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along the river — Swift River 
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Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn
Mandatory pack gathering for all Swift River members. :D It's pretty informal, just a get together, so no need for srs faces. (:

Posting order will match the order of the first round (e.g. stick to the same order you replied in the first time), and... prompt posting please! Aim to all reply by the 30th, and avoid posting tables (blockquote etc is fine) to keep the thread clean.

This threads' Weather: Partly cloudy, with sun — Temperature: 30° F/-1° C

The afternoon sun peeked through the clouds and shone strongly through the Sacred Grove, it's rays causing the already enticing waters of the swiftly flowing river to glisten pleasantly and cast their reflections around the small clearing at the pack den. The usual white blanket was cast along the ground, covering up the green grass that the Leader found himself missing and he yearned for the time when the sun's beams were strong enough to start melting the snow that he was so tired of. Yet it did not dampen Indru's cheerful demeanour — something that had remained in full force since his and Corinna's momentous time on the mountain — and he smiled good naturedly as he snuffled through the snow around the main pack den, tracing the scents of who had passed recently. Both his brother and his mate's scents drew his attention the greatest and his tail waved at the surge of affection he felt for them both before he went off in search for the familiar smells of the others who called this place home.

Any successful pack had to work as a unit, supporting and defending their home and each other, and the most successful packs were the closest bonded. Now winter was gradually losing it icy grip to spring it felt fitting to Indru to gather the pack, something that had not been done in a while. Swift River had experienced a fair number of changes lately and Indru felt that it would do them all good to gather together again, strengthening their bonds. With the two leading wolves now mated it made sense that the pack would expect pups and Indru felt tremors of excitement whisper down his spine at the very thought of newborn pups — his pups — back in their pack lands again. Pulling away from the main den Indru stepped towards the centre of the clearing, pausing to raise his nose into the air and scent it lightly before flinging his head back, letting his howl roll out along the lands and call the Swift River wolves to him.

Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata

Gone Tomorrow

Ears perked up, and instantly the she-wolf's head rose off her paws as she listened to the summoning cry of her mate. Grinning, the female lead hoisted herself up from her lounging position. Her restlessness that had plagued her these past few weeks had finally been eased, by the male who's dominating voice was filling the skies right now. Of course, the call wasn't strictly for Corinna, but as she lay there listening, she remembered how his voice had sounded as he had proposed the question. The question that had drastically changed the course of their lives.

Setting off in the direction of the call, body came to life, carrying her swiftly over the snow. The vast majority of it had begun to melt, but there was still some that clung to the earth, refusing to let go. As spring progressed though, and was soon eclipsed by summer, the snow would fade completely and life would return to Relic Lore. Having not been too far from the origin of the call, the creme and gray colored female emerged rather quickly after Indru's howl ended. He had called the meeting right outside the main den, and Cori cast her glance towards it, wandering if soon her own pups would be born inside that den. But turning her attention away, she approached the alpha male of Swift River. "Hello," she said cheerfully, tail wagging as she approached. Smiling at him, she dipped her lithe muzzle under his, nuzzling the loose fur of his throat. Both an act of submission and of love, she pulled away, and sat down beside him. Far enough away as to give him space, but close enough that when others arrived, it would be obvious that something had transpired here, something that they needed to take notice of.

Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
For a change the young Tainn was minding his business and staying at home. Knowing Weldering was alive and well he wasn't keen on meeting the jackass any time soon. Triell hadn't much cared for him, but now well the gray wolf had it all conjured out how Triell was in the wrong, and he scoff free of his own crimes. Maybe that's what had him so aggrivated to the core by him. First he had tried to help Ioni in taking over which he acted oblivous too. Then there was attacking Indru, and himself for dumb cause, and last attacking Triell again without real provication but his last name. All the while pretending he was the good one. Jaws clamped in his own disgust. Triell was coming to loathe, despise him beyond anything he'd felt. One day he wanted to hurt that dumb wolf, and rub his face in his own mess. But there was no way to fix plain stupid, and arrogant. He was infuriated now, thinking about him how he didn't want to leave Swift River and he hated him all the more!

