Plateau was probably currently being occupied by the leader himself and he had no desire to disturb the gray-furred alpha when he had other, even better, things to do. While walking along the stony paths and trying to get used to the scent of the wolves who were now his fellow pack mates, his nose was struck with the most peculiar scent. It was metallic at first, but then it rounded out into a sort of rank, aged odor.

His muzzle wrinkled on one side of his snout and his eyes narrowed suspiciously. Stepping along the cold, hard ground, he made his way towards the sight of several stained rocks. Blood, his mind chimed. Angier’s brows came together in concern. Were the wolves of the mountain trying to hide or stash away something they didn’t want to be known? Was this some sort of newfound caching behavior he had yet to learn of? One of his large paws scraped against the stone just outside the den entrance and the male took a step back as a small “Hello?” called from the darkness within. Whatever had made these dark streaks into the den was still… alive.

“‘ello?” he called back hesitantly. He lowered his head to the entrance of the cozy dwelling, his wide wheat-hued eyes daring to peer in.

(This post was last modified: Mar 13, 2011, 03:45 AM by Angier.)

Are you watching closely?
Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)
Played by Kat who has 79 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Makita Kokki
OOC: Wonderful post!

Makita creased her brows in curiosity. Her ears perked as her hello was echoed. 'Ello?' a voice bellowed from just outside the den - her den. Instantly, Makita tried to flash a smile across her face, though it was difficult through the pain and ache that still coursed through her body as infection poisoned her blood. Her tongue ran across her teeth inside her mouth, making sure that blood didn't still stain her teeth.

The wolf finally poked his muzzle into her den, resulting in Makita shifting to see him better. She let out a grunt, drawn out a bit into a groan, and tried to get into a position where her broken ribs weren't against the ground. When she was more comfortable, she narrowed her golden eyes curiously to see the male better. She discovered that he was large. His fur was a quite nice mixture of black, tan, and white. The male was much, much larger than her, though Makita was higher in the ranks (for the females) than him. Makita shifted once more as she noticed he was new as well, or at least he had a look of curiosity and concern as he came to the entrance of her cozy little den. She noted his pale gold eyes, and nodded her head gently, taking in his scent - or as much as she could through the foul smell of her blood - to make sure that he was one of her Midnight Plateau pack mates.

"Well," Makita coughed a little, her voice scraggly and muffled. She absolutely hated her inability to speak correctly. Clearing her throat, she began again. "Hello, there."
(This post was last modified: Mar 13, 2011, 02:26 AM by Makita.)
Played by Grey who has 439 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Angier Lyall
Angier Lyall

The Lyall blinked. Straining his eyes to see what lay inside the small den, he was taken aback to find the figure of a petite wolf sprawled out on her side. The little cavern was actually spacious, he discovered. The youth coughed and Angier quirked a brow as he made out her words the second time around after she cleared her throat. “Hi,” he replied. He lifted his head from the entrance, taking in a deep breath of fresh air; from the stench that wafted out, he assumed she had been in there for quite some time.

“Everything alright in there?” he asked, lowering his head once more to take a good look at the youth. The smell of the blood and the hint of pus was enough to make him grimace and hold his breath. Wherever she had come from, something terrible had happ-- Wait… You! he blurted out in shock. “The b-bear… Y-you’re…” Angier was at a loss for words. His ears flattened and he shook his head a few times; the last time he had seen her was over a month ago and the yearling looked entirely worse. Sure, he realized the bear had done some life-threatening damage but it didn’t seem that bad compared to the condition she was in now. Something more had probably gotten a hold of her.

“What happened to you!?” he exclaimed, dropping onto his elbows and haunches to properly look into the hideaway. “I-I… I guarded you against a bear but… but that was…” He couldn’t even finish his sentence as guilt began to pile up on his shoulders. He was sure she would have died, then and there, in the snow and he had left her there! Averting his gaze to the ground beside his left forelimb, he sighed, “Look, kid, I’m sorry about that day. I would have stayed but I had other things on my mind... a-aaand I thought that wolf you were with was going to take care of you.” His brows rose and when he cast his eyes back to the pile of matted fur, they gleamed with disbelief, “I wasn’t expecting you to survive either.” The corners of his mouth turned down and a whine sounded from his vocal chords, “I’m glad you’re alright though, I admit. The pack’s been taking care of you, hmm?”

Are you watching closely?
Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)
Played by Kat who has 79 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Makita Kokki
Makita winced as the words escaped her mouth. Goodness, can I just hurry up and die?! she remembered thinking so many times before this day, though right now she was still kinda hoping that seeing the light of.. well, wherever wolves went in the afterlife would be less painful than being sprawled out on the hard floor of the den, barely escaping bleeding to death. Her eyes skimmed the wolf again, poking his way to the entrance of her den, and then a sudden realization went through her. She - she knew this wolf, didn't she? Around that time, the wolf began to stutter.

'You! The b-bear... Y-you're...' the wolf's pale gold eyes stared at her in amazement and awe, like she was superman or something - though she probably was, as she hadn't died yet. It was that wolf! The one who helped save her life! She wouldn't be here if it weren't for him! Makita let her eyes fall to her paws, waiting for the wolf's next stunned words. 'What happened to you!? I-I guarded you against the bear but... but that was...' his voice stopped, followed by a sigh. 'Look, kid, I'm sorry about that day. I would've stayed but I had other things on my mind... a-aaand I thought that wolf you were with would take care of you..' the male paused, then began again. 'I wasn't expecting you to survive, either.' His speech ended with him mumbling something about the pack taking care of her. Makita, impatient to speak, let her head rise from her paws and began.

