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Can I Call You A Friend? — Mountain of Dire 
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Played by Kat who has 79 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Makita Kokki
OOC: This should be good. :) She's not really in good shape at all, barely saved from bleeding to death and stuff, but I'm going to say she's well enough to speak with Borden.

It was anything but sunny as dark clouds draped across the sky. Makita laid near the edge of the mountain. She was supposed to be confined to her den so she could recover, but she really just needed some fresh air. Being out here gave her time to think. The land was beautiful and she was proud to be apart of it, but the fact that Borden wasn't enjoying it stung at her mind. He had left for nothing but a girl. The small she - wolf tried to think of what she would do in that situation. Borden had been very high in the ranks, from what she understood, and Alexander was heartbroken.

It wasn't just the fact that he had left everyone that ever loved him, besides the girl Alexander spoke of, or the fact that he gave up everything he'd ever worked for. It was the fact that he betrayed her. He promised her a life full of happiness and companionship with him and his pack. She didn't want anything more from him than a friendship, but when she arrived and he was gone, she didn't know what to think - she didn't know if she could call him a friend. What if she saw him now? What would he say? He didn't even care enough to stay long enough for her arrival.

You know what? That justl sucks. she thought bitterly to herself. She should have forgotten about him by now - he wasn't worth her time. But, Makita had never really been offered a home, and she at least hoped to live in that home with the one who invited her. It was sort of common sense. But, that apparently wasn't the way it worked by Borden.

Makita let her head fall and silently let out a sigh. It was hard to forget these kind of things.
Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall

O O C | Mm’kay, not sure what the timing on this is, but if it’s alright, I’m gonna “label” this thread in my postlog as being set somewhere a few weeks after March 13th since he’ll more than likely spending time with Jayse and his pack for a bit before he goes wandering up to Mount Dire.

Taking care to make sure that his pack was well-taken care of and that Jayse would have more than enough time for herself, Borden made the long journey back to the Mount Dire. One thing had been set in his mind: to speak to Alexander, his previous leader, and exchange a few words. He had his little speech all planned out. First, he would request his presence and make sure everything in his posture was neutral after how the alpha had nearly set him off after storming back into his den during the pack meeting… Then he would explain why he had left and apologize for not speaking with him first about the matter. Afterwards, he’d extend his thanks for taking him in on that one mid-November morning, for offering him his shelter and the protection of his pack lands during the winter.

Each step brought him closer to the gnarled trees he had once guarded, the “posts” of the unseen fence that he piously watched over. He placed one paw over a path where one of the pack wolves had just recently passed but withdrew it immediately with a frown. Only when the scent of someone rather familiar did the Lyall tear his gaze from the mountain’s peak and quickly scan the area in front of him. The almost whisper-like quality of a sigh graced his ears and he whipped around to find Makita’s motionless figure sprawled out across the ground.

Sunshine would have been an obvious reason to explain why she was out here in such a state, but given that the clouds lazily drifted high above Relic Lore he could only assume that she had probably just made it to Midnight Plateau’s borders. When he had first met her at the Creek, he assumed that she had been following him the entire time, only to disappear without a word once they had arrived onto pack terrain. He scowled at the thought; he probably should have looked back every now and then to make sure she was still not far behind. It seemed apparent that she had gotten herself into quite a bit of trouble, hence her absence at the most recent pack meeting.

Looking at her intently, he took a few cautious steps toward her, wanting to call out to her, to be the first to acknowledge her presence. The sight of her, however, had pushed everything away, even his thoughts about confronting Alexander or whoever had taken up his place as a scout and guard. Her being there had dissolved all of the words he wanted to say…

A hint of curiosity flashed across his eyes, but it was instantly replaced by the cold, steely gaze in his light irises. In keeping silent and allowing his heavy, proud footfalls to announce his approach, he hoped she would be the first to speak.

Played by Kat who has 79 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Makita Kokki
OOC: Sure! Okay, so if this is a few weeks ahead then I'm going to have Makita able to talk better. ;)

The sun shone gently and, though the air was still freezing, it warmed her fur. A sensation of happiness came over her. Why shouldn't she be happy? She was living the life she'd always wanted - second in a perfect pack in the mointains, making friends with her pack mates, and recovering along the way. The only thing missing was her family - but she was on a mission to find them too.

All of the sudden, a scent was brought to her through the wind. Normally, Makita would've just ignored it until it got close and then take caution. But, this scent made Makita's senses go on full alert. Her hackles rose and she became stiff. All the happiness she was collecting inside of her flowed out immediately and was replaced by doubt and weariness. The scent didn't come from any 'regular' wolf. No, it was the scent of the wolf she once called a friend. The wolf who gave her a home - but never led her to it. It was Borden.