Mad as he was he was patting at the wisps of snow, disturbing all the white he could the first time in a long time his mood dampened. He was grumbling cursings, and swatting the blanket from a fallen log when his brother's dominating note carried through the air. A meeting, Indru was calling a meeting. Triell breathed in a fresh scent of cold air from the grove. Wasn't doing him any good being mad, and he much hated it controling him. What would Ozera think of her "prince charming" if he showed up all angry? He didn't think anyone would be impressed, and he stood for a dozen minutes. Trying to calm himself, push aside this new hatred. He didn't feel all better, more so than he was he pushed himself into a fast run. This rapid motion did the trick. He had to focus on the landscape, choose his direction carefully. By the time he reached his brother, and Cori the lad was in a different mood. Happy not quite, more curious and neutral. Ears perked upon he saw how much closer the two familiars of his life sat. Black lids blinked against his orange gaze, and he exchanged looks from one to the other. He was not rude, and strolled closer with his head bowed in respect. Rather quietly he took a seat across from Indru's view.
(This post was last modified: Apr 04, 2011, 09:45 PM by Triell.)
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Siki who has 301 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Marsh Barrew
<blockquote>It was high time the pack got together as a whole, and thus Marsh approved greatly when he heard the rallying call. Even if he had been previously occupied, that his leader demanded his presence took precedence above all else, and as such the copper wolf made haste to the pack den.

Upon arrival, he took pause only to carefully note who was already gathered. They were all those he knew, and as such felt content in being fully aware of his relative position. Triell, the younger Tainn whom Marsh had taken a distinct liking to, was the only other lower-rank present. As such, Marsh's attention immediately clicked to the two leaders, his tail offering a wag of content greeting as he approached both in turn in order to place a submissive kiss on their chins.

Retreating, and keeping his gaze below their own, he sat only a short distance from Triell (offering the boy a glance and dip of the muzzle as acknowledgement) and waited. Though he did not feel any need to second-guess his leaders or the purpose of the gathering, he wondered if Corinna's pregnancy had anything to do with it.</blockquote>
Played by Bryony who has 489 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Borlla Tainn-Argyris
She didn't want to be here. Swift River. Wandering into a situation that she didn't want to face. She'd have to see Indru and that stupid female, Carmen or whatever her name was. But she couldn't bring herself to just walk away without making some sort of show first. She hadn't even talked to Indru, probably since he'd returned. It had been so happy then. How had it all gone down hill so quickly? The winter was beginning to clear, at the temperature was comfortable, at least for the girl. She sighed, watching the steam drift into the air.

Slowly, she padded through the trees, slowly making her way to her brother. She wasn't far off, already beginning to see the small group that had already congregated. Borlla stopped before she reached them, still a distance away from Indru at the head. But she could see him, and the girl. They looked so happy. It made her sick, or maybe sad. Spring. Oh god, spring. Her eyes temporarily widened before she sat, half of beam of sun casted over her and she appreciated its warming presence. <b style="color:#32527a">"speech."

Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention
Played by Sarah who has 142 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ozera Ahote

To be frank, it was kind of embarrassing to be the last one to show up. Ozera tried not to let it get to her, but she was perhaps a little worried of what her her leaders would think of her punctuality. Over the years, living a tumbleweed life spiced with wanderlust, her understanding of the concept of time had slowly unraveled. It could also have something to do with her age, although she would never ever admit to that. Her sixth birthday was fast approaching, and thus far she figured she was doing a pretty good job ignoring it entirely. Or not.

It was trains of thought such as these, rambling iron horses of irrelevance that loosened her grip on reality and time, lately. Consumed in her introverted lifestyle, she had only barely caught the wisps of Indru's summoning howl, and even then, her short term memory struggled with keeping the message a priority in her tumultuous mind. She would begin head back to the den site, stepping nimbly alongside the riverbed. Then, her eyes would snag on a fish. The harder she fought this net of distractions, the more entangled she became, and pretty soon her legs were caught and her pace was slowed.

Pack. Meeting! her subconscious shouted after finally managing to break through to the surface. Washed with chagrin, Ozera shook her head dismissively and finally closed the distance between herself and her pack members. It did not help that all of them were already there. Even though he rank might have warranted her more dignity, she decided it was better to compensate for her tardiness with some overcompensation. Slinking through the small congregation, she made her way towards Indru noting that he seemed suspiciously close to Corinna. However, she could hardly be surprised. She was unsure of the relationship they had, but she figured that at the very least... as the alpha pair, there was some sort of obligation on their part to produce offspring. But was there something else? Something was in the air, a sparkling effervescence that brought a smile to the corners of Ozera's worn, mottled face as she greeted both Corinna and Indru with a customary chin-lick. "Sorry," she mumbled to them, although she was still smiling. With that, she took several steps backwards, and, seeing Triell, decided to take up a piece of earth beside him.</blockquote>

(This post was last modified: Mar 31, 2011, 02:10 AM by Ozera.)
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn
Good job on replying in time guys. (: Posting order: Indru → Corinna → Triell → Marsh → Borlla → Ozera.
Next round ends: April 7th (I will replying on this day as I am absence for a week from the 8th onwards).

