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superman-in-training — Bramble Falls 
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Played by Siki who has 223 posts.
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Kinis Tainn
<blockquote>Mind still whirring with thoughts of sinning and ancestors and eternal damnation, Kinis fought to calm himself. He would get no answers here, and though that didn't stop him obsessing over it, he just had to stop. His soul might have been the subject of great divine scrutiny, but his body was more at risk now.

Staring into the cool water, Kinis marvelled at the clear, warm sky reflected in the pool. It was truly beginning to feel like spring, and it couldn't have come any sooner; winter would forever remind Kinis of loneliness and being a fool. All his childish excitement for snow and blankets of white had been swiftly destroyed. Tilting his head, his amber eyes finally happened to glance into themselves, and he was no longer able to ignore his own reflected image.

He saw a coward, but at least it was a coward trying to get over his fear. Purposefully creating a determined expression, just in the hopes that the sight of himself looking brave would fool him into believing it. Swallowing hard, he lifted his gaze to stare at the waterfall and felt a shiver of terror at its sheer power, seeing it as a beautiful, inexplicable monster in the otherwise harmless pool. The water was deepest near the waterfall... where he was most afraid to go. Going near that thing was just asking to be pushed underneath and drowned.

Clenching his jaw to prevent his teeth from chattering - <i>it wasn't even cold!</i> - the boy carefully, slowly stood, and took a step forwards. His paw took a mere moment to adjust to the cold water, and then he felt fine. His brow creasing, Kinis closed his eyes. He could do this! Moving forwards before he could convince himself that it was a bad idea -<i> it was a bad idea! it was a bad idea!</i> - all four paws submerged, and he managed to reach his elbow before running out of courage. Shivering ever so slightly, though not quite because of the chill from the water, Kinis stared at the reflection of himself and could not help but think that he looked ridiculous.

He just had to remember that he was doing this out of a desire to be useful, talented, <i>strong</i>. No longer would he have to sit by and watch other people do the saving. First hunting, then bears, then drowning - he was just a lump, feeding from others' kindness and ability. No longer! Coming around to fighting bears might take a little more time, but here, now, he could try to do this. Closing his eyes, the boy took another deep breath, and prepared to take the plunge.

Dashing forwards, water droplets flying everywhere in his wake, Kinis' legs quickly failed to touch the rocky ground and for a moment he was floating - but then panic and inexperience overwhelmed him and he became no better than the wolf he had almost watched drown. Spluttering and fighting to keep his head afloat, Kinis' instincts and powerful desire for survival were all that kept him from succumbing to the alien sensation of being enveloped by the water.

Becoming a hero was no simple task, it seemed.</blockquote>
<center>user posted image
<i>at least... that's where I'm supposed to be...</i></center>
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
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Triell Tainn
There must be an invisible magnet to the pool that had this tug on the lad. He visited this place more than any other, and knew it almost as well as home. He wasn't sure what really attracted him. The towering water falls, the large pool, or the swimming fish who couldn't run to far. He liked it no doubt, and once again his paws had carried him to the familiar setting. The rushing roar of the falls dominant in his cupped ears. He breathed deep thinking maybe it was the scent of the water, and coolness he liked so much.

Ambling along he knew where his favorite perch was. He should have known he would not be alone. Whenever he showed up here there was bound to always be another. Who should it be, but Kinis! Triell was fully taken back with surpise, he had to do a double take at the wet head bobbing along. It was surely his mild sibling in the water, and struggling.

"Kinis!" He yelled running forward to the deep water. He remembered how he'd worried about Ozera drowning, and this, thinking Kinis might drown had him gripped with real fear. He was not afraid to react, he had no instant to double think. He scrambled over the rock and into the water, and slowly swam closer to his brother. Though he kept in his mind to stay out of his reach just then. "Hey, relax bro. You relax you can float on top of the water. I won't let you go under." Calmly he said, his own front limbs cutting threw smoothly through the water, feeling weightless in it's grip.

He had a lot of questions running threw his head; like why Kinis was in the pool, if he had ever swimmed, and what he was thinking right now. Orange eyes remained upon him, and a steady smile trying to encourage his brother he was okay. Anyone could float, jsut as good as anyone could drown. It was how the reaction, if you were cool or freaked what determined your fate. Hopefully Kinis' reaction would be fagacious.