Not only was it Borden's scent, but it was close - no, approaching. Oh, great, thought Makita. What was she going to say? What did she have to say? She had gotten lost on the journey to the land, and Borden hadn't even cared. Because of it, she was attacked by a bear and Swift River wolves. She had nearly died - and it could've been prevented. The wolf had left her after promising her a home, everything Makita had ever wanted. Instead, she had to go through the extra effort herself. She had to drag herself to the mountains, and up them, too.

Makita's ears flinched when she heard paw steps. They were proud paw steps, loud and purposeful. The small brown she - wolf let her eyes close, a sigh emitting from her malnourished sides. Slowly, her head turned. Borden. He was right there in front of her. The memories of the day he promised her everything she'd ever wanted and the beginning of her journey flooded her mind. He was tall. His multicolored fur hung, well - fed, off of his body. She hadn't ever expected to see him again - especially after finding out he left.. for a girl.

"Borden." Makita said finally, her voice silent. Her eyes dropped from his to stare at the ground beneath his paws. It was really Borden, and he was standing right in front of her. The question was, did Makita really want to see him? Could she still call him a friend?
Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall

O O C | :)

Casting his gaze down at the yearling, his ears perked forward at the sound of his name. She said nothing else and it made his eyes narrow in mild disappointment. He was indeed responsible for bringing her back to Midnight Plateau lands, but the responsibility had also been hers… Her half of the agreement, of becoming apart of his previous pack was supposed to be to follow him. If she had gotten lost or found something that caught her interest she should have alerted him about it rather than allowing him to carry on.

A look of disdain graced his masked features and he scoffed. After a wave of silence, his thoughts came rushing back on another tangent. No longer was he occupied with holding an audience with Alexander but with trying to figure out what had happened to Makita! He eyed her pelt and how it had been matted in a few areas by what smelled like blood. A shake of his head signaled his displeasure in her appearance; Alexander and Amélie were probably keeping an eye out for her now but still… she shouldn’t have looked like this under their care.

Picking up on any sort of emotion from her was difficult. She simply rested there, staring at the place where his paws had landed. He wanted to do something, to evoke some sort of passionate response from her, something more lively or animated, whatever she could muster… but he had no idea on how to do it. He wanted to hear her talk, to hear what she had to say without having to ask her to explain anything. All he knew and could only assume was that she probably hadn’t met his old pack mates or she had had a fight with someone or, goodness forbid, that she, too, had fallen from the mountain.

Each second that passed swept by effortlessly. There was something to be said on her end; he was sure of it, and he would stand there until he got more than just that one word, his name, out of her.

Played by Kat who has 79 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Makita Kokki
Gosh, is it all you can do but stand there? thought Makita to herself. She didn't want to have to speak, but she wanted for him to tell her. To tell her why he left, besides Alexander's explination: 'for a girl'. To tell her why he didn't check back on her - she had gotten attacked by a bear for goodness sake! To tell her why he left everything she had every wanted. She had taken his place as second (though in the female category) and was now apart of his family - his pack. But now, now it was, well, hers. She loved this pack even though she was brand new. Unfortunately, unlike her sister's pack beginning (which she was unaware of), she knew nobody when she arrived. Thanks, Borden.

"Borden," she repeated quietly, her golden eyes not willing to move up and meet his. He had really upset her, and he wasn't getting off easy. "Why?" she asked simply, letting her eyes fall close. Her muzzle dropped to rest on her paws for a moment. "Why didn't you check on me? I got attacked by a bear. And then - then that stupid Swift River pack attacked me. I didn't even see your face." Her voice wasn't filled with anger or love, but more of a sort of stiff tone - unreadable, like her expression. "I came, though. I came to the mountain in critical condition with hopes that I would see you and your pack and live out my dreams." her voice paused and her eyes dropped. "Do you want to know what I found? I found a white alpha named Alexander who knew nothing of my coming. And I didn't find you. The only explanation was that you left for a girl. With a girl. Can I hear it from the big man himself? Why did you leave? Why didn't I see you again?" She couldn't bare to look at him. She was upset and it was obvious.
Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall

Borden shifted at the sound of his name for a second time, listening attentively as she first asked “Why?” He clasped his teeth together behind his lips. “Why…what, Makita?!” he wanted to scream out. “What?!” He was about ready to lose every bit of composure in his stance after she rested her snout on her forepaws but she quickly resumed with her train of thought. “Why this…” and “Two attacks got me here… where I had been expecting you.” She then looked away, mentioning how Alexander wasn’t expecting her and how the two had come to the conclusion that Midnight Plateau’s Second had left the mountain not for Jaysyek Enap, but plainly for “a girl.”