As Indru lowered his head from his howl Cori almost seemed to materialise in front of him and her graceful approach caused a grin to break across his muzzle, his tail waving behind him showing his pleasure at her arrival. Indru stayed sitting as he watched her close the gap between them and he soon felt her push her way against his chest, and it was clear that the movement was just not in submission. Hello to you, he whispered to her with a longing drawl in his voice as he dropped his head to groom the soft whispers of fur around the base of her ears with a loving affection, his pink tongue dampening the fur there. She broke away then and a quiet, breathy whine broke the silence, barely audible, and he nipped seductively at her hip as she walked by, eyes following her with a heated gaze until he met hers when she sat beside him. Later, his eyes and his grin spoke before he managed to pull his attention ahead, electricity humming in the small gap between them.

It did not take long for his young brother to join them and Triell's curious glance between them did not go unnoticed and Indru replied with a smile that he could only just stop turning into a toothy grin at his brother. Triell dipped his body in small sign of submission and Indru was reminded that it would not be long until his younger brother would be a member of the adult ranks where the expected submission levels in meetings like these would increase, but for now it was enough for the pup. Lifting his nose to the air slightly Indru inhaled gently and took pleasure from the familiar scents of both Corinna and Triell before he nostrils flared and his lips curled back as a low snarl bubbled in his throat as the scent that marred Triell's fur. Weldering? Indru rose to his feet as his eyes and nose both searched Triell's body for any other signs the male may have left upon his younger brother, what did he want? A growl underlined the question but Indru knew Triell would know who it was meant for and it was only the fact that Weldering had spilt no blood of his brother that he could calm enough to wait an answer, hiding the anger that burned in his throat at the thought of this male. The tension in his posture dropped slightly just before Marsh arrived, his tail waving and his body dipped in a satisfying manner to Indru as he approached them. The male placed a submissive lick on the base of his muzzle and in turn Indru dropped the weight of it onto Marsh's briefly in acceptance and watched as he turned to Corinna before taking his seat near Triell.

The youngest female Tainn arrived next and Indru frowned lightly as he saw her discomfort or annoyance at being here, even more so when she sat away from them with no inclination in either his or Corinna's way, she was old enough to know better. Borlla, he called to her, a slight sternness to his voice as he beckoned her closer, hoping that this too would correct her into some sign of submission and he was pleased that she was not coated in the stink of Weldering too. Not long after Ozera arrived and Indru's tail waved lightly, pleased that she was recovering so well, before she too approached a placed a submissive and respectful lick to his chin. She sat near Triell and he offered her a nod before turning his attention back to his brother once more, eager to find out the full story of what Weldering had done now.

(This post was last modified: Apr 03, 2011, 11:08 PM by Indru.)
Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata

Gone Tomorrow

Indru's husky voice was not lost on the female leader, and she giggled at him, batting a single creme color paw his way. His caresses were pleasurable, and Cori let her green eyes meet her fiery ones, smiling at him. His nip to her hip made her chuckle, and she whirled about to face him, snapping her teeth playfully towards his muzzle. Later indeed.

One by one they came, eager to answer the call of their leader. Well, maybe eager was not the right word. Not all of the wolves who appeared seemed particularly pleased to be there. Triell was the first to arrive, and Cori's tail beat a happy rhythm on the ground in greeting. She had grown found of the ebony furred youth, after they had spent that afternoon going beaver hunting. Besides that, he was now her brother in law - somebody that she knew she had to please if she wanted to truly become one of the Tainn's. But it seemed that there was a problem amiss, as Indru immediately took offense to a scent that lingered on Triell's fur. Weldering. The name caught Corinna's attention, and she stored it away for safe keeping. She would ask Indru later what this stranger had done to offend him so. But before she could do much more, the others began to arrive. Marsh was next, and she accepted his act of submission with ease, giving him the faintest of smiles. But her attention was diverted, concerned with the doings of Indru and Triell. This pack meeting had barely started, and already she was confused. Wolves were slinking in one by one, and while most came to recognize their leader, one did not. Though before she could say anything, Indru's stern voice addressed the one rebel, his younger sister, Borlla.

