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Played by Switch who has 85 posts.
Inactive No Rank
    we are all decieving, lost, and bleeding.

The youth was physically struck down by the other words, it was the weirdest thing she had ever witnessed. Some mystical power she had not encountered before. Dark thoughts clouded in her head what did this wolf think he was? An avenging angel? For what? The other was clearly sorry, she could hear him ushering out the phrase in tight breath. What more did he want of him? She knew neither wolf, but was compelled to figure out this little matter. Figure out who was really in the right or worng.

The coppery lady waited for an answer, a clue to what the convictor wanted. And yet whatever fury the male held dissapeared with Skylah's questioning. The orange stroked, out of box wolf upchucked infront of all of them almost instantly. Her cream paws lifted away from the mess, her fangs tucked away, and orange eyes stared at the male wildly. Puking hadn't been on her list of ideas for him to do. The chewing he'd been dishing out she figured he would give some reprimand. Now she merlye stared open mouthed in her dismal surpise. Skylah was no big, bad wolf and doubted she could have been so intimidating to him to that point. Why else would one vomit?

A shifting look was given to the tawny male, hidden questions gleaming in her eyes. She soon realized someone was moving. Eyes trailed after the odd fellow so obviously held by fear as he scampered to the water. "Whoa there sunny boy, can you swim?" She called as he murged himself into the icy depths. Instinctively she darted toward the water, more confused than a chameleon in a barrel of jelly beans. "I have no inclination to hurt either of you." She stated in formal tones, though she was clearly ready to spring into the pool.

Played by Siki who has 223 posts.
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Kinis Tainn
<blockquote>What was going on? It was all getting way too much. The conflict had drawn away from Kinis, though he still felt very much afraid and affected. There was no more shouting - only vomiting and more gentle words from the female - but the accusations and curses kept turning ceaselessly in his mind, tearing at him, demanding a conclusion.

He still couldn't think of what he had done.

At the female's concerned query, Kinis glanced up, curious as to why she would ask it. Seeing the male retreat into the water answered that question, and Kinis momentarily mirrored her concern. He didn't want the other to get hurt or die, even if he had cut Kinis to the quick, but if he died then Kinis may never learn why he deserved such a berating. The demand to understand was almost as strong as his dismay at the accusations.

Trusting the female on her word - if anything, she had come in to defend Kinis, after all - the boy nodded meekly at her in comprehension and acceptance, before returning his gaze to the ground. He wasn't a good swimmer; he couldn't help much if the other wolf wasn't either. Aside from that, everything he said seemed to make the situation worse, so Kinis simply and swiftly clamped his jaws shut, fully intending to stay silent in hopes that that would improve matters.</blockquote>
<center>user posted image
<i>at least... that's where I'm supposed to be...</i></center>
Played by Sarah who has 290 posts.
Inactive No Rank
<blockquote><ul>oh derp. didn't realize it was my turn. herpderp.</li></ul>

Sunny boy. Who the hell was that? Kiche cast a glance around, throwing his head left and right, waiting for another attacker to appear. But no one did. Was she talking to him? His name wasn't sunny boy. But he couldn't swim. However, he couldn't give her the satisfaction of knowing that. As he stood there, shivering up to his neck in the frigid pool, his only response was a wary snarl. His paranoia was taking over, and it was leading him down a road of utter mental destruction. Dark shadows that didn't even exist in reality flickered past his eyes, words that were never spoken teased his ears. A heightened sense of fear over took him, and once more he tried to take a step back, only to find that the ground disappeared beneath his paw and the water engulfed his head.

The world beneath the window-pane of glass was murky, dark, and even colder. In confusion, Kiche thrashed about, imagining some invisible foe with jaws clamped about his throat and ankles, dragging him down. Her! that she-wolf! That wolf she had spoken to, that invisible savage, Sunny boy, they had been in the water this whole time, waiting for him. And now he was going to die.

When he tried to scream, only bubbles came out.</blockquote>

[Image: Kiche-porcisig2.jpg]
like my art? comission me!
Played by Switch who has 85 posts.
Inactive No Rank
ooc;it's okay sarah. i do have to say i'm either hurting your characters or helping them lol X). hope you don't mind the powerplay. i don't want kiche to drown.
    we are all decieving, lost, and bleeding.