Anger coursed through his veins and upon finally seeing that she was upset, his fur bristled and every bit of him tensed. “A. Girl.” Those two words made his snarl shatter the air. All he needed was that little shove to let all hell break loose. “I left because I found my calling,” he roared, his lips curling up from his teeth as he frowned at her and turned his ears forward. “I was never meant to live underneath a leader, I was taught from birth to lead. I didn’t leave for some girl, I resigned to take up what was supposed to be rightfully mine to begin with. A pack of my own… Alexander would have never allowed me to do what I wished. Did you think I would have settled to keep my place in a pack while my prospective mate and I grew old, unable to have a family of our own?! He would have separated us.”

Looming over her now, he sneered and walked a few paces around her gathered frame. “You were supposed to follow me back to the mountain,” he firmly stated. “You never said anything so I kept moving. The least you could have done was said something like ‘wait!’or ‘hold up!’ I assumed you were right there; I had to watch for anything and anyone, pup, just to make sure you made it back with me. If you had stayed close you wouldn’t have gotten lost or attacked. I had duties to get back to! I couldn’t spend my time being your babysitter when there were borders to maintain and wolves to recruit among other things! Before you came into the picture, I had to do it all while Alexander was off on his own agenda. I couldn’t even sleep, I barely ate, what made you even think you’d see me again after you got here?!”

Life isn’t just about ties,” he growled, ranting off on a tangent. “There’s more to it than friends and family, it’s about making sure everything and everyone is safe and accounted for. I trusted the wolves of the mountain would take care of you when you arrived, at least be grateful for that! I wouldn’t have left you with any other band of wolves if I had the choice.” His gaze went to the snow-capped mountain when he finally stopped in his tracks; the blaze within him flickering and smoldering out of control. When his eyes came to rest back onto Makita, he shrugged. “I was going to tell Alexander that there would be another to replace me,” he said, his voice dropping in volume but his words still gilded with anger. “But he didn’t approve of my resignation. He sent me away and called the meeting before I could even say anything else. Your not being there didn’t help either.”

Played by Kat who has 79 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Makita Kokki
OOC: The first paragraph is pretty much just a bunch of blabber and how she reacted at first. Not really important, I guess. Haha.

Makita was shocked at his agressivness as he spoke - no snarled. 'I was never meant to live underneath a leader, I was taught from birth to lead. I didn’t leave for some girl, I resigned to take up what was supposed to be rightfully mine to begin with. A pack of my own… Alexander would have never allowed me to do what I wished. Did you think I would have settled to keep my place in a pack while my prospective mate and I grew old, unable to have a family of our own?! He would have separated us.' Borden growled, letting a sneer replace the smiles she had known when she first met him. The she - wolf let her eyes closed, holding back the urge to roar back at him. 'You were supposed to follow me back to the pack. You never said anything so I kept moving. The least you could have done was said something like ‘wait!’or ‘hold up!’ I assumed you were right there; I had to watch for anything and anyone, pup, just to make sure you made it back with me. If you had stayed close you wouldn’t have gotten lost or attacked. I had duties to get back to! I couldn’t spend my time being your babysitter when there were borders to maintain and wolves to recruit among other things! Before you came into the picture, I had to do it all while Alexander was off on his own agenda. I couldn’t even sleep, I barely ate, what made you even think you’d see me again after you got here?!' Makita was definitely not thinking of him as the friend that had given her a home. Now, he was more like that one wolf that she wanted to rip the head off of - for the moment. 'Life isn’t just about ties. There’s more to it than friends and family, it’s about making sure everything and everyone is safe and accounted for. I trusted the wolves of the mountain would take care of you when you arrived, at least be grateful for that! I wouldn’t have left you with any other band of wolves if I had the choice! I was going to tell Alexander that there would be another to replace me, but he didn’t approve of my resignation. He sent me away and called the meeting before I could even say anything else. Your not being there didn’t help either.' Borden finished.

The fire inside Makita flared instantly and uncontrollably. The words began to spill.

"Borden, I was attacked by a freaking bear! Do YOU think that I was going to just pull away from it and keep on following behind you? Those stupid Swift River wolves got me! While you kept going on without even caring to check for me, I had other wolves that cared enough to save my life! I met some awesome wolves, but I didn't stop! I dragged myself to where I am now! How would you like to do that?! I doubt you would have!" she roared, nearly spitting as she did.