So much activity was making her nervous, and she was afraid that it showed on her face. But she pulled herself together. She needed to show those gathered around her that she was fit to be a leader along side Indru. Besides, she had good news to share with them. Rising to her feet, she stepped closer to Indru and nudged his flank with her nose to get his attention, before she stepped forward, hopefully drawing attention to herself as she opened her mouth to speak. "Hello everyone... glad you all could make it," Cori began, her voice breaking once before she pulled herself in to gather her nerves. "We called you here because we have an announcement to make. This summer, Swift River will be having pups." It might have been an odd choice of words, Swift River as opposed to she and Indru but in Cori's mind, it was a pack effort to raise puppies successfully. "Ozera, Borlla, I do hope that you will help me with pup sitting once they arrive." Her gaze drifted to the other two females of the pack, and she wagged her tail momentarily, hoping to win their support in this. Regardless of whatever else happened, she needed her pack's support.

Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
<blockquote>Triell caught Indru's grin, and it made him all the more confused. But he smiled back, not be able to keep his down mood long. Silently he waited for the others to arrive. He knew there had to be more, and exchanged a small smile with his leaders before turning his attention around him. Indru found Weldering's scent, and Triell was not smiling any more. Holding back his own growl he replied indifferently,"He wasn't around Swift River. I was exploring along the mountain when he decided he wanted to stick it to me." He wanted to be clear the male hadn't been around here again, and Triell was sure his intentions were only to get pathetic revenge for that one time. Which Triell doubted would ever change. Triell shrugged his shoulders, "I'm fine Indru. He didn't get a hold me too bad." He did not meet his brother's eyes, his own anger at edge in his throat. And what he as trying hard to surpress.

Marsh was the next to come on the scene and it was clear Cori and Indru were equals by his greetings. This had the lad's attention. There was something more the boy realized, but he was unfamiliar with it. His parents had been the only couple he'd known. He'd understood that, but his elder siblings had never had a mate, it was a new world he was to understand. Thinking Cori and Indru as such boggled his mind. What did this mean, and he saw both in a completely different light. Though it was a good thing right? Cori was much more his sister, his family now? Quietly shifted his nose down to Marsh in greeting, his mind much caught up in this new dynamic. Surpisingly Borlla showed up next looking neither wonderful nor directly miserable. He let his eyes meet hers once, but Ozera came and his black tail beat across the ground happy to see her doing much, better. Indru beckoned his sister closer, and a low, short whine followed wishing she would join them.

Cori's cream and gray form shifted, and Triell placed his orange eyes unto her. He smiled, his tail swiping the ground wondering what the official news would be. It wasn't entirely what he expected, so there was surprise to his face. Puppies. Indru and Cori were going to have puppies. Whoa!
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Siki who has 301 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Marsh Barrew
<blockquote>It was interesting to finally have visual proof of Borlla's presence; Marsh had quickly recognised her scent upon his acceptance, for almost half of his past interaction with this pack was due to her. She had grown significantly, but somehow seemed... less lively. He had not stared upon her arrival - though as her superior he was within his rights to do so - but it was a shame that such a spirited youngster was so sulky and distant.

The other pack female arrived soon after, showing submission that her younger equivalent had not (Indru at least had offered her a cold acknowledgement in return) and thus the pack was gathered. Marsh had not noticed Triell's surprise at learning Corinna's rank, but when the matter of an impending litter was predictably announced, the younger Tainn's expression gave it all away for a second time. Though he was glad for the news, for a new generation would do the pack a world of good, it was exasperating how dulled these <i>thoughtful</i> wolves were. He would not be surprised to see such shock in all their faces, ignorant of their own noses as they were. Ah well, he would not hold it against them; at least they had their words to remind each other what their senses could already tell them!

Inclining his head in quiet congratulation and respect, Marsh's eyes then narrowed slightly when Corinna implied that she only required and desired female assistance. Well, if she wanted it thus, he would not disobey, but Marsh also was a ready and willing guardian if they only needed it of him. And, surely, they would; it demanded the attention of an entire pack to raise future offspring, did it not?</blockquote>