One of the boys knew she meant no harm. This collected a little bit of sanity into the situation, she was far from relief. It was becoming apparent the orage lad could not swim. He was struck down by panic, going deeper and deeper into the water. His animal instincts were failing him, and what could she do? She would not let me drown on her terms. She did not need that stabbing guilt cutting into her head. Paced momentarily looking to the brown wolf, as if to verify he wouldn't be venturing in. Knowing what she should do, she jumped into the frigid, wet blackness.

Body arched huge waves, and fleeting waterdrops everywhich way. Strong appendages tore through the liquid, steering for the hopeless bubbles. She got to him quickly, but he was sinking quick. She took a breath, and plunged face down for his scruff. Miraculously her jaws tug against the extra tuft of skin, and she started pulling, swimming backwards.

One. Two. Three. Four. The seconds were long, but her lungs had yet to hurt. Adrenline pulsing through her entire body gave her extra strength, and finally two heads emerged from the pool. Now to get out of this hell hole. Orange eyes lingered along the banks, looking for the quickest esacpe. In the water he was light, and she tugged him along where the bank was low. Back feet met land, and ripped against the earth. With two good yanks she managed to get the strange wolf out of his possible grave. She did not let go of him, she held, and pulled him further away from the water. She didn't need him freaking out and going back in. Saving him a second time would be a lost cause in her head. When she was a yard away, she released her grip. Quickly pink tongue licked round his nose and lips between her pouring pants. Come on wake up.

(This post was last modified: Mar 19, 2011, 09:58 PM by Skylah.)
Played by Siki who has 223 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kinis Tainn
<blockquote>Things went from bad to worse, as Kinis' fears about the shouting wolf seemed to come true, and he panicked as he truly believed he was going to witness another wolf die in front of him. Damn his lack of swimming ability! He might once have lived on an island made by a river, but the number of times he had crossed that boundary were extremely few. Making a note to practise swimming alongside his tracking, hunting and general survival skills, Kinis half-stood as he watched the older female perform the rescue that he should have been helping with.

It was hard to tell if the angry, shouting wolf was all right, for Kinis was too afraid to advance on them once the female had tugged them both out of the cold water. Heavily returning his rump to the ground, the boy stared, dumbfounded and terrified for both himself and the orange wolf. At least this latest drama had served to distract him from all his damnatio- oh, but crap, there he went reminding himself.</blockquote>
<center>user posted image
<i>at least... that's where I'm supposed to be...</i></center>
Played by Sarah who has 290 posts.
Inactive No Rank
<blockquote><ul>of course I don't mind. :P wouldn't want my barfbaby to drown :3</li></ul>

At first, and for a long time, there was nothing.

Then, without warning, a cough racked his body, and water surged out his mouth. The ginger beast spluttered and hacked, completely lost in a world where there was oxygen, oxygen he could breath if only there wasn't so much water. The coughing continued for such a long time he almost felt as if he would pass out again. He had risen halfway to his feet, but presently collapsed back to the ground. Gradually, his wits returned to him, and his limited senses started feeding their warped intelligence to him once more.

Where am I? His subconscious automatically supplied twenty answers. He was not in the water. He was not in heaven. He was in hell. There were heathens everywhere. There were three in the surrounding area. One was very close. What? Kiche's head swung upward in a motion that made his vision blur sickeningly. Yes, there she was, looming over him. Her accomplice, Sunny boy, had snagged him out of the pool —though where he was now, Kiche couldn't see— and now she and the boy were going to start in on him.

Snarling, Kiche leapt to his feet. Or, he tried. Once more the world before his eyes was smeared with darkness and tilted. He teetered dangerously on four unstable legs momentarily before falling back to the ground, still growling all the while. "Do NOT touch me, savage," he spluttered through ragged breaths. Why was he wasting oxygen on them? Why was Pangur wasting oxygen on him? That oxygen could very well be going to Kiche. Instead, it was going to them. "Back away now, before you feel the wrath of Pangur."</blockquote>

(This post was last modified: Mar 20, 2011, 10:42 PM by Kiche.)
[Image: Kiche-porcisig2.jpg]
like my art? comission me!
Played by Switch who has 85 posts.
Inactive No Rank
barfbaby rofl

    we are all decieving, lost, and bleeding.