(This post was last modified: Apr 01, 2011, 03:43 PM by Triell.)
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Played by Siki who has 223 posts.
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Kinis Tainn
<blockquote>What kind of hero needed to be saved? Fortunately, such mildly existential questions were, for once, not at the fore of Kinis' mind, for there was far too much necessity to pay attention to his physical surroundings and on not, say, dying. When his name rang out, he almost believed himself to be the source, so great was his panic and lack of self-control. But no, that was foolish, and the thrashing boy managed to distract himself from his predicament just long enough to see a wonderfully familiar black shape hurtle towards him, and the recognition was instant. He was rescued!

... well, not quite. To his dismay, Triell did not instantly tug him free of the cold, treacherous water, but instead offered words of wisdom that took several moments to sink in. Kinis had all but forgotten his reason for even being there in the first place; it was only thanks to his brother's calm expertise, and the sharing of said experience, that reminded him. Oh, right. Taking a deep breath (who knew when the water would suck him down and he'd never taste the air again) he tried to <i>relax</i>, even though relaxing seemed like the very last sensible thing to do. If he stopped moving, he'd sink like a stone! Still, Triell were there as living proof, not immobile but simply calm, and Kinis' movements reduced a fraction in their franticness as he tried to both observe his brother's movements and concentrate on his own. At least the panic was subsiding; he was safe, now, cruelly safe, for though the water had him in its clutches, help was merely a doggy paddle away.

<b><i>"Triell,"</i></b> he gasped, in that way people do when they are afraid and need to say something but nothing obvious comes to hand. His hind legs pumped away, five times the speed of Triell's and yet with half the outcome. <b>"How the - how are you supposed to do this?!"</b></blockquote>
<center>user posted image
<i>at least... that's where I'm supposed to be...</i></center>
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
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Triell Tainn
Triell effortlessly treaded the water, neither moving foward or back just keeping in the same spot. Shifting his his limbs in rhythem through the cold liquid. Swimming just came natuarl to him, or maybe he just didn't succumb to fear. Either way he could see Kinis was trying to relax and not having the best of luck. Ears fell back, and lifted his eyes shiftin' wondering if he should just pull Kinis out of the water. It was silly to try to swim if he was scared. "I'll pull you out if you want. Just say the word" He spoke with a steady voice when Kinis called his name. He hoped that assurance might further help his brother's efforts. The last thing he wanted was to make this worse, he figured Kinis had gotten in the water for a reason. Maybe he hadn't but when his mouth went to open to speak, he closed it when Kinis opened his.

He had to think for a moment, how to explain this. He didn't really about what motions he was doing, he just did them. He wanted Kinis to suceed. How to explain it. "Honestly? Just picture like your running threw thick grass. Move you left legs forward and back at the same time. -with your right going oppisite. Do it smoothly, not stiff. I guess I think swimming's like floating threw the air...who know what flying might be like." He gave an impish smile, and his ears turned back. It sounded silly outloud, but maybe it would help. Slowly he paddled round Kinis watching his efforts. To Triell the trick was not to think you could drown. Once that was settled, he could enjoy himself.

(This post was last modified: Apr 01, 2011, 03:43 PM by Triell.)
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
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Played by Siki who has 223 posts.
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Kinis Tainn
<blockquote>Pull him out? No, no - as much as Kinis felt terrified right down to his bones, he didn't want to just flee from it. Triell had inadvertently reminded him of his purpose here, and to give up would entirely defeat the purpose! Did he want to go through so much torment for nothing? No! Not quite able to spare time for words just at that moment, Kinis was only able to reply to that offer with a rapid shake of the head, though at some small level he was afraid even that movement would encourage the water to claim him just a little bit more. He might have felt somewhat comforted by Triell's expert presence, but doubt was beginning to seep in; what if his brother wasn't able to swim well enough for two?!

Whereas Triell thought nothing of his possible death, Kinis was hardly capable of seeing anything but. The explanation offered made sense on a logical, systematic level, but Kinis was swiftly departing from Sense Station and was inbound on Blind Panic town. Taking a deep breath of air (when would it be his last?!) he kicked out with his left hind leg, and then a moment later, almost as an afterthought, his left foreleg moved too - but that wasn't right, he was out of sync, and with a surprised gurgle he went under for just a split second.

