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What is This Place? — The Wildwood 
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Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
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OOC: Post Prompt for Hunting! Mwahaha.. Saved the best for last.. Teehee. Anyone can join. :D Also..Hidden Tree.. hehe. Also sporting injuries from the fox bites..but nothing severe. XD

She had to go back.. to see them.. find out if Raigo had gone home or not. But her perseverance told her to explore down the river branch she had found just..to make sure.. to see if she could get anything of his scent. Though, Vlarindara was beginning to think Raigo had just..completely gone missing.. Even left Relic Lore. The thought alone almost drew a whine from the female..but she had to keep going....Keep looking to find him. Or to prove to herself that he simply didn't live here anymore. Though if he had moved off or gotten killed, she wasn't sure she'd ever know. A chilling thought; one that was washed away by the cracking of brush and water splashing near by. Instinctively, she crouched in the snow and watched, waiting for whatever it was making the noises to show itself.

The crashing continued, and Vlarindara moved forward, using both the snow and some of the dried reeds along the river bank for cover. She'd caught nothing from the small hare she'd found before having been..outwitted by a fox.. but knew that if she could just get...well.. something.. she would be fine. Granted, her coat may have lost its rather healthy shine in her constant movement of travel, but she wasn't near as thin as she had been upon coming to Relic Lore. Not at all. In fact, while she had lost a bit of winter fat, her ribs were still well hidden.. despite the occasional hunger pangs. Ignoring such things, she continued moving through the brush and muck before the young moose came into sight. Aha...so that's what was making all the ruckus. It seemed fairly small.. with neither antler nor sheer..mass of the older elk.

Despite being incredebly hungry, Vlarindara silently weighed her choices...and chances of managing the thing. She knew that she couldn't eat the entire thing herself, nor could she drag the carcass somewhere.. it was full grown. She thought. just not filled out ...skinny even. Perhaps the winter had been hard on the poor thing. With all of her attention on the creature, or rather despite it..her mind was working at a rather scary pace. Weighing the small injury to her foot, adding up the slight detriment to her speed it might cause..any number of things really.. But they all decided to give it a go. What's the worst that could happen? It would get away..

A roll of her shoulders assured her that the toughened skin over her shoulderblades was limbered up and ready to go. Yep.. A test movement of her injured paw told her that it, to was ready to go and would only slow her down a smidge. Now..she just had to wait. Her mother had told her once that elk could swim.. but she had an idea for this one.. It had been something she'd seen her pack do once.. Keep the creature in the water until it was simply too tired to do much more. Though.. it would be easier if there were more wolves than just her to keep the thing in.. A soft breath, a heartbeat and she began moving forwards. The elk, she knew would be fast, easily able to outrun her if it had the chance.. but in water, it was just as slow as she would be.. well.. a little faster. Vlarindara waited, crouched in the reeds as the thing looked around warily.

Drink, you stupid thing!!! If she could get behind it while it had its head down, she might be able to hamstring it..or at the very least cause some kind of injury to the thing that might slow it down enough to catch. Thankfully.. she was long legged, not just bulky....Though if she'd been male, less naturally streamlined, the size might have slowed her down tremendously..There! Finally.. It had lowered its head to drink and Vlarindara moved a bit faster, keeping as quiet as she could. While she was no cat, she felt she was..fairly practiced. Closer... Closer..Almoostt...Its head came up, and she froze biting back the snarl that wanted to escape her throat. Drat! Remaining stock still, she waited for it to lower its head again, but it didn't.. instead choosing to wander south along the riverbank. Little did it know, that a wolf was slinking along behind it. Vlarindara had seen how shallow the river was here.. and knew that if she ran it into the water, *she* would be the one to slow down, not the moose.

At first, it had seemed a bit wary, as if it had sensed her, but the wind had yet to shift and carry her scent towards the thing.. so eventually it had calmed itself and begun foraging here and there, but mostly just walking. Vlarindara was about to give up the hunt when it moved a ways into the forest.. a burnt forest it seemed like before beginning to move farther. Burnt, charred trees... an acrid smell that burned her nose and lungs just inhaling it. She knew that the ground beneath the snow covering was most likely nothing but ash and soot though in her lifetime, she'd been fortunate enough not to see any of the fires other wolves talked about in tales. What..just where was this thing going? At least there was still snow here..Despite all of her instincts telling her to stop and call off the hunt, she kept going.. There was wolf scent here..but it was old - no new territories. Besides.. If this moose had a bed of sorts, she might be able to find it and take it down when it was laying down. Just what WAS this place?