The male started heaving water out of his body. She sidestepped again not to get any ick upon her. Orange eyes shifted from the brown wolf once more surprised he was still even there. But her attention soon soley focused on the ginger brute waiting for him to fully come to. Right away snarls ripped from his throat, and Skylah further placed herself away deciding the wolf she had rescued was mental and she was capable of catching the disease. The water-logged wolf didn't make it far. "Savage? I am no more savage than you dope," She grumbled, ears twisted in annoyance, and she stared coldy at the male. "Or you would be dead with the fishes!" She snarled back, tail angry sweeping threw the air. She hadn't expected thanks, maybe some kind of common sense to overcome him. Ha, guess not. He had more water in his brain apparently she did not know what to expect.

Instinctively she stepped infront of the brown male at his threat. He was silent one, but she saw no reason for him to get hurt. She didn't hold prescience, so anything could happen now. She was thinking this wolf was Pangur and he was going to attack. Or Pangur was a friend hiding in the bushes. Another wolf or something who had more control over the orange one. "Pangur? Is that your name or the foolish one you serve." She snorted, feeling the skin wrinkle atop her nose in digust. "I just saved your life, and you threaten me? Your not very nice."

Played by Siki who has 223 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kinis Tainn
<blockquote>Well, at least he wasn't dead. That was about all the solace Kinis was able to take from the situation, cut up and confused as he was. Watching blankly as the ginger wolf regained consciousness, returning swiftly to full-speed-ahead in the shouting department, Kinis just felt exhausted. It wasn't easy being the target of such unmitigated, unexplained abuse, and even though he wasn't the male's current fixation of choice, each harsh word just reminded the boy of the ones that <i>had</i> been directed at him.

The kind, heroic female's efforts would never be appreciated, and though, at some level, Kinis' mind registered the nonsensical manner in which the copper beast lashed out at his saviour, he was too absorbed in trying to understand his damnation to pay attention to the error in logic. Nothing made any real sense, and to a boy who loved answers, it was a painful situation.

<b>"Thank you,"</b> he managed to call out, dry as his mouth was, <i>thank you for rescuing me - and for rescuing him.</i> It was impossible to stand more of this. Very well prepared to skulk off somewhere dark and quiet and contemplate the condition of his soul (despite not knowing that word), the boy made a hasty and dazed retreat in the direction whence he had come.</blockquote>
<center>user posted image
<i>at least... that's where I'm supposed to be...</i></center>
Played by Sarah who has 290 posts.
Inactive No Rank


    Going to have Kiche leave too to open up some more thread space for the go wild thing. :3


How dare she accuse him of being a savage. Of all wolves, save for Aisling, he was the most pure. While he lived in a constant state of uncleanliness, these wolves thrived in their godless state of utter filth and abomination. How dare she. Anger rumbled deep through his body like a drum roll, that crescendoed with a clap of thunder, "Silence!" He wanted no more to do with these wolves, these heathens who bathed in squalor and celebrated black magic. Disgust and exasperation marred his face with deep contortions and wrinkles as he snapped his jaws in warning.

While she did take heed of his warning, she followed with stupid, ignorant, sinful questions, like was he Pangur?. She ended with an accusation for which Kiche didn't much care for. Nice? This she wolf, along with the little one, attempted to orchestrate his death, and she didn't think he was nice? He nearly choked on his rage, unsure where to begin, since there was just so much wrong with this fallen, sinful Eve. "You are despicable, you wicked, wicked creature. And you will not tempt me." He did not even notice that the other little heathen had left.

For once, he found that his joints gave way to his will. Angrily, full of holy thoughts of condemnation in every step, Kiche walked away.</blockquote>

[Image: Kiche-porcisig2.jpg]
like my art? comission me!
Played by Switch who has 85 posts.
Inactive No Rank
ooc;works for me. excuse the bad end here.
    we are all decieving, lost, and bleeding.

The brown wolf nice enough to utter a thanks. Sky took it kindly, ushering him a soft look before he dissapeared. Maybe he would be alright she tried to tell herself. He was away from the mental case. Which by the way seemed even more angry, than anything. Skylah stood her ground, hackles raised letting him get whatever out of his system. She had no more words for him, she didn't need to waste any more breaths on the fool. She stood alone as he cussed and fumed away.

"Lovely," she mumbled to herself thinking she would never leave the mountain again. Wanting to be out of this scene, erase it. She drifted away to, back up the hill whence she'd came.