Instincts kicking in hard, he managed to pull himself up so that his gasping, air-desperate head was strained above the water, he quickly relapsed into foolish, non-careful motions. At least his body had saved him when it counted. Breathing carefully, his eyes closed and he tried to remember what he had done (without focusing on the whole nearly-drowned bit) and his actions calmed a fraction. <b>"This is stupid and unnatural and<i> you are a freak,</i>"</b> he muttered, but Triell would know him too well than to take offence. His jealousy of his brother's ease was all too clear.</blockquote>
<center>user posted image
<i>at least... that's where I'm supposed to be...</i></center>
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
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Triell Tainn
He was somewhat surprised Kinis didn't take him on his offer. Thrilled wouldn't be the word for his bobbing in the water. Black head nodded saying he understood. Kinis was trying to learn to swim, wanted to do this. Who was Triell to stop him? He didn't want too, and a part of him was glad to see his mild brother testing himself. He was glad Borlla was no where near here, or even knew Kinis was back. Well and Triell he felt better knowing he was here, incase something happened. He couldn't guarentee Kinis wouldn't gulp in some water, but surely he could keep him from staying under. Wasn't that better than conquering this feat alone?

Treading in place, orange eyes were attentive watching as Kinis tried so hard to relax. A little too hard, really. Triell remained quiet, not sure what he further might say to help. Mostly fearing he could make this worse. When Kinis' head submerged Triell let out a gasp, and quickly went to retrieve him. Before he made much of a move his brother head popped out once more. He did not utter a word, while his brother strived for air. Triell had done that plenty of times, he knew it wasn't pleasant. And honestly he felt bad for Kinis, and so he really wanted him to suceed. He just didn't know what he was missing. What he could do to help.A grin pushed up the corner of the black lad's lips, knowing no harm was meant by the words. Triell couldn't help but laugh at them really. "That may be." He paddled a little closer to him, still fully grinning. "But your trying to hard. It is natural. Stop thinking about it so much." As if to prove a point, he dog paddled out to the open water, (staying clear of the falls), and to the edge oppisite of Kinis. He stopped, treading the water in place. Then he gave him a look, one that said it's your turn.

(This post was last modified: Apr 01, 2011, 03:42 PM by Triell.)
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
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Played by Siki who has 223 posts.
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Kinis Tainn
<blockquote>The epitome of calm and controlled, Triell only caused Kinis' envy to burn brighter. He had lived to a stupid river his whole life, and couldn't even swim properly?! <i>This</i> was why it was good to 'get out of the house' more. Continuing to grumble quietly as Triell contradicted him and gave yet another piece of very good advice - imagine something becoming <i>easier</i> when you stop thinking about it! - Kinis didn't quite anticipate his brother's next move.

A short, sharp yelp of protest was his initial reaction to his only life line abandoning him. How could he! Somewhere under the panic, Kinis knew exactly what Triell was trying to achieve, but it was so hard to stop thinking and all he could see was his safety net moving further away and out of reach! There was no way that Triell would be able to save him now, not if he succumbed! Any reassurance that he wouldn't die was efficiently and brutally stripped away, and Kinis was left with the blurry, distressingly distant image of his brother (he wasn't that far away, not really, but he may as well have been on the other side of the mountain), teasing him, egging him on to just <i>get on with it and grow up</i>.

One two, one two, and he tried to focus on absolutely nothing but kicking his legs, but wait, which order did Triell suggest again? Any semblance of order and rhythm to his movements quickly vanished as he doubted himself and thus was the reason for his own failings. His head dipped and water splashed into his eyes - but he wouldn't close them, no, no, if he did it was all over! - and then he lurched forwards, but any joy he should have felt at successfully moving was quickly undermined by the unpleasant and sudden inhalation of a small amount of water.

