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sex on fire — Swift River 
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Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata
<b>OOC:</b> Title suggestion by J. =p

Gone Tomorrow

The last rays of light were beginning to disappear as the sun sank beneath the horizon. The moon hung along in the sky, partly covered by clouds. In the shadows beneath, however, there was more than one creature beginning to stir. Corinna was one such creature. She had not sought the comfort of her den next to Indru's side like she had for the past few nights, but instead had remained out and about, on an ever continuing circuit of the pack territory that she had come to know and love so well. While her energy level was beginning to sink, there was something tugging at her, refusing to let her sleep. It was a driving force within her that kept her moving, her paws beating an ever present rhythm on the patches of snow that remained on the ground under the barren trees. She was restless, that much was for certain.

Of course the female had noted that lately her scent had not been her own. Even when she and Indru had scaled Mt. Dire, she had noticed the change, but had not thought too much of it. But all around her, such similar scents were strong, and she realized what it must be. The season of love was upon them, and she knew that around Relic Lore, new life was being conceived. Her thoughts touched briefly on her friends, Borden and Jaysyek who had just started a pack for the sole purpose of starting a family. Glancing down at her own stomach, she wondered if maybe the next time she saw her friends, they would be swapping the tales of motherhood. But Indru and she had not discussed it. Well, they had, but not in direct terms about themselves. She knew that he wanted pups, and now that they were mates, it only made sense, right? It was a terrifying though, her being a mother. Falling back in the snow, she snorted in frustration. What was a girl to do? Throwing back her head, her soprano voice broke the silence, calling for Indru to join her here, wherever he was. Regardless of what she wanted, she knew that she wanted him here with her now. Only her handsome mate would be able to calm this restlessness of her's.

(This post was last modified: Mar 24, 2011, 10:09 PM by Corinna.)
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn
Oh yes, what a lovely fiancé I have. :P

Even before the events that had transpired after his excursion to the mountain with Corinna the pair had not been far or long from one another, but since the pair had been almost inseparable. With the season that it was Indru found himself anxious when she was not near him, eager to protect her from any straying males and keep her safe like he had promised to do. They slept side by side, her warmth and scent a welcome addition that came with this new night time habit, and now that Triell and Borlla were old enough to want their own space it had not disturbed his family, something Indru would never wish to do. For once he was without the grey female at his side and he often trailed his nose in the air to trace for her scent, taking pleasure from the fresh smell that the wind carried towards him even if he could not see her. As the sun set and night took over the Tainn heard her call break through the quiet noises of the Grove as she beckoned him and anticipation at seeing her again bristled his fur as he hesitated only briefly to scent the borders once more, even more determined to keep the boundaries strong as the wolves he found precious inside them had increased further.

His paws carried him swiftly to her though still not quick enough and his pace only slowed when he could see her reclined in the snowy ground, the moonlight making his grey furred mate even more enchanting than before. Indru approached her as slowly as he could managed, eager not to disturb her, and leaned down to greet her with loving nips along her throat before he brushed his cheek along her shoulder, inhaling her as he did so, taking pleasure from the clear, strong smell of himself on her fur. The Leader dropped to the cold ground himself, relief flooding him and replacing his previous anxiety as he placed his paws either side of her head, fiery eyes meeting hers. I missed you, his tone was soft, almost a whisper, so not to disturb the peaceful quiet around them and then, unable to resist, he licked her cheek in a kiss as his tail waved behind him in sheer bliss. The borders are safe, Indru told her, though the true meaning behind the words was clear, she was safe, and he would not leave her side again tonight.

Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata

Gone Tomorrow

Anxiety coursed through the she-wolf as she lay there in the snow. Her paws shuffled the snow back and forth, and her body moved the white powder about as she shifted anxiously. Corinna was not afraid; she knew that Indru and the other members of Swift River kept the borders secured. Marsh was the only other adult male in the pack, but even at his acceptance into the pack, Indru had made it clear that she was off limits - and that had been before they had become mates officially. But that didn't stop her gaze from darting rapidly, searching and waiting for Indru's handsome figure to come into view. She knew that he would not ignore her call; no doubt he had been missing her presence next to his own. And she was not disappointed by this, for it seemed like only mere moments, though it was obviously longer, until the regal leader of Swift River arrived.

Green eyes swept him up in a gaze, and once again she found herself admiring the features of her mate. He wore his authority and dominance like a cloak, and Cori remembered for a moment the high tensions that had devoured the pack when Indru was unable to keep his dominance from usurping Ruiko's. But his authority was only a part of his natural aura that Cori found appealing. His dark coat and fiery eyes were highly alluring, and his scent set her senses on fire every time she breathed in. She noted the slow way he approached her, and she could not hide the eagerness in her gaze as he closed the distance and she felt the loving nips on the loose fur of her neck. Growling with contentment, she nuzzled his head, watching with satisfaction as he laid down in front of her so that they eye to eye.

Grinning, Cori looked away bashfully, allowing him further access to her cheek. The warmth of his breath set her blood ablaze and her own tail wagged in equal happiness at his presence. "I missed you too, lovely," she whispered back, pushing her coal black nose into his, meeting his fiery eyes with her own cool green eyes. His status update on the borders confirmed what she already knew - Indru had promised her protection from now until her days were done, and she knew that he would hold true on his promise. "You're always doing your job," she half chided, half joked with him. Rising up from her reclining position, she circled him, rubbing her side against his as best she could due to their differences in height. He had taken pleasure in his scent being the dominant one on her coat; she would do the same to him. Breathing in deeply, she took it all in, rubbing herself rather catlike against his large form so that when he finally did leave her company, it would be obvious to all others that he had been claimed. Coming to stop at his tail, she nipped at his hocks, wanting to urge him to his feet. "Come now my dear," she cooed at him, tail wagging. "You need to take a break." Coyly, Cori skipped away, just out of reach. Her anxiety demanded his touch, but she was a fun girl by nature, and this was about more than just instinct taking over, this was about becoming closer to the wolf who had captured her heart.

Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn
Totally have this song in my head for this thread. :P

Indru's senses were overwhelmed by the grey furred beauty that rested before him, her scent as enticing and exciting as it was a relief to his anxiety. His black nose pressed up against her cheek as she turned away, his muzzle curving into a grin that seemed fixated there when he was with her, drunk on her presence and heady with such a mixture and rush of emotions. His tail waved harder when she spoke of missing him too, even if she was half as anxious when he was when absent from her side that would be enough, she missed him and she wanted him. A light chuckle broke his lips as she chided him, but he shook his head, leaning forward to nip and groom the fur around her neck before resting his muzzle near her ear, if it keeps you and the pack safe it's worth it. It had always been in Indru's nature to be protective, he cared deeply for his family and in eyes his pack was his family, when they joined they were trusting him to lead them safely and correctly and it was his duty to do so. I want to be good leader, he explained, his tone distracted as he continued his ministrations on her fur, so easily was he lost in her since breeding season had struck. Besides, it was more important than ever now that the pack trusted him and he wanted to make her proud of him too.

He watched her with a heated gaze as she rose, admiring her as she prowled around him, a growl of pleasure escaping his muzzle as she brushed up tightly against him. She stopped at his lower back and he hooked his once waving tail around her seductively, peering at her over his shoulder when he felt nips to his skin and rising when he understood the meaning behind them. You could lead me anywhere, he drawled, laughter mixed with an alluring purr in his voice as his eyes blazed, unable to leave her form as they trailed over her lithe frame. She skipped away from him as he had pulled closer to her, aiming once more to brush up tightly against her, and he growled playfully at her teasing as he followed, a prowl to his movements as he shadowed her. Temptress, he accused into her ear in a playful whisper when he neared close enough, pulling away to run his muzzle along her spine before nipping at the base of her waving tail before bounding off a short distance, as far as he could bring himself away, his gaze burning back at her again.

Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata

Gone Tomorrow

The petite female's movements were hardly equivocate; Indru knew full well what she wanted. It had been discussed, however briefly, during their ascent of the Mountain of Dire. Besides, it was to be expected. They were both healthy adults, in the prime of their life. They had fallen for one another as if kismet had already decided their fates long before they had met. But regardless the reason, they were here now together, partaking in this ancient ritual that so many had partaken in before them. "You're an excellent leader, Indru," she reassured him, Corinna's voice losing his previous playful tone for a moment. In her opinion, there was nobody better than the dark furred brute in front of her, and she wanted to reassure him of that. "After all, I picked you. So clearly you must be good," she joked, wagging her tail good naturedly. Though she was teasing him, there was truth in her words - she had roamed about Relic Lore for what seemed like ages before she had been persuaded to join a pack; something that would not have happened without him.

It was like a dance they were playing, back and forth through the snow. She skipped away, he followed. When he too chose to retreat, she growled anxiously at him. He had called her the temptress, but from where she was standing, Cori thought that he had taken on that role quite well. "I believe you are mistaken, darling." He pulled her towards him with an invisible chemistry, and she took several eager steps towards her alpha. Raising her muzzle, the creme and gray female nuzzled the base of his ear, licking it tenderly before pulling away. Half whisper, half whine, she broke the silence, "Don't toy with me." Rubbing her head against his broad shoulder, she batted a paw at him. She was managing to tame her restlessness for the moment, but sooner rather than later she would prefer that he took care of it for her. Besides, she knew that he was bothered by it too, that her scent was both distracting and alluring. It wouldn't take long; besides, who didn't long for the touch of a lover?

Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn
If this is awful, it's because I'm genuinely feeling ready to pass out but you guilt tripped me! :P

Relief and pleasure broke over Indru's face, clear in his eyes, at Corinna's reassurance of his leadership qualities. He trusted her enough to know that if she thought otherwise and had problems with how he led that she would have told him, and so far it seemed the pack was managing, though it would be a lie to say that Damascus and Avalloc's recent departures to find things beyond Relic Lore had not effected them. He laughed at her joke, leaning closer towards her to pull playfully at her ear before placing an adoring lick at the base of them. As are you, he smiled, clearly earnest at the returned compliment to his mate, and you'd make a wonderful mother. At the thought a smile curled his muzzle and his eyes flashed with a heat that seemed to travel in a ripple down his spine, his fur standing on end briefly. He turned to trail loving nips down her shoulder and throat before, with a waving tail, skipping away again as he continued their courting dance, his feet bouncing quickly from the earth like it was heated coals.

As Corinna's words caught his ear a deep, husky laugh broke through the evening's electricity that seemed to course around them like a live current. Maybe he was mistaken. If he was having half the effect on her that Corinna was having on him it was a great achievement however. Slowly the gaps between them lessened until he saw Corinna pull towards him purposefully and he froze, chest heaving slightly from something other than exertion. Their touches now were so much more heated than before and when he felt breath near her ear he took advantage of her exposed neck to groom her fur there gently. She whined and pressed herself against him and he lost any resolve he had, pushing back against her and placing a lick on her cheek before he pulled away, shooting her a look over his shoulder to encourage her as he danced back off towards the trees away from the exposed clearing.

Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata
Haha, it's okay. Last post!

Gone Tomorrow

The pressure was building; it coursed through her veins as if it was alive, a beast of it's own. Indru's voice only served to excite her more, and gray plume wagged behind eagerly. Up until recently, Cori had never thought about becoming a mother. She had never even thought it was a possibility. But when their talk on the mountain had led down that road, she had begun to wonder. It made sense that she would help to carry on the pack's bloodlines, specifically continue the Tainn family. Of which she was more than willing to do. Instinctual, she craved the physical touch of Indru, but her joy would come in the following months, when she would bring into the world new life. A perfect fusion between her and her handsome mate. She had looked after his younger siblings in a motherly fashion, but there was nothing quite like having your own. So when Indru departed her side with a lick and moved deeper into the darkness, she was quick to follow. Reaching his flank, she grinned at him and placed a kiss on his flank before slinking off, more than ready to step into her role as mother of the pack.