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Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
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Triell Tainn
Being very close to where he'd been born, and avoiding it like some kind of plague the young Tainn decided he needed to visit Hidden Tree. If he were to die tomorrow that would have been his one regret. He hadn't felt compelled to visit it, today there was a tugging on him to go there. He needed to see where he had first opened his eyes, give silent respect to his parents, and think about them. The little memories he had, he never ever wanted to forget of Rihael and Lani Tainn. There faces were strongest in his head, and his mother's voice. He was holding onto this bit of hope, that maybe being at Hidden Tree would resurface something more. He had been young one the fire had consumed his one future, his family. The burning harsh scent, awful hot, and fear were something his brain would not forget. He swallowed back the misery, trying to push back the smokey images. Instead he pictured Lani's dark, loving face, and the sweet sound of her love.

This is what gave the young lad courage to finally stride into the blackened Wildwood and to Hidden Tree. The picture of fire wanted to consume him, he would bring up another face of his family. First Indru, next Ruiko, and his latest encounter with Kinis. A small grin was working a the corner of his lips. He'd always wanted to be close to his littermates, least with Kinis this idea seemed verisimilitude instead of fiction. This was hope both their futures would be fine. Borlla is was merely hope she might mellow out with age.

Orange and yellow tinted eyes took in the damage. One view it was like the fire was ages ago, and in another like it had happened the other day. He was hit with flames, and faces. Smoke and loss like a chaotic tonic beneath his shadowed hide.Breathing was quiet, and he was very humble walking threw white snow pondering over this life. The den site, or more ruine, of Hidden Tree suddenly placed before him. An mass of emotions filled in his ebon cloaked chest, so much his eyes burned with moisture. The black lad stood there past pictures of this place reflected in his head. He was loss inbetween past and reality. That was until heavy footsteps started coming his way. Out of sheer instinct dove against the black backdrop, laying flat against his belly. He waited maybe twenty seconds when a young moose sauntered past him, briefly sniffing the air and giving a wary snort before stomping off a litte faster.

(This post was last modified: Apr 01, 2011, 03:56 PM by Triell.)
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
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[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank

The moose tramped off, and Vlarindara sighed, deciding to give up the ghost and call off the hunt. Besides.. she wanted to see this area a bit more.. see if she could maybe divine the purpose of this ashen forest. Her paws padded through the snow, crunching more than a few times, but then.. she wasn't trying to be quiet. It was silent a few moments.. Quiet in both her mind and the environment around her, marveling at the sheer.. path of destruction that had shorn this forest of life and greenery. She could smell the old scents of wolves in this area and lowered her head, black nose shifting the snow about, scenting at the ash beneath. Who used to live here? What.. wolves used to call this home? The long dead scents of the previous owners weren't what she had caught onto, but the more recent passings of the different wolves.

Her footsteps carried her past what used to be the front of the den, head lifting as she closed her eyes and simply let the soft breeze that swept through carry the smells to her. Over Large ears flicked this way and that, one towards the den entrance, then back against her neck as she opened her eyes. There was a slightly defeated look to the she-wolf as she once more cast amber eyes around the area...taking in the burnt trees, the dead wood that may never revive itself come spring. Triangle ears fell to either side of her head, a head that lowered with a soft whine, plumed tail slinking down, but not quite tucking between her legs. Had this fire happened when wolves had lived here? Had...any perished in the blaze? What wolves had escaped? Images of the wolves she knew trapped in the woods they called their home as fire roared through it..trapping some, if not all within the walls of the blaze. Just from the imagery alone, her heart began to pound, her breath coming slightly faster. She might be able to protect the alphas from other wolves.. their pups from starvation... but how could she protect them from fire? Whatever wolves that had been here may have made it out.. Or...maybe there hadn't even been a pack here.. but the glimpse of a darkened area in a rather large, ruined tree told her it might have been a den...once.