"I didn't ASK for you to be my babysitter! I ASKED for you to give me a home - not let me nearly freaking die on the way! I put my FAITH in you that you could at least get me here! But, I had to do that myself!" she spat, pushing herself into a sitting position. She couldn't stand or walk very well at all, but she could sit. "What made me think I was going to see you again?! I dunno, perhaps it was the fact that you invited me to live in YOUR pack with YOU! I dunno, but that sort of registers as I'll see you again!" she snarled, her golden eyes ice hard. "Well, maybe you don't think like I do, but if it weren't for FRIENDS AND FAMILY, I wouldn't be here right now! And neither would you! If YOU, sir, are ungrateful, then that is your problem!" she paused, letting a snarl rip from her throat. "I've been living by myself since I was five months old! I'd be grateful for any band of wolves! .. And the fact that I wasn't there, was simply because you didn't care enough, probably because of this girl that Alexander speaks of, to look over your shoulder for a short, little brown wolf that you need to get to the mountain." she finished, snorting quietly as she let her head fall on her paws.

he had trusted this wolf once. He had given her everything she'd ever wanted. But now, as they yelled at each other, could she still call him a friend!?
Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall

Careful to take in the yearling’s words, Borden stood, silent and seemingly set as stone. Of course he expected her to pull away from the bear… what on earth was she thinking?! His frown continued to mar his masked features, the paleness of his irises intensified by the cold glare he was beginning to sport as Makita began to yell back. She went on about how he was supposed to give her a home, how she had put her trust in him to bring her to the mountain. She continued, her words sharp as she fought to make him see that he had done something wrong...

Unable to control the inferno in his chest, his tail curled over his back and his muzzle began to wrinkle. She mentioned “the girl,” Jayse, again and he nearly lost his temper again. If she hadn’t continued, he would have lashed out at her to teach her to hold her tongue; her repeating the statement made him believe that she hadn’t listened to anything he had said. Borden did not leave Midnight Plateau solely for the woman who would become his mate, but he left because he felt that something more waited for him beyond the Wildwood. That sentence alone made him scoff; there was nothing more to be said about the matter of his departure or anything else prior or following the event.

Teeth clenched defensively as his lips curled upward once more, he let loose another deep growl when she finished. That was it. Forget it… Whatever Alexander had told the youth made the Lyall despise the Midnight Plateau leader even more than he originally had; there was nothing to convince him into carrying out the plan that had initially brought him to Mount Dire. Now, as silence briefly fell upon them, he decided he had had enough of Makita… of Midnight Plateau… of Alexander Dieudonné and how he had voiced things. “See things as you wish,” he finally fumed. “But, Alexander knows nothing of what he speaks of… and you apparently possess deaf ears toward everyone but him. Tell your beloved leader I was here, that whatever tidings I had wished to exchange with him are no longer extended.” He eyed her sternly before turning and storming back the way he had come from. From this day forward, he vowed to himself that he would sever all ties and communication with the wolves of the mountain.


(This post was last modified: Mar 20, 2011, 11:15 PM by Borden.)
Played by Kat who has 79 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Makita Kokki
As Makita finished, rage filled her. But, another feeling did as well. Sadness. Makita had once looked up to Borden to help her find where she belonged. She looked up to him because, quite frankly, he was a good wolf with a good heart and a strong will. He had been her idol. But now, as her ice cold glare stared into his, it had been ruined. Everything. Borden was no longer her friend, but more of her betrayer or fake friend. Whichever fit best, both were horrible.

The small, injured brown wolf saw Borden's eyes flare uncontrollable and his lips pull back to reveal ivory white fangs. Attack me. I dare you. she thought stubbornly. I'm sitting right here, injured and alone, and you're going to attack me. But, his lip simply fell back over his fangs and his glare hardened. 'See things as you wish. But Alexander knows nothing of what he speaks of. And you apparently have deaf ears to everyone except him. Tell your beloved leader that I was here and whatever tidings I wished to exchange are no longer extended.' And with those words, Borden turned to walk away. A surging feeling of sadnessed overcame the sensitive wolf - the aftershock of her fury and anger. As soon as Borden disappeared, she buried her head into her paws.

Tears began to leak from her eyes. Yea, maybe it was a childish thing to do, but she was a child and her idol was now her enemy. Why? thought Makita to herself. After all her yelling and screaming at Borden, she began to realize that maybe he was right. Maybe it was all her fault. Maybe she had mental issues. At that moment, Makita began to hate her overtrusting personality. If she hadn't trusted the wolf in the first place, she wouldn't be stuck here crying. Silently, a few quiet sobs escaped her sides.

What hurt her the most was that she could no longer call Borden a friend. Now, he was a betrayer.