Choking as hot white panic overwhelmed him, Kinis disappeared again, but, this time, failed to resurface immediately afterwards.</blockquote>
<center>user posted image
<i>at least... that's where I'm supposed to be...</i></center>
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
Triell did not see Kinis' envy. He was oblivious to it really. He never once thought he was better than any of his siblings. Or anyone else. Maybe things seemed to come easier, but he had spent a lot of his time praticing very such things as swimming. There was too much time in a day for him to be happy merely soaking up the sun. He supposed he was just lucky enough to have time to do those things. Instead of struggling every day for saftey, and food. And now he truelly did see, that this was not easy for his brother. This was a struggle, and maybe he wouldn't get the hang of it. At least not today, Triell made a silent promise to see too it Kinis could one day swim without trouble.He heard the yelp, and brows deeply wrinkled across his bright gaze. He hadn't realized how scared his sibling was, it was evident he really thought he would die. Triell was in limbo wondering if he should pull him out, and end the lesson for Kinis' sanity. There was the drive to help reach a goal that spoke other wise.

For a moment Triell thought his plan had worked, and tawny wolf moved closer, much more smoothly. Triell smiled, encouraging him. All it takes is a tiny thing to tip the scales, and once Kinis started thinking about his motion it seemed that was it he launched himself, but he didn't really propel forward, and he vanished into the water. Inhaling a gulp of air, Triell pushed off the side of rock and dove nose first underneath for his brother. There had been some distance, but a few paddles Kinis was in his reach. Mindful not to puncture he grabbed a roll of fur at his brother's nape, and pulled. Powerful strokes cut against the dark, pulling them both above into the open. Triell grasped what air he could threw the side of open lips. He had a death grip on his brother, and started paddling for dry land.

(This post was last modified: Apr 01, 2011, 03:42 PM by Triell.)
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
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Played by Siki who has 223 posts.
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Kinis Tainn
<blockquote>Somehow, a few moments after slipping under, Kinis' terror gave way to a numb acceptance. He quickly realised that he was helpless and unable to pull himself free, so, as he stared unseeingly through the murderous waters around him, his movements had finally calmed. He didn't want to die, but putting up a fight only made it worse. A stream of bubbles escaped his jaws as his lungs tightened and mourned their fate.

Surely he would not be so lucky as to earn a rescue, and the feeling of jaws on his scruff was all a figment of his imagination. More air left his lungs as he weakly protested being tugged under, because he no longer knew which way was up and down and therefore all ways were down, and it didn't matter that the pool wasn't really <i>that</i> deep because it was plenty deep enough. Positive that he was dying, Kinis struggled in vain until the last moment, when suddenly his body became heavy and the rough, wet earth ground hard against his side, the sensation of tugging on his neck all the stronger.

A fit of coughs heralded his return to dry land, his body automatically expelling any small amount of water that he had managed to inhale. Confused, Kinis thrashed a little in a re-awakening of his energy, only to roll onto his other side, and when he opened his sore eyes and saw Triell.

Realisation hit him harder than the new wave of coughing. Shame and embarrassment smothered him just as quickly as the water had, only they would not swiftly kill him and thus could be considered worse. Struggling to get on his front again, his tail and hindlegs still dipped in the very shallowest parts of the pool, he met Triell's eyes with an expression full of gratitude and humiliation. <b>"Yeah, I totally have that down,"</b> he muttered sarcastically, ears flicking back as his gaze dropped. <b>"...Thanks, Tri."</b></blockquote>
<center>user posted image
<i>at least... that's where I'm supposed to be...</i></center>
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
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Triell Tainn
Thank goodness Triell was larger than he'd once been or he would not have been able to pull Kinis along, especially with his partial struggle till they met land. A whine groaned from his throat, worried. Away from the water black lad released, ready to tend to his brother. Kinis was already at work spurting out water, and he breathed a huge sigh of relief. Standing like guard, he waited to be sure the sides of the tawny coat were rising and falling.

Triell dodged Kinis' panicked moves, another highp itched whine calling from his throat. All the more his yellow tinted eyes not leaving his brother's face. Kinis was a trooper and manged to grasp reality. He was on land now, mostly. But a fit of coughs drove out, and anxious Triell licked round his brother's wet cheeks. Once he tried to stand, he stood by for support.

Shame was clear in the other Tainn's young features. A longer whine invoked as right then he was loss for words. Gracefully he stepped closer to drooped head, and softly nudged at his brother's jaw. "Kinis, you'll get it. Do you think I've never bobbed under?" He gave a light chuckle, nudging him once more, and looking to him grinning. Trying to get him to look up.

(This post was last modified: Apr 01, 2011, 03:41 PM by Triell.)
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
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