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Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
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Triell Tainn
He layed motionless for a time. The last thing he needed was the moose to charge him, and want to flatten him as a pancake. Worst to worst he could have run, but he wasn't ready to leave this place. Breaths were shallow, eyes large in the hidden shadows. One ear was up, pointed in the moose's direction listening to it's fading steps. A sigh of relief huffed out of his ribcage. One life crisis down. The lighter crunch of foot on snow was headed this way. Now what? He chose this one day to come here and already he had encountered a moose, now a wolf too? Unsure he did not move from his blackened spot. He was still when the large white female lingered past. The blackened forest seemed to have an ill effect on her. He waited for her to leave to, but she didn't she stopped giving a low whine. He did not know this wolf, and saw no reason for her grief. It wasn't her family, or life that the fire had changed. Small irritation picked at the back of his skull. Really? This was his day? Who in there right mind would come and sit here? She could be there all day, and quite frankly he didn't want to be stuck in the cold doing nothing. Deciding to give her the benefit of the doubt, he pushed himself to his rump, coming into view.

Now Triell was no her size, he was a three or so inches shorter. And his body might look like he wasn't getting fed because his back ribs and abdomen he was sorta thinnish. Really his body was still being filled out for his shoulders and hips were well purportioned. His neck and behind his shoulders thick. In his eyes, especially at the moment he looked like a lone boy, not a man. Shaking out a mix of flakes, black eyelids blinked against his bright eyes, and he stood up to his heigth. He didn't see why any creature would come this way, not with the evidence of the path of descrution that had been. He wasn't sure what to say, but he was in view now and wasn't going to gawk like an idiot. "Are you lost? Looking for someone? "

(This post was last modified: Apr 01, 2011, 03:55 PM by Triell.)
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank

At the soft tone, Vlarindara lifted her head and looked at the yearling, her amber eyes roaming his coat, the size of him.. and the slight tapering to his body as it filled out.. though he looked..relatively healthy. She couldn't count ribs, at least. The white female smiled softly, her ears shifting to rest against her neck, but she tore her gaze from the wolf and vast it about the area around them. "I apologize...I hadn't meant to intrude on your home..I was...hunting a moose and he led me this way." There hadn't been any discernible territory markers, despite the fact, she took a few steps backwards, watching him quietly. "I'm not ..encroaching on pack lands..am I? If I am, I would gladly leave..I've no intentions of causing problems.." Especially if there were other wolves around, who might follow her back to their den...That, she couldn't allow.

The eerie stillness of this land gave her a soft chill that crept down her back and shoulders, rising the hair slightly before she shook it off. "I didn't interrupt anything, did I...little one?" There was uncertainty in her tone, as she must have, for him to just pop into view as he did. Vlarindara took another careful step backwards, her tail wagging slightly between her legs, that gentle smile still curving her muzzle.

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Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
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Triell Tainn
Black ears cupped foward at her kind voice, least he had been right she wasn't some lunatic or something. For her words, well he couldn't smile, or move, or make any kind of expression. He stood there taking in her assumptions. Suddenly a soft snort brushed from his nostrils, and he shook his head thinking of the irony in it all. "No, this eh well isn't my home or packlands. It use to be. -But it's, well you can see not much now but a reminder.." His answer was said with a bite of bitterness, yet a clear loss as his ears twisted back. This might have been his home, if she wanted to be here now it wasn't his problem. He didn't exactly feel the need to ward her off. She didn't seem like she'd disturb anything any way. Now if someone was here trompin' round he'd be pissed, she stated she had followed the moose. Triell now was keeping her in, in this place longer.

Eyes flickered up at the words little one. He was a child, no one had called him a little one before. He really was hardly little any more. He choked in a laugh before it could escape, and gave a jerk of his head. He was somber now, and his head was hung down. "No, I was just...looking. Seeing what was left, and I didn't want to get into it with the moose,"he replied his tone indifferent. He wasn't trying to be equivocate. It was weird explaning himself to this stranger, being here, in the awful quiet. Head lifted, snout looking in the direction where the moose had gone. " "Your not planning on getting him still, are you?" He asked trying to change the subject. "I"m Triell by the way, Triell Tainn," he offered hoping she might call him that instead.