"No hard feelings," Makita began gently, though she winced as she spoke. "I shouldn't have... been in a bear attack any- anyway if I would've ran... like the o-others." It was hard to speak, and Makita absolutely hated it. "I - Swift River." she sighed, reaching around to point to a couple of deep wounds with her muzzle. Looking back up at the male, she let a forced smile come to her face - though it was only forced because pain was surging through her body, everywhere.

"I wouldn't have survived if -" Makita tried to hide the pain as she spoke. "If you hadn't came. I would - would be d-dead." It was the truth. If the male hadn't have came to help fight off the ferocious killer bear she would have died, right there on the snow beneath the creature's paws. Fortunately, he did save her, and she was grateful. "The pack is g-good." she replied to his last question with a simple, gentle nod of her head. She was grateful for the wolf in front of her, who risked his life to save her. So, she decided to give her name. He was a pack mate anyway and would find out sooner or later.

"I'm Makita."
Played by Grey who has 439 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Angier Lyall
Angier Lyall

Angier watched as the youth lifted her head and began to reply. She winced and it made him drop his gaze. “No hard feelings,” she had stated, but he had already made up his mind. No matter how hard she tried or how many times she said everything was alright he would not allow her to convince him otherwise. Yeah, okay, she should have made herself scarce like the others on the scene, but sometimes that’s just how things went; he’d be sure to make it up to her before he’d be able to let go of his guilt.

The words “Swift River” were brought up next and he wasn’t quite so sure what to make of it just yet. Upon first impression, he was certain it was simply the name of the river, or one of the rivers, that ran through Relic Lore, but nothing else. Perhaps she had nearly drowned or caught a chill while on her way to the mountain; although, that didn’t make much sense seeing as she could easily walk alongside the water and not have to step in it at any point in her journey. The tawny male didn’t even notice the gashes in her muzzle until she gestured a paw to her face. Hmm…

He continued to listen to her, raising his ears every so often from their lowered position to hear her out. Her sentences were in fragments and some of her words stuttered as though it pained her to speak. He couldn’t help but to continually swallow back the remorse that had built up in his throat. At least she confirmed that the pack was “good,” leaving him to believe that the wolves under the gray-and-white leader’s command were hospitable and rather kind. She then offered her name: Makita. “Angier,” he replied. “Has anyone tended to you today? C-can I get you anything before I set out to do some scouting?”

Are you watching closely?
Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)
Played by Kat who has 79 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Makita Kokki
As the two spoke of the accident, she remembered. She remembered the white she - wolf dragging her to a den to care for her. She remembered crying to her, sobbing inside the den she was given. She remembered seeing her life nearly come to an end. She also remembered dragging herself across the land. She remembered dragging herself across the rocks leading up to the mountains - to see Borden. She remembered arriving and finding Alexander - and not finding Borden. It was all so hard, so much to soak in. Makita tried to forget, but it happened so shortly ago.. Now, as she sat here talking to the wolf - Angier - who had helped save her only to leave shortly after, it made her eyes clouded with pain.

Angier, the wolf told her, his eyes a lot softer than they had been when he first arrived at her den entrance. Nodding, she put the name to memory silently. His kind offer made the tawny she - wolf smile gently. Though it had been a hard path to get to where she was now, she was alive and healing quickly. She had a family (sort of) and a den to call her own. There wasn't any reason for her not to be happy. "No, but I'm sure someone will be here in a bit. The day is still young." Makita murmured gently. Surely Alexander or one of his pack mates would be there later to tend to her. It was hard for Makita to ask for help, in other words. That was her weakness.

Her stomach growled quietly, but she simply ignored it. She had gone for more than a week without food more than once. Being fed yesterday, this was like paradise. "I think I'll be fine." she paused, letting her ears perk up slightly. "Thank you for visiting me. It was nice to see you again, so I could thank you for being there to save me. I owe you." she let a gentle nod of her head show her sincerity, a soft smile accompanying it. The wolf - Angier - really was vital to her surviving to where she laid today. She really appreciated his help.
Played by Grey who has 439 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Angier Lyall
Angier Lyall

The male smiled quietly upon seeing her nod and smile in return. Smiling is good… he mused. Seeing her maw curve up surely must be a good sign that things, beyond and between the two of them, were actually all right. It was comforting. He listened as she said that someone would come by to check up on her and that she would be fine. She also thanked him for visiting and that she was glad to see him again. His tail waved enthusiastically behind him; the youth had merely made his day.

“Ah, don’t thank me,” he slightly chuckled. “I’m jus’ glad you’re okay.” He gave a rather playful wink, “An’ ya don’t owe me. Jus’… consider it a good deed. But, um… Guess I’ll get goin’ now. Not sure what Alexander wants me to do but I’m sure I’ll find something. I’ll… stop by later, just t’ see how you’re doin’.” He rose to his feet, but kept his head somewhat lowered into the den entrance. “Catch ya later,” he chimed. He left, but then returned shortly after three seconds had passed. Be good,” he added, grinning at Makita. Pulling away from the den site now, he chuckled to himself. It was unlike him to be curious and kind and caring and everything of the sort; it was like he was new… born again, and he absolutely loved it. Careful to make his way down the mountain in the safest way possible, he dashed off along the tree line, thinking that he’d start the day with breakfast and a brief tour of the territory he had yet to discover.


Are you watching closely?
Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)