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So, We Meet Again — Mountain of Dire 
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Played by Kat who has 79 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Makita Kokki

Makita was very happy with her little conversation with Kinis. It had lifted her spirits from sad and lonely to very happy and satisfied. I swear, having Kinis here is already healing me. she thought to herself happily. Even with Makita's over trusting personality, she hadn't ever really made a friend this fast and she was sure that Kinis was healing her just by sitting next to her lounging tawny body.

Kinis began to speak once more. The sound of his voice made Makita relax a bit as she stared out over the mountain. This was so unbelievably great, by far her greatest time yet out in the mountains. When Kinis mentioned it being hard to understand, or not understandable at all, Makita let her head bob in a nod quickly. "I think you're right." she commented quietly, waiting patiently for him to speak once more, which he did. "I don't reckon I much want to know either. It's... it's messing with my mind, that's what it is." And then, Kinis did the strangest thing. He laughed. Makita had watched him stare as she was attacked by a bear, listened to the dead silence that emitted from him. She had been surprised to get him to speak, but now he laughed.

And what did Makita do? She laughed back, a gentle smile accompanying the soft look in her golden eyes as she brought them up to meet Kinis'.

The yearling let himself lower until he was laying right beside Makita. She could feel his fur brush against her's and she smiled. "Kinis," she began, the blabbermouth person that she is. But, before she began again, she just wanted to let there be a bit of silence. It was so darn peaceful being here with Kinis and she didn't want him to leave, even though he probably would have to sooner or later. After a moment of silence, the birds chirping somewhere off in the distance, the yearling gently her her head fall to her paws, her tail settling behind her. "How long are you going to be up on the mountain?"

Played by Siki who has 223 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kinis Tainn
<blockquote>She had said his name, and his attention had turned towards her accordingly, but it had not been followed up. Momentarily intrigued, he nevertheless respected her obvious change of thought, and shrugged it off as nothing. It soon drifted from his mind when, a few minutes later, the conversation took a sudden but not unwelcome turn.

<b>"I haven't really planned anything,"</b> he admitted, with a sheepish smile. <b>"I don't - I mean, since I'm technically a nomad, I don't really have any responsibilities, you know? I'm here as long as I'm able, really. I can't stay forever -"</b> as tempting as the thought was <b>"- because I have family down there, and, well, Alexander was always really nice but I don't think I could stay."</b> His voice had significantly trailed off by the end as his train of thought had slipped too easily into his mouth. He really needed to learn how to filter what passed from his mind to his tongue.

In an effort to redirect her attention, he perked up and looked right at her. <b>"So, you're hoping to stay here for good, or just, uh, passing through? A lot of loners didn't stick around in my old pack."</b> He regretted saying it the moment it was out, but it seemed too hasty to take it back immediately. Some of Alexander's words - not having to be blood to be family - did ring in his ears, but he had yet to see real proof of it. Not even being of the same blood had kept Swift River together, as they once had.</blockquote>
<center>user posted image
<i>at least... that's where I'm supposed to be...</i></center>
Played by Kat who has 79 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Makita Kokki

Makita waited anxiously for Kinis's response. Honestly, the yearling had a great time with Kinis and hoped that he didn't leave any time soon. She'd made a friend right here, someone whose company she enjoyed a lot. It wasn't like Makita didn't enjoy her pack mate's company. Angier, for instance, had made for great company. But, it was different with Kinis. They were both around the same age and were similar, like how neither of them had parents.

It was when Kinis spoke once more that Makita let her mind snap out of her deep train of thought and perked her ears happily. She brought her eyes up to look happily at her new friend. "I haven't really planned anything," Kinis admitted, and that was when Makita knew that he didn't plan on staying. The words were open to anything, of course, but Makita to tell by the way he said it and the sheepish grin on his face. Her head fell and she waited for his next words. Tawny triangles remained alert as he spoke, something about being a nomad and being able to do whatever he wanted, then about not being able to stay.

"I.. Oh." Makita murmured silently, her fluffy brown tail remaining still on the ground. Kinis was going to leave, though Makita expected it, and she was to stay on top of the mountain. Just as Kinis said he couldn't stay, Makita couldn't leave. It would be terrible. She wouldn't be able to survive on her own in this condition, and she couldn't bring herself to leave the pack.

The younger wolf brought his orange gaze up to meet hers and then asked her, "So, you're hoping to stay here for good or just, uhh, passing through? A lot of loners didn't stick around in my pack." Makita let a little bit of silence pass by as she thought for a moment. "Well, this is my home." she said gently, smiling softly at Kinis. With his next words, however, her eyebrows creased. "What pack is your old pack?" If it was Swift River, Makita would not be a happy one, but she would probably suck it up for Kinis. Only time would tell.

(This post was last modified: Apr 10, 2011, 10:13 PM by Makita.)