(This post was last modified: Apr 01, 2011, 03:55 PM by Triell.)
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank

Tainn, hmm? An odd name. She'd never met a Tainn before... or perhaps she had, but never knew the last name. "Vlarindara Windrunner..." The slightly Somber look pulled at her heartstrings and she stepped forward before she stopped herself from going farther, watching him quietly. The comment about this having once been his home made her want to ask if the fire happened before, or after the wolves had left.. but didn't want to bring up any...further memories of the fire.. if that was indeed what he was seeing behind those eyes of his. "The moose? No..I never really had a chance to get him after he turned from the river..Mostly following to see where he would go.." White ears shifted forwards, then back over her neck as she took another step towards him, lowering her head in wonder. "But..since the moose has wandered off...perhaps.. we could get something else to eat? If you don't mind wandering about with a grizzly old female." The last was a joke, and she chuckled softly despite the comments, glancing back at the forest behind her. She hoped that getting this young Tainn away from the tree, she might coax him into conversation.. and away from the.. swath of memories that played a macabre tune in his head.

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Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
ooc; yahoo triell's one hundred post
Head reclined once more to face her. Then he dipped his cran down to her respecfully once she shared her own calling. "Pleasure,"he muttered trying to suck up his heartache. Chest felt heavy, and for the first time in awhile he wanted to sit and bawl. He hadn't wanted to do that forever, he was invisible chaffed by it. He swallowed back the dry ache in his throat. Big boys don't cry, especially infront of someone. What good would it do him, he had already spent so many tears on this whole mess. He couldn't shake the feeling, but he tried to concentrate on her own bright eyes. Really listen to her words like that's all he could do. He didn't want to feel this ache, and it surprised him she didn't inquire more about it. The young Tainn nodded his head thoughtfully, she looked healthy enough to be a pack wolf, larger than most females. Even he knew that wasn't enough to kill a young moose, not unless the circumstances were right.

Footsteps came close, and again he tried to shake the heavy blanket of the mixed emotions off. It didn't work so well, and he tried to stand up a little more prouder. He wasn't exactly hungry because he was being overriden with to much to decipher what he was. But he did have to smile at her own offer. "Old? Your only as old as you feel." Right now he didn't feel like a ten month old, he felt old and worn out. He held onto his smile as if it might save him, keep him aloat."But sure I guess I could use something to eat."

(This post was last modified: Apr 01, 2011, 03:54 PM by Triell.)
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank

OOC: YAY!!! Oh boy...Vlar is being precocious! XD

She stepped further, closing the distance without giving herself a chance to think about what she was doing. White head reached out to gently brush her muzzle against a shoulder, trying to be comforting. Despite her warring instincts of nurturing.. wanting to ease his pain and the more..adult instinct of leaving him alone, Vlarindara chose what she always did. She followed her heart rather than her mind. "I can't even begin to imagine..what being in this place makes you feel, Triell. I do know that you are incredibly brave for returning to this place despite whatever memories you might have..." She pulled away, watching him quietly, her ears still resting against her neck, a soft whine escaping her muzzle. "I couldn't do what you have done..It still terrifies me to be near moose that have antlers...I can deal with them if they have none..but..I couldn't do it if they did."

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Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
The black lad was surprised by the close contact of the female. He did not wish to affend, and did not draw back. Instead he stood taking it as a kind gesture, as it did perhaps help him feel a littler better. Some stranger showing compassion, but it didn't make his confused feelings dissapear. He more stuffed them back into the hole they'd crawled from, and nodding his head quietly after her kind words. He wasn't sure if he felt brave, but he supposed she was right. A sigh tugged from his lips, and he took one step back to regain his space bubble. Wide black ears cupped forward as she confessed about her fear of antlers. He wasn't sure why she was right at the second. He put two and two together, and eyes shifted to to her face."You must have got hurt pretty good by an antler for such thing to terrify you."

He needed to get out of this air, and into a new one. The more he thought about a hunt he needed it. He needed to find something to go after, something to do. Shaking his coat, he put on a loose smile. "How 'bout we got find something to eat? Hmm."

(This post was last modified: Apr 01, 2011, 03:54 PM by Triell